Finger game hedgehog hedgehog prickly. GCD "Forest hedgehog prickly side" outline of a lesson on the development of speech (middle group) on the topic

The degree of speech development in a child, the activity of the brain activity of the crumbs are somewhat dependent on how developed children's fingers are. Therefore, such an important place in the development of a child of preschool age is given to finger games. Finger gymnastics will help tone the small muscles on the child's arms, and improve blood circulation.

Finger game "hedgehog" is suitable for the little ones. Toddlers like to repeat the movements of adults, especially when they are accompanied by verses. Funny poems turn important activities for the development of the baby into a game.

First you need to teach the child to move. Unobtrusively, during the story of the poem, depict all the movements yourself and show them to the child. The kid will probably want to repeat the gestures after you.

Finger gymnastics exercise Hedgehog. Put your palms together, straighten your fingers - show the child: “This is a hedgehog. Similar? Do you want to show the hedgehog yourself?”. Now press your fingers:

The little hedgehog is cold (explain to the child - the hedgehog is cold and he hid the needles)

And curled up into a ball.

The sun has warmed

The hedgehog turned around (straighten your fingers, as if the hedgehog put out its spines).

Such a cheerful verse about a hedgehog can be told to children of 3 years old, for older children the movements should be more difficult.

"Prickly ball"

Finger gymnastics exercise about the hedgehog "Prickly ball"

At three or four years old, a child can be offered the following game:

Walks and wanders along the paths (we “walk” on the table with our fingers)

A gray hedgehog covered in needles (palms together, fingers straightened - we show a hedgehog).

So that the wolf does not drag away,

The hedgehog turned into a ball (we make a closed “castle”).

Exercise "lock" first option

Teach kids to fold handles into a “lock”. This is not always easy for a child, help him. "Castle" can be of three types:

  • closed - all fingers are tightly pressed;
  • open - fingers in the "lock" protrude in different directions;
  • movable - fingers all move at the same time (as if a caterpillar is running).

Cheerful finger gymnastics with poems about a hedgehog is accompanied by movements:

Hedgehog, hedgehog prickly (closed "castle"),

Show the needles (the handles move to the sides).

Here they are. (open "lock").

Hedgehog, hedgehog prickly (handles move left and right),

Hide your needles.

Up! (closed "lock" - the hedgehog curled up into a ball).

Exercise "lock" second option

The “lock” exercise is also done in another game:

Lying under the Christmas trees (we make an open “lock” - if the children are small, you can replace the “lock” with a hedgehog - put your palms together)

Pillow with needles (palms together, stick out a little, depict a pillow).

Lay-lay (fingers in the "castle")

And suddenly she ran (an open “lock”, move all her fingers - as if the hedgehog ran away).

Needles and pins

Such exercises will make children's fingers mobile, flexible. The following game will be interesting and easy for kids 4-5 years old:

There are needles and pins (open "lock")

Crawl out from under the bench (fingers "walk" on the table).

They look at me (make “rings” near the eyes from the fingers),

They want milk (palms with a boat - we offer milk to the hedgehog).

Finger gymnastics is useful for toddlers and preschoolers. Along with other exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills, finger games have a beneficial effect on the brain activity of the child, and in the process of doing the exercises, the fingers become flexible and mobile.

If you do finger gymnastics “hedgehog” with children, hand motor skills will develop, with developed finger coordination, it will be easier for children to hold a pencil or pen in their hands. Do not immediately offer your child difficult tasks: for a three-year-old, one or two simple exercises are enough. When the baby learns to fold his hands, collect the pen into a fist, “stomp” his fingers on the table, move on to new games and new exercises - master the “lock”.

Open lesson of Directly Educational Activities for the implementation of the educational areas "Artistic Creativity" (sculpting), "Cognition" (Formation of the integrity of the picture of the world), "Communication" (speech development) using ICT in the senior group on the topic: "Hello, hedgehog!"

Target: Activation of children's speech, development of coherent speech.



To teach children to purposefully consider the picture, using various techniques: highlighting objects, “entering” into the picture.

Continue to teach children to describe the appearance and habits of animals, making riddles. Clarify children's understanding of wild animals.

Learn to single out words with sound (g) and (w) from sentences. Clearly pronounce tongue twisters; pronounce phrases at different volumes.

Exercise children in modeling. Strengthen the skills of working with plasticine. To reveal creative abilities when using natural material and plasticine in a complex.


Activate children's imagination and speech.

Nurturing: To educate children in the skills of cultural communication and humane feelings.

Raise interest and respect for wildlife.

Material: plasticine, sunflower seeds, modeling equipment: board, stack, wet wipes. computer presentation about the life of hedgehogs.

Preliminary work: Talk about wild animals, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall to calm music, greet.

1.Game moment.

caregiver : Guys, look, here is some letter, probably for us. Let's sit quietly and open the envelope.

Reading a letter:

"Dear Guys! Forest dwellers write to you. We had a misfortune: our beloved friend was lost. Please help us find him."

Educator: Guys, what kind of forest dwellers could write us this letter? what wild animals do you know? (Answers of children).

What do you think, which of them could be lost? I think that it will not be difficult for us to guess if you guess the riddle:

He lives in a dense forest.
He himself is round and prickly.
Guess who is this?
Well, of course, this is ... .. (hedgehog

Why do you think it's a hedgehog? How did you guess?

Educator: Guys, do you think we can help find the hedgehog?

Educator: Yes, we can help find the hedgehog, but only if we know where he lives, what he eats, what he looks like.

2. Story and slide show about the life of hedgehogs.

Of course it's a hedgehog. Various animals live in the forest. Each has its own character, its own habits. What do you think, what kind of hedgehog? (Answers of children).
This is a small animal - small paws, a black nose, on the muzzle, like small buttons - eyes.

Hedgehogs are born blind and without needles.

And then their eyes open and small soft needles begin to grow. (3 slide)

The needles grow and harden until they become completely hard.

Then the mother-hedgehog will begin to lead them through the forest, teach, show what's what. And hedgehog behind her like a puffing train with wagons.

Educator. Why do you guys think mom didn't release the hedgehogs until the needles grew? (Answers of children).

Without needles, they are defenseless, easy prey for animals.

Soon they start looking for their own food. Do you know what hedgehogs like to eat? Everything that comes up. Snakes, grasshoppers, apples and pears, snails, bees, worms, earth roots, berries, lizards, mice.

(5-6 slide)

At nightfall, they crawl out of the hole and look for food.

They stomp all night, look under each leaf, turn the branches over. They have a very sensitive nose and very good hearing.

And they have very good eyesight. They, like people, distinguish many colors. And the rest of the animals see the world only in black and white colors.

Educator. Why are they called night hunters? (Answers of children).

Because hedgehogs hunt and search for food at night.

When hedgehogs grow hard needles, they are no longer afraid of dogs, wolves, bears, or foxes. There is even such a proverb: “That’s why the hedgehog is given bristles so that the dogs don’t bite.” Although hedgehogs are still afraid of foxes.

She steals them by cunning. It will drive it into a puddle, but hedgehogs do not like water and immediately turn around. Then the fox grabs the hedgehog by the soft stomach and eats it, only the needles remain. The fox is a cunning and cunning animal. Who in fairy tales is the most cunning, crafty, evasive and insidious? Of course, the fox.

Only needles save them from enemies. Their legs are short and they cannot run fast. Needles cover the entire hedgehog body, except for the head and abdomen. So they defend themselves, curled up in a ball. (8 slide)

And at the end of autumn, all hedgehogs curl up into a ball and sleep in a warm nest-mink covered with grass, moss and leaves. And since they sleep all winter, then they don’t need to make supplies, like a squirrel, for example. Before going into hibernation, they just need to eat a lot of food. And hedgehogs wake up only in the spring, when it becomes quite warm.

Educator. Do you think hedgehogs need winter supplies like squirrels? Why?

(Answers of children).

No, they are not needed, because they sleep all winter.

Tell me, guys, what other animal sleeps in winter? (Answers of children).

That's right, bear.

Guys, if you meet a hedgehog, consider it quietly, without frightening, and go on your way. And the hedgehog will go on about his business.

Listen to the poem. It tells about one hedgehog who was taken from the forest to the house. Fortunately, all ended well for this hedgehog and he was taken back to the forest.

If the Hedgehog does not drink milk,

So, somewhere in the forest far away

Under the bushes, in a nest of leaves,

The hedgehog has a son or daughter.

So, you need to take a hedgehog

And take it back to the forest.

(Yu. Shcherbakov)

Well guys, did you like my story? (Answers of children).

I think that now you all know about hedgehogs and you can find it.

3. Sound culture of speech. (SPEECH THERAPIST)

What familiar sound is there in the word "Hedgehog" - w or w.

What familiar sound is there in the answer "Hedgehog" - [g] or [w]?

(children's answers)

Q: Pronounce the word so that the sound [g] is heard.

Say the word loudly - quietly.

And what animal also lives in a mink and the sound [w] is heard in its answer?

Small feet, afraid of cats

Lives in a mink, loves crusts.

Why do you think it's a mouse?

(children's answers)

Q: What familiar sound is there in the answer [w] or [w]?

Work on the cleansing.

4. Physical education minute:

There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest,
Was a ball and without legs, (They hug themselves by the shoulders.)
He didn’t know how to clap - Clap-clap-clap, (Clap your hands.)
He did not know how to stomp - Top-top-top. (Perform "stomp".)
He didn’t know how to jump - Jump-jump-jump (They jump on two legs.)
Only move your nose - Sniff-sniff-sniff
And the guys came to the forest,
They found a hedgehog in the forest, (Walking on the spot.)
Taught to clap - Clap-clap-clap, (Clap your hands.)
Taught to stomp - Top-top-top. (Perform "stomp".)
Taught to jump - Jump-jump-jump, (Jump on two legs.)
Taught to run ... (They run on the spot.)

Well done boys! You now know a lot about hedgehogs. And most importantly, I am sure that none of you will ever offend a hedgehog.

Let us make friends for him, the same hedgehogs as he himself, so that he alone would not be bored in the forest.

5. Finger gymnastics "Hedgehog prickly"

Let's stretch our fingers, get them ready for work

hedgehog, prickly hedgehog , The fingers of two hands are intertwined in the lock.

Show me the needles. Movement of the brushes to the right and left.

Here they are. Here they are. Here they are. Fingers straighten, hands

stacked in a castle.

hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, Brush movements left and right

Hide your needles. with straightened fingers.

Once, and there are no needles. The fingers are folded into a lock.

6. Modeling from plasticine and natural material.

Now let's get down to business!

The body of the Hedgehog, what shape will we sculpt? (Oval) .

And how can you make him a nose! (by pulling) .

I propose to make needles from sunflower seeds

7.Reflection of the lesson.

Making crafts and composing.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 7"
Direct educational activities


(formation of a holistic picture of the world)

"Artistic creativity" (modeling).

Theme: "Hedgehog, hedgehog prickly."


Middle group №6

Pavlenko Elena Leonidovna
Dalnerechensk 2013

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition" (formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Artistic creativity" (sculpting), "Music", "Communication", "Socialization".
Types of children's activities:

The hedgehog has a son or daughter.

So, you need to take a hedgehog

And take it back to the forest.
- Well, guys, did you like the story about hedgehogs? (Answers of children).

- What new did you learn about the life of hedgehogs? (Answers of children).
The teacher addresses the hedgehog:
- Hedgehog, what are you sad about?


- I walked through the forest for a long time,

Found a big apple.

I ran along the path

But I stumbled and fell

I lost my apple.
“And I so wanted to treat my brothers and sisters.

- Children, let's help the hedgehog, make apples for him and his large family.
First, we will knead the fingers, prepare them for work.

Finger gymnastics "Hedgehog prickly"
Hedgehog, hedgehog prickly,

(The fingers of two hands are woven into a lock.)
Show me the needles.

(Movement of the brushes to the right and left.)
Here they are. Here they are. Here they are.

(Fingers straighten, hands folded into the castle.)
Hedgehog, hedgehog prickly,

(Movement of the brushes to the right and left with straightened fingers.)
Hide your needles.

Once, and there are no needles.

(Fingers fold into a lock.)

Sculpting apples.
Children sculpt apples from plasticine, thin twigs of trees are used for the petiole.

- Well, guys, now there are enough apples for the whole large hedgehog family.
- Thank you guys. I also want to give you a present. Accept from me the gifts of the forest: cones, acorns and nuts. Make crafts from them and delight your friends and parents with them.
Children say goodbye to the hedgehog

Summary of directly educational activities on the topic: "Hedgehog, hedgehog poignant ..." for children 3-4 years old

Members: preschoolers 3 years old
Duration: 12 minutes

Pedagogical intent:

Educational area Cognitive development
- to promote the development of cognitive and research activities of preschoolers;
- to promote the development of creative thinking by solving a problem situation, imagination, tactile perception of children 3 years old;
- create conditions for the formation of a motive for cognitive activity in children;
- to consolidate knowledge among preschoolers about the adaptability of hedgehogs to the environment.

Educational field Speech development

- to promote the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children of primary preschool age.

Educational field Socio-communicative development

- improve game interaction skills;
- to form in children a humane attitude towards wildlife.
- to educate a communicative culture in younger preschoolers.

Educational field Artistic and aesthetic development

- contribute to the creation of prerequisites for the development of children's word creation.

Educational field Physical development

- to promote the development of verbal-motor coordination, small muscles of the hands.

preliminary work

- a house where “thorny and non-thorny things” live (a large box decorated with autumn leaves)
- illustrations depicting "thorny and non-thorny objects" (8 pieces)
- silhouettes of hedgehogs by the number of children
- clothespins (5 pieces for each child).
Conducted with children:
- a conversation about the adaptability of hedgehogs to the environment
- consideration of thematic illustrative material
- didactic game "Prickly - non-prickly"
- didactic games with clothespins
- reading thematic fiction
- memorization of physical training minutes
Methodological techniques are used in the GCD: display, examination, use of visualization, surprise moment, explanation of the educator, conversation, artistic word, game, children's exercises, game situation, individual work, analysis, experimental research activities.

Progress of joint activities

- Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest.
The children line up.
- Listen carefully to the words. Try to move together. Don't overtake each other.

Legs ran
On a flat path
Run away, run away
Only the heels sparkle.
The children go to the forest.
Well, here we are in the forest. Here's what happened here this morning. The fox was walking along the path and accidentally stepped on a bump. And the bump turned out to be difficult, but very prickly. Moreover, she curled up in a ball and rolled away. Guys, what is this unusual bump.
- Hedgehog.
- How did you guess?
- The hedgehog is prickly to the touch. Can curl up into a ball...
- The hedgehog was not just on the path. Nobody wants to be friends with him, they are afraid to inject themselves. So the hedgehog decided to find friends as prickly as he is. Let's help him.
- Let's help.
- Look, in the clearing someone's house hid in the foliage. Who do you think lives there?
- Hedgehog?
- Not a hedgehog. But there live the same prickly objects as a hedgehog, and not at all prickly.
- In order to find hedgehog friends, each of you will climb into this house and find the most prickly object by touch. And then he introduces us all to him. (Children take turns taking out objects from the house, name them and put them on a tray.)
- Oh, how many prickly objects we found. But there are a lot of thorny objects in the world and now try to find them in these pictures. (Illustrations with images of “prickly” and “non-prickly” objects are laid out in front of the children. Children find and name only “prickly” objects.)
- Cactus, ruff, ......
- We found a lot of friends for the hedgehog. In the evening we will introduce him to them.
What good fellows you are. We continue to walk through the woods. (Children get up and do a physical minute)

Physical education minute

We walked through the woods - they walk in place
And suddenly noticed a bump - leaning forward
It seemed strange: - shake their heads
The tussock swayed - squat
We came to see - imitate the movements of a hedgehog
They began to rub their eyes,
Turned out it was a hedgehog.
- Guys, hedgehogs came to visit us, very, very sad. Why do you think? Look closely at them. (Children approach the tables on which the silhouettes of hedgehogs without needles and clothespins lie)
-Hedgehogs lost their needles in the forest.
- You won't help?
-Of course we will help!
- What should be done?
- Attach clothespins to the backs of the hedgehogs. (Children, sitting at tables, attach clothespins.)
- Now pet your hedgehogs. What did they feel like?
- Prickly.
- And why does a hedgehog need needles?
- To defend against wolves and foxes.
Guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten.
(children get up from the tables and line up in a column)
Legs walked: top - top - top,
Right on the track: top - top - top,
Come on, more fun: top - top - top,
Here's how we do it: top - top - top.
Legs ran
On a flat path
Run away, run away
Only the heels sparkle.
Children go to kindergarten.

Nelly Serdyuk
Games with children

mobile game "Hedgehog with Hedgehogs"

Movements are performed in accordance with the text.

“Under a tall pine tree, in a clearing in the forest. A bunch of leaves where it lies. Hedgehog with hedgehogs runs. Puff-puff-puff-puff-puff!” Let's sit on the stumps and look around. And then we will all dance together and show the thorns to everyone. Showed, circled and hurried home.

mobile game "Hedgehog" (a hedgehog is chosen by counting)

Hedgehog, hedgehog eccentric

Sewed a prickly jacket

Wants to play with us

Children walk around and sentenced:

Hedgehog, hedgehog, show me

We have our needles

They say that you, hedgehogs

Very, very prickly.

Show me, show me

We have our needles

They say that you, hedgehogs

Very, very prickly.

The hedgehog inside the circle is saying

his words, after which he catches the guys.

I'll curl up in a ball

I'll roll along the path,

Who will cross the path

It will hit the needles.

Finger game "Hedgehog".

Invite the children to make

hedgehog fingers (fold

palms, fingers extended).

Little hedgehog frozen

(press fingers - hedgehog

removed needles)

And curled up into a ball.

The hedgehog sun warmed

(straighten fingers

hedgehog showing thorns

The hedgehog turned around.

Self massage "Hedgehog"

Hedgehog washed his ears in the bath

He rubbed his forehead and washed his nose

Neck, skin on the abdomen

And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:

Won't you rub my back?


GI-GI-GI - take care of the hedgehog leg.

DI-DI-DI - don't walk too much.

RE-RE-RE - sit in the hole for now.

GE-GE-GE - let the sore leg heal.

YAT-YAT-YAT - will heal -

you go for a walk.

Finger gymnastics "Hedgehog prickly"

hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,

(The fingers of two hands are woven into a lock.)

Show me the needles.

(Movement of the brushes to the right and left.)

Here they are. Here they are. Here they are.

(Fingers straighten, hands

locked up.)

hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,

(Movement of brushes left and right

with outstretched fingers.)

Hide your needles. Once and no needles

. (Fingers fold into a lock.)

Hedgehog-Hedgehog is sharp, show me the needles.

We put our hands in a lock, swing

hedgehog up and down to the beat.

Here they are, here they are, here they are!

We spread our fingers, hide again, so 3 times.

Hedgehog-Hedgehog is sharp, remove the needles. Downloading

revealed hedgehog up and down to the beat. AP!

Back fingers in the lock, pressing the hedgehog to the chest.

(the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?

(the baby rolls the hedgehog with his palms)

It is necessary for the squirrel to sew a vest

(baby rolls a hedgehog on his tummy)

Fix the naughty bunny

panties (rolling on legs)

The hedgehog snorted - move away and don't

cry don't beg (rolling on the floor)

If I give needles, they will eat me

wolves! (the hedgehog runs into the house,

in place in a box or on a shelf)

On a dry forest path -

Top - top - top - feet trample.

Walks, wanders along the dorrzhek

All in needles gray hedgehog.

(Arms bent in front of the chest, hands

hands down. Feet lightly

bent at the knees, makes small,

frequent steps)

Looking for berries, mushroom

For a son or daughter.

Dynamic pause "We carry a hedgehog through the forest"

Children stand up, stretch their arms forward and step from foot to foot

(pull cart). In the corners of the group room hang pictures with

an image of an apple tree, a walnut bush, a strawberry meadow and Dr. Aibolit. According to the text, the children look for these pictures with their eyes and turn in their direction and imitate actions (gathering apples, nuts, strawberries).

We are taking a hedgehog to the doctor on a cart,

We will walk along the path past the wild apple tree.

But before we pick ripe apples from the branches.

It is very necessary to eat nuts for those who are sick. Well, let's get it!

But it's time for us to go, guys, because we are taking the patient.

Here you can see wild strawberries in a clearing.

This berry is healthy, fragrant and tasty.

Let's pick it up in a basket - there are a lot of vitamins in it.

The hedgehog will eat it a little and get better soon.

And here is Dr. Aibolit.

"Hello", tells us.

And the hedgehog was happy:

"The good doctor will help me".

Heal everyone, heal

Good doctor Aibolit.

Dynamic pause

Hedgehogs lived in more often

They twisted their heads

Like this, like this...

They twisted their heads

I. p. feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt

1-4 head turns to the sides, 3 in each direction

They twisted their heads

Mushroom searched

Together the branches parted

Like this, like this...

Together the branches parted

I. p. feet on the width of the foot, hands below, 1-2 - raise your hands up, wave them. 5-6 times

Come on hedgehog turn around

Come on hedgehog show yourself

Like this, like this...

Come on, hedgehog show yourself

I. p. kneeling, hands on the belt

1- turn the torso to the right side, arms to the sides

3- turn the torso to the left side, arms to the sides 4- and. n. 3 in each direction
