A new full-fledged scenario for a modern wedding “Happy Day”. Part 1.

Nowadays, many newlyweds abandon the traditional wide feast on the occasion of their marriage and replace it with a friendly party at a club and a honeymoon, well, this is their holiday, which means it is up to them to decide how to spend this day. But the majority, nevertheless, organize a banquet in order to have plenty of fun with friends, and most importantly, so that parents and relatives can celebrate this event with them, who, like the heroes of the occasion themselves, were waiting for this day with trepidation and bated breath. How can you make sure that such a wedding banquet is fun and interesting for guests of different generations? How to organize a modern holiday and at the same time observe wedding traditions and rituals? The solution is to find an original and compromise solution for organizing a wedding celebration. To help, we offer our option - New wedding scenario "Happy Day" in which we tried to combine classics and modernity, lyricism and fun, novelty and loyalty to tradition. The scenario is built on a classic wedding plot, but all the rituals in it are presented in a new way, and all the games and entertainment are original, funny and musical.

ABOUT THE SCRIPT: The script was written taking into account modern holiday trends and practical experience - traditional wedding moments are presented in a new, soft, comic-lyrical form, worked out in detail and fully decorated with music, printing and video files (you can download the full version of the script). Since the script turned out to be very voluminous and labor-intensive, and many of you in preliminary requests asked only for the beginning of the holiday or, conversely, only for the final entertaining part, it was decided to split it into two equal halves (each with about 15 game episodes and features) , for those who are interested in having the entire script, a good bonus discount is provided. Also, due to the fact that a couple of moments in the script are duplicated with the previously posted program" Let's have fun at the wedding" , then when you purchase it, there is also a bonus - details below.

Meeting the newlyweds before the banquet" Family birthday"

This is a new author's version of the meeting of the newlyweds before the banquet, designed in the bright style of a birthday - the birthday of a new family, in compliance with all the necessary wedding traditions, which, according to the plot, takes place on seven different bridges: " Amulet " , " Past ", " Wealth " , " Love ", " Happiness ", " Family ", " Future " . Thanks to the chosen theme and inexpensive but colorful props, such a meeting ritual will give a positive charge to the entire holiday, lifts the spirits of all participants and is very spectacular, which is good for memorable photographs and video footage. In case of bad weather conditions, the meeting can be held in the lobby of the hall.

General information for all meeting participants: caps, bow headbands, bright paper ties for birthdays, pictures with bridges printed on a color printer (if multiple use is intended, then it is better to laminate the pictures, except for picture No. 6, since an inscription will be made on it, it will be printed out again for each holiday and given to the newlyweds as a souvenir)

Props for groups:

First Group of Guests(Bridge "Obereg")- pipes, whistles, bells;

Second Group of Guests(Bridge "Past")- balloons inflated with helium, note paper, felt-tip pens;

Third Group of Guests(Bridge "Wealth")- crackers - buffets with money or gold foil, coins;

Fourth Group of Guests(Bridge "Happiness") - candies, rice, rattles, scissors, blue and pink helium balloons;

Fifth Group of Guests (Bridge "Love") - hearts and sponges on sticks or balls - hearts

Sixth Group of Guests (Bridge "Family") - LED or foil stars on sticks, felt-tip pen);

Seventh Group of Guests (Bridge "Future") - loaf, glasses, colored ribbons

(Author's Note: The scenario is designed for the newlyweds to meet on the street in front of the entrance to the banquet hall, depending on the number of guests participating in the meeting, each group should have two or more people. Organizers are offered two options to choose from: the first is bright, lyrical and thorough, the second is shorter and dynamic. The theme of the meeting fits well into the storyline of the entire holiday, so we advise the hosts to keep this in mind when making their changes.)

Preparation. The host discusses the meeting scenario with the guests in advance and distributes roles and props between them. If most of the guests, along with the newlyweds, are participating in a walk after the registry office, then you should ask them to arrive a little earlier than the car with the bride and groom arrives. Guests line up in a living corridor, the so-called “corridor of happiness”, everyone (if possible) is wearing birthday party paraphernalia, in the middle (along the living corridor) seven pictures depicting bridges are laid out (important (!) - the bridges in the pictures should be located exactly in the direction the newlyweds are moving, so that the newlyweds seem to be walking along them, and not stepping across them). All guests are divided into seven groups according to the number of bridges and, depending on the conditional purpose of the “bridge” near which they will stand, each group has its own props and tasks, the key moments on each bridge are supported by everything: noise effect, enthusiastic screams and applause. The pictures are laid out at a short distance (40-50cm) from each other, each picture is 1 x 0.52 meters in size, if desired, you can make it larger; reducing the size is not recommended, because it will be uncomfortable to carry out. ( ready options pictures can be downloaded in full version - folder " Meeting (pictures) " ).

Meeting of the newlyweds. Option 1.

(As the newlyweds approach, the presenter begins to speak)

Presenter: Hooray! A beautiful and happy couple is approaching us, let's greet them! (guests shout, make noise, applaud). No, no, dear guests, you apparently didn’t understand, not just a couple is approaching us, but an incredibly wonderful FAMILY (!) COUPLE - (Names and surnames of the newlyweds), which means they should be greeted incredibly and wonderfully! Let's try again! (guests shout, make noise, applaud even louder and more actively).

Expensive (Names of young people), Today a wonderful event happened in your life - you became husband and wife! Today your family celebrates its first birthday! And all your closest people have gathered here to congratulate you on this event, and also to bless and energize your newborn family for a long and happy life with the help of an ancient ritual - passing through seven bridges!

(points to the picture with the first bridge)

Presenter: First Bridge - "Talisman"! You will pass it

You will confuse evil forces and scare them away,

Just don’t walk straight, but unusually,

And be loud and obscenely loud!

(The newlyweds are walking, a group of guests standing near the first bridge on the left and right sides, creates a lot of noise: blows, whistles, rings)

Presenter: Walk onto the Bridge called “The Past”,

Let go of everything that is past and unnecessary forever......


Meeting of the newlyweds. Option 2.

(in this more dynamic and simpler version, the essence and sequence of actions is preserved, only the presentation and text of the presenter changes when passing bridges, and also in this version, guests can not be divided into groups, but placed in a common corridor of happiness on the left and right sides and just distribute props and birthday-themed paraphernalia to everyone)


Scenario of the banquet part.

Track 1 is playing (from the folder "Music for the script - 1") - young people enter, then guests

(The beginning of the holiday can take place in different ways - it is better to discuss this point with the newlyweds in advance.

1. Guests and newlyweds are invited to the tables and the host helps with seating; in this case, gifts are presented during the celebration.

2. In order for the newlyweds to put themselves a little in order after the wedding walk, a pause is arranged, and during this time the guests are invited to put their gifts on a specially designated table and put gift envelopes with money in a colorful box.

3. The newlyweds themselves accept congratulations and gifts from the guests and then invite everyone to the tables

Background music is playing. If there is a screen, wedding pictures are shown)


Track 2 is playing - the presenter solemnly comes out

Presenter: It all starts with love!

Dream, flight, discovery, inspiration.

It all starts with love!

Family, birth and connection of hearts!

So our holiday began with Love and is dedicated to Love, wonderful, unique and beautiful, the Love of our newlyweds! …………………



- Musical acquaintance of guests "Close People". Option 1

This version of a musical introduction is an alternative to the popular wedding presentation, which allows you to place an emotional emphasis on the newlyweds and their parents, unobtrusively introduce yourself as the host of the holiday, and allow the guests to relax, tune in to the festive wave and become closer to each other.

Presenter: It has long been the custom that people who are closest and dearest are invited to their birthday. The birthday of a new family is no exception, although it has its own characteristics. Which? Yes, at least these! Please, raise your hands, those who sincerely wish the newlyweds happiness? (guests react) Of course, that's it! Now, those who are well acquainted not only with the young people, but with literally everyone present in this room, will respond? (guests react). As you can see, there are much fewer of them. After all, a wedding connects not only two loving hearts, but also two Worlds, Two Planets: the World of the groom’s relatives and friends and the World of the bride’s loved ones, which until that day revolved in different orbits, and, only thanks to the birth of this family, for the first time they all met together in one table And now, everyone just needs to get to know each other better, make friends, and maybe even fall in love, right?



But this happy story might not have happened if their parents had (names of the bride's parents and names of the groom's parents) have not met and fallen in love with each other, let us greet the parents of the newlyweds and their wishes for the children with applause.

Track 5 or 5a sounds

Our newlyweds managed to fall in love with each other from the first smile, I propose to check with what smile you, the closest relatives and the best friends of the newlyweds, will succeed?! Do you agree? (guests support). Then let's do it fun and with music! And it will help us with this

- (DJ's name)! Let's welcome him………………………....................................... ........................

11 ready-made cuts are included - look in the "Close People" folder

- Toast"For love!"

Track 6 is playing ( from the folder "Music for the script -1") - banquet break

Presenter:"Foreva, Love!", "Love, Foreva!" Expensive (Names of young people)! Love, long and mutual, tender and real, is sought by everyone, but few find it. What a score! In this huge and difficult world, you have found each other! ………………….................................. ................

(Author's Note: if grandparents are present at the wedding, then before moving on to the next toast, you need to say a few warm words about them and give them the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds with a few words of blessing)

- Toast - interactive"For my parents' home!"

Presenter: Yes, today is an amazing day! A day of emotional turmoil, vivid impressions and magical transformations! For this one day (Names of young people) From beloved girls and boys they turned, first into bride and groom, and then into spouses ringed by fate. It’s not easy for young people to accept all these changes at once, but what about their parents?! ……………………......................................... ....................

Track 9 is playing

(words of encouragement from parents and words of gratitude from children)

Track 10 or 10a sounds.

- Rite of marriage "Matchmakers under hypnosis"

A cheerful and unusual, musical, playful and at the same time lyrical version of the traditional wedding moment of rapprochement and twinning of two families, written in the style of the show “Stars under Hypnosis”



The heroes of the pilot episode - newlyweds and parents, please come to the studio!

(six chairs stand in the center of the hall facing the audience; if families are single-parent, then fewer, and minor changes are also made to the text depending on the specific family situation)

Track 1 is playing (from the folder "Matchmakers under hypnosis") - participants leave

Please, take a seat on our sofa! This applause sounds for you! (the audience applauds). And we start with the most problematic, if you believe the anecdotes, family relationships: mother-in-law and son-in-law! Yes, from you ( mother-in-law names And son-in-law). Please switch places (if they are not sitting next to each other) and sit closer to each other (approaches the mother-in-law and stands behind her).

- (While he speaks, it’s quiet in the background track 2 sounds) Now I will put my hand on your head, and through my palm you will feel the warmth……………………….


Thank you for such a bright and touching ceremony of twinning! Take your seats! And remember this state, it will be very useful in life, because where there is mutual understanding and trust, hypnosis is not needed. (speaks with a smile) But it won’t hurt to consolidate your success with a life-giving drink, right?! …………………………….

12 ready-made cuts are included - look in the folder "Matchmakers under hypnosis"

- Lead-up to the first dance of the newlyweds

Dance break


- Musical table game - warm-up for guests "Hot wedding ten"

An original role-playing game - an animation to warm up and activate the festive mood





Wedding rings







Selection of participants and description of actions

(Author's Note: the presenter goes around the hall and gradually distributes all the roles, explaining along the way the essence of the actions for each group, representing one or another symbol, the recommended text is below, but the organizers can do this in their own way)

Of course, our newlyweds will be responsible for “Wedding Rings”! (addresses the newlyweds) Your task: gently stroke your sparkling rings, saying: “My precious!” as soon as you hear ……………….


Presenter:(addresses the audience) Gentlemen, artists, is everything clear to everyone? Then let's begin! First, let’s play together the introduction called “We got to the TOP”, and then the staging itself……………………….

View music in the "Hot Ten" folder

- Block for presenting wedding gifts "Tangerine Darins"

Author's Note: In this case, it is a surprise from the newlyweds with the situation that the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds themselves has already taken place at the beginning of the celebration, if according to the donation scenario there has not yet been a gift, then this ritual can be carried out as an exchange of gifts……………….

(Editor's note and explanations are attached)

Track 17 plays in the background -from folder" Music for the script - 2"

- Table role-playing tale - game "Head of the Family"

This table game is taken from our author’s scenario No. 59 “We’re having fun at the wedding,” so when purchased along with this, there is a bonus discount, its announcement can be seen there, but the ending has been changed to move on to the next game block.


…………And try to find confirmation of the axiom,

What is most important and “the most important thing is the weather in the house!”

Presenter: Newlyweds, please come on stage (to the center of the hall)!

Track 18 is playing (folder "Music for the script - 2") - for the newlyweds' exit

Game block for newlyweds. School of Family Life "Weather in the House"

Presenter:(hums or pronounces):“There’s me and you, and everything other than that can be easily fixed with an umbrella.” In my opinion, golden words! (addresses the newlyweds) Do you agree? (the newlyweds answer). The experience of family life shows that you can fix it not only with the help of an umbrella, but also with a trash can taken out, a nail hammered in on time, a delicious dinner prepared, a washed shirt and many other household little things that, at times, are akin to feats. What feats are you ready for? I suggest checking it out using a comic video game symbolically called “Twenty Labors of Newlyweds”

- Video game for newlyweds "Twenty feats of newlyweds"

A modern version of playing out the traditional moment of “Distribution of Marital Responsibilities” - in a playful form, with the help of comic pictures and appropriate musical accompaniment.

Props: screen and projector or plasma TV and computer

The competition is made in Power Point format, the download link is at the beginning of the full version of the script, the author’s explanations are attached.

Presenter: Attention to the screen! (first picture on the screen). You are invited to express your readiness to the groom - for his beloved, the bride - for her beloved to perform a dozen feats (picture 2 on the screen). You can choose one by one and in any order, if one of you finds the ten feats too much for you, you can stop at any moment, but whoever stops will, as a penalty, right here and now, fulfill any desire of his half. The essence of the game is simple: say the phrase: “I am ready or ready for (name of the other half) ...”, name the number, the DJ clicks on it, a picture of the feat appears on the screen, if you are really ready, dance, raising your thumb in agreement up (VO sign!), if not, dance with your arms or fingers crossed. It's clear? Then, let's go!

Examples of feats for illustration:

(game in progress)


- A lesson in reconciliation for newlyweds “A step towards”

Finished pictures in the folder "Step towards", musical background in the folder "Music for the script -2"

- Kissing lessons "Bridges of Love"



- (fifth picture on the screen"Bridge of Sighs") Before you is the Bridge of Sighs. And we have a kiss of pure romance ahead of us. So, the bride is high on the bridge again (the groom helps the bride to stand on the chair). She is a young Venetian woman who is waiting for her hot lover - a gondolier. And while he swims towards her, she takes a deep breath from every stroke of his oar. Then he swims up, takes her off the bridge into his gondola and kisses her hotly, in Italian.

Track 5 is playing - newlyweds kissing

(Author's Note: all three games with newlyweds, in this case, are designed with video or printing and are better carried out using a screen, but if technical capabilities do not allow, the first lesson can be replaced with a similar one in scenario No. 59, and the second and third can be carried out using printed pictures or invite guests and newlyweds to simply fantasize and present the corresponding picture)

Finished pictures in the folder "Bridges", musical cuts in the folder "Bridges of Love (music)"

- Game decoy for a group photo"Family support"


…..Presenter: Now everything is correct. Dear newlyweds, look around, look around! You are surrounded on all sides by loyal and reliable friends and family; this is your wall, on which, like each other, you can always lean! Photo for memory!

Track 21 is playing - everyone takes pictures

Dance break

- Playing during the dance break "Who got married in.."

See the musical arrangement in the folder "Who got married"



To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (650 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)

HOW TO GET SCRIPT number 61 - HAPPY DAY Part 1.docx

Bonus discount on scripts:

Due to the fact that this scenario partially duplicates the program, which is offered separately (500 rubles), when purchasing them together, there is a bonus discount (250 rubles), for two (900 rubles). A discount is also provided when purchasing the second part of the wedding together the “Happy Day” scenario, which is offered separately (650 rubles), and if with this scenario, then there is a discount (300 rubles), for both (1000 rubles). For those who want to have all three scenarios in their arsenal there is a discount (400 rubles), and thus, for three scenarios (1400 rubles). For this scenario alone, accordingly, 650 rubles will be enough.
