Son's first birthday: decorating a holiday for 1 year old boy

Most often, mothers are engaged in the design of the anniversary. But the dads unobtrusively hint that the baby still does not understand anything in order to arrange a colorful show, but, surprisingly, they take part in the preparation with pleasure.

But I really want to congratulate my son beautifully on his birthday, on a year old. And here interesting design ideas and thematic options for holding the boy's first birthday will come to the rescue.

Traditional birthday decoration for 1 year

Definitely, a thematic birthday requires strict adherence to the chosen direction.

Therefore, some parents prefer the traditional festive decoration of the holiday.

The entourage made in a certain color scheme will look much more laconic.

It is better to choose colors that are not poisonous, not too bright, so as not to distract the baby.

Shades of pastel, muted tones are ideal. You can opt for whites, greens, browns and honey tones. You don't have to make jewelry in boyish blue shades.

Play with colors, combine multiple options.

All jewelry must be large enough and safe.

Remember that the baby learns the world not only visually, but also by touch.

The child will try to touch and even taste the scenery.

Therefore, be sure to keep this in mind and avoid using glass, fragile jewelry.

Balloons, congratulatory streamers, various flags and pom-poms are ideal. Children really like various animals made from balls, as well as huge balls filled with smaller ones or toys.

Just keep in mind that a child may be frightened if such a decor suddenly bursts.

Be sure to make a play area for toddlers.

Here you can install a toy house, an inflatable slide, ladders, structures made of large cubes.

If the holiday takes place in the summer and outdoors, a pool, swing, sandpit will do.

How to originally congratulate a boy on his first birthday: choose a topic

But if you want to congratulate your son on his first birthday outside the box, choose the appropriate theme.

After all, themed holidays are always distinguished by their creativity and originality.

We offer several themes that are ideal for organizing a boy's first birthday.

It is not so difficult to create an atmosphere of a mysterious space.

It is enough to figure out how to convey the beauty of the starry sky. You can make celestial bodies in the form of stars, comets, planets from ordinary cardboard. Give them a shine with foil or luminescent spray paint.

Such decorations with a neon effect will glow cool in the dark. Also, ready-made figures can be simply sprinkled with broken Christmas tree decorations, crushed into crumbs.

The main color of the holiday will be blue, diluted with white and silver. We make flags with the image of stars or in the form of small space rockets to match. The same rockets and stars will decorate the treats.

And we dress up the baby with a little astrologer. We are preparing caps with stars for guests.

Happy birthday to our son for 1 year, as a little prince

Create a real fairy kingdom for your little prince.

To make the setting resemble ancient knightly times, make a real castle out of cardboard. It can be made three-dimensional or used as a background by placing it on a wall or curtains.

It is not necessary to make a whole fairytale town or huge buildings - a couple of towers will be enough.

Helium balloons look cool on the birthday of the little prince, on the ribbons of which you can glue fabulous figures. To congratulate the baby, we are preparing a colorful thematic stretch.

The main color schemes for such a holiday will include a combination of blue with silver and gold. It is in this color scheme with the image of crowns, emblems, medals that invitations for guests and cool caps can be made.

Be sure to make a colorful candy bar where you can display candies, cakes, drinks and cake as treats, decorated with themed toppers.

How to wish a happy first birthday to your son - a little gentleman

Another great idea for organizing a boy's birthday is a gentleman-style party.

The main accent in the decoration will be antennae and butterflies.

Dilute the base color with multicolored stripes and peas to make the atmosphere more fun.

We choose a festive outfit for the baby with a vest and, of course, a bow tie.

We use the same elements, as well as images of glasses, hats, canes to decorate the room and for a photo session.

A great classic birthday set for gentlemen, big and small!

Let the first birthday of the baby be remembered for its eccentricity and chic.

Happy birthday toddler: 1 year old in nautical style

Happy birthday, one year old boy: ideas for decoration

Not only a properly selected theme will help to give individuality to the holiday, but also ideas that can be realized exclusively at the anniversary.

They can become a start for traditions that can be continued on the second, third and subsequent birthdays.

Poster "I am growing ...."

Guests and relatives will be interested to see how the baby grew up, how it changed throughout the year.

Indeed, in the first year, the baby grows very quickly and not everyone had the opportunity to observe these fascinating changes. Therefore, posters with photographs of a child taken in each month of the past year, from birth to anniversary, are very popular.

You can design such a poster in the most unpredictable ways. Locomotives with photos in the windows of the trailers look cool. You can draw a clock and place a corresponding photo on each number. Or make a flower with 12 petals and stick a corresponding picture on each of them.

Just a poster or a banner will do, where you can stick a photo of your baby.

Collages with photographs look no less interesting, where you can display cool situations and child's skills.

In this case, plot photos with the image of a baby together with parents, grandmothers, grandfathers are ideal.

If you wish, you can pick up interesting captions for stories or short rhymes.

This poster of achievement can be hung in the common room or at the entrance.

Slide show

If you know how to work with video programs, be sure to make a colorful slideshow. This video will be a great addition to the birthday script and a gift for your baby. Here you can use not only the most interesting photos, but also videos that have accumulated throughout the year.

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