Scenarios for modern weddings without a toastmaster. Home scenario of a small fun wedding without a toastmaster in a narrow family circle with and without contests

Scenarios and competitions for a wedding at home, without a toastmaster.

Many couples prefer to celebrate their wedding in a close circle of loved ones than to arrange a magnificent event. Everyone has their own reasons for this: saving money, unwillingness to advertise an event, or other reasons.

It would seem that celebrating a wedding at home is easy and simple. However, so that the wedding does not turn into ordinary gatherings of relatives, you should think over the script and contests in advance.

The scenario of holding a wedding evening in a narrow circle of the family for the closest without competitions

A fun wedding is associated with contests, funny quizzes, songs and dances. But some do not want such fun at all. Newlyweds need to take into account the age and preferences of the guests before agreeing on the script.

A wedding in a calm atmosphere without competitions is appropriate:

  1. When most of the guests are elderly
  2. When the wedding takes place in an apartment where there is not enough space
  3. When a small number of people are invited and everyone knows each other
  4. When respectable people gather who, according to their status, are not supposed to take part in vulgar contests and fun

Wedding in a narrow circle - the choice of many modern couples

However, the absence of competitions does not mean that it will be insipid and boring. You can organize a wedding in such a way that everyone is as comfortable as possible and at the same time the atmosphere of the holiday is felt.

Important: European and Western weddings are held without competitions. The invitees communicate with each other, music sounds. Many of our weddings have also followed this trend in recent years.

Scenario for a wedding without competitions:

  1. marriage. Guests can not be invited initially home, everyone gathers around the registry office. After that, the young people sign, the guests congratulate them
  2. Walk. After the wedding, the newlyweds and guests go for a walk, take pictures
  3. feast. After the walk, everyone goes to celebrate the event in a cafe or at home.
  4. Congratulations, toasts. During the feast, each of the guests makes toasts, congratulations to the newlyweds. Gifts are given here. If there are few invitees, there should be no problems with organizing a conversation and congratulations

A wedding without contests is not necessarily boring.

You can dilute the wedding without competitions with any shows: bubble show, musicians, caricaturists, illusionists. Shows should be between 5 and 20 minutes long to keep guests entertained.

Original wedding scenarios with competitions at home

If you decide to hold a wedding at home, but according to all traditions, be sure to consider the following nuances:

  1. The house or apartment should have a place for dancing, competitions
  2. The room must be well ventilated
  3. Beautiful decorations create a festive atmosphere

Important: To hold a wedding with competitions at home, you should invite a host or toastmaster. The host will lead the process, organize the guests, the celebration will not turn into chaos.

Wedding scenario with competitions at home:

  • Bride ransom

The guests gather at the bride's house. The bride at this time is in her room. The groom and the witness drive up to the house and the auction for the bride begins.

The host gives the groom a camomile made of paper on which questions are written:

  1. Bride's birthday
  2. Mother-in-law's favorite dish
  3. Bride's eye color
  4. Favorite flowers of the bride
  5. Name of the bride's best friend

If the groom finds it difficult to answer, he will have to pay money.

After completing this task, the host lets the groom and the witness into the entrance. But there is also a task to be completed. At each step, the groom must name a compliment or an affectionate word for his beloved.

At the door of the groom's apartment is also a surprise. A witness with a glass asks to put money in, only then the groom will be able to enter.

After completing all the tasks, the groom takes the bride and everyone goes to the registry office.

Bride ransom

  • Showering petals on husband and wife

After the wedding, the guests stand at the registry office on both sides. While the husband and wife are passing, everyone should shower them with flower petals, sweets and coins. Then their family life will be long and happy.

  • Meeting young people at the door of the house

After the registry office, the newlyweds and guests go home. Parents and host meet them at the door. Parents hold icons and bless their children. The newlyweds are brought a loaf with which they must feed each other.

  • The first dance of the young

After the guests have had a bite, the young people dance their first dance. Music should be selected in advance.

  • Presentation of gifts

After a while, the presenter announces the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds. The host determines who will say congratulations. At this point, you can turn on slow quiet music.

  • Removing the veil

The daughter-in-law sits on a chair, and the mother-in-law takes off her veil and puts on her scarf. This is a touching custom that usually brings tears of joy and sadness to parents and young people.

  • Focus transmission

Three candles are prepared in advance. The mothers of the bride and groom must light two candles, and then simultaneously light a third candle from their own fire. The third candle is passed to the children as a sign of the creation of a new family hearth.

Important: In the intervals between the feast and the rest, the host holds contests, dances, quizzes.

wedding script at home

Video: Ritual of removing a veil

Scenario for a small wedding party with friends

Important: If you decide to celebrate the wedding with friends, it is not necessary to invite the toastmaster. You can organize a fun party by making the leader of the witness. The witness in this case should be a cheerful and active person.

Approximate scenario of a wedding in a small circle of friends:

  1. Registration of marriage in the registry office
  2. Photoshoot
  3. Walk through the sights of the city
  4. celebration

Young people are gradually moving away from traditional competitions and rituals. Many simply arrange a noisy party with dancing and entertainment.

Original ways to celebrate a wedding:

  • Party on the waterfront
  • Wedding on the boat
  • Rent a country house

Wedding in a narrow circle of friends by the pool

Original noisy and funny wedding scenarios with competitions without a toastmaster at home

If you want to celebrate the wedding cheerfully and noisily, but you can’t pay for the services of the toastmaster, you can think over the script yourself.

For this you will need:

  1. A selection of incendiary dance music
  2. Attributes for contests
  3. Funny prizes for guests for participating in the competition

Important: Contests and the program can be run by a witness or one of the guests. In advance, you need to discuss and rehearse the speech and program. Time must be distributed rationally.

The traditional scenario (bride price, veil removal ceremony, candle presentation) can be cancelled. Instead, make youth competitions and games. Consider the space in the room. As a rule, when celebrating in an apartment, there is not much space for competitions.

Options for competitions in the apartment:

"Clothespin Competition"

Two couples become in the center. Men and women are blindfolded, then clothespins are put on different parts of the body. To the music and dance, the couple must remove all clothespins from each other. Whoever did it first gets a prize. The host makes sure that all the rules of the competition are observed.

"Prank for the bride"

The host blindfolds the bride. Then, with a kiss on the cheeks, in the hands, she must guess her husband. The joke is that her husband will kiss her all the time.

Funny competitions at the wedding

Cool funny joke scenario on the wedding day with contests and games
without toastmaster

Important: A wedding can be boring both without a toastmaster and with him. Plan the script from A to Z in advance so that your wedding is fun.

Jokes and jokes should be not only in competitions after the feast. You can start joking already with the ransom.

Funny tasks for ransom:

  1. The witness is given an apple with matches. One of them is short. Until the witness takes out a short match, a good quality of the groom must be pronounced for each match.
  2. The groom and the witness dance the dance of the little swans
  3. Give the groom whatman paper and felt-tip pens so that he draws the bride

Funny contest for men during the celebration:

Several men stand at the table where baby dolls and diapers lie. Everyone should put a diaper on a baby doll quickly and efficiently. Women who already have children will be assessed

Funny contest for women:

The same table with baby dolls. Only future mothers should quickly swaddle the baby doll and tie a beautiful bow on the diaper. The one who does it quickly and efficiently wins. The guests will be judged by applause.

A cheerful witness can replace the toastmaster

Contests and games for the wedding

Competition "Apple"

Several pairs are selected. They must eat an apple on a string to the music without the help of hands.

Competition "Now I'll sing"

Two teams of several people are created, no matter men or women. One team asks a question with a line from the song. For example, “Well, where are you, girls?”. The other team must also answer with a line from the song "We are going to the Emerald City on a difficult road."

Candy Trap Game

Several people come to the center. They are offered a package of sweets. They can take as much as they want. After that, the rule sounds: for each candy, the participant must tell a fact about the bride or groom.

Game "Mummy"

To play, you need 2 pairs and several rolls of toilet paper. The woman should quickly wrap the man in toilet paper. At what to do it qualitatively.

Treat the preparation of the wedding with a soul, then the celebration will go off with a bang.

Video: Competition at the wedding
