Congratulations on the birth of a son: a large selection

These parental disputes have been going on for centuries: from the first weeks of the happy news that replenishment is expected in the family, mom and dad begin to guess the gender of the baby. Dads end up assuring that they love the child simply for what it is. But in their hearts they quietly rejoice when they find out that a little hero, heir and successor of the family, will be born. If you find out that your relatives or friends have a son, urgently study our article! We picked up sincere lines of congratulations on the birth of a boy to parents.

Congratulations on the birth of a boy in prose

Dear parents of the most wonderful baby in the world! We thought over congratulations on the birth of our son for a long time, and realized that no words in the world could convey this endless joy. This is truly the happiest day of your life together. So much love has been concentrated in one tiny lump that it's even hard to imagine! Let the son be strong, smart and strong. And you, parents, be inspired every day by his new achievements, because now your everyday life is turning into a magical rainbow, painted with the brightest and richest tones. There are so many unforgettable memories and indescribable sensations ahead, you can’t even imagine yet! Just enjoy every second spent with this baby. Congratulations!


So the long-awaited replenishment in your family happened. Joy, happiness and great meaning came to life. Let the son be the happiest, healthiest and luckiest. You just have to spend all your strength on putting as much care, attention and disinterested parental love into this little sweet happiness. Be happy!

We've all been waiting for this event for so long! It seems that even the sun froze for a second when your little happiness was born. Let this sweet angel grow strong and healthy, happy and inquisitive! And you parents, just be patient. Despite sleepless nights, this boy will give you millions of smiles, tons of joy and kilograms of love.


How long have we been waiting for this stork, who finally brought the most precious and priceless thing that a person can have in this life - a little son. This is truly a magical and joyful event! Let the son be strong, healthy, energetic, smart, and most importantly, happy. Let his life be bright and bright. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the birth of a son to mom

Your son was born
You've been waiting for him for a long time
You are doubly happy
This is happiness forever

There will be a child nearby
Rejoice, love you
It seems that the night
Don't forget the sleepless with him

Time will pass quickly
And my son will grow up
Many happy discoveries
This little one is waiting for you!


Today you, dear, became a mother.
In the works today you are very tired,
But for the sake of a sweet, beautiful son
Do not be sorry and suffer a little.

I wish you strength and health
And you will never know grief.
Let the son grow up to the joy of mom, dad,
Raise him with dignity!


Do not sleep at night and pump your little son,
And again about the joyful thing to be silent.
You love the blood that you gave birth to
Under the heart you took care of it for a long time,
Now here he lies, he looks like his mother!
Oh Lord, how handsome is your son!
We wish the guy to please you,
So that he grows up obedient to his mother, loving!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a son

You look at this newborn lump, and your eyes fill with silent tears of happiness. And at the same time, fears are born: will I be able to raise a worthy person, and will I be able to invest the best in him? You can! This is your calling - to be the best mom in the world. Your son will definitely embody the best features of a real man: he will be smart, strong, courageous, self-confident. But at the same time he will have a bright, kind soul. Congratulations on this joyful event! All the best for happy parents ahead ...

SMS congratulations on the birth of a son

Dad's assistant was born;
Mom's sun, grandmother's light!
A cute boy was born in your family.
Good luck to him and good luck ticket.


Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Let the boy please with health, mind,
Let him be similar in something to dad
And grow up very successful later!


Congratulations on the appearance of mother's tenderness and father's hope, with your son! Let the baby be provided with as much goodness and light as you are now experiencing love!


Congratulations on the birth of your son
And we wish him happiness endlessly,
And you all health and just consciousness,
That sleepless nights are not forever!


Congratulations on the birth of a boy!
The son is the support and pride of the parents,
Let it grow carefree and happy
Will be a winner in everything in life!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the birth of your son! The birth of a child is the happiest event for a family! Let the baby grow up healthy and strong, to the delight of mom and dad!


We congratulate you, your son was born!
Mom is shining, dad is very happy!
Let him, wherever he may be,
Life would not prepare obstacles for him!


Congratulations on the birth of a boy
May God bless him!
Let the heir grow, not knowing troubles,
He will make all your dreams come true!

Short congratulations on the birth of a son

Hooray, the male part of your family has replenished with a new member! Still very small, touching, cheerful and always smiling. May this effervescent laughter never leave your home, and may the nights be calm. Happy newborn, parents!


So this incredibly desired and long-awaited event happened. We have no doubt that the baby will sleep well, mom will look perfect, and dad will be patient. Live in harmony and love, and this baby is the most important confirmation of your feelings. So let this angel be the happiest, congratulations!

Congratulations on the birth of a son to dad

Today your son was born!
You became the happiest in this world,
Relatives hurries to you with congratulations,
You listen and smile more and more.
You became a father.
And with this new feeling
All your life you are given to live
And it is very important that a gentle word
Don't forget to thank your wife.
Become their hope and support in this life,
Devote yourself to their happiness
Worthy be the woman who
So many words you said loving!


Great news - you've become a dad!
Oh my god, how long have you been waiting for this!
And finally, there was a son,
Congratulations, you are now a father!
Raise him to be a good person
The character was that he looked like a dad.
And kind, like dad, let him be,
And just as beautiful, and just as strong!


Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Be the best dad in the world!
And let fate be favorable
Giving health and leading to a dream!

And may your son always be obedient,
And let him conquer the world with courage,
So that among many in life, different destinies,
I only asked for your help!

Congratulations on the birth of a son in your own words

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on this happy day, because you were looking forward to the birth of this wonderful boy. Now this is the pride of your life - a beloved, wonderful son. May he be brave, courageous, successful, hardworking in the future. Well, now - a smiling, restless, funny, sweet toddler. And may his life path always be illuminated with a special light - the light of happiness!


Congratulations on the birth of your son! May the baby have strength and health, and may the parents have patience and boundless love. This boy will now be your main ray, joy, pride and care all your life. Cherish, pity, love strongly and support in any situation. He will definitely grow up happy!

Funny congratulations on the birth of a boy

A miracle lies in the crib
The smartest kid
He starts screaming
When you are fast asleep

He demands attention
family confessions,
He is the head of the family
After all, there are no more

May the boy be happy
Healthy like a hero
Let it invigorate you
Favorite ammonia!


Transport appeared in the house,
real car,
Driving a stroller with my son
difficult craft,

You mastered it easily
Go for a walk together
And parents are more serious
In the whole world not to be found

Do you love the little
Your son will grow up
He will become one of the main
The strongest of men!


Stock up on patience
The son was born for a reason,
He will be naughty, but in moderation,
Indulge, but slightly,

Will demand attention
Scream, cry every day
Without universal recognition
He will be lazy to cry

Will tear off the curtains from the cornices,
Breaks everything around
But I know you're happy
Your meek baby!

Touching congratulations on the birth of a son

He lies in the crib - small, touching, gentle, defenseless. He pulls his little hands, and so needs disinterested parental love ... Time will pass, the baby will take the first steps, say the first word, go to first grade. Every year he will be further and further away from his parents, more mature and independent. And for you, he will still be the same little defenseless baby, whose heart beat with his mother in unison. May your son's growing up be easy, may he be healthy and happy. Congratulations on the biggest milestone in your life!

Congratulations to a friend on the birth of a son

Accept, dear, now congratulations
Happy day of happiness to the light of your appearance.
More precisely, happy birthday son -
Native, beloved baby, flower.

I wish you, girlfriend, patience,
In his upbringing - strength and skill.
Be a wise and kind, caring mother.
For your son, be the best in everything, the very best!

Let him grow up strong, obedient and courageous,
A brave man and very skillful.
To fill you with pride for him,
Forever so that sorrows and sadness did not know!


It's my birthday today
Your son's.
I present congratulations
Not only for him:

In sickness or health,
In trouble or success
You will always be there -
And in sorrow and in laughter!

You are a golden mother
In care, warmth
You raised him.
In love and kindness.

I wish your son
Stars of happy grace.
Let whatever you want to come true
It is only worth dreaming.

Health does not fail
Love will find
good luck let it come
And won't leave again!


Happy birthday to your son!
I want to wish you in your celebration,
So that cherished dreams come true
To fill your heart with joy!
Let him grow up as a brave boy,
But at the same time, he listens to his mother.
And let in a whirlwind of life events
He makes many discoveries
Will be a smart, exemplary guy
And, of course, grow up healthy!

Congratulations on the birth of a boy in verse

From distant lands, like an angel
The white stork has arrived.
Now you have a son
A lot of things have come up.
Rompers and undershirts,
Pampers in plain sight...
Dear diaper for you,
Like a crown for any bride.
This little one is not worth more.
The soul is filled with happiness.
You with love, but, stricter,
Raise a kid.
He's a future man
Houses and countries keeper,
The Gods gave a son:
There is an heir, duration.
He is parents' fun
Grandparents are just a treasure,
There is crying in the house, but more laughter,
He changed the family way.
Take care of your little son
Help on the way
To the future man
I was able to pass life with dignity.


Happiness when children appear
Joy for every family and relatives.
Happiness when on a huge planet
They start a new branch.
Children will make all your dreams come true
Will fundamentally change your life path,
You need to triple all your efforts,
So that descendants do not turn off the path.
Every baby is heaven's reward,
Every child is God's creation.
A newborn is a great joy,
Joy of the Earth, and tenderness for relatives.


When this cry was heard
The eyes opened for the first time.
Suddenly, the image of an angel appeared,
And tears flowed from my eyes.
At that moment, parents became
Two good, strong people.
And only then did they know
What does happiness mean from century to century.
Let worries be a joy
Let love live in the eyes
Let there be sweetness in the bitter
Success accompanies business.
We wish them today
Keep your family always.
After all, for this we give birth,
To never part.

Congratulations on the baby
Mom, dad, all relatives,
Friendly, glorious, groovy.
Happiness has chosen your home.
Everyone has more worries
They are just for your joy.
May the boy always grow
In peace, affection and love.


The birth of a child is a miracle!
Great gift for those who love from God.
May your happiness be endless.
And let on a new life road
For the three of you, love will shed light
And your path will be joyful and easy
And so that with every sunny dawn
You were happy with your child.
Let to your wonderful creation
With every minute there are forces
May in a good, rainbow, boundless world
He will always be a guarded angel.
Congratulations on the good news,
With an event so important, bright, loud.
From now on you are parents
Great happiness in a blue diaper!


The baby in your family was born,
You've been waiting for it for so long
The boy will love to eat porridge,
Will rally the family of enemies in spite,
Your child was created for happiness,
Already from the cradle he is loved,
Though his voice is so thin
He became forever dear to you,
A little more and there will be crumbs,
Call you mom and dad
He will know that crying is bad,
What better fun to play
Steps, smile, first tooth,
All this is yet to come
You have to collect the Rubik's cube,
Learn the first verse with the boy
All those sweet moments
What will you have to experience
On a photo or film
You should be able to take a picture
Good health to the baby,
May your boy be happy
Eats less candy
More fruits, delicious cereals!


You've been preparing for so long
By the time the baby arrives
And cooking in the house
There was just no end
Lots of new rattles
And a whole pood of diapers,
Lots of plush toys
Posted here and there
Brought a crib for my son
And the stroller is the best
There's no reason to worry
The young man is waiting for success in everything,
Finally he showed up
Your hero of the occasion
Dressed up in blue
Happiness in the house without end
So much like mom and dad
Although quite tiny,
He won't cry much
The son will be happy with everything
May it always grow healthy
Strong, smart, groovy,
Happiness to the renewed family,
Always be by his side!

Do you know a beautiful congratulations on the birth of a boy? If yes, then share with our readers in the comments below the article!

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