Wedding scenario for a small company: celebrate at home

You do not have the opportunity to get married in a restaurant? Or maybe you are more comfortable spending this day within the walls of your own home? Do you want only close people to be around on your wedding day, and not surrounded by presenters, musicians and waiters? Celebrate your best wedding day at home according to the original scenario! And so that the celebration does not transform into an ordinary feast, the portal offers a cool wedding scenario that is easy to translate into reality without the participation of the toastmaster. Minimum cost and maximum fun guaranteed.

Scenario for a wedding at home: a meeting and a feast

If the wedding takes place without a toastmaster, but according to a ready-made scenario, it is still necessary to choose people who can try on the role of leaders. The best option is a witness with a witness. The script for a small wedding should begin with a meeting of the newlyweds. Usually newlyweds are supposed to be greeted with a loaf. But we offer an original comic version. A witness or a witness demonstrates a donut to the guests and invites the newlyweds to determine the head of the family for the next few hours. After this action, the witness, according to the scenario of the wedding, hints that it would be nice to have a bagel at home for the daily election of an interim commander in chief.

Feast: down with banality

Guests are invited to the wedding table. The witness says the opening speech at the table:

We have gathered here on a single occasion - to celebrate the most beautiful birthday of a new family. Another family ship sets off on a journey across the bottomless sea of ​​life. Let neither the Ninth Wave nor the Bermuda Triangle come across on his way, and boundless happiness will become his main companion. And now we simply have to choose a boatswain who will maintain order on the ship.

Guests are encouraged to look under their chair seat. Whoever has a whistle attached there will become the arbiter of order, honking before each toast and calling on others to silence and concentration. Next, the rules of the wedding celebration are read in the form of a comic verse.

I came to the wedding on time,
Perfumed, dressed up
You are nobody else now
This wedding is ordinary.
Quickly you read the charter
Have fun, but learn.
If the wedding screams: "Bitter!" -
You make noise, how much urine there is.
Tired - take a breath,
Drank a stack - you can sit down.
If the song is sung
You do not know the words - do not be shy.
Sing beyond words - the neighbor will pull up,
Just sing, pull friendly.
If there is a toast at the feast,
Drink your glass quickly.
Support the beginning with dignity
You can't drink - don't interfere.
When suddenly the dance starts
Quickly enter the circle.
Know that a shake is always useful,
Don't dance, relax.

It's time for the first kiss of the newlyweds. The witness announces the first command.

A moment of attention, the command “Bitter!” Sounds. But the first kiss is the most valuable in all respects. The starting price is announced, do not spare your savings.

Helpers help raise the first kiss auction. The last winning number will determine the number of kisses in the name of the winner. The money is transferred to a young family.

The witness announces a toast to the parents.

Today a toast sounds for you - "Advice to you and love",
And I will mark those who gave you flesh and blood.
Who, not sparing his strength, ran to your bed.
And with persuasion, enduring, he fed you delicious porridge.
I didn’t sleep at night, I was worried, sick with you together.
And he warmed milk with love - everything was in your childhood!
Who took to the garden to the ends of the earth, also studied together,
And he was there when you went on your first date,
Who gave you warmth, love, attention all your life -
Father and Mother - these are the two most valuable titles on Earth!
From all the lowest bow to you and all the words of recognition!

The word is given to the parents of the newlyweds. After that, the witness invites the guests to become closer and dearer and announces a toast to the guests. Further, according to the scenario of a home wedding, you can move on to a dance program for a small company without the participation of a host or toastmaster. If you need to continue, you can diversify wedding gatherings with comic table games. A few of them are presented below.

Pink glasses

The game perfectly cheers up and helps guests to relax. Of the props, only rose-colored glasses are needed. One of the guests or someone who plays the role of host, such as a witness, puts on rose-colored glasses and approaches the nearest guest with a compliment: “You have an amazing smile, how I didn’t notice it before.” Points go to this guest, and he follows the example of the leader - he turns to his neighbor at the feast and says something pleasant to him. The chain of compliments does not stop, the guests are passionate and satisfied, because everyone will get nice words.

Calendar Assistant

The host emphasizes that the first year after marriage is the most difficult, so it would not hurt to help the newlyweds cope with their duties. A prop appears - a hat with templates for notes-assignments in the form of calendar sheets. They must be prepared in advance. Each sheet contains an assignment and a month when it needs to be completed. Then the name of the guest who will pull out the note is entered there. Sample notes:

  • January- we instill a love for a healthy lifestyle, take the newlyweds to the skating rink.
  • February- warm from the winter cold, soar in the bath.
  • March- add brightness to the life of the young, wash the windows.
  • April- saturate life with romance, arrange a romantic dinner.
  • May- restore strength, cook barbecue.
  • June- prepare the ground for the little ones, buy a pack of diapers.
  • July- expand life horizons, ride on a ferris wheel.
  • August- express love, organize fireworks in honor of the newlyweds.
  • September- Lend a helping hand, fix the matrimonial bed after the honeymoon.
  • October- organize a day of cleanliness, wash the family limousine (or bicycle).
  • November- we protect from household problems, do a general cleaning.
  • December- we organize a holiday, decorate the Christmas tree and hang the house with garlands.

Scenario for a small wedding: entertainment program

The time has come for the first dance of the newlyweds. After this moment, according to the scenario, the dance break of the wedding evening begins, during which competitions can be held, they are easy to arrange at home.

A happy wife and husband admire each other all day. It's time to look at them - here is the first dance of the young!

The scenario for a wedding at home involves several competitions for newlyweds between dances. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the guests so that they do not get bored.

Contests for newlyweds

funny prank

  • Members: newlyweds.
  • Props: blindfold.

The bride is blindfolded and told that she needs to recognize her betrothed by kisses. Interestingly, only the groom will kiss the bride. But she doesn't need to know about it.

Favorite knee

  • Members: newlyweds and guests.
  • Props: blindfold.

The bridegroom with a blindfold must guess his bride by the knee. For a laugh, you can invite several guys to participate.

Competition for guests

Dance flash mob

Absolutely all guests can be involved in the competition. The most charismatic and plastic guest is selected, after whom all the others will repeat the dance moves.

Next, the host offers to find out who will be born first to the newlyweds. To do this, the assistants are given a pink and blue sock, in which money is collected. Everyone who wants a young son puts money in a blue sock, a daughter - pink.

It remains for us to wish lovers
To have children every year.
And if the twins suddenly arrive,
In general, we will not blame you for this.

A wedding script for a small company does not always contain a complete set of standard customs. At the request of the young, several ceremonies can still be performed:

  • the kidnapping of the bride's shoes;
  • throwing a wedding bouquet;
  • removal of the veil.

Look for a modern script for the toastmaster on our website
