Lesson on the topic In the world of people My family Application Our elegant Christmas tree. DIY craft for family day Application on the theme of my family

Material Description: I offer a summary of directly educational activities for children of the younger group (3-4) on the topic "My friendly family." This summary is compiled with all the requirements for FGT, the integration of educational areas is observed, and it is compiled in a playful way for children.

Subject: My friendly family

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Communication", "Artistic creativity" (application), "Reading fiction", "Health".

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive, reading.

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to form ideas about the family and its members, about the friendly relations of relatives; about the emotional state of family members; to cultivate love and respect for their relatives; form the concept: my home, my family; arouse in children the joy of the image they created; develop the habit of careful work.

Planned results of the development of the integrative qualities of a preschooler: follows the development of action in dramatization games (meeting a hedgehog), answers the teacher’s questions during a conversation about family members, is active in creating a collective composition in the “Beautiful House” application with emotional interest.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a double-sided palm with sad and cheerful faces, a paper white house, various figures cut out of colored paper.

The content of the organized activities of children

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, listen, someone is knocking. Who is it that came to visit us? (Hedgehog enters)

Hedgehog: Hello guys! I brought you a letter, your address is written here. Here, take it. (Hands over to teacher)

Educator: Hello, hedgehog! Thank you very much, come in, be our guest.

Hedgehog: Not when I, I still have a lot to do. I'll be sure to check it out next time guys!

All: Goodbye, hedgehog. Come visit us again.

2. Riddles. Conversation about family members.

Educator: Children, let's see what kind of letter the hedgehog brought us. Guys, this is a mystery. Now listen to the riddle:

She radiates light

A dimple from a smile ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than native…

Children: Mom.

(Exposes a picture of mother on a flannelograph).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

How is your mother's name?

Who are you for mom?

What does your mother affectionately call you?

Teacher: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

Guess who is it?

Kind, strong, clever, brave.

I'm waiting for your answer guys

Well done! Of course…

Children: Dad.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of dad).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What name of your father?

Who are you to dad?

Teacher: Great, guys! Read the following riddle:

All economy: quinoa,

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka,

But cheesecakes always

We will be fed...

Children: Grandmother.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandmother).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What are you to grandma?

Educator: Well done! And here's another riddle:

Soak in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved…

Children: Grandpa.

Educator: Yes, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandfather).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you to grandpa?

Teacher: Great, guys! You are all just smart.

(Exposes a picture of the whole family).

And all these people together are called by one word - Family. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of our hand.

3. Finger gymnastics "Family".

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is dad

This finger is mom

And this finger is me,

That's my whole family.

(Palm with sad faces is exposed).

Teacher: Oh guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could happen?

Children: They quarreled.

Teacher: What do you think we can do?

Children: We need to reconcile the family.

Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

4. Mobile game "Reconciled"

Bad mood in our family in the morning,

And that's why things don't go well in our family.

(head down, arms along the body, turns to the right, to the left)

Our grandfather has a backache all day,

(lean forward, hands behind back)

An old grandmother's head is spinning,

(circular head movements)

Daddy wanted to hammer a nail, suddenly hit on his finger

(banging fists against each other)

Mom's dinner burned down, we have a scandal in the family

(looks at open palms)

Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

Let's smile at each other and hold hands

(hold hands and smile at each other)

Let's all hug together and then make peace!

(The family was reconciled, we turn the palm over, the family smiles).

Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have reconciled. Where do you think the family lives?

Children: In your house.

(A paper white house is superimposed on the palm, with windows for each finger).

5. Application "Beautiful house".

Educator: Guys, look how sad the house is. What do you think should be done to make the house cheerful and beautiful? (Children express their guesses.) Let's decorate it and make it beautiful. The children and the teacher decorate the house.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look how beautiful and festive the house turned out for the family. Let's tell a poem about the house for everyone.

Children and teacher:

Houses are different

Brick, frame.

With iron balconies;

There are even snow

Just like the real ones.

But the best one is mine

I live in it

With my family.

5. Reflection.

Guys, who came to visit us?

Whom did we reconcile with you?

And for whom did we decorate the house so beautifully?

Subject: My friendly family

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Communication", "Artistic creativity" (application), "Reading fiction", "Health".

Types of children's activities:playful, communicative, productive, reading.

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to form ideas about the family and its members, about the friendly relations of relatives; about the emotional state of family members; to cultivate love and respect for their relatives; form the concept: my home, my family; arouse in children the joy of the image they created; develop the habit of careful work.

Planned results of the development of the integrative qualities of a preschooler: follows the development of action in dramatization games (meeting a hedgehog), answers the teacher’s questions during a conversation about family members, is active in creating a collective composition in the “Beautiful House” application with emotional interest.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a double-sided palm with sad and cheerful faces, a paper white house, various figures cut out of colored paper.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, listen, someone is knocking. Who is it that came to visit us? (Hedgehog enters)

Hedgehog: Hello guys! I brought you a letter, your address is written here. Here, take it. (Hands over to teacher)

Educator: Hello, hedgehog! Thank you very much, come in, be our guest.

Hedgehog: Not when I, I still have a lot to do. I'll be sure to check it out next time guys!

All: Goodbye, hedgehog. Come visit us again.

2. Riddles. Conversation about family members.

Educator: Children, let's see what kind of letter the hedgehog brought us. Guys, this is a mystery. Now listen to the riddle:

She radiates light

A dimple from a smile ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than native…

Children: Mom.

(Exposes a picture of mother on a flannelograph).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

How is your mother's name?

Who are you for mom?

What does your mother affectionately call you?

Teacher: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

Guess who is it?

Kind, strong, clever, brave.

I'm waiting for your answer guys

Well done! Of course…

Children: Dad.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of dad).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What name of your father?

Who are you to dad?

Teacher: Great, guys! Read the following riddle:

All economy: quinoa,

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka,

But cheesecakes always

We will be fed...

Children: Grandmother.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandmother).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What are you to grandma?

Educator: Well done! And here's another riddle:

Soak in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved…

Children: Grandpa.

Educator: Yes, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandfather).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you to grandpa?

Teacher: Great, guys! You are all just smart.

(Exposes a picture of the whole family).

And all these people together are called by one word - Family. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of our hand.

3. Finger gymnastics "Family".

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is dad

This finger is mom

And this finger is me,

That's my whole family.

(Palm with sad faces is exposed).

Teacher: Oh guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could happen?

Children: They quarreled.

Teacher: What do you think we can do?

Children: We need to reconcile the family.

Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

4. Mobile game "Reconciled"

Bad mood in our family in the morning,

And that's why things don't go well in our family.

(head down, arms along the body, turns to the right, to the left)

Our grandfather has a backache all day,

(lean forward, hands behind back)

An old grandmother's head is spinning,

(circular head movements)

Daddy wanted to hammer a nail, suddenly hit on his finger

(banging fists against each other)

Mom's dinner burned down, we have a scandal in the family

(looks at open palms)

Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

Let's smile at each other and hold hands

(hold hands and smile at each other)

Let's all hug together and then make peace!

(The family was reconciled, we turn the palm over, the family smiles).

Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have reconciled. Where do you think the family lives?

Children: In your house.

(A paper white house is superimposed on the palm, with windows for each finger).

5. Application "Beautiful house".

Educator: Guys, look how sad the house is. What do you think should be done to make the house cheerful and beautiful? (Children express their guesses.) Let's decorate it and make it beautiful. The children and the teacher decorate the house.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look how beautiful and festive the house turned out for the family. Let's tell a poem about the house for everyone.

Children and teacher:

Houses are different

Brick, frame.

With iron balconies;

There are even snow

Just like the real ones.

But the best is mine

I live in it

With my family.

5. Reflection.

Guys, who came to visit us?

Whom did we reconcile with you?

And for whom did we decorate the house so beautifully?

Lesson on the topic

In the world of people.

My family.


"Our beautiful Christmas tree"

Early Childhood Educator

Kochergina Elena Nikolaevna

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

Goals: enrich ideas about the family: give initial information about the history of the family, family relationships; clarify the most significant information about the child’s relatives, necessary for normal relationships (each family member is an individual, but everyone is united by common deeds, joys, family traditions); to teach how to build a family tree of the family, to form the foundations of morality in relationships with parents, to cultivate a sense of respect for older family members, a desire to help those who need it and take care of them; promote the development of creative abilities.

Planned results: knows and names members of his family, identifies his relatives in photographs; builds a family tree with the help of adults; shows positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration).

Materials and equipment: pre-prepared photographs from the family albums of children "Family Newspaper"; family tree layouts; joint drawings of children and parents "My family"; worksheets "My family" (by the number of children); pencils, colored napkins for application.

The content of organized activities.

1. Organizational moment. Finger gymnastics: "Family". (during the nursery rhyme, the children alternately unbend their fingers from the fist). Here is grandfather

Here is grandma

Here's mommy

Here is daddy

Here is my baby.

That's the whole family.

- How can you call everyone we have listed in one word? (family).

2. Conversation: Genealogical tree of the family.

Educator: A family is like a big tree: like a tree it is powerful, strong, a family, like a tree, grows - new branches and leaves appear - children who reach for the sun love warmth and affection. Guys, today we have a large, beautiful garden in the hall. What unusual trees grew in the garden! This is a family tree.

What do you think the roots of this tree are? (Grandmothers and grandfathers). Why? Yes, the oldest members of the family give it a start. These are the wisest people, they are like a strong foundation. And who is the trunk? (parents). The trunk is the fortress of life, thanks to the trunk the tree carries nourishing juices to the branches and leaves. Think about why I compared your parents to a trunk? That's right, your dads and moms are young people, they work, they work. Take care of seniors and juniors. Talk about branches and leaves. The tree grows - your sister and brothers appear. And in order for the tree to stand firmly on the roots, you need to take care of them, love and care for the older members of the family. Here you look at the family tree and remember the Russian proverb: "The whole family is the most faithful friends."

3. The game "Stand up all those who ..." - Stand up:

…..who has an older brother;

…. Who has a younger sister;

.... who has a younger brother;

....who has an older sister;

Riddles: Lovers Raise Us

They are called .... (Parents)

Dad, mom, brother and me -

Together we are called ... .. (Family)

delicious pancakes

We eat at ...... (Grandmothers)

Here is our family portrait,

The oldest, in the center .... (Grandfather)

4. Tell us about your family tree. - List the members of your family. (Mom, dad, brother, sister, etc.) All these family members are related, that is, they are relatives. And they are called close relatives. Close relatives also include grandparents. There is also the concept of distant relatives. Who are the distant relatives? (Uncles, aunts, cousins, sisters, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers.)

5. Educator: All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Questions: - What is your affectionate name at home?

- Show me what kind of facial expression dad and mom have when they are happy, when they are in a good mood, when they are angry, frown?

6. Conversation "Duties in the family."

Each family, like an individual, has its own needs. If these needs are not met, life becomes impossible. Well, for example, how long can you go without food? But the food itself does not appear on your plate, and the plates do not wash themselves either. And yet you live in peace. It means that someone cares about you. And that "someone" is your family. Now we will talk about this. (Each child is given a “My Family” worksheet, which shows mom and dad and a list of the main responsibilities in the drawings.

I will call you the duties in order, and you think about who performs them in your family, and combine the corresponding drawing with the image of mom or dad.

List of duties:

Financial support of the family, earning money.

Grocery shopping and cooking.

The upbringing and education of children.

Washing dishes.

Taking care of the cleanliness and appearance of clothes, linen.

Cleaning of the apartment.

Repair of things and apartment.

Health care, patient care.

Clothes repair, tailoring and knitting.

Organization of family leisure and recreation.

These responsibilities are currently performed by older members of your family. But when you grow up, you will learn to do it yourself.

7. Viewing a fragment of the cartoon.

- Watch a fragment from the cartoon "Kid and Carlson". You need to identify all members of the Baby's family.

Name all the members of the boy's family. (Mom dad brother.)

– What is a family?

- What kind of relatives are there?

What is a family tree?

8. Application: "Our elegant Christmas tree"

Educator: Guys, now let's continue making New Year's gifts for your family. In the last lesson, you made a beautiful Christmas tree out of threads, now you need to decorate it with lumpy balls. To do this, take pieces of napkins and roll the ball with your fingers, then glue it on our Christmas tree. Consider the Christmas trees - they turned out to be very elegant. Your moms and dads will love this gift. Children take care of your parents and love them. Listen to poems about the family, Ksyusha and Varya will tell you:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement, awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family you are!

Application with children 3-4 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is "My Family"

The theme of the week is "My Family"

Lesson 21. Palm (Colored paper. Application from prepared silhouettes of objects)

Software content. To teach children to apply glue to a part and stick it on a sheet; combine application with drawing. Learn to pronounce the words of the nursery rhyme loudly and clearly, accompanying them with actions corresponding to the text. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Handout. Half of an album sheet, colored paper, a circle cut out of white paper a little smaller than a child's palm (without fingers), a simple pencil, felt-tip pens, glue, a glue brush, a rag, an oilcloth-lining.

Lesson progress

Start your lesson with gymnastics for the fingers:

For the first five lines, each child takes turns taking each finger on one hand, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. On the last line of the poem, the children squeeze and unclench their fingers on two hands.

Invite each child to put their hand on a piece of colored paper and circle their palm; cut your own hand.

If you are working with a large group of children, it is better to circle and cut out the palms in advance.

Distribute circles cut out of white paper to the children and invite them to draw a portrait (face) of the baby's favorite family member or even their own portrait on them. The child sticks a palm on the landscape sheet, and in the center of the palm - a circle with a portrait that he painted. Be sure to ask each child who he portrayed and why.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, laying them on top of each other and firmly connecting them. Strengthen the ability to use the stack. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My family” Lesson 27. Filimonov and Dymkovo ladies (clay modeling) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with the features of Filimonovo and Dymkovo modeling. Teach them to compare and sculpt the Filimonovo and Dymkovo ladies from nature. fasten

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My home” Session 41–42. Houses of the three pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a piece of paper. Learn

From the book Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My family” Lesson 53. Test “My family” (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. To explore the interpersonal relationships of the child in the family, the mental state of the child while drawing, to identify the most significant family member for the child,

From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My house” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. To teach children to draw small and large objects, consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue to learn how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate Responsiveness

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Professions” Lesson 24. Rooster and paints (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Expand children's ideas about the visual possibilities of paints. To consolidate the ability to name primary colors, to learn to select the desired color when creating a specific

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My family” Lesson 25. Family of tumblers (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Encourage children to look at children to look at tumblers of different sizes. Learn to draw a tumbler with a simple pencil from nature of a certain size; transmit

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “Mom's Holiday” Lesson 26. Mimosa twig (Drawing with a brush and finger. Gouache) Program content. To teach children to draw a sprig of mimosa from life with a brush. Continue learning to draw flowers with your finger. Cultivate love for loved ones.Material. live branch

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My family” Lesson 25. Family of nesting dolls (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Learn to sculpt an oval-shaped object in a plastic way, crush the craft from below for its stability. Continue to introduce smoothing techniques. Pin skill

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My family” Lesson 21. Mom (Clay modeling) Program content. To teach children to sculpt objects consisting of two parts; to consolidate the ability to bring the product to the desired image with a pointed stick. Learn to understand and analyze content

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To consolidate the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image with the help of plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using cold colors. Get to know the possibilities

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My family” Lesson 21. Palm (Colored paper. Application from prepared silhouettes of objects) Program content. To teach children to apply glue to a part and stick it on a sheet; combine application with drawing. Learn to pronounce words loudly and clearly

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My House” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My family” Lesson 21. My mother (Drawing with colored pencils) Purpose. Teach children to name family members correctly and talk about them. Learn to draw schematically with colored pencils a person consisting of a circle, a triangle and lines. Pin skill

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on the illustrations in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstration

Maria Martynova

Abstract of the lesson on the application on the topic:

"My family"

Targets and goals:

Systematize and expand knowledge about the family;

To cultivate a sensitive attitude towards adults, to cultivate a sense of pride in one's family;

Learn to create applications from geometric shapes, draw up work according to the model;

Develop artistic and aesthetic imagination;

Clarify ideas about geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval and their main features; - exercise in the analysis of various properties of figures;

Develop visual-figurative and abstract thinking;

Learn to select material for application.

Preparatory work

Conversation on the topic "My family";

Review safety rules when working with scissors;

Cutting geometric shapes in the evening.

Equipment and materials

Masks of a bear and a she-bear, a toy - a bear cub, a box, hearts made of cardboard, an application sample; a set of geometric shapes, scissors, colored paper, landscape paper for the base, PVA glue, brush holders, napkins, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Children with a teacher in a circle.


All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, today we are waiting for unusual guests! Let's get ready for the meeting. (The teacher invites the children to stand in a semicircle). - And here are the guests.

The characters "bear" and "bear" enter. "Bear" is holding a teddy bear.

Etude "Loving parents" (The musical composition is a lullaby of a bear from the cartoon "Umka", music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Yu. Yakovlev).

Mom - a bear and dad - a bear are rocking their beloved son - a bear cub. First, mother-bear shakes the bear cub, gently hugging him to her, and father-bear looks at mother and son with a kind smile, and he also sways a little. Mother bear gives the bear cub to the bear. Then the father-bear shakes the baby, and the mother-bear looks at both affectionately, with love.

Teacher: Who did we meet? How, in one word, to call them all together?

Children: Family.

Teacher: What is their family like? What do you think, Nastya? Egor, what do you think, what kind of family do they have? I agree with you that they have a caring, loving family. Polina, why do you think so? Sasha? (Answers of children).

Educator: That's right, this is a family. And these are loving and caring parents and their child. Masha and Maxim, you tried so hard, they looked like a real family. Thank you! (Heroes leave).

2. The main part.

Children's stories about their families.

Educator: Guys, you also have families, but they are different, unlike each other. Let's talk about them. I have an unusual box. In it we will add words about the family, different words that are not similar to each other. (The teacher takes a tray with a box and hearts cut out of cardboard on it).

Educator: I, like you, have a family, so let me be the first to put the word about my family. Listen and see how I do it. "My family is healthy because we walk in the fresh air every day."

(He takes a heart from a tray and puts it in a box. Children take turns passing the box, putting hearts in it, saying words about the family).

Educator: And the box returned to me, full of kind and good words about the family. Each of you spoke about the family in an interesting way, in your own way. And now let's go to the tables and dream a little. I propose to make an application on the theme “My family” from colored paper, but exercise your fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly family".

(In accordance with the words of the nursery rhyme, the children alternately bend their fingers, starting with the thumb).

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

Teacher: And now let's get to work. (The teacher invites the children to make members of their family from the materials, explains the sequence of work, shows individual techniques).

1) Sample analysis.

Educator: Guys, look at the finished sample on the board, tell us what geometric shapes the little men consist of - mom, dad, son, daughter?

Children: The figures of little men consist of circles, rectangles, squares, triangles.

Educator: What is the difference between a circle and a square, a rectangle and a triangle? Why did we choose a circle for the face and a rectangle for the torso?

Children: A circle has no corners, but a square has four. A rectangle has four corners and four sides, while a triangle has three corners and three sides. A circle is shaped like a face, and a rectangle is like a torso.

Educator: Why are the sizes of little men different? What does it depend on?

Children: Because adults are older than children and taller.

2) Preparation of geometric shapes from colored paper for application.

Educator: You need to get out of the set of geometric shapes those shapes that we will need in the manufacture of the application. What are these figures?

Children: Circle, large and small triangles, rectangle, square.

Children take out the geometric shapes they need for application from the set.

Educator: Guys, there are sheets of colored paper on the tables in front of you. You must take geometric shapes in turn, put them on colored paper, trace with a pencil, and then cut out blanks for appliqué.

The teacher shows the children how to do this work, pays attention to the number of blanks, to the correct handling of scissors.

3) Placement of appliqué details on the base.

The teacher explains and shows the correct placement of the figures on the basis, the children, by analogy, perform this task.

4) Fixing the details of the application on the base with a brush and glue.

5) Supplementing the application with details drawn with colored pencils (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, mustache, beard, etc.).

Children complete this task independently under the guidance of a teacher.

Summary of the lesson

Educator: What did we do today in class, what did we talk about, what did we like the most, what did we learn? (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, you all tried very well today, you got wonderful applications. Thanks for the activity.


While working with scissors, you can not spin;

Do not bring scissors close to your face and wave them;

If the scissors need to be handed over to a comrade, then they must be extended to him only with the rings forward;

When you hand them over to a comrade, you need to carefully monitor how the comrade picks them up;

Do not put scissors on the edge of the table, they can fall and injure your leg.
