Congratulations on your sister's wedding: examples of speech

For a girl, a wedding is the happiest day of her life. That is why it is important to choose the right and unforgettable words in order to congratulate her. If this girl is also your close relative, then it will not be difficult for your sister to pick up interesting and sincere congratulations for her wedding. Knowing the character and characteristics of a person, it will be easy to give her the most suitable words.

What should be the text?

A congratulatory text from a sister and brother should by no means be small. Wishes should be long and as sweet as a wedding. Moreover, they must convey to the sister all the warmth and love.

You can congratulate with the help of a postcard, a toast, a verse, and so on. You can clarify about the most pleasant and fun moments that happened between the sister and her chosen one. It doesn't hurt to give a souvenir. It will always remind you of caring relatives and the wedding day.

The text from the brother and sister should be bright and unique. Therefore, it must be prepared in advance, putting all the warmth and care into it.

First congratulations (in prose)

Dear sister! Today we celebrate an important event that you have been waiting for all your life - your marriage. Now you have your own family. Remember, earlier you and I went to school, to additional classes, entered the institute together. I always rejoiced at your successes and maintained relations with my future husband. You are now husband and wife. I want to sincerely congratulate you on the fact that you have finally found a close and dear person for yourself. I really want to believe that you will live a long and happy life together. I wish you to become a good wife, an excellent mother. Live every day with a smile. I love you dear sister. Happy wedding!

It is worth noting that congratulations can be both in prose and in verse. The last option is more emotional.

Second congratulations

On this day, my sister is the most beautiful, gentle and feminine. I really want you to always smile and remain as beautiful. I hope that even with the passage of time, after many years, you will still delight us with your smile and beauty. Love your husband, respect him, because he really deserves it. In your own words, you chose a great man. Live with him in complete confidence. I hope that you will be not only husband and wife for each other, but also ordinary friends who are able to entrust the most intimate. I want to be happy, enjoy everything. Have many children who will be just like you. You are very beautiful today, sister. I love you to tears, you are the best!

Third congratulations

Today is my sister's happiest day. You are marrying that person without whom it is already difficult to imagine your life. Today, fun, kindness and just an amazing atmosphere reigns around. Of course, we, your loved ones, are a little sad, because you are creating your own family. But we know and remember that all changes are only for the better. We love you very much and are glad, because now a real man is next to you. He loves you and will move mountains just for your smile. I want to wish mutual understanding, love and harmony. May your family be strong. Take care of each other, be happy.

Fourth congratulations

Today you finally connect your life with a person who will give you a new family. You deserve great happiness, and I believe that your union will be strong and long. You are connected by touching moments, mutual understanding, love, kindness and honesty to each other. What could be better? I hope that your ardor will not fade over the years of living together, that you will pass all the obstacles that fate has prepared and carry your love until old age. I wish you more children, which you are waiting for. I know for sure that you, sister, will be the best mother. Be happy.

Fifth congratulations

It is today that you, my girl, find a new family. In the eyes I see happiness, and on my face - a beautiful smile that does not leave you all evening. I want to wish my younger sister a strong union and fewer obstacles in your path. You are the most beautiful and feminine. Be happy always. Today, together with your chosen one, you are creating a new cell. You are united by love, which, I am sure, will not leave you for a minute. You are just a wonderful couple. You should not be offended by each other in quarrels or discussions, because without them there is no relationship. Your parents and I love you very much and hope for your long and happy life. You are the best, let's sing songs as congratulations!

Sixth congratulations

Sister! I really wish to express my congratulations to you on this beautiful day. Today you officially left your parental nest and started your own family. I am very happy for you, because your chosen one has proved his love. He is smart, handsome and ready to protect you from any problem. I want to express my excessive gratitude to him for the fact that he was able to make my sister the happiest woman. Wass connect different cool moments. I believe that every day will be better for you than before. I wish you a happy and strong marriage. Your love will never fade. Be beautiful, kind and gentle as today. Do not delay the birth of children, because they will be the most beautiful result of your love. I know that you will be the best mom and dad. Bitterly!
