porcelain wedding. Wedding Anniversary - 20 years

Twenty years of life lived together got the name - a porcelain wedding. Porcelain is a thin, delicate, fragile material, so it must be protected from falls. Also, spouses who have traveled a long family path together should value and protect their relationship from bad weather. Twenty years is an impressive date, but do not forget that even an expensive Chinese service can break with any careless movement. Whether the union will be happy further depends only on the spouses themselves.

Ancient traditions and customs for 20 wedding years

The traditions of celebrating the day, when the couple has been together for twenty years, have their roots in ancient times. And since the symbol of this holiday is porcelain, and it comes from the East, the traditions are also associated with the eastern ones. A festive table, served with elegant porcelain dishes, must contain at least one dish of oriental cuisine among others. The presence of original dishes on the table will not allow anyone to make a mistake when answering the question “20 years of marriage - what kind of wedding?”.

Another long-standing unusual tradition is the production of clay figurines by guests right during the celebration. There is an opportunity to hold a competition, which figurine made of clay material is better, only then you need to celebrate not at home, but in a pottery workshop.

So that no one wonders: “A porcelain wedding is how old?”, It would be a great idea to put a porcelain figurine, decorated with an engraved number twenty, near the anniversaries themselves at the table. It can be a pair of doves, representing peace and mutual understanding, or a beautiful heart, conveying already mature, but still the same tender love.

Porcelain wedding: how to celebrate an anniversary?

Traditionally, the twentieth porcelain anniversary of living together is celebrated in a warm family circle, at home. Among the invited guests are only the closest friends and relatives. And fantasy will tell you how to celebrate it.

The joint anniversary of twenty years is a porcelain beautiful anniversary - the date is round, therefore, it is worth preparing well for receiving guests, setting the table only with delicious treats. It will be interesting if the children hold interesting competitions for their parents, their friends, guests, among which is the beloved by many competition of beating old dishes as a symbol of getting rid of troubles.

Celebration scenario

The porcelain anniversary anniversary should be remembered by the spouses for its unusualness, and it should be celebrated in an unforgettable way. The main condition is that no one is bored. Twenty years of the wedding: the script of the celebration will help to take into account all family stories, so the party will turn out well, surprising in the good sense of the word with a mandatory program, treats and entertainment.

Scenarios are varied, but they all have something in common:

  • It’s better to start by telling the love story of a married couple or giving the floor to congratulate the children.
  • Then it is worth giving the anniversaries a song for the celebration - a porcelain joyful wedding.
  • After that, toasts / wishes follow, and after them - contests.

Spouses will be happy if medals decorated with funny inscriptions or diplomas with grades for such disciplines as: “Getting money”, “Early going to mother-in-law for pancakes”, “Raising children”, etc. will be awarded during the porcelain holiday.

An example of a porcelain anniversary, see the video:

It will also be interesting if the celebration begins with interesting stories about the origin of porcelain or different wedding anniversaries.

Contests, in turn, should be interesting, original, with a theme corresponding to the event:

  • "Who will say more affectionate words"
  • "Questions and answers"
  • How well do spouses know each other?
  • "Swaddling the Baby"
  • "Reading each other's minds"

Walking such a long path together is a merit of both, so it is interesting for guests to watch how the spouses cope with the tasks.

It is good if a pleasant surprise is prepared, the presence of which will be a secret until the very end of the evening. For example, a great option is a beautiful multi-tiered cake with porcelain figurines decorating it.

What to give for the 20th wedding anniversary?

Since this round date is called the porcelain anniversary, it is worth choosing gifts that contain at least a fraction of porcelain or are directly related to it.
These include:

  • Porcelain vases.
  • Original tea sets that include many items or just two cups and saucers.
  • Pictures or figurines with the designation of the wedding date of the anniversaries.
  • Other utensils.

But the spouses themselves can give each other not only figurines: the husband can give his wife a porcelain box, and she can give him an ashtray if the husband smokes. Examples of gifts, see the photo below:

Congratulations on a porcelain wedding

Congratulations on the twentieth anniversary of the union, which is called a porcelain wedding, are possible ordinary, original, funny or classic, in prose, and preferably in verse. But the main thing is that they should be from the heart, do not contain hints or halftones - then the heroes of the day will perceive them correctly. If you were unable to visit the couple on this holiday, then you can congratulate them by phone, send SMS, e-card.

It’s great if the congratulations on the porcelain solemn anniversary are prepared in advance and become a mini-performance during the celebration.

Let this wonderful holiday - a porcelain anniversary anniversary - truly please the anniversaries. Their strong bonds are real wealth, and the years lived in love and harmony are an example to follow. May their happiness and love last for many years, so that the wedding shines with silver, gold, and then diamonds.

Do you have experience celebrating a 20th anniversary? Have you been to such a celebration? Share your impressions in the comments!
