"Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". Making a group corner for Victory Day

Victory will be ours!

(Chronology of the main events of the Great Patriotic War.)

It was the shortest night of the year. The people slept peacefully. And suddenly:

War! War!

On June 22, 1941, German fascists attacked our Motherland. They attacked like thieves, like robbers. They wanted to seize our lands, our cities and villages, and either kill our people or make them their servants and slaves. The Great Patriotic War began. It lasted for four years.

The road to victory was not easy. Enemies attacked us unexpectedly. They had more tanks and planes. Our armies were retreating. The battles were on the ground, in the sky, at sea. thundered great battles: Moscow, Stalingrad, the battle of Kursk. Heroic Sevastopol did not surrender to the enemy for 250 days. Courageous Leningrad held out in a terrible blockade for 900 days. The Caucasus fought bravely. In the Ukraine, in Byelorussia, and in other places, formidable partisans smashed the invaders. Millions of people, including children, worked at factory machines and in the fields of the country. The Soviet people (the Soviet Union - that was the name of our country in those years) did everything to stop the Nazis. Even in the most difficult days, they firmly believed: “The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

And then the day came when the offensive of the invaders was stopped. The Soviet armies drove the Nazis from their native land.

Again, battles, battles, battles, battles. More and more powerful, more and more indestructible blows of the Soviet troops. And the most long-awaited, the greatest day has come. Our soldiers reached the borders of Germany and stormed the capital of the Nazis - the city of Berlin. It was 1945. Spring blossomed. It was the month of May.

The fascists admitted their complete defeat 9th May. Since then, this day has become our great holiday - Victory Day.

Miracles of heroism and courage were shown by our people, defending their native land from the Nazis.

Brest Fortress stood on the border. The Nazis attacked her on the very first day of the war. They thought: a day - and a fortress in their hands. Our soldiers held out for a whole month. And when there was no strength left and the Nazis broke into the fortress, its last defender wrote with a bayonet on the wall: "I am dying, but I do not give up."

Was Great Moscow battle. Nazi tanks rushed forward. On one of the sectors of the front, the enemy was blocked by 28 hero soldiers from the division of General Panfilov. Dozens of tanks were knocked out by soldiers. And they kept walking and walking. The soldiers were exhausted in battle. And the tanks kept coming and going. And yet, the Panfilovites did not retreat in this terrible battle. The Nazis were not allowed to enter Moscow.

General Dmitry Karbyshev was wounded in battle and taken prisoner. He was a professor, a very famous military builder. The Nazis wanted the general to go over to their side. Promised life and high positions. Did not betray the Motherland Dmitry Karbyshev. The Nazis executed the general. We were taken outside in the bitter cold. Doused with cold water from hoses.

Vasily Zaitsev - the famous hero of the Battle of Stalingrad. With his sniper rifle, he destroyed three hundred Nazis. Zaitsev was elusive for enemies. The fascist commanders had to call the famous shooter from Berlin. That's who will destroy the Soviet sniper. It turned out the opposite. Zaitsev killed a Berlin celebrity. "Three hundred and first," said Vasily Zaitsev.

During the battles near Stalingrad in one of the artillery regiments, the field telephone connection was interrupted. Ordinary soldier signalman Titaev crawled under enemy fire to find out where the wire was broken. Found. He just tried to twist the ends of the wires, as a fragment of an enemy shell hit the fighter. Before Titaev had time to connect the wires, then, dying, he clamped them tightly with his lips. Got a connection. "Fire! Fire!" - sounded again in the artillery regiment of the team.

War brought us many deaths. Twelve soldiers Grigoryan were members of a large Armenian family. They served in the same department. They went to the front together. Together they defended their native Caucasus. Let's move forward with everyone. One reached Berlin. Eleven Grigoryans were killed. After the war, the inhabitants of the city where the Grigoryans lived planted twelve poplars in honor of the heroes. Now the poplars have grown. They stand exactly in a row, like soldiers in the ranks, tall and beautiful. Eternal memory to Grigoryans.

Teenagers and even children took part in the fight against enemies. Many of them were awarded military medals and orders for courage and bravery. Valya Kotik at the age of twelve he went as a scout to a partisan detachment. At the age of fourteen, for his exploits, he became the youngest Hero of the Soviet Union.

An ordinary machine gunner fought in Sevastopol. Definitely smashed enemies. Left alone in the trench, he took an unequal battle. He was wounded, shell-shocked. But he held the trench. Destroyed up to a hundred fascists. He was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The machine gunner's name was Ivan Bogatyr. You won't find a better last name.

Fighter pilot Alexander Pokryshkin shot down the first fascist plane at the very beginning of the war. Lucky Pokryshkin. The number of planes shot down by him is increasing - 5, 10, 15. The names of the fronts on which the pilot fought are changing. The heroic score of victories is growing, growing - 20, 30, 40. The war was drawing to a close - 50, 55, 59. Fifty-nine enemy planes were shot down by fighter pilot Alexander Pokryshkin.

He became a Hero of the Soviet Union.

Became twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Became three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

Eternal glory to you, Alexander Pokryshkin, the first three times hero in the country.

And here is the story of another feat. Pilot Alexey Maresyev was shot down in aerial combat. He survived, but was badly wounded. His plane crashed on enemy territory in a dense forest. It was winter. For 18 days he walked, and then crawled to his own. The partisans picked him up. The pilot froze his legs. They had to be amputated. How can you fly without legs?! Maresyev learned not only to walk and even dance on prostheses, but most importantly, to fly a fighter. In the very first air battles, he shot down three fascist aircraft.

The last days of the war were coming. Heavy fighting was fought on the streets of Berlin. Soldier Nikolai Masalov on one of the Berlin streets, risking his life, under enemy fire, carried a crying German girl from the battlefield. The war is over. In the very center of Berlin, in a park on a high hill, there is now a monument to a Soviet soldier. He stands with the rescued girl in his arms.

Heroes. Heroes... Feats. Feats ... There were thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands.

Seventy years have passed since that terrible time when the Nazis attacked our country. Remember with a kind word your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all those who brought us victory. Bow to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Heroes of the great war against the Nazis.


The war left its mark on the history of the whole country, not to mention the pioneer organization. Having learned that the war had begun, many pioneers - boys and girls, despite their young age, went to the front, to partisan detachments. Those who remained were active in the rear. They mastered machine tools in factories, equipment in the fields, were on duty on the roofs during the bombing, collected things for the army for Russian soldiers. A difficult duty fell on their shoulders - to master the work of adults to provide the army with food and the necessary equipment.
All people who defended the honor of our country can rightfully be called heroes. But among the young pioneers, we especially single out the names of those who posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. it Lenya Golikov, Zina Portnova, Valya Kotik and Marat Kazei.

Lenya Golikov.

When the Second World War began, Lenya went to the partisan detachment. He puts up flyers, performs various assignments. There was a battle in his life that Lenya fought one on one with a fascist general. A grenade thrown by a boy knocked out a car. A Nazi with a briefcase in his hands got out of it and, shooting back, rushed to run. Lenya is behind him. He pursued the enemy for almost a kilometer and finally killed him. There were some very important documents in the briefcase. The headquarters of the partisans immediately transported them by plane to Moscow. There were many more battles in his short life. In one of them he tragically died. On April 2, 1944, an order was issued to award Lena Golikov the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Valya Kotik.

Pioneer of the Shepetovsky district of the Khmelnytsky region. When the Nazis broke into the village, Valya, together with his friends, fought the enemy. They picked up weapons at the battlefield, which the partisans then transported to the detachment.
Valya was entrusted with being a liaison and scout. When the Nazis planned a punitive operation against the partisans, Valya, having tracked down the Nazi officer who led the punishers, killed him.
When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his brother and mother, went to the partisans. At the age of 14, he fought on a par with adults. On his account, 6 enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" 2nd class and the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class.
The Motherland posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Zina Portnova.

The war found the Leningrad pioneer in the village, where she came for the holidays. Zina joined the youth organization "Young Avengers". She participated in daring operations against the enemy, distributed leaflets, conducted reconnaissance.
On the instructions of the partisan detachment, Zina got a job as a dishwasher in a German canteen. She was instructed to put poison in food. It was very difficult since the German chef didn't trust her. But one day he went away for a while, and Zina was able to fulfill her plan. By evening, many officers became ill. Naturally, the first suspicion fell on the Russian girl. Zina was summoned for interrogation, but she denied everything. Then Zina was forced to taste the food. Zina knew perfectly well that the soup was poisoned, but not a single muscle trembled on her face. She calmly took the spoon and began to eat. Zina was released. By evening, she ran away to her grandmother, from where she was urgently transferred to the detachment, where she was given the necessary assistance.
In 1943, returning from another assignment, Zina was captured. The Nazis maliciously tortured her, but Zina did not say anything. During one of the interrogations, choosing the moment, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and fired point-blank at the Gestapo. The officer who ran to the shot was also killed. Zina tried to escape, but the Nazis overtook her. The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but remained unbending until the last minute. And the Motherland posthumously awarded her with her highest title - Hero of the Soviet Union.

Marat Kazei.

When the war hit the Belarusian land, Marat and his mother went to the partisan detachment. The enemy was furious. Soon Marat learned that his mother had been hanged in Minsk. He became a scout, infiltrating enemy garrisons and getting valuable information. Using this information, the partisans developed a daring operation and defeated the fascist garrison in the city of Dzerzhinsk.
Marat died in battle. He fought to the last bullet, and when he had only one grenade left, he let the enemies get closer and blew them up .. and himself.
For courage and bravery pioneer Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And in the city of Minsk, a monument to the young hero was erected.

Hero City - highest rank awarded to twelve citiesUSSR famous for their heroic defense duringGreat Patriotic War 1941-1945 . Besides,Brest Fortress awarded the titleFortress-Hero.

Hero cities


Hero City

Date of awarding the title


Leningrad(now St. Petersburg)






Volgograd(former Stalingrad)




Brest Fortress(fortress-hero)















Brest Fortress or Brest-Litovsk Fortress

Hero City Volgograd (from 1925 to 1961 it was called Stalingrad)

Hero City Kerch

Hero City Kyiv


Hero City Smolensk

Hero City Minsk

Hero City Leningrad

Hero City Tula

Hero City Murmansk

Hero City Moscow

Hero City Odessa

Hero City Novorossiysk

Hero City Sevastopol

Marshals of the Great Patriotic War

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny

(April 13 (25), 1883 - October 26, 1973) - Soviet military leader, participant in the Civil War, commander of the First Cavalry Army, one of the first Marshals of the Soviet Union, three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) he was a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, was the commander of the Army Reserve Group of the Headquarters, the commander-in-chief of the troops of the South-Western direction, the commander of the troops of the Reserve Front, the commander-in-chief of the troops of the North Caucasian direction, the commander of the troops of the North Caucasian Front, commander of the cavalry of the Soviet Army, member of the Supreme Military Council of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. He made a significant contribution to the further strengthening of the Soviet Army.

Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky

(18 (30) September 1895 - December 5, 1977) - Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943). During the Great Patriotic War, A. M. Vasilevsky, as Chief of the General Staff (1942-1945), took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. From February 1945 he commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front, led the assault on Königsberg. In 1945, he was commander-in-chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East in the war with Japan. One of the greatest commanders of World War II.

In 1949-1953 Minister of the Armed Forces and Minister of War of the USSR. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945), holder of two Orders of Victory (1944, 1945).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - Deputy General Staff of the Red Army - Chief of Operations, Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army and at the same time Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front, then again Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. On behalf of the Headquarters, he participated in the development of many important strategic plans. In particular, he was one of the creators and executors of the plan for the offensive operation near Stalingrad, coordinated the actions of several fronts in the Battle of Kursk, the Belorussian and East Prussian offensive operations. Under his leadership, in August-September 1945, a strategic operation was successfully carried out to defeat the Japanese Kwantung Army.

Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov

(January 23 (February 4), 1881 - December 2, 1969) - Soviet military leader, state and party leader, participant in the Civil War, one of the first Marshals of the Soviet Union.

In 1925-1940, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. In 1953-1960, the nominal head of the Soviet state (Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor. Voroshilov holds the record for the length of his stay in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Central Committee of the CPSU), the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU (34 and a half years, 1926-1960).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, member of the State Defense Committee, commander-in-chief of the troops of the North-Western direction, commander of the troops of the Leningrad Front, representative of the Headquarters for the formation of troops, representative of the Headquarters on the Volkhov Front (coordinated the actions of the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts during the breaking of the blockade of Leningrad), commander-in-chief of the partisan movement, chairman of the trophy committee under the State Defense Committee, chairman of the Armistice Commission. Participated in the Moscow Conference of the Three Powers - the USSR, USA and Great Britain (1941), in the Tehran Conference of the leaders of the USSR, USA and Great Britain (1943).

Leonid Alexandrovich Govorov

(February 10 (February 22), 1897 - March 19, 1955, Moscow) - Marshal of the Soviet Union (since 1944), Hero of the Soviet Union (January 27, 1945).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - head of the Artillery Academy of the Red Army, head of artillery of the Western Direction, Reserve Front, deputy commander of the troops of the Mozhaisk Harrow Line, head of artillery of the Western Front, commander of the 5th Army of the Western Front, commander of a group of troops, and then commander of the troops of the Leningrad Front. The talent of a commander was especially evident in leading the actions of the troops in the defense of Moscow, in the defense and breaking of the blockade of Leningrad, in the liberation of Estonia, in coordinating the actions of the troops of the Leningrad 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts, and in carrying out a number of other major operations.

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

(November 19 (December 1), 1896 - June 18, 1974) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (since 1943), Minister of Defense of the USSR (1955-1957). Many consider G.K. Zhukov an outstanding, most famous commander of the Great Patriotic War, whose name is associated with most of the high-profile victories in the war. Four times Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of two Orders of Victory, many other Soviet and foreign orders and medals. In the post-war period, he served as Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, commanded the Odessa, then the Urals military districts. After Stalin's death, he became First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, and from 1955 to 1957 - Minister of Defense of the USSR. In 1957 he was expelled from the Central Committee of the party, removed from all posts in the army and in 1958 he was dismissed.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, commander of the troops of the Reserve, Leningrad and Western Fronts, 1st Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR and Deputy Supreme Commander. Carried out coordination. The actions of the fronts near Stalingrad, to break the blockade of Leningrad, in the battles near Kursk and for the Dnieper. Commanded the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front. Coordinated the actions of the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts. At the final stage of the war, he commanded the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front.

Konev Ivan Stepanovich

(December 16 (28), 1897 - May 21, 1973) - Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) he commanded the 19th Army, the troops of the Western, Kalinin, Northwestern, Steppe, 2nd and 1st Ukrainian fronts. The leadership talent was especially widely revealed in the leadership of the military operations of the troops in the Smolensk battle, in the battle of Moscow, the Battle of Kursk, in the Korsun-Shevchenko, Vistula-Oder, Berlin operations.

Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov

(July 11 (24), 1904, Medvedki, now the Kotlas district of the Arkhangelsk region - December 6, 1974, Moscow) - Soviet naval leader, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union (March 3, 1955), in 1939-1947 and 1951-1955 headed the Soviet Navy (as People's Commissar of the Navy (1939-1946), Minister of the Navy (1951-1953) and Commander-in-Chief). Member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1939-1956, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd and 4th convocations.

One of the most prominent military leaders of the Great Patriotic War. In the 1950s-1980s, his role in the war was often hushed up.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, People's Commissar of the Navy of the USSR, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Confidently led the combat operations of the fleets in the defense of Odessa. Sevastopol, Leningrad and other coastal cities, sea and ocean communications and strikes against enemy maritime transport. Skillfully carried out the interaction of the fleets with the ground forces. He led the operations of the Pacific Fleet in the war with imperialist Japan. He participated in the Yalta and Potsdam conferences of the heads of government of the three allied powers in 1945. He ended the war with the rank of admiral of the fleet - at that time the highest rank in the fleet. Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union since 1955

Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky

(November 23, 1898, Odessa - March 31, 1967, Moscow), Soviet military leader and statesman. Commander of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944); the Iasi-Chisinau operation and the liberation of Romania are associated with his name. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, People's Hero of Yugoslavia.

In 1957-1967, the Minister of Defense of the USSR, is often considered the best Minister of Defense of the Soviet period. During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - Commander of the 48th Rifle Corps, Commander of the 6th Army, Commander of the Southern Front, Commander of the 66th Army, Deputy Commander of the Voronezh Front, Commander of the 2nd Guards Army, Commander of the 2nd th Ukrainian Front. Military leadership talent was especially evident when participating in the battle of Stalingrad, carrying out Zaporozhye, Nikolsko-Krivoy Rog, Odessa, Yassko-Kishenevskaya, Debrecen, Budapest, Vienna and other major operations to liberate Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia.

Kirill Afanasyevich Meretskov

(June 7, 1897, the village of Nazarevo, Moscow province - December 30, 1968, Moscow) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (October 26, 1944), Hero of the Soviet Union (1940).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR for combat training, army commander, commander of the Volkhov and Karelian fronts. He showed outstanding leadership talent in leading the actions of the troops in defense, and then breaking through the blockade of Leningrad, liberation. Karelia, the Soviet Arctic, the northern part of Norway. In the spring of 1945 he was appointed commander of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front. Under his leadership, in August-September 1945, an offensive operation was successfully carried out in East Manchuria and North Korea.

Konstantin Konstantinovich (Ksaverievich) Rokossovsky

(Polish Konstanty Rokossowski, December 21, 1896 - August 3, 1968) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Marshal of Poland (November 5, 1949).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) he commanded a mechanized corps, the 16th Army. He was the commander of the Bryansk, Don, Central, Belorussian, 1st and 2nd Belorussian fronts, where his military leadership talent was especially pronounced. He led the military operations of troops in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, in the defeat of the Nazi troops in Belarus and East Prussia, in the East Pomeranian and Berlin operations.

Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko

(February 18, 1895, Furmanka, Bessarabian province - March 31, 1970) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1940), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1940, 1965). In May 1940 - July 1941 People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) he was a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, commander-in-chief of the Western and South-Western directions, and at the same time the representative of the Stavka on the fronts as commander of the troops. Participated in the development and conduct of a number of major military operations.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin

(April 4 (16), 1894 - 10/17/1949) - an outstanding Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), People's Hero of Yugoslavia, Hero of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (posthumously), holder of the Order of Victory.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) he was chief of staff of the Transcaucasian, then Caucasian and Crimean fronts, commanded the 57th and 68th armies on the Stalingrad and Northwestern fronts, the troops of the Southern, 4th and 3rd Ukrainian fronts . He led the military operations of the troops in the Battle of Stalingrad, in the liberation of Ukraine, in the Iasi-Kishinev operation, in the liberation of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Austria.

Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov

(October 2 (September 20), 1882, Zlatoust - March 26, 1945, Moscow) - Marshal of the Soviet Union, an outstanding Soviet military and statesman, military theorist.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - Chief of Staff of the Western Direction, Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Head of the Military Academy of the General Staff. With his direct participation, proposals were developed on the preparation and conduct of the most important operations of the Soviet troops in 1941 - 1942: the battle of Smolensk. Counter-offensive near Moscow and general offensive

Red Army in the winter of 1941/1942. Having extensive experience in staff work and command and control, he made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of building the Armed Forces, their strengthening, training of military personnel, and the development of military science.

He was awarded many orders and medals.

Voronkova L.F. Girl from the city

The story "The Girl from the City", written in the harsh year of 1943, still touches the hearts of children and adults. All the best in a person is most clearly manifested in the years of severe trials. This is confirmed by the story of the little refugee Valentinka, who found herself among strangers in an unfamiliar village.

Kassil L. Youngest Son Street

The story of the life and death of the young partisan Volodya Dubinin - the hero of the Great Patriotic War.

Kataev V. Son of the regiment

The orphan boy Vanya Solntsev, by the will of fate, ended up in a military unit with scouts. His stubborn character, pure soul and boyish courage were able to overcome the resistance of the harsh military people and helped him stay at the front, become the son of a regiment.

Mikhalkov S. True story for children

Despite the well-known ideological orientation, “A True Story for Children” is a good work about the war, capable of conveying to modern children what our country endured at that terrible time. The poem covers the events of 1941 - 1945.

Yakovlev Y. Girls from Vasilyevsky Island

Yuri Yakovlev in his stories reveals to children the whole truth of life as it is, not hiding from solving problems behind the external fascination of the plot. The book “Girls from Vasilevsky Island” is a story about little Tanya Savicheva, who died of starvation, based on her surviving notes.

Oseeva V.A. Vasek Trubachev and his comrades

The heroes of the trilogy "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades" lived, studied, played pranks, made friends and quarreled several decades ago, but it's all the more interesting to travel in a "time machine" and look into their world. But the cloudless time of childhood for Trubachev and his friends turned out to be too short: it was cut short by the Great Patriotic War.

Paustovsky K. G. Adventures of a rhinoceros beetle

The soldier carried with him in his travel bag a rhinoceros beetle, which his son gave him as a keepsake before leaving for the front. This beetle became a good comrade to the soldier in military life. They went through a lot together.

Platonov A. Nikita

The story is named after the main character - a little boy Nikita. Writer Andrey Platonov was one of those who forever remembered what he was like in childhood - and not everyone remembers this. Probably, Platonov was never told in his childhood: you are not yet grown up, this is not in your mind. Therefore, he tells us about small people, and respects them as big ones. And they also respect themselves in his stories, they even see that they, perhaps, are the most important people on earth here ...

Platonov A. Flower on the ground

The world is wide, it contains a lot of interesting things. The little man makes discoveries every day. The hero of the story "A Flower on the Ground" suddenly looked at an ordinary flower with completely different eyes. The grandfather helped his grandson to see the holy worker in the flower.

Simonov K. Son of an artilleryman.

K.Simonov's ballad is based on real events. The poetic narrative about Major Deev and Lyonka is remembered from the first reading, it is written so simply, clearly and impressively.

The official emblem of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory

in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

It is a multicolor image of the badge of the Order of the Patriotic War

I degree framed with golden laurel branches. Between the branches is a golden inscription:

The emblem can be displayed in one color

Approved at a meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" chaired by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

2015 year– 70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Festive decoration for May 9 is not just a procedure for preparing a building for a traditional event. This is our history, pride and memory. Therefore, in addition to the classic symbols of Victory Day, which today can be purchased in many stores or ordered in combination with a service for decorating a hall or building, it is imperative that children be given the opportunity to do something with their own hands.

Children will be able to join the great holiday not only as spectators-extras, but also as its direct organizers. And this is already responsibility, pride in their work and an “adult” attitude to the task assigned. So the best option is to order professional design, in which children's work will also be used.

What can be ordered from professionals

Each of the companies specializing in decorating premises, outdoor stages and other venues for various events has its own zest and typical developments used by absolutely everyone. The decoration of assembly halls by May 9, 2017 will be typical in terms of paraphernalia and colors: state colors, the red banner of the Great Patriotic War, the colors of military tunics and, of course, St. George's ribbons.

The classic attributes of the decoration of the hall are:

  • garlands of balls (including wicker);
  • panel of balls;
  • columns of balls;
  • all kinds of crafts from balls - shoulder straps, a star, a tank, an anti-aircraft gun, etc .;
  • compositions from helium balloons;
  • bright banners and posters.

If the range of classic means for decorating the stage, decorating the hall, other rooms and the building itself is so limited, then how do the services of the firms differ? Not only cost, but also the quality of design, the material itself, the harmony of combinations of various elements.

Facade decoration and interior decoration, decoration of window openings and festive stands - all these works have their own specifics, and therefore only good specialists can create a beautiful, truly festive look of the building.

How can you decorate

In the range of services of special companies - professional design of premises or buildings of any size. Therefore, the assembly hall or classroom, the windows of the kindergarten or the facade of the school will look not only festive and beautiful, but also taking into account the age of the children:

  • For preschoolers, intricate balloon crafts depicting military symbols - weapons, stars, shoulder straps - will be interesting. The size of the decorations will be harmonious with the size of the room for which they are intended.
  • For high school students, the design of the school in a more “adult” manner is suitable: strict columns from balls of the colors of the St. George ribbon, colorful banners, stands or pillars with various images - from the traditional inscriptions “May 9” to images of photographs of the Immortal Regiment.

If your children's or educational institution has ready-made works of children dedicated to Victory Day, you must definitely include them in the overall design:

  • So, ordinary children's drawings on A-4 paper can be designed in the style of front-line letters-triangles, placed on a stand that will certainly attract the attention of guests.
  • Volumetric crafts of children (sculpting, papier-mâché, other techniques) on a military theme can be divided into composite fragments and decorated with balls, which will make them part of the overall decoration of the room.

Kindergarten by May 9

With the hands of professional designers and the kids themselves, you can prepare a unique holiday in honor of Victory Day, which will remain in the memory of kids, teachers and guests for a long time.

  1. Little children love to play. Why not take this feature into account in kindergarten and build, for example, an arch of balls through which every child can pass? And the colors of the St. George ribbon on the balls of the arch will forever capture this day in the memory of the kids as one of the most interesting and joyful holidays.
  2. When choosing a design for a kindergarten, you need to remember that the kids all love to try for strength, so structures that are better not to be touched by hands should be immediately raised to a height inaccessible to kids.
  3. What you should pay attention to when decorating a garden for Victory Day:
    • entrance group (columns and garlands of balls);
    • windows (poster or applications);
    • assembly hall (festive banner, garlands, pavement signs);
    • hall (garlands and columns of balls, stands with children's crafts);
    • training and play rooms (garlands, wall posters with photographs of the Great Patriotic War or photographs of veterans).

If you want to make the design of the garden original and memorable, order a complex decoration of the entire building - a unique holiday atmosphere will be created.

School by May 9

The decoration of the school for the Victory Day should carry not only a festive mood, but also an informational and patriotic load. After all, to educate in the younger generation pride in their great ancestors who defeated fascism is the main task of adults.

Therefore, in addition to bright balloons and colorful banners, when decorating a school by May 9, you need to pay attention to stands, thematic panels, and pillars. So that they not only bear festive symbols, but also have portraits of warriors-defenders of the Motherland.

The architecture of schools always provides for a large number of windows. They can and should be used to decorate the building for the holiday. Posters can be placed on the glass of window blocks. On the facade of the building, between the windows, festive garlands of balloons, flags and army banners of Soviet military units of the Great Patriotic War can be hung out.

Decoration of individual school premises:

  • in the lobby it is advisable to place large banners, large posters or stands of a general festive theme, massive balloon structures;
  • in school corridors and classrooms - small garlands, stands and pavement signs with photographs of the wartime and portraits of veterans, drawings of the schoolchildren themselves;
  • the design of the stage and the assembly hall at the school should correspond to the solemnity of the holiday: a beautiful patriotic banner, military and state symbols, black and white photographs of the liberators in large format.

At school history lessons, children probably prepared more than a dozen essays on the topic of the Great Patriotic War. The best of the works can be used to create a festive interior: make a special stand for them, decorating it with yellow-black ribbons and dummies of military flasks, grenades, copies of front-line letters.

Paper decorations that can complement the interior by May 9:

  • doves of peace - they can be located both under the ceiling itself and on the walls;
  • voluminous five-pointed stars will look great on the walls of school corridors;
  • a photographic film from newsreels of the war years can show documentary footage.

Window decoration for Victory Day

Until recently, only New Year's snowflakes were allowed on window panes, but today it is customary to decorate them for any holiday. May 9th is a special day in this regard. It has long turned from the anniversary of the Great Victory into a national holiday of the triumph of justice, the heroism of the people and their army. Therefore, the main symbolism of window decoration is military. And - peaceful, because May 9 became a milestone in the countdown of peacetime.

  • What will look best on the windows in kindergarten? Portraits of soldiers-liberators, stars and Eternal Flame. And also - contrasting symbolism, which is perfectly perceived by the child's psyche: flowers next to the tank, the sun and birds soaring in the sky next to the plane.
  • For school windows, classic poster symbols are more suitable: the St. George ribbon, the faces of victorious warriors.
  • When designing windows, you need to take into account the play of light reflected from the glass. In this case, the white color is “lost”, but the rich, traditional colors for May 9 - red, yellow, black, green (“protective” color of tunics) - will look beautiful through glass.
  • One of the classic options for applications on windows for May 9 is a scattering of festive fireworks. Moreover, the “window” salute can be performed not only in the form of an application or a drawing on a poster, but also applied with paints.

Decoration of facades by May 9

Not every institution can afford street art today, and therefore the festive decoration of facades can be done in a more familiar manner: the state flag, the banners of the Soviet armies of the Great Patriotic War, St. George ribbons, garlands of balloons, holiday banners, streamers.

Decor elements for decorating facades also include:

  • grid printing;
  • illumination (holiday illumination).

Many of the works for the decoration of facades by May 9 require special qualifications, since they are carried out at a height. Depending on the number of storeys of the building, various means can be used to decorate it, from one banner for a small building to full-fledged illumination and a set of stretch marks for a high-rise building.

May 9 is a holiday for everyone and the whole country!

Real patriots are not brought up. They are raised by the older generation by their own example of attitude towards their country, its history and present.

Victory Day is traditionally celebrated in our country in such a way that every young generation can understand and feel the significance of this day in the history of our people, and veterans are once again convinced that the feat of them and those who gave their lives for the Victory will never be forgotten by descendants . And this is precisely the main goal of the festive decoration of streets, houses and educational institutions.

Hope Lichman

Holiday of peace in the country and spring.

On this day, we remember the soldiers

Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor grandfathers,

Defended their native country

who gave the peoples victory,

And who returned peace and spring to us!

N. Tomilina

In our city, many streets, squares, avenues bear the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, our Omsk residents who went to the front and did not return home. Our kindergarten is located on the street, which bears the name of the hero of the Soviet Union Sergei Ilyich Ermolaev. Here are some names. Each book describes the feat of the hero, how he died.

Many years have passed since the war, but Omsk residents cherish the memory of the heroes and their exploits. Monuments were erected to the fallen heroes, an eternal flame burns in their honor. On May 9, Omsk residents lay flowers at all military monuments, obelisks, steles, at the eternal flame, and in the evening, when it gets dark, the festive Salute begins victories.

For the theme week "We love, we remember, we protect" I brought in group collection of military equipment of my son. Children with great pleasure (especially boys) looked at tanks and planes.

Together with the guys, we chose models of tanks and aircraft that took part during the war, and designed a corner in the group in honor of Victory Day.

Some children brought photos of their great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers who fought, and their medals.

Day victories and the days of the Great Patriotic War will forever remain in our memory and will be passed down from generation to generation.

For everything we have now

For our every happy hour

Because the sun shines on us

Thank you brave soldiers

Our grandfathers and fathers.

Alexey Surkov

Happy day to all colleagues and friends victories!

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Project for May 9 "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" Author of the project: Granina O. V. Project type: cognitive-creative. Project duration: short term. Implementation period: April –.

Project "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" Relevance: "Victory Day". This day joy and sorrow are near. There is no family in Russia that the war bypassed. Therefore, on this day.

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In order for the celebration of Victory Day on May 9 in kindergarten to be bright, an appropriate design of the preschool institution with thematic symbols is required. It is not difficult to make it at all, and parents, together with educators, will cope with such work in a couple of hours.

Making a kindergarten group by May 9

Most of the time the kids spend in their group, namely in the playroom. This is where the design for Victory Day in kindergarten should begin. The decoration of the room is different from the New Year or the autumn festival - it is more strict, because a serious theme leaves a certain imprint.

It is desirable that a small corner be organized in the group, in which the relevant attributes of the holiday will be collected - a red star and a banner, a St. George ribbon, an inscription, an imitation of eternal flame and flowers. Here you can also add crafts on the topic - tanks and planes made of plasticine, applications and postcards with military themes made by children.

At a thematic lesson dedicated to the celebration of the victory over the invaders, the teacher in an accessible form tells the children about the heroic deed of their great-grandfathers, about the need to be grateful to them for our day.

Decoration of kindergarten windows by May 9

Even from afar, approaching the building of a preschool institution, children will go there with joy and interest if various decorations on a festive theme flaunt on the windows. White doves soaring in the sky, bouquets of flowers, inscriptions and, of course, St. George ribbons, which are seen everywhere these days, look very beautiful.

Decoration of the music hall of the kindergarten by May 9

A festive event dedicated to the end of the war is traditionally held in the music hall of a preschool institution, which means that it should show off in all its decoration.

A large layout of the eternal flame in the form of a five-pointed star, located in the center near the elegantly draped wall, will look modest and concise. It can be made of thick cardboard and painted with gouache, the main thing is to find a craftsman who is probably among the parents.

Recently, balloons are often used to decorate for the holidays. Victory Day is no exception, because there are golden star balloons that are great as symbols of the celebration. And, of course, May is always flowers. They can be large and small, bright and delicate pastel colors. With the help of flower arrangements, you can decorate even the most ordinary room.

Margarita Glagoleva

Victory Day - the greatest and most serious holiday, both for Russia and for many other countries of the world.

On June 22, 1941, hordes of enemies - fascists - attacked our country. The Nazis thought that they were the most important in the world, and all other people should obey them. A terrible war began, which lasted four years.

Not only Russian soldiers and officers, but all the inhabitants of our Motherland, adults and children, it was very difficult during the war. The army, with the help of the people, defeated the enemies and drove them out of Russia, and then from other countries.

The war, which was called the Great Patriotic War, ended in May 1945. And in June of the same year, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. The victorious warriors solemnly marched across the square and threw the banners of the defeated fascists to the ground. It was a great day.

How do we celebrate Victory Day? On the morning of May 9, military parades are held in the main cities of Russia, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War put on orders and medals, arrange solemn processions through the streets. People give them bouquets of flowers. Then the veterans get together and remember their comrades-in-arms, how they fought, sing songs of the war years.

On Victory Day, people lay wreaths and flowers at military monuments.

And in the evening, when it gets dark, the Victory Salute begins. Multi-colored lights fly up into the sky, crumble into many sparkling sparks. People look at this beauty and rejoice.

May there never be war again!

May there always be peace!

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