Scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster for 15-20 people in a cafe (presenters - a couple of friends)

This wedding scenario is designed for a small company. Its peculiarity is that everyone knows each other, which means that the very atmosphere of the wedding will be fun and informal. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that all guests are maximally involved in contests and games.

Lead 1:

They say in the hall today
All the people will shout
After all, they were going to the wedding
We've been almost a year!

Lead 2:

After all, today they suddenly decided
Our best friends are
They want to live in the same apartment
And call yourself "FAMILY"!

Lead 1: Dear friends, today we have gathered in this hall on a very interesting occasion. Our beloved and dear ones ________________ and ______________ decided to tie the knot. As the people say, "it's not scary to get married - it's scary to get down to business"!

Lead 2: And so, in order not to get down to business for a very long time, right now I propose to raise glasses to our newlyweds, who have probably already overcome all doubts and are ready to have fun at their own wedding!

Lead 1: First toast: For the young! To make life fun, bright and the happiest!

Lead 1: Since our company is small today, we will deviate a little from the generally accepted standards of wedding management.

Lead 2: But we will, of course, observe one tradition, namely, the first congratulations from our parents!

Lead 1: So, let's start with congratulations to the bride's parents. It is their child who will now be forced to cook, wash, wash and clean up in another family, and of course, in a new family your child will be loved no less than under the roof of his house!

Lead 2: Parents of the bride, you have the floor!

Congratulations from the bride's parents.

Lead 1: For excellent words, no doubt, we will raise our glasses with zeal!

All raise their glasses, drink, eat.

Lead 2: A response word, or rather, its congratulations were prepared by the host side! Parents of the groom, are you ready to congratulate your children on such a wonderful event? Then you have the floor!

Congratulations from the groom's parents.

Lead 1:
Outside the window, the weather is great, which means that our holiday should be in a great mood too! (If the weather is bad, it means that our holiday should be a lot of fun to overshadow the troubles of nature).

Lead 2: It's time to raise the degree of our event! I need three men who believe in themselves. Are there such among us?

Girls are also possible, but the competition is very difficult.

Lead 1: Before you are 20 glasses with a healing drink. Each of them has different drinks. You may come across vodka, and maybe lemonade. As lucky as they say!

Lead 2: Your task is to free the maximum number of glasses! You are ready? Go!

Lead 1: Our participants are real fellows. Let's give them a thunderous applause! The contestants are warmed up, and it's time for us to follow their example.

Lead 2: One parable says that the wife asked her husband: "Dear, which women do you love more - smart or beautiful?" Her husband answered her: “Neither beautiful nor smart, because I married you, dear!”. Our groom's situation is the opposite - our bride is both smart and beautiful. Let's drink to her and to the groom who was able to make such a wonderful choice! For you, friends!

Everyone is drinking and eating.

Lead 1: At the very beginning of the holiday, we promised you to deviate from the accepted canons. It's time to make our promise come true! We are now going to start a game called Congratulations Series. Each of you will have to get up and introduce yourself, and then say your wishes to the newlyweds. Throughout the wedding, we will be interrupted by competitions and dances, but the series of congratulations will continue!

Lead 2: So, let's start a series of congratulations!

Congratulate 2 people, one after the other.

Lead 1: For such wonderful words, you just need to raise your glasses! Friends, let's drink to love!

Everyone is drinking and eating.

Lead 2: A series of congratulations takes a short pause, because it's time for the bride and groom to merge in a dance of love and tenderness! And all guests can also support our couple /

Tanets of the young.

Lead 1: But, dear friends, are we too late? Let's dance a little to our favorite songs.

4-5 dance songs, everyone is dancing.

Lead 2: A wedding is not just a celebration of the newlyweds. It is also an acquaintance of two clans, two families, clans - call it whatever you like! Therefore, men, your task is right now to invite someone from the family of new relatives to dance. We hope your wives understand that this is just a competition. Anyone who does not have enough pair, do not be upset - just dance together to a slow song or relax.

Slow dance of family unity.

Lead 1: I ask everyone to sit down! Our line of congratulations continues. We stopped at ______________________________, and will continue congratulations towards the newlyweds _________________________ (3 people congratulate in a row).

Lead 1: No wonder they wished you so much good. We need to consolidate our success and raise our glasses! For you, newlyweds, for a new family!

Lead 2: Friends, the series of congratulations is not over yet, so the word ______________________________ (congratulations from 2-3 people).

Lead 2: Today we drink to the bottom for excellent words!

Lead 1: Now is the time to play! We ask three men to come out to us.

Men come out.

Lead 1: Your task is to find yourself a couple of the opposite sex, and also bring her to us.

Lead 2: The essence of the competition is that you are musicians, and your companions are musical instruments that you need to play. All of you are an orchestra, so as soon as the music starts playing, feel free to grab your instruments and start playing! Go!

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