Wedding Ceremony Tips

A wedding is one of the most memorable events in a person's life. The newlyweds want this solemn ceremony to become unique, to remain in the memory of the guests for many years. Everything should be fun, original. Usually, people who are not connected by common interests, often completely different in character and mentality, are invited to the holiday. To make it interesting for everyone, the program for a toastmaster for a wedding should be thought out to the smallest detail. This will be the key to a clear organization of the entire event, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Wedding program - script for toastmaster

For a wedding, it’s not enough just to invite a toastmaster. In order for everything to go at the highest level, the program of the event must be well thought out. A professional toastmaster must know the customs of different nations, a lot of toasts and have excellent oratory skills. Difficulties in drawing up a wedding program should not arise. But it is important to pay attention to each stage of the event: meeting the newlyweds, inviting them to the table, presenting gifts, congratulating guests, drinking games and competitions. Sometimes the toastmaster participates in the ransom of the bride.

Newlyweds meeting

According to tradition, the newlyweds are met by the most important people for them - their parents. The mothers of the bride and groom hold in their hands a wedding loaf generally accepted for the Slavs. Its preparation should be approached with full responsibility. Usually the loaf is ordered by both the groom's relatives and the bride's family. One is used to meet the newlyweds, the other is carried home. The rite of meeting with a loaf is no less important than matchmaking or the ransom of the bride.

A loaf, bread and salt are placed on the wedding towel. Before entering a cafe or restaurant, the groom's mother holds it, and the bride's mother offers the newlyweds red wine or sweet champagne in new glasses. It is believed that these drinks are symbols of a happy married life. Wine glasses are bought specifically for this wedding ceremony. Subsequently, they are stored for many years.

The newlyweds are greeted with the words: “We meet you with parental love, but with bread and salt. We wish for many years to be you do not spill water. Words can be anything, the main thing is that the speech does not turn out to be too long and does not tire the guests. After that, the newlyweds must break off a chunk from the wedding loaf. It is believed that the one who takes a larger piece for himself will command in the new family. Therefore, all the guests are closely watching the size of the slice, reacting joyfully, regardless of the result.

table invitation

After meeting a young family at a restaurant or cafe, the toastmaster should invite everyone to the table. It is necessary to arrange a beautiful reception for the newlyweds. The guests create a "live" corridor through which the bride and groom pass. Everything should happen cheerfully, solemnly. Guests sprinkle the young with grain, sweets or money, wishing them a long and rich life. When the young people take their place at the wedding table, the toastmaster can announce the guests. In front of the bride and groom, the host waves a towel, driving away troubles and troubles. They cover the table of the newlyweds and serve it on top of the towel.

When planning a toastmaster and organizers of a feast, where someone will sit at the festive table, it is desirable that the grandmothers be next to each other, and not mixed with youth. It is better to distribute guests by age or interests, take into account the relationship or hostility between them. This will help create a relaxed atmosphere of fun, joy at the wedding.

Presentation of gifts and congratulations to guests

The feast program usually begins with congratulations, toasts from the guests. The first glasses are raised to the health of the young. Toasts for the newlyweds end with cries of "bitter!", as well as kisses. Sometimes it is very tiring to listen to a lot of congratulations in a row, so it is better to alternate the wishes of the bride and groom from the guests with various wedding contests and competitions so that none of the guests get bored.

The toastmaster must explain to the guests that they will be able to speak throughout the evening. Traditionally, gifts are collected at the wedding table. Helpers, bypassing the guests with a tray, accept gifts in exchange for jokes, toasts or a stack. Those present congratulate the newlyweds at will or according to a pre-prepared plan. It is necessary to organize the collection of gifts half an hour after the start of the feast.

Congratulations, toasts of guests are best distributed throughout the wedding evening. To do this, they come up with funny contests, according to their results, they award the most active relatives or friends with comic orders or pennants. Each participant can be endowed with a cheerful title. For example, Mr. eloquence, the queen of wit or the hero. Also, the toastmaster can mark the loudest guest, who will then provoke other guests all evening shouting “bitterly!”.

Board games and contests

At the beginning of the feast program, it is advisable to refuse competitions with explicit erotic content, from competitions with alcohol, food or water. This can put wedding guests in an awkward position. So that relatives and friends of the young can relax and participate in simple contests, simple tasks are glued to the back of chairs or plates. An example of such a test is shown in the video below.

To create the right atmosphere at a wedding party, you need to entertain guests with many interesting and funny contests. Each toastmaster has a whole set of such entertainments in his arsenal. It is advisable to divide the guests into two groups. At the beginning of the evening, it is better to use simple, sedentary contests and competitions. For example:

  • A popular board game for a small wedding is "Praise Yourself". Tamada invites the participants to declare themselves, and most importantly, to praise their best qualities. The microphone is passed from one person to another. If the flattery is repeated, the guest raises the penalty stack. A variant of the same game is the praise of a neighbor on the table.
  • Another competition to start the feast - "Let's sing a song." The toastmaster divides the wedding guests into two teams. Leading questions or phrases are guessed, according to which the participants must guess and sing a song. The most "vociferous" performers receive original prizes. Such a competition is held several times a night.

  • A variant of simple entertainment is the Family Budget contest. The toastmaster of the wedding divides the guests into teams, asks questions about the prices of various goods. The team that answers the questions correctly wins.

In the second half of the wedding evening, the toastmaster may hold mobile competitions. Assignments are thought out funny, witty. Examples of such games are:

  • Bottle game. The competition is not related to the drinking of alcoholic beverages. Take an empty bottle. Guests write simple tasks on paper, twist it, put it in the neck. After that, she unwinds. Whoever the neck points to will have to complete the task.
  • Rope game. For this wedding competition, you need to prepare props. A jump rope or a short rope is used. Assistants of the toastmaster should keep it stretched at some distance from the floor. Guests pass under the rope without touching it. The winner is the one who can do it when the rope is at the lowest possible level.

Bride ransom

Traditional for the wedding ceremony is the ransom of the bride. With the right organization, this can be a very interesting and memorable test for the groom. There are many scenarios for the ransom of the bride. The choice of options depends on the program for the toastmaster for the wedding or the imagination of the bridesmaids, the witness. When arranging a ransom, it is advisable not to delay it. Usually 15-20 minutes is enough.

From the wedding competitions for the groom, you need to choose the most suitable ones. You can use any of the following options:

  1. Matches are inserted into an apple or pear. The matchbox must be incomplete so that the test does not drag on for a long time. The groom compliments the bride for every match she pulls out.
  2. Several balloons are inflated, after inserting notes with a task into them. The groom, bursting balloons, must fulfill them or pay a fine.
  3. To perform competitions, a chair and a table are used. For example, the groom puts the name of the bride on the table with money.
  4. The newlywed is served several empty glasses. And they ask to fill them with ringing and rustling.
  5. Letters are written on the steps along the groom's road. Stepping on them, the groom must quickly come up with compliments to the bride or pay a fine.

The rite of ransom of the bride has long ceased to be the payment of fines. Just paying money becomes commonplace. You need to choose such contests so that they become a simple but fun test for the groom. The right incendiary music will create the right atmosphere. It must be selected, taking into account the wishes of the newlyweds, the plans of the toastmaster and the nature of the competitions.

Solemn toasts

Wishes and toasts for a wedding can be funny, original, poetic, short or long. The main thing is that they be sincere and friendly. The more joyful wishes, the happier the life of the newly-made family will be. The most touching toasts for the newlyweds will be the words of wishes from the parents, but interesting and cool toasts from the guests will not be superfluous. It is better to rehearse your wish in advance. Sometimes after a few cries of "Bitter!" it is difficult to correctly formulate your impromptu.

Choosing a toast for a wedding depends on many personal factors. For example, toasts to the bride and groom might be:

  • Our parents said that the main wealth in life is good health, and the second is a good wife. Therefore, a wife is half the happiness.
  • Let's raise our glasses so that the newlywed becomes a faithful wife, an excellent hostess and a wonderful mother.
  • Let's drink to the groom. A lucky astronomer who was the first to discover a bright star in the sky. Your bride.

Examples of wedding toasts for parents:

  • On this joyful and significant day, I would like to raise glasses for the bride's parents. They raised a smart, beautiful and cheerful daughter. To the health of dear father-in-law and mother-in-law!
  • Let's drink to the health of the groom's parents. Thank you for a handsome young man. We wish them good health.

Wedding program for a celebration without a toastmaster

A wedding day is not only a joyful and memorable event, but also a troublesome and expensive event. Many newlyweds organize small, private weddings. Only the closest people are invited to them. But even a small wedding requires a carefully prepared script. The organization of the wedding ceremony and the festive evening cannot be rented. Everything is thought out for each specific case. The entertainment program should take into account the age, number, status and traditions of the invited guests.

Scenario for a small wedding

Due to the small number of guests, it becomes possible to come up with an original and unique ceremony. A small wedding allows you to hold many competitions in nature. For example, to make an exit photo session of the bride and groom in a city park or on the beach. Extreme ceremonies are getting more and more popular. Weddings in the sky, in the mountains or on the water are no longer a rarity.

The organization of a traditional wedding is similar to other similar events. Meeting the bride and groom with their parents, an invitation to the table, celebratory toasts, competitions, ransom of the bride and kidnapping of shoes are relevant, both at a large and at a small wedding. In the absence of a toastmaster, his functions are taken over by an active friend or witness with pronounced organizational skills.

Tests for newlyweds

Thinking about wedding contests and tests for guests and relatives, one should not forget about the bride and groom. The main obstacle between newlyweds before marriage is the ransom of the bride from her family. Buyers try to do it quickly and with less burden on their wallet. Therefore, the groom has to perform many tests. There are several competitions for the ransom of the bride.

For fun tests, simple objects are used. For example, the contest “How well do you know your future wife?” carried out with the help of a camomile made of cardboard. Significant dates for young people, names of places are written on its petals. The groom, tearing off the petals, must tell what they mean. For the contest "Know your favorite", use paper sheets with lip prints. According to these contours, the groom determines his bride.

But the ransom of the bride is not all the tests for the groom. During the wedding evening, a shoe is stolen from the bride. To return the shoes of his better half, the groom must fulfill all the requirements of the host or the kidnappers. Usually requests are simple. For example, dance or push up from the floor. When choosing a test, you need to take into account the wishes of guests, relatives.

There are wedding contests for the bride as well. In order not to spoil a beautiful dress, the tests are usually sedentary, but very funny. In the "Joke" contest, the bride is dressed in a light-tight bandage and told that she will be kissed by different men. The participant will have to guess her fiancé. Naturally, all kisses will be from the future husband. The bride should not know this.

Funny contests for guests

So that the feeling of the holiday is not lost, entertainment contests are held for guests and relatives during the wedding evening:

  • One of the most popular contests is "Do it once". The toastmaster of the wedding evening selects couples from among the family guests. They are given men's shorts and a scarf. To the incendiary music, couples change clothes. The panty size must be the maximum. The pair that does it the fastest wins. The winner receives original gifts.