Happy birthday greetings for 1 year old boy: how to congratulate parents on the child's first birthday

A beautiful congratulation in verse and prose will help to present a gift to parents whose baby is one year old in an original way. It is read out at a holiday in the circle of guests, or written on a postcard. In any case, it should be sincere and touching. Today on the Internet you can easily find birthday greetings for 1 year old boy. It remains only to choose the syllable you like.

Happy birthday greetings to parents for 1 year old boy in prose

Reading congratulations in prose, they usually turn to their parents. After all, a one-year-old child does not yet understand what the guests want to say on his first birthday. The baby should be given a gift and kissed. You can limit yourself to one or two phrases with wishes.

Choosing important words, one must wish the mother and father of the child patience and calmness, because there are many discoveries, achievements, ups and downs ahead. Even if the holiday is rather modest, you need to prepare for generous congratulations for the parents of the birthday boy. Surely they will be pleased.

Happy holiday! With the first important date - with the long-awaited year! So much has been passed, and how many achievements lie ahead. I wish the angels to protect the child, fervent laughter was heard in the house, and if tears appeared, then small droplets disappear instantly. I wish you good health, obedience goes off scale, and all this is accompanied by patience and strength.

Congratulations little miracle on the first year. I wish your baby bright happiness in life and true independent steps, invincible curiosity and fun games, good fun and funny jokes, sincere smiles and kind words.

How to congratulate parents in your own words

Do not abuse parables, fables and banal verses. A minute wish in your own words, said from the heart, is valued more than a whole poem. This, of course, does not apply to talented poems that the congratulator composed himself.

You need to choose exactly those words that will touch mom and dad to the core, cheer them up, and evoke tender feelings. After all, for them the first birthday of the crumbs is the most important date. All this time they watched their son grow and develop, helped him take his first steps.
