New Year's card from Christmas toys. Christmas balls

Khonina Svetlana Vitalievna

In every house you can find a bunch old greeting cards. So I found myself a whole pack postcards. On the eve of the favorite holiday of children and adults, I decided to make DIY toys. This is where I came in handy postcards. I cut out circles of different diameters, large and small, to glue large and small balls. Each ball was folded on three sides so that a triangle was obtained. I glued six pieces with PVA glue (six at the top and six at the bottom). Then I glued both parts together. It turned out a ball, wrapped each face with threads.

I found a bow from a gift, attached it from the top. Down pasted out postcards more flashlight. That's what I did.

From postcards glued other balls. I'll be glad if someone likes it postcard toys.

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Summary: Christmas balls on the Christmas tree. Making paper Christmas balls. How to make a Christmas ball with your child with your own hands. Schemes of Christmas balls made of paper, photo of Christmas tree decorations.

1. DIY Christmas ball (option 1)

To make this Christmas decoration, you will need colored paper, thin wire, a stapler, and glue. The balloon you see in the photo above was made from three different colors of paper (pink, blue and light blue).

Work plan:

1. Take a small glass or glass (glass) and circle it on paper with a simple pencil 12 times. You should have 12 circles (4 circles of each color). Cut out the circles with scissors.

2. Fold each circle in half and stack them together as shown in the picture below. We use paper in three colors (A, B and C) to make this Christmas ball. Stack the circles in the following sequence - ABBCCAABBCCA. If, when making a New Year's ball, you used paper of two colors (A and B), then in this case the circles had to be folded in the following sequence - ABBAABBAABBA.

3. Fasten the circles of paper together with a thin wire, wrapping it around them along the fold line. Twist the ends of the wire together. If you do not have wire, then you can fasten the circles with a regular stapler.

4. Spread the circles and glue the adjacent halves of the circles to each other. Each half must be connected to one adjacent at the top, and with the other - at the bottom.

2. DIY Christmas balls (option 2)

Cut out three circles of the same size but different colors from colored cardboard or thick paper. In the first of them cut a cross (fig. a), in the second circle make a horizontal cut in the middle and perpendicular to it two cuts in the direction from the circle to the center of the circle (fig. b), and in the third - four cuts in the form of a cross, also along direction from the circle to the center (Fig. c). Pass the circle "c" into the circle "b". In circle "a", bend the corners formed as a result of its incision; you get a square hole. Pass the circles "b" and "c" into it, having previously folded them. Then straighten the corners again (fig. d). Attach a thread to the resulting ball.

3. Christmas paper balls (option 3)

From old postcards or colored paper, you can make such cute Christmas toys - Christmas balls. Detailed instructions for making this Christmas decoration can be found at the link >>>>

It is not necessary to make a large, complex ball; you can make a small Christmas ball with fewer parts.

5. DIY Christmas ball (option 5)

To make these wonderful Christmas lanterns, you will need to cut colored paper into strips of the same length and width. The length and width of the strips depends on the size of the flashlight you want to make. To make one paper lantern, you will need an average of 14-16 strips of paper. For a detailed New Year's master class, see the link >>>>

When making Christmas balls, you can use strips of paper of different colors and beads to decorate Christmas toys with your own hands. See link >>>>

If the strips of paper are bent in the middle, then you get such a New Year's decoration. Link to the New Year's master class >>>>

6. How to make a Christmas ball (option 6)

We suggest you make such a cute and easy-to-make New Year's craft from old postcards with your child.

1. Using a small glass or wine glass, draw and cut out eight identical circles.

2. Using another object with a round base but smaller in diameter, draw and cut out two small circles.

3. Fold each large circle in half, and then in half again. See photo below.

4. Glue four folded large circles on one small circle, the remaining four on the other. As a result, you will get two halves of your future Christmas ball.

It is very IMPORTANT to correctly place the quarters of the large circles on the small circle. Try to carefully straighten the "pockets" of the folded circles and in advance, before gluing, estimate the correctness of their location. At the same time, focus on the very first photo, which shows a finished ball.

5. Now you just have to glue the two finished halves together and, when the glue dries, straighten all the pockets. Christmas ball is ready!

7. DIY paper balls (option 7)

Making balls from thread:

1. You will need: scissors, balloons, fat cream (Vaseline), any yarn, PVA glue, a bowl.
2. Dilute PVA glue with water, approximately 3:1.
3. Inflate the balloon to the desired size, give it a round shape, tie it with a thread.
4. After unwinding the required amount of yarn, put it in a bowl and leave for 5 minutes.
5. We smear the ball with a fat cream and wrap it with yarn, first leaving a large distance between the thread.
6. Gradually reduce the distance between the threads until the whole ball is wrapped in yarn and resembles a cocoon.
7. Cut the thread and glue it to the ball. Leave it to dry (at least a day).
8. Gradually untying the balloon, gently blow it off, and then remove it from the thread cocoon; tie a rope to the thread ball on top for fastening.

9. The balloon is ready!

When making a ball, you can use yarn (threads) of any color or paint with any paint or sparkles (spray). Especially for the New Year, you can decorate this thread ball with tinsel and stars. Hang small balls on the Christmas tree, decorate the room with large ones. Fantasize more!

If you are unable to wind the glue-soaked thread around the ball, you can wind the dry thread, and then carefully soak it with glue with a brush or sponge.

Instead of glue, you can use sugar syrup or starch paste. To prepare the paste, take 3 teaspoons of starch in a glass of cold water, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. Instead of a thread, you can take a thin copper wire and wind it around the ball in the same way.

9. New Year's do-it-yourself. New Year decoration

Old Christmas balls can be updated by wrapping each of them in a piece of beautiful fabric and tying it with a ribbon.

Even if you have enough toys to decorate your Christmas tree, do-it-yourself Christmas balls will never be superfluous. Firstly, the very process of their manufacture is already a premonition of the holiday. And secondly, such balls can be a great addition to any New Year's gift. Therefore, we invite you to our master class on making Christmas balls.

What you need to make Christmas balls from cards

Let's first look at what we need to make such an unusual New Year's ball from ordinary greeting cards. Surely everyone in the house has accumulated a lot of postcards with all kinds of congratulations - so why not put them into action and make such an original New Year's ball out of them?

To make it you will need:

  • old greeting cards;
  • glue for paper;
  • cardboard;
  • tape or cord;
  • ruler;

If you have everything ready, then we can start.

New Year's balls from old postcards - a master class

First of all, you need to take old greeting cards and cut them into 20 circles of the same diameter. This can be done with a compass (do you still remember what a “compass” is?) or using any round shape, for example, a regular glass that you circle with a pencil. After that, you will need to take the cardboard and cut out an equilateral triangle from it of such a size that it fits completely into our circles. Place a triangle on the back of one of the circles

and draw an equilateral triangle in this circle with a pencil according to this template. Draw such a triangle in each of the circles you have, and then gently bend them along these lines, using, for example, a ruler or the even edge of a knife. That's the way.

Form the top of our future ball by gluing five circles in the way shown in the photo. Make a loop out of ribbon or decorative cord and pull it through the center point without waiting for the glue to dry. Then glue five more circles that will form the base of our New Year's ball.

Glue the remaining 10 circles with the sides too so that they form a circle as shown in the photo. You will get the middle part of our future ball. The field of this will only have to connect the middle part with the base and top - and our ball is ready.

Wait until the koi is completely dry - and you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

From old greeting cards, you can make a whole set of these Christmas balls in different sizes and decorate your Christmas tree with them or give this handmade Christmas souvenir to your friends.

A few more ideas on how to make your own Christmas balls

Take an ordinary plastic bag, crumple it into a ball and wrap it around with any yarn, giving it the shape of a ball. After that, you can decorate the resulting ball with beads, beads, lace and sequins. You will get such a beautiful New Year's ball.

If you have old Christmas balls, you can paint them yourself using stained glass paints.

You can also give old Christmas balls a fresh look in another way - simply by tying them with a cloth.

Take a decorative cord, soak it in PVA glue, and then tightly wrap it around any ball, such as foam. Decorate with a bow and beads and you will get such a beautiful New Year's ball.

A foam ball can be decorated in such an unusual way. Paste on it with the help of a thermal gun with ordinary buttons. And before you again the New Year's ball.

Finally, Christmas balls made using the decoupage technique look incredibly beautiful. But this is for real masters of their craft.

You can make such a ball for decorating a Christmas tree with your own hands.

When I was little, I saw someone have a very unusual ball of postcards. I really wanted to learn how to make these balls. It turned out that it is not difficult at all.

I learned how to make balloons from postcards. They were big, elegant, I really liked them, but I didn’t think of where to adapt them. Therefore, I made the same ball, only small, from a dense colored one. This ball could be hung on a Christmas tree.

Then I made two more of the same Christmas balls, both from. In this form, this garbage, which any normal person would have thrown away long ago, has been decorating my Christmas tree for about a decade and a half)))

At the time when I was making these balls, there was not yet such a variety of creative materials on sale as they are now (shiny cardboard, shiny paper with a holographic effect, etc.).

Once in a store I came across toothpaste in an unusually beautiful shiny box, which I could not pass by :) So for the first time I saw paper with a holographic sheen.

At home, I tried to erase the inscriptions from it with acetone. Although with great difficulty, but it was possible. I took apart the box and made a ball out of it. How beautifully it shone and sparkled with all the flowers on the Christmas tree in the light of an electric garland!

Then I came across advertising booklets of some expensive imported auto cosmetics. The advertisement was printed on thick mother-of-pearl paper. I have never seen such paper before. There were few places without text and pictures on it, so even for a small ball of such booklets it took several :)

Now there are no problems with beautiful paper and cardboard, so you can make a lot of beautiful and different balls.

To make a ball, you first need to draw or print out such a template.

According to this template, cut out 20 identical circles from cardboard, thick foil or paper. The diameter of the finished ball is 2 times the diameter of these circles. For example, my first ball is about 5.6 cm in diameter, and the diameter of the circles that make it up is 2.8 cm.

Bend each circle along the lines marked on the template with a dotted line (the lines form an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle, all its angles are 60 °) so that you get a triangle with rounded parts bent to the front side.

Apply glue to these bent parts from the wrong side and glue 10 triangles with each other in one strip as in the diagram below. The edges of this strip are also glued together, you get a ring. This ring is the middle part of the ball.

Glue the remaining 10 triangles with each other by 5 (see circles at the bottom of the same diagram). Glue a loop into the center of one of these circles, secure it from the inside with a piece of tape. This is the top and bottom of the balloon.

Glue the circles to the ring, you get a ball.

The craft participates in the “Yolka-party” action in “Mom's Blogs”.

Enjoy your creativity!
Especially for blog readers, with sincere respect, Julia Sherstyuk

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A family holiday should embody the warmth of the whole family, it will be great if you arrange a family meeting and make balloons from cards that will delight you throughout the Christmas holidays.

To make these Christmas tree decorations, you will need:

Old New Year's cards;
- rhinestones, sequins;
- tapes; glue;
- triangular and round pattern;
- pencil; scissors.

Step-by-step technology for making Christmas tree balls:

Cut out a 5cm circle and use it as a template to cut out 20 circles from old postcards. Cut out the triangle pattern.

Use a triangle to shapely fold the circles as shown in the following image. These will be our decorations for the Christmas tree.

For the upper part, glue five circles together, for the bottom part, glue the same number of circles together, for the central part, use the remaining ten. Don't forget to attach a ribbon loop to the top. You should have the following shapes. Glue together all the parts of the ball.

Optionally, as an additional decoration, you can use sequins, sequins, beads, rhinestones, bows and other beautiful little things that will make your card balls more festive. Making such a wonderful toy will take you a few minutes, you will spend a minimum of money.
