25 years of marriage: what kind of wedding, what to give and how to celebrate

25 years of marriage - a silver wedding. The relations of people who have been married for a quarter of a century are stable and strong, harmony and mutual understanding reign in them. This wedding anniversary is a must. And in order for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what kind of wedding it is, how to celebrate it correctly and what to give.

What wedding

25 years of marriage is called a silver wedding. For 25 years of marriage, the feelings of the spouses for each other become as strong as silver itself. This metal personifies the wisdom that the husband and wife have acquired over the years they have lived together, the purity that distinguishes the thoughts of the spouses, and the confidence with which the heroes of the day look to the future.

Silver spouses are characterized by warm, deep, trusting relationships based not only on passion, but also on mutual respect, trust, sincerity, devotion, love, the desire to support each other and boundless devotion.

holiday traditions

The celebration of the silver wedding has certain customs. So, on the morning of the 25th anniversary of marriage, barely getting out of bed, the husband and wife must kiss and wish each other a good day. After that, the spouses conduct a ritual of joint washing. To do this, the husband and wife collect water in a silver bowl and rinse each other's faces three times. According to the hint:

  1. the first ablution removes fatigue,
  2. the second relieves sadness,
  3. the third fills the soul with joy.

If water remains, put it on the windowsill until it evaporates completely. Together with droplets of water, everything bad leaves the relationship of the spouses. And the faster the liquid disappears, the more happy the future awaits the couple.

On the 25th anniversary of marriage, spouses can exchange silver rings as a sign of sincerity of feelings.

On the day of the silver wedding, a married couple receives dear guests - their parents. The latter bless adult children for many years of happy life together. After that, the husband and wife perform the most important holiday ceremony - they exchange silver rings as a sign of love and sincerity of feelings. You can do this alone or in the presence of loved ones. If desired, the ceremony can be held at the registry office at a pre-ordered festive ceremony.

gifts for wife from husband

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to please your loved one with a valuable gift. So, a husband can give his wife silver jewelry: a bracelet, a pendant on a chain, a ring, a watch, earrings, a necklace or a brooch. Also, beautiful underwear or perfume will be good gifts.

gifts for husband from wife

A tie clip or sterling silver cufflinks can be a gift from a wife to her husband. You can also give something that is in the interests of a man, for example, an interesting gadget is suitable for a business person who loves modern technology, and a new spinning rod for a fishing lover.

Gifts for spouses from relatives

Friends and relatives, as a rule, give silver anniversaries something for the home - silver dishes or souvenirs from this noble metal. Spouses will be pleased to receive a beautiful jug, a set of elegant cups, expensive cutlery or a patterned tray. Figurines of swans or doves will be symbolic - these birds personify marital fidelity.

How to note

To celebrate a silver wedding, spouses can rent a room in which their wedding took place a quarter of a century ago, and arrange a similar evening - make a similar decoration of the hall, remember which contests for guests were popular 25 years ago, put on beautiful outfits (ideally, if the wife kept his wedding dress and can wear it to the party).

If the spouses do not want to have a noisy party, they can limit themselves to home gatherings with loved ones or even a romantic dinner for two. For the most active and inquisitive anniversaries, a two-day trip on a ship or a short forest hike is suitable.

Those who profess Christianity on the day of the 25th anniversary of their legal marriage can get married in a church. A beautiful ceremony will be remembered for a long time and will mark a new stage in family relations.
