How to celebrate and what to give for your 20th wedding anniversary - ideas, script

After getting married, spouses initially celebrate each and every wedding anniversary, but over time, for most couples this tradition gradually becomes obsolete. In any case, after the 15th anniversary of marriage, few people celebrate their wedding day every year, limiting themselves to more or less round dates. And therefore, after a five-year break, the 20th wedding anniversary, which is called porcelain, almost never goes unnoticed.

Why is the 20th anniversary called that way? The fact is that after such a significant period of time, the relationship between husband and wife from the outside seems beautiful and light, like porcelain, but in fact they are just as fragile.

This is due to the fact that by this time the family life of the spouses is undergoing some changes associated with the growing up of children and the beginning of their independent lives.

To restore the relationship between husband and wife to its former romance and warmth, it is recommended to celebrate a porcelain wedding. Good old traditions dictated that twenty years of family life should be celebrated surrounded by your closest friends in a calm home environment.

However, times change, and along with them, people's views on many things change.

Today it is considered correct to celebrate a porcelain wedding in the following places:

  1. Cafe or restaurant. In case of a large number of guests, this option is ideal.
  2. Park or large garden. By installing the required number of gazebos, you can arrange a real outdoor banquet.
  3. Pleasure boat. A boat trip on board the ship will give the most unforgettable experience not only to the spouses, but to all guests.

When choosing a location for a holiday, married couples are most often guided by their financial capabilities.

However, you should not get hung up on the fact that the porcelain anniversary should be celebrated as a grandiose holiday. You can organize a budget holiday in an ordinary apartment so that it will remain in the memory of those present for a long time.

To give the holiday a thematic focus, you need to take care of decorating the room. To create a warm family atmosphere, the following decor options are suitable:

  • family photos accumulated over 20 years of marriage are placed on the walls; these could be memorable photographs of spouses taken during travel, images of children and other similar photos;
  • to decorate the hall, you can use funny pictures drawn by children in kindergarten age;
  • an indispensable element of decor is fresh flowers; they can be placed in porcelain vases and placed on tables;
  • Beautiful garlands and lanterns look good, especially if the holiday takes place outdoors.

Porcelain dishes and white tablecloths are required for table setting.

Ideally, white should dominate a porcelain wedding. You can ask your guests in advance to include white details in their outfit.

If a person comes wearing clothes of other colors, you can give him a pre-prepared white ribbon at the entrance. Spouses are also recommended to prepare snow-white outfits for the celebration, in any case, if not completely white, then at least half.

To turn an anniversary into a real holiday, you need to think through a scenario in advance that will not only entertain guests, but also remember the day that happened exactly 20 years ago. A great start to the holiday can be showing individual moments from a video of a couple’s wedding or viewing slides from wedding photographs. This will create a warm atmosphere and put guests in the right mood. It is impossible to imagine any wedding without fun competitions and jokes, and 20 years of marriage are no exception.

You can arrange a comic test for the heroes of the occasion by asking them questions, answering which they must simultaneously raise a sign with the inscription “yes” or “no”. Questions can be very different and relate to family dates, favorite foods, hobbies.

You can cheer up your guests with a quick survey of spouses. They must take turns quickly answering questions related to the wedding day. A sample list of questions looks like this:

  • what time was the painting at the registry office;
  • what color was the dress the mother-in-law was wearing;
  • to what song did the young people dance their first dance?
  • who stole the bride's shoe;
  • who gave the biggest gift;
  • the most fun competition at a wedding (by the way, it can be repeated);
  • the amount of the bride price.

This list can be continued at the discretion of the person organizing the survey. Questions can be both serious and funny - it depends on whether the spouses have a sense of humor.

Guests will really enjoy the pantomime performed by the spouses, who must depict the most significant event in their lives. They must do this in such a way that guests understand what they are talking about.

A variation of this game is a competition, when guests, divided into pairs, must reproduce various events from the life of the spouses.

These events are determined by forfeits and can relate to a first date, meeting a mother-in-law, the birth of a child, a joint vacation, etc. The couple that demonstrates maximum acting skills wins. At a porcelain wedding, it is customary to break a plate “for luck,” and the heroes of the occasion must do this themselves. To prevent guests from getting bored, it is advisable to invite a host to the celebration.

He will probably have all sorts of ideas to keep guests from getting bored and idle. If there is no host, friends who were witnesses at the wedding can take on his role. Since at the dawn of its appearance a porcelain wedding was called a clay wedding, you can include clay modeling in the holiday scenario, in which all the guests will be involved. Let them sculpt, for example, figurines of swans. At the end of the work, you can choose the most beautiful figurine and reward the winner.

According to existing traditions, the celebration of a porcelain wedding should end with a tea party, to which various sweets and cake can be served.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

The choice of gifts for husband and wife depends on how valuable gifts are usually given to each other in this family. First of all, when congratulating his wife on her 20th wedding anniversary, the husband can present her with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, and they should be white.

Given the name of the wedding, personalized porcelain cups can be given as a symbolic gift. If spouses are accustomed to expensive gifts from their other halves, then you can consider the following options:

  1. You can present your wife with jewelry made of precious metals inlaid with porcelain. They are not widespread, but if you wish, you can find such copies in specialized stores.
  2. You can also give jewelry without porcelain, but put it in a beautiful box made of this material.
  3. A worthy gift for your husband would be a tourist trip to China, where, as you know, porcelain was invented.

Whatever the gift, it cannot replace the caring attitude of spouses towards each other, respect and mutual understanding.

We should not forget that if you present your other half as a gift something that is an old dream for her (for him), this will cause a whole storm of joy and delight, even if the gift has nothing to do with porcelain.

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

It just so happens that on any wedding anniversary, including a porcelain one, gifts related to the name of this anniversary are most often presented. Firstly, such a gift is very symbolic, and secondly, it is much easier to make a choice among many options.


The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “porcelain” is a tea, coffee or table set. It is worth noting that this is a wonderful gift that can always be used.

Other possible gifts include the following:

  • a beautiful floor or regular porcelain vase, along with which you can give a bouquet of flowers;
  • a porcelain figurine depicting lovers or a pair of swans;
  • a porcelain dish decorated with a family photo of the spouses.

If the gift has nothing to do with porcelain, you can supplement it with some porcelain trinket to fit it into the theme of the wedding, or you can leave everything as is and not add to the collection of useless figurines.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

No matter how many guests there are at the wedding, it is necessary to give each of them the opportunity to express their wishes to the couple. In order not to write your own congratulations, you can find suitable postcards and use them to congratulate the couple on their anniversary.

Congratulations don't have to be serious. Cool rhymes or even ditties sound much more fun. By the way, children can sing a song to their parents as a congratulation, if only they have the necessary data for this.

Original and practical gifts

20 years since your wedding is a good reason to choose the most original gift and leave an unforgettable impression in the memory of the heroes of the occasion. If you don’t want to give a banal service or vase, you can come up with something more unusual, namely:

  1. You can give a collectible porcelain doll. By the way, it can serve as an impetus for the spouses themselves to want to collect a real collection of such dolls.
  2. An interesting gift is a massive mirror in a porcelain frame; besides, there is always a practical use for it.
  3. For non-superstitious people, a watch in a porcelain case is suitable. They can be wrist-mounted, tabletop or even floor-mounted.

Children can give their parents a vacation package for at least a few days. Having spent them alone, the spouses will plunge into the world of communication and will be able to pay maximum attention to each other.

From this video you will learn what to give and how to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary:

A special role is played not by the gift itself, but by the feelings with which it is given, and this should not be forgotten under any circumstances.

A porcelain wedding is one of the important stages of family life, the celebration of which must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility in order to obtain maximum pleasure from the celebration and bring pleasure from the celebration to the invited guests. Have you ever been a guest at a porcelain wedding? Or perhaps you celebrated the 20th anniversary of your own marriage?
