Congratulations to your newborn son in verse and prose

The birth of a child is the most important and memorable event for parents. What would you choose the most beautiful congratulations for your family and friends, we have collected on this page congratulations on a newborn son for mom and dad.

Send a funny or heartfelt audio congratulation to the phone of the baby's parents, it will not take much time, but it will be remembered for a long time.

With a warm little lump
With a cute little son,
Honey, congratulations.
I wish you strength and patience.

You mom, and this is happiness!
The son is born in love and passion.
Raise him as a man
He will be the reason for happiness!

Mom of a nice boy
Became, dear, you.
May the kid grow up healthy
I wish you happiness and kindness!

Both mom and dad
So that your son looks like
He was smart, always active
Curious and handsome.

Mom - good health,
Nerves as powerful as steel
Thoughts pure and transparent,
Like the finest crystal.

Your son was born
Mom's tiny boy.
Congratulations on the newborn
Grow up healthy, I wish.

Such a small ball
Sweet sweet angel.
When he only smiles
Your world will turn upside down!

Hooray! It is finished!
The son was born!
Oh God, how the soul sings!
The world lit up with a bright light

When the baby appears!
We wish mom to be healthy
Don't get sick either,
Life has become festive and new
I want to take off from happiness!

Touching congratulations to mom with her newborn son

The birth is over
There is no reason for sadness.
You hold it to your chest
Your own son!

He will delight you
And a reward for all the labors!
We wish you the most
The best and happiest mom!

I'll drop everything in a moment
I shine with joy -
After all, mother gave birth to a son -
I congratulate mom!

And now our house will be filled
Ringing children's laughter -
So let him grow as a hero
And let him live with success!

You became a mom today
Your baby saw the light.
He boldly pulls his pens,
Smiles back.

To become a mother is a great happiness
And a reward for your labors.
Let all the bad weather go around
Be healthy baby and you!

Will soon say the word "mom"
Newborn baby.
And smiles panorama
A sturdy man will give out.

You will become a good mom
There is no doubt about that.
And my son is the healthiest one.
Happy birthday!

Congratulations to the newborn son to mom in verse

Here's another man
Our family was replenished -
Mommy, with the birth of a son!
Let it be a full cup

Our house! Let it grow healthy
Let the happiest one
Let him be a smart guy -
To the delight of mom and dad!

You became a mommy, son was born,
And for you the whole world has opened up in a new way!
Be happy, grow it with love,
We wish you good health!

Let the son grow strong and beautiful,
There will be no reasons for sorrow,
And only joy and cheerful laughter!
We believe you will be the happiest of all!

Congratulations to the newborn son to dad

You're a father, and that's great.
Son - this is wonderful!
And I congratulate you,
I wish only the best.
Raise your son
Let you not sleep at night.
Son - this is your pride.
You put in perseverance, modesty.
May it grow worthy, courageous,
Brave, kind and skillful!

Your son was born
You became a father today
Let my dear son grow
A real fellow

Let him be healthy
You protect him
Be an example for him
Pass on your knowledge,

It will grow very quickly
Seize every moment
Will bring joy to my son
A sea of ​​happiness and love!

The birth of a son for you
Like a gift from fate
I wish that in life
You became a happy father.

Let your heir grow
Gaining strength
Happiness in the house every day
Let it increase with you.

Dad, I wish you
So that the son becomes a support,
Became a real man
All hopes were justified.

Congratulations to parents with their newborn son

Long-legged white stork
Flew into the house today
And left on the doorstep
A bundle with a tiny son.

He can become an astronaut
Or a gallant sailor,
A loud speaker in the Duma,
Broker or doctor.

He himself will choose the path
He will be happy and healthy
And let there be many friends
True love

Happiness overwhelms you -
The family has grown.
Friends with the newborn!
May he grow up in happiness!

May it be healthy, strong
And with a lucky destiny,
And with a golden soul,
Peace bears to all good people.

Live together with your whole family,
Joy, sorrow - in half.
We wish you happiness
And everything you need in the house!

I congratulate parents
With a newborn son
Into the annals of the family
Let's add a happy day.

Appeared in the house
Successor of the family
Let the crumb grow up
It grows stronger year after year.

Happiness and love
We wish mom and dad
Another man
There are more in the world.

I sincerely congratulate you on your son!
This is a big holiday for the family!
May he reach the top in everything
Will be generous, with an open mind!

Teach you to work hard
So that he achieved success in business!
May he strive for victories
And she will achieve recognition in an instant!

In the meantime, your butuz is fat-cheeked,
Only quietly sniffs in the crib,
Protect it from the cruel
Troubles, misfortunes and bitter grievances!

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
We wish him health
Feel boldly with semolina,
So that he grows up as your support.

Take note literally
And he will be as nimble as Ronaldo.
To the brave, the brave, let it grow
And your happiness will bring to your house!

Today the world has become more beautiful
And the sun shone brightly.
The Lord has rewarded you with a gift
And he blessed you with his son.

May your son please all of you.
Grows healthy, strong, courageous.
In everything, let him be skillful,
To achieve everything I could.

May your little son be happy
Let it be kind-hearted.
And without turning on a bad path,
A boy will grow into a man!

Congratulate grandmother with her newborn grandchild

Have you become a grandmother?
Believe me
Will change the whole birth of a grandson.
No time to be sad now
Goodbye discouragement and boredom!
Have to jump and jump
And entertain the baby.
Now expect miracles from life:
You will get younger, lose weight,
A new circle will begin in life,
And the grandson is the most faithful friend!

You are a granny! Happy grandchild birth!
May the boy grow healthy
From a world where only boredom lives,
Let him easily lead you by the hand

Life will fill the crumb with smiles
And add happy worries
The light of the sun will shine through the window
A round dance will whirl new affairs!

An angel was born
A nice and sweet boy was born,
Like a whirligig, let it grow, groovy,
Will be generously gifted by fate.
You, granny, are in business now,
And the door is always open for you
To the house where the dear granddaughters are growing up,
Let patience, love you have enough!
Crazy, let him adore you!

Congratulate grandfather on the birth of his grandson

The grandson was born. Congratulations.
You are now a happy grandfather.
I wish the guy well
And happy bright years.

Will be a joy to you now
This cute little boy.
I wish you health
Both the baby and you.

Grandfather with birth
We congratulate the long-awaited grandson,
Raise a real man
We know that for sure!

May the baby be happy for you
Grows up healthy and cheerful
Children's laughter to you strength, optimism
And adds confidence!

Congratulations simply, without embellishment
With a win out of victories:
You have many titles,
But above all - grandfather!
A grandson will grow up a little
And the grandfather will become the first friend.
You will be walking together
Have conversations about everything.
Everything will be the topic of those conversations
Love and the world of sciences ...
And the grandfather will be younger,
And the grandson is getting older!

Congratulations to your newborn son in prose

Congratulations on your little son! Let this little ray of your love become a real sun. Let the world of your family be filled with warmth and light with its appearance. We wish him to be bright in everything and to please you with his health, success and achievements!

Not a phenomenon more bewitching, beautiful and amazing than the birth of a new, still so tiny, little man. With which we congratulate you. Let this product of crazy and sincere love become the meaning of your life. Let the nights be calm, days - active, health is in full swing, and life presents only pleasant gifts.

Mom's joy, dad's pride, bunny, sun ... - this is how you can now call your precious little baby, who at this hour delighted everyone with his birth. Your dream lies in the cradle and this is a real miracle. Strength, patience and wisdom, to you, mom and dad, may your baby grow stronger, grow healthy and with every achievement pleases you and everyone, everyone, everyone! Good luck parents!

Congratulations on your little son! Let this little ray of your love become a real sun. Let the world of your family be filled with warmth and light with its appearance. We wish him to be bright in everything and to please you with his health, success and achievements!

Congratulations on the birth of a wonderful and wonderful boy. May the son grow up with mother's protection and paternal pride, may your baby be strong and healthy, may the Lord protect your family, may you manage to raise a real man and a brave husband in your son!

A new man has come into this world - a tiny boy, your son! Now you are everything for him, the whole world is in two loving people! I wish that the feeling of delight and love that you are experiencing now grows stronger over the years and turns into real, strong, faithful and selfless parental love! Let your son be a happy person, kind and sympathetic, beautiful in body and soul! Joy to him and warmth for the whole long life!

Congratulations on the long-awaited addition to your family. From now on, your life will surely be filled with joy, happiness and great meaning. May your son grow up healthy, happy and successful for your joy. I wish you to put the best qualities into it and pass on your life experience. Let from now on every day in your family begins with a smile and good mood. Be happy!

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