20 years of marriage: traditions and actual gifts

All over the world it is customary to celebrate "wedding name days" every year. If after a year of living together a cotton wedding is celebrated, then after 20 years - porcelain. In the family circle, such holidays are treated very responsibly: the more years, the more important the event. Children and grandchildren pay tribute to their older relatives: parents, grandparents.

The 20th year of marriage is celebrated in different ways, but there are established rules and traditions that determine what to give and how to surprise the “newlyweds”.

A social survey showed that, despite a fairly long period, the union is fragile, like porcelain, and the twentieth anniversary is considered a turning point in family relationships. The couple is no longer so young, but still full of life, and they simply need a holiday. Specialists advise close relatives, in particular children, to take over the organization of the event.

Porcelain is an expensive and ancient material, so it’s better to come up with a themed holiday for a couple who has been married for 20 years. It will be difficult to surprise them, but now is the age of creativity and unusual solutions. 40-45-year-old spouses want fun and circuses in order to shake themselves up and forget about everyday life and everyday life for a while. Gifts, entertainment competitions and many guests will provide it all.

On a note! In most couples, conflicts arise precisely because most often men forget such important dates as their wedding anniversary and the day they met.

Why porcelain wedding

Twenty years of marriage is associated with porcelain for several reasons. It is believed that this period already indicates that the family has taken place and can acquire old and expensive things in their home.

In addition, according to statistics, 60% of married couples experience difficulties and often disperse. To prevent this, you need to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale, thus recalling the love and importance of the event.

If you look into history, then porcelain was invented in the Republic of China in the first century AD. The method of manufacturing this fragile material was kept a great secret. Later, many variations of porcelain appeared. They began to make not only hard, but also soft products. They added more colors and painted them.

Aristocrats in England in the Victorian era and the Regency drank tea exclusively from porcelain dishes, and so that the fragile material would not crack from boiling water, cold milk was first poured into the bowl, and then tea leaves.

On a note! Historians claim that the porcelain wedding was originally invented in order to renew the dishes in a family that lived for many years.

The best way to celebrate 20 years of marriage

Previously, the wedding anniversary was considered exclusively a family holiday, which was celebrated among the closest relatives. Now everything has changed, and more people are invited for 20 years of marriage. The main condition is the creation of comfort. Traditional dishes are served on the table: meat delicacies, a variety of salads and snacks.

Come to the celebration and decoration of the event creatively. It's trendy to have themed parties.

Most popular options:

Experts advise not to celebrate this holiday in a cafe or restaurant. If the house allows you to receive many guests, arrange a family holiday on your territory and dilute it with a creative theme. If the date of the celebration falls in the summer, then you can have a picnic in nature. To emphasize that this is a porcelain wedding, bring a porcelain tray or cups with you. It will be symbolic.

No holiday should be held without competitions. Their main task is to create a mood, cheer up the guests and remind the couple that they are still young and their love is fresh:

  1. Cake. You can invest in a wedding cake, the top of which will be framed with figurines of the bride and groom made of porcelain. A more budget option is a pie.
  2. Wedding contests. Such as: popping balloons on each other's bodies, riddles and ditties about married life, congratulations in verse.
  3. Games. Get the kids involved in the entertainment program. Let them arrange a small festive concert with songs and dances.

Musical accompaniment should correspond to the theme. It would be useful to organize a dance of the couple, throwing a bouquet and a garter. This is easy to remind the spouses of their youth and the wedding, which is already 20 years old.

Porcelain wedding traditions

The main traditions of a porcelain wedding are the presence of oriental dishes on the table and a porcelain service. Porcelain dishes should only be new, according to popular belief, old porcelain can bring discord into the family. Porcelain products will act not only as symbols of the holiday, but also mean an important stage in the life of a married couple after two decades.

The husband should start this day with a bouquet of flowers for his wife, and then there should be an exchange of gifts. Baking and tea drinking is a prerequisite for the holiday. According to tradition, on the 20th wedding anniversary, spouses should sculpt little men out of clay: themselves and their children. Bridesmaids should braid the main woman of the holiday with a white ribbon in a braid, and her man should tie a red ribbon around his wrist.

The main condition of the holiday is fun and comfort.

What is given for 20 years of marriage

The porcelain service should be purchased by the spouses themselves or received as a gift from one of their close relatives. Porcelain figurines should decorate the whole house, and such a gift from friends will not be superfluous.

The most appropriate gifts for this holiday:

If the family is friendly, then relatives can agree in advance and buy spouses a ticket to a city full of romance, for example, to Venice or Paris.

There are other original and non-traditional gifts that will please and surprise a married couple:

  1. DIY gifts. Especially if they are given by children or grandchildren.
  2. A coupon for completing a quest in your city or flying in a hot air balloon.
  3. You can book a table in a chic restaurant and a hotel room so that the spouses celebrate the holiday just together.

gifts for each other

The couple are looking forward to exchanging gifts. Most often, men give jewelry, and women give expensive items or sports equipment. You can get creative with your gift choice. For example, make a porcelain product with your own hands. For this you will need:

It is necessary to combine all the components, put in a saucepan and cook until a thick mass is formed. Put this mass on a cotton cloth and knead. Then refrigerate for 2 hours. After the porcelain dough hardens a little, you can sculpt any figures from it. Be sure to lubricate your hands with cream while sculpting.

On a note! Products from "home" porcelain can then be painted with acrylic paints and used as room decor. You can write names or symbolic numbers of the holiday on the figurine.

Gifts not worth giving

To avoid embarrassment, you need to know what you can not give in any case:

  1. Flea market items and antiques that once belonged to other people.
  2. glass things.
  3. Watch.
  4. Cold or firearms.
  5. Photos.
  6. Mirrors.
  7. Pearl.
  8. Bags or suitcases.

IMPORTANT! Stop your choice on some souvenirs and do not forget about the beautiful gift wrapping.
