Competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday at home. Cool competitions for the anniversary

Most often, anniversaries and birthdays are held in the pleasant company of well-known or close people, who congratulate the birthday boy or girl a lot and with pleasure and communicate with each other. And yet, even the most intimate friendly feast, and, especially, large anniversary celebrations, will be decorated with an entertainment program thought out in advance by the host or enterprising guests, or even a couple of fun and enjoyable gaming moments.

We offer a selection the best table games and musical congratulations for a woman’s anniversary, which will allow you to place an emotional emphasis on the hero of the occasion, bring excitement and add piquancy and zest to the holiday. All these game moments can be easily arranged impromptu, the main thing is that they suit the tastes of the birthday girl and the gathered company, they can be arranged together or separately - detailed explanations and the necessary musical accompaniment are included. The ideas for such entertainment are unique in that they have been tested in practice more than once, but are always relevant and go off with a bang in any company, especially if they are presented in a new way and with humor or dedicated to a specific topic (as is done in this collection).

(Scenario for a woman’s anniversary with toasts and eyeliner, which includes all the entertainment from this program, watch)

1. Musical congratulations on the woman’s anniversary “Mask Show”

Note: Such a congratulation is easy to carry out impromptu and, despite the fact that it is musical, those congratulating you do not have to sing, but only artistically, as if on behalf of their character, congratulate the birthday girl to a pre-prepared phonogram. The character's image is created using special masks or appropriate props.


Option #1. Voluntary.

The organizer’s decoy may be as follows: “It’s not for nothing that our program is called “Everything for You,” because today, in fact, all the flowers, compliments and congratulations are only for our birthday girl (name). As a child, for our birthday, we waited for a wizard in a blue helicopter, but as we grew up, we realized that miracles often happen where they are made, where miracles happen themselves.. And now I offer everyone who loves our birthday girl and who wants to be involved in the little a miracle - a surprise in her honor, come to me. There should be exactly seven such participants - the most magical number in the world. (As a rule, there are always close relatives or friends at the anniversary who want to take part in this congratulation)

Option #2. Prank.

Also, the participants of the congratulations can be determined using the game moment “Bag in a circle”. To do this, all the props are put into an opaque bag or package and set to play in a circle accompanied by lively music (guests pass the bag to their closest neighbor at the table), the one who has the bag in his hands when the music stops (the DJ makes these stops on purpose) takes it out , without looking, puts on a mask and goes into the center of the hall. This happens several times until all the masks are taken apart.

Then the presenter quickly explains to the participantsThere is fun and solemnly announces the exit of each of them, and the participants take turns coming out and congratulating the culprit as brightly and emotionally as possible.

(Note: if latex masks will be used, then have the participant put it on immediately before leaving, because It is uncomfortable to stay in them for a long time).

Leading: Honorable public and respected (Name of the birthday girl) just for you and only now a unique performance called “Mask Show” begins! And stars from all over the world and even from exotic places that are not even on the map came to participate in it.

Be the first to congratulate (Name) the well-known and beloved English comedian Mr. Bean is in a hurry (comes out wearing a mask or a funny wig, approaches the hero of the day and feigns congratulations)

Congratulations 1 sounds

The second to congratulate is a sultry handsome man, a real horseman and heartthrob, who specially descended from the Caucasus mountains (from props: mask or hat, mustache, nose, also emotionally congratulates)

Congratulations 2 sounds...................................................... ......................

Ready-made musical excerpts for all congratulations are attached, among those congratulating: Mr. Bean, Sultry Caucasian, Pierre Narcissus, Eurovision Star, Shrek, Clown Oleg Popov, Devil the Tempter.

(If you can’t arrange a congratulation with masks, you can play it up with just headdresses, as in the “Rainbow of Life” scenario -)

2. New table role-playing tale - impromptu "Only best wishes!"

Note: This is a new author's impromptu tale that can be played right at the table, written for a woman's anniversary, but, if desired, can be easily remade for any occasion: wedding, New Year, etc. Such a fairy tale is a win-win entertainment, one of those that is very easy to organize and which activates the mood at the table and allows you to once again congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

The essence of entertainment: The entire text is read expressively by the presenter, deliberately making small pauses so that the “artists” have time to say their line. The lines themselves must be printed in large quantities on cards in advance and distributed to the participants, warning them that they must say their phrase as artistically as possible every time they hear the name of their character in the text.

Impromptu characters and their lines:

Baba Nyura- “Holy priests!”;

Market- “Total heaps!”;

Loader- “Where can I have a drink?!”;

Caucasian- “ZahAdi - you won’t regret it!”;

Gypsy- “Gild the handle!”;

Bouquet of flowers- “Only best wishes!”

Text of an impromptu fairy tale(EXCERPT FOR ILLUSTRATION)

Baba Nyura... came to Market.. A tall, broad-shouldered man ran past her Loader... Exhausted by his care Loader… pushed Babu Nyura...sideways and didn’t even apologize. Humming animatedly Market… Sight Baba Nyura... involuntarily attracted hot Caucasian…..Noticing interest Baba Nyura,...temperamental Caucasian…. raised his eyebrows and winked at her. A Baba Nyura..., all flushed with embarrassment, I forgot why......................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ....................

And finally, Baba Nyura... came to the holiday and with all her heart gives it to the hero of the occasion (name of the birthday girl) this stunning Bouquet of flowers

And the guests, seeing this, loudly and joyfully shouting: “Happy birthday!”

3. Birthday table game women "For the sake of your wonderful eyes..."

Note: It happens, especially in the first two hours of the holiday, that men are more shy and uptight than women. It is more difficult to stir them up and involve them in the action. This option will allow you to pleasantly highlight the stronger sex without diluting it with the weaker. If there are not many men, you can line them up and let this male platoon read cards - confessions

.Summary to the game

Leading: They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Our birthday girl has the eyes of Madonna, they attract, bewitch, enchant. They are like an open book in which you can read sympathy, empathy, and childish joy. The poet said about such eyes:

Your eyes are lucky comets,

They are bottomless lakes for the soul.

They are dreams and dreams for the poet,

They are beautiful, amazingly good!!!

Today the entire strong half of this hall confesses their love to our charming (Name), but will do it in a very non-trivial way. Dear men, don’t worry, you don’t have to painfully select words for this, you just need to pull out a recognition card and read it expressively, with soul, with great respect and admiration.

Options for comic confession cards (EXCERPT FOR ILLUSTRATION):

1. For the sake of your wonderful eyes... (reads the card)

Ready for a thousand pranks!.....

18. For the sake of your wonderful eyes... ... (reads the card)

Ready to dance to the double bass!....

(20 ready-made cards included)

4. Game for a close company “Anniversary Lotto with Kisses”

This entertainment can be a continuation of the previous one or be arranged instead of it, designed for a relaxed company and the hero of the occasion

To play the game You will need two sets of lotto barrels, a lottery drum or bag to mix them in, cards with a prize kiss and questions and answers for the quiz.

Introduction to the game. Dear guests and dear birthday girl, now according to the program we have an anniversary lotto, but not a simple one, but with kisses, and therefore... only those closest to the birthday girl will be able to take part in it, the fact of family ties and long-term friendship in itself does not mean that you are a participant in the prize draw. The main condition: knowledge of the biography, tastes and secret desires of the birthday girl, which means that the chance will only be given to those who answer the questions of our anniversary quiz the fastest and best.

(optional, if the husband is not jealous, you can declare an additional condition that only men participate)

(A quiz is being held)……

Options for comic cards with kiss lots for illustration:

1. This lot got to French kiss me, with a kiss full of passion and fire!

2. And with this guest we will have a Russian kiss, three times and three times pleasant...........................

11. I ask the guests not to laugh, but we will kiss this lucky guy under the table.

15. I had kisses today... I didn’t even count how many, but only with you there will be real love, to the cry of “Bitter!” (this lot can not be raffled off, but given to the spouse or partner of the hero of the day as a sign of special attention)................................... ........................................................

(15 ready-made options are included)

5. Musical comic forecast “And after the 15th glass.....”

Note: this is a well-known game based on the rules of guessing the secret thoughts of guests using a musical hat or a magic microphone; this version contains cool musical excerpts on a very relevant topic for any feast: “What does each of the guests think about and what does each of the guests do after drinking well! ?". (Thanks to the author of the idea)

The presented selection of song cuts is quite large; you can use them all or choose from them the most suitable for a specific occasion and company.

Game summary:

Leading: As far as I know, people who have known each other for a long time have gathered here, but where else, if not at the holidays, can you get to know each other better, see new talents of a friend, or learn his secrets and dreams. I propose, for example, to find out who and how behaves at a holiday when they take their tenth or twentieth glass.

(He goes around the guests and plays the musical forecast; the DJ, accordingly, plays excerpts from songs on time: women's or men's).

Examples of musical excerpts to illustrate the answer to the question “How will you behave and what will you think about after your 15th drink?” conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)

HOW TO GET SCRIPT number 13 - ALL FOR YOU.docx

Bonus discount for a fairy tale:

This entertaining and congratulatory program can be supplemented, which is also dedicated to the theme of women's holiday, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who purchased this script there is a bonus discount of 150 rubles. Therefore, those who want to have both a fairy tale and this collection of games in their arsenal can send 500 rubles to the site fund; without a fairy tale, accordingly, 350 rubles will be enough.

Your friend’s long-awaited anniversary has arrived. She turns exactly 55 years old and this is a great date and a great reason to get together and have fun celebrating an important date. We have new interesting table games and competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday. They are funny and can be played at the table. Check them out and choose the ones that suit you and help your group have fun.

The game is what I need to be happy...
Every person dreams of his own happiness. And someone is already happy. In this game we will find out what your guests need to be happy. The game is a joke, so there is no need to take it seriously. And guests should not be offended, because this is a game for everyone.
Its rules are simple:
- cards are made in advance, on which they write what may be missing for happiness. All cards are placed in a bag, and each guest takes out one card in turn. First he says the words: to be happy I need.... And then he takes out the card and reads it out.
Examples of what can be written on cards:
- wake up in your pastels.
- Get to the store before 22:00.
- have a glass.
- play the balalaika.
- light flirting.
- smiles of passers-by.
- know the exact time.
- shave off the mustache.
- eat ice cream.
- slippers with dogs.
And so on, you can come up with any ideas and write them on your cards.

Give an answer.
This game must be played in teams. Each team has 3 people. More is possible, but not less. Each team is given exactly 1 minute to play. During this time, they need to have time to answer as many questions from the presenter as possible. Therefore, you cannot hesitate, you must answer quickly. After a minute, the number of questions is counted. And so it is for every team. And whichever team has the most questions and answers wins.
And the questions are like this (you need to finish the sentence):
- in the mornings I...
- I often dream that I...
- I want…
- I think…
- I feel good because...
- you didn’t know, but I...
- I like to sleep in...
- in my heart I love...
- when I go to the bathroom, I’m there...
- I go to visit to...
As you can see, the questions are simple. But you must answer quickly and without hesitation. Therefore, the answers will be very different and very funny.

Unusual forfeits.
This game is familiar to everyone, but we changed it a little. You need to prepare glasses according to the number of guests. We glue a sheet of paper with a task for the guests to the bottom of each glass. Place all the glasses on a tray and fill them with alcohol. Bring glasses out to guests and they choose their own glass. Then everyone drinks together and looks at the bottom of the glass. Read their assignment and complete it.
The tasks can be anything. For example, like this:
- kiss all guests on the cheek.
- sing a congratulatory song.
- go around the neighbors and warn them that your party will last until 23:00. And ask them to be patient and not call the police. And it’s better to get a receipt from them about this!

Competition for the hero of the day.
All guests and the hero of the day take part in this competition. Give each guest a piece of paper and a pen. They write their wishes to the hero of the day on pieces of paper. Then all the leaves are put into a bag and mixed. They bring the bag to the hero of the day, and she takes out one leaf at a time. He reads out the wish and gets confused to guess who wrote it. If she guessed right, then she gives the prize to this guest.

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For a woman, her fiftieth birthday is a serious anniversary, which at the same time is particularly fun. Just sitting at the table all the time is very boring. Therefore, various competitions come to the rescue. They can be held both at the table and during breaks, when guests get tired of endless toasts and eating snacks. Games and competitions will help you relax, indulge in fun and completely forget about age. For the winners, you definitely need to pick up small gifts, maybe comic or toy ones - medals, certificates, diplomas, and so on.

It's also interesting at the table

Does anyone remember what the hero of the day looks like?

When all the invitees had already gathered, the first enthusiasm for the meeting had subsided, several congratulatory toasts were made, and the first competition was announced, which could cheer everyone up. First of all, the hero of the day apologizes and goes into the next room or stands behind a rather large screen prepared in advance. The main thing is that none of the guests can see her.

Do you urgently need it, but ready-made options on the Internet do not suit you? We will tell you how to compose it yourself. From this you will learn which funny anniversary gifts are appropriate for a woman and which are not.

Now the presenter says the name of the competition and explains its rules. Guests take turns trying to remember and describe the birthday girl’s appearance., her hairstyle, jewelry, clothes, hairpin and other details. The winner is the participant who named the number of details most accurately and more than other players.

Let's remember Pinocchio

Only volunteers, mostly men, participate. Each person who agrees is given an empty matchbox. It must be placed tightly on the nose. At the command of the leader, the players try to throw off the boxes using only their facial muscles. Hands are prohibited. The fastest mime is declared the winner. It is more interesting and funnier to watch the attempts of those whom nature and parents have endowed with impressively sized noses.

Word auction

The presenter is a specific topic, for example, a compliment for the hero of the day or any other festive, anniversary topic. One by one, the guests name words that can be attributed to the designated topic. The most interesting thing begins somewhere after a dozen words, when they “end”. Then the participants develop a gambling streak, and everyone joins the game with great pleasure. The winner is the participant who says the last correct word.

Portrait fantasies

Option one. Everyone is given paper and pencils. They are asked to draw the most believable portrait of today's heroine. But you need to do this with the “wrong” hand: right-handers draw with their left, and left-handers do the opposite. Option two. Guests are divided into teams along the sides of the table or simply across tables if there are several of them. Each team is given one sheet of paper and a pencil. Participants each draw their own part of the face: one - eyes, another - nose, third - lips, and so on. Option three. Each person is given an inflated balloon, tape and a marker. A portrait can be drawn using various additional elements - dill from lettuce, a piece of carrot and so on. Fourth option. The “portrait” task is somewhat more complicated. Now you need to draw not a portrait of today, but within the framework of certain conditions or a given circumstance. For example, a 5-year-old birthday girl, the smile of a hero of the day, etc.

Awarding the birthday girl

Each person is given a pencil and a “medal” blank - a round sheet of paper. For a limited time you need to come up with and draw a medal for the heroine of the holiday. Draw both sides. On the front side you need to write what the heroine is awarded for. The most interesting and original medal wins. The second version of this competition is a team competition. Each group is given a large number of blanks and pencils according to the number of players. For a certain time, it is necessary to interestingly “reward” the birthday girl as many times as possible.


It is advisable to spend it in a company where your closest friends have gathered for the anniversary. Married couples participate.

Each person is given a pen and two small pieces of paper. Everyone makes sure that the spouses do not agree. The man must write on his piece of paper from memory, without looking in his pocket or wallet, how much money he has with him. The wife writes her thoughts on the contents of her husband’s wallet in her own way. Then the written results are compared and checked to see how much money you actually have with you. The pair with all three numbers closest to each other wins.

Whose is better?

Everyone who wants to participate is given a newspaper (the same issue) and ordinary stationery scissors. In 30–40 seconds, participants must look through newspapers, choose, and then cut out a symbolic gift for today’s heroine. It could be just a word (health), a phrase (a million dollars), a picture (a car, a house). The winner is the participant whose gift the birthday girl liked the most..

Sorting team

Those sitting at the table are divided into groups. Each person is given a vase in which all kinds of sweets are mixed - small chocolates, lollipops, bagels, regular chocolates. Additionally, bags or paper envelopes are distributed in quantities equal to the number of types of sweets in the vase. The presenter counts down the time during which the teams must put all types into different bags. The fastest team wins.

Active “anniversary” competitions

Piggy bank of the hero of the day

Empty space is required for the competition to take place. Each participant receives a coin to be placed on the toe of a boot or shoe. After ten meters there is a finish line (it can be lined with a ribbon or an ordinary rope), where there is a symbolic piggy bank. It can be just a liter empty jar. At the signal, the “race” begins. You need to run so that the coin never falls off your toe.. The one to whom this happened is eliminated. The most dexterous and fastest wins. The competition can be held in a team version in the form of a relay race. Then each team has its own piggy bank. The winners are those who were able to put the largest number of coins into the piggy bank within a certain time.

Which ones should I make? Remember - in such cases the main thing is not to overdo it with humor! From ours you will learn what additional table competitions you can come up with for your birthday. At this address you will read about how to compose a congratulations on the anniversary of a female colleague.

Damaged photocopier

Two teams must have an equal number of people, with a minimum of five people. They line up in lines, one looking at the back of the other's head. The very first ones are given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. The presenter approaches the latter and secretly shows the same picture for everyone. After this, the last participant displays this picture on the back of the person in front with his finger. Then the next one, and so on - until the first one in the line, who draws what he understood on paper. The team whose final picture is most similar to the original wins.


As equipment, you need to make in advance several sets of paper fish of different colors, which are tied to strings. Participants are divided into two or three teams. Each member of the group has a fish of the color chosen by the team tied to the back of their belt. The length of the thread should be adjusted so that the fish barely reaches the floor. At the leader’s signal, everyone, trying not to touch their own, tries to step on the opponent’s fish in order to leave it lying on the floor. The winners are the team that still has fish left on their belts.

Rescue from thirst

The players are divided into two groups. At the same distance from each there is a table with an empty plastic bottle. The competition is held like a relay race. The first participant with two glasses (preferably also plastic) full of water in his hands jumps on one leg towards the bottle. Pours the remaining contents of the glasses into it. You need to go back by jumping on the other leg. The next one takes the baton, and so on until the end. The rescue group that fills their bottle the fastest wins. As one option, you can form doubles teams with men and women. The essence is the same, but now you don’t need to jump. The man takes one of the women in his arms. She keeps the glasses filled. The couple pours out their water and heads back. A woman is always in the arms of a man. The winners are determined, as in the previous version, by the speed of filling the container.

Changing places

Several participating couples are dancing. When the music stops, the man and woman in each couple must exchange an item of clothing. The couple that takes the longest to change clothes is eliminated. The rest continue and so on until only one pair remains. In addition to presenting a prize, its participants must certainly be praised for “such an original outfit.”

Let's put the puzzle together

Several teams of two or three people are given a photo of the birthday girl cut into a puzzle. It is desirable that the photos are identical and cut into an equal number of elements. At the signal, everyone begins to put together their puzzle. The winner is the fastest team. As an option, you can give out a bag with letters that can be put into one phrase. This phrase should be relevant to congratulating the hero of the day. The essence of the competition, as in the previous one, is to compose your phrase faster.

Egg dinner

Pair competition for several people. Each willing couple is given one unpeeled, hard-boiled egg. Before this, everyone’s hands are tied behind their backs. Now, without freeing their hands, the couple must peel the egg and eat it as quickly as possible. The winner is the most “hungry” participants who finished it first.

Collective bullseye

Those wishing to participate in the competition line up in a circle. The first player is given an ordinary apple, which he squeezes well with his chin. Then, without using hands to help, the apple is also passed to the neighbor - from chin to chin. The one who drops it is eliminated. The winner is the last one left with the apple. The following competition can also be used to celebrate a woman’s anniversary; each eliminated participant will make a toast to the hero of the occasion. Watch the video:

The anniversary of two fives is celebrated in different ways: magnificently in a restaurant, cozy, calmly at home. But preparation in both cases takes time. Start by drawing up a plan-scenario for the anniversary. When a man is 55 years old, a simple feast is not considered a holiday. The script includes comic congratulations on the 55th anniversary, the presentation of a certificate to a man, and pranks on guests.

For such a significant anniversary, the guest list is often long. And guests are present of all ages: from friends of the same age as the hero of the day to children and grandchildren. That’s why you need to choose an appropriate activity for everyone. Competitions and games for adults, a photo corner for young people, and for the little ones, an art table with pencils, crayons, and felt-tip pens is a good solution.

If the responsibility for the anniversary falls on your shoulders, don’t worry, it’s not difficult to create a funny script for your 55th anniversary. Your dear man will appreciate your care and attention, because the evening program will be compiled just for him. We have selected interesting scenarios for a man’s 55th birthday, as well as exciting games, gift and decor ideas for you on the pages of our website.

The proposed scenario is designed to celebrate a man’s 55th birthday with his family. When decorating the room, use gold and yellow colors: these can be ribbons, large sparkling fives made of paper, flowers, also made of paper or fabric.

At the beginning of the holiday, guests are given a 55-page holiday book called "55 Reasons Why We Love You." Guests are advised to fill it out before the video is shown.

Leading: Good evening! Good evening, our guests, gentlemen!
Let's dance, laugh, toast without shame!
Fanfares are sung in honor of the hero of the day,
Glasses are clinking, congratulations are flying!
And this day shines and sparkles with gold,
Our birthday boy is like a precious ring:
Over the years, he only gained value and matured,
Strengthened, matured, in a word, blossomed!

I ask the dear hero of the day to stand up to read the anniversary resolutions! I ask guests to participate and help!

Oath for the hero of the day “Anniversary Decrees”

Leading: The hero of the day, solemnly place your hand on the bottle of festive champagne and read out your oath!

I responsibly declare
That from this day on I don’t know any illnesses,
That from this day on I respect sports
And I start going to the pool!

What we responsibly swear to!

I give you this statement,
I'm not in a good mood when I'm in a bad mood!
I smile and rejoice more
To live more fun and longer!

Guests: And we undertake to help you with this,
What we responsibly swear to!

I will also spend more time in nature,
Plant flowers in your garden.
Otherwise I'll go fishing with my friends,
I’ll cook shish kebab with my colleagues!

Guests: And we undertake to help you with this,
What we responsibly swear to!

And I also take an oath,
I’ll pour sparkling wine for everyone.
If the glass is small,
We will drink from the barrels to the bottom!

Guests: And we undertake to help you with this,
What we responsibly swear to!

Leading: Happy anniversary, (name of the birthday boy)!
Let's raise a glass high in your honor,
So that the toast sounds solemn!
You are golden today
The hair is slightly gray,
Life sparkles playfully in the eyes,
You can't be chewed up so easily!
You pass life's exams with straight A's,
And your car will never stop!
You boldly walk along the main path,
You are strong, undaunted, invincible!

The guests drink to the hero of the day.

Table break.

Presentation of the certificate

A guest enters dressed as the ancient Greek messenger Hermes.

Hermes: Stop the noise and din
Hermes has come to visit you!
Put down the forks, put away the glasses,
Give the floor to Hermes!
Of course they told me
That you are very successful here,
Among relatives and friends
Celebrating your anniversary!
I came to you for a reason,
Call of duty brought me here!
The whole Olympus is in a hurry to congratulate!
Where is our handsome anniversary boy?

The hero of the day comes out in front of the guests.

Hermes: Who will be quick?
Will you give me the certificate?
Where are my helpers?
Come out and don't hide!

A girl dressed as a nymph comes out. She has a canvas bag thrown over her shoulder, in which a diploma and a laurel wreath are hidden. Two men bring out a decorated chair.

Hermes: We solemnly name you
Winner! Today is your triumph!
And without a doubt we present this diploma!
Your differences are stability and a sharp mind!

Nymph: We dedicate the throne of honor to you,
We give all the glory to you!
And we wish you a glorious, long life,
Glory to your exploits on Earth!

The hero of the day sits down in a chair.

It has also been known since ancient times that the triumphant
He was crowned with laurel in the presence of people.
Therefore, accept a wreath of carved gold,
Continue to walk with your head proud!

The nymph puts a wreath on the hero of the day. Hermes brings him a filled glass.

Leading: For our hero of the day! For his clear mind, keen eye and strong fist!

Guests drink while standing. The throne can be placed at the table, replacing the chair of the hero of the day.

It's only been 5 yes 5,
We're too lazy to even count the years!
We prefer to congratulate
Pour glasses for health!
After so many years, you have become convinced
That he is a golden man
And a congratulatory word
For his dear wife!

The birthday boy's wife congratulates her husband, talks about his life, family, recalling all his best qualities. And then he offers to sing a song together; the words must be laid out on the tables in advance. Only the ladies start it, in the second verse only men join, and the third verse they sing together. The minus song from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians” is turned on.


1st verse: There is nothing better in the world,
We will tell you only in secret,
Congratulations to the hero of the day (name)!
We wish him only happiness!
We wish him only success!

2nd verse:
We will carry you in our arms!
How much benefit you bring to people!
You're a pro, but at home you're just a sweetheart,
Live life to the fullest!
We'll drain the eighth for you!

Verse 3:
It's hard for us to calm down our excitement,
It’s (name)’s anniversary birthday!
Be both stately and beautiful!
You are not subject to any years!
Just as boldly fly along the highway!

"Special Dance"

While everyone is on the dance floor, the host can play such a game. The toastmaster announces a special dance and arranges everyone in a circle. Next, he names the parts of the body that will now dance. For example, the dance of the right leg, and only the named part of the body is included in the dance .

The hero of the day is a man with experience,
He is a worthy husband and father!
Without hesitation, we will tell you
That he is great in life!
He is respected and loved in the family,
His authority is undeniable.
Congratulatory word
It's ready for posterity!

Congratulations from the children and their spouses. And, of course, if the grandchildren are older, they also take part. The presenter introduces by the speaker's name.

Leading: So let's raise our glasses, friends! For the birthday boy! And let us wish his anniversaries to be like stars on cognac. The more years, the more beautiful, strong and seasoned (name of the hero of the day) becomes!

Table game

Leading: Attention everyone present! I am announcing a competition for the best gift for the hero of the day! You take turns drawing a letter from the bag and say the first thing that comes to your mind. And the hero of the day listens carefully, chooses and remembers what he likes most!

The presenter passes a microphone and a bag with pieces of paper with letters on it to the beginning of the table. It turns out very comical due to the high pace and the first reaction.

At the end of the competition, the presenter asks the hero of the day which answer he liked best. The winner is presented with a symbolic prize.

Table and dance break.

Dance with the "Jubilee"

Leading: The hero of the day. How many letters does this word consist of? Are there any beautiful ladies in our hall whose names begin with these letters? Please, come out to us! Do we have any brave gentlemen whose first letters of their names are the above-mentioned letters? I invite you to the center of the hall!

I announce a congratulatory speech! Participants, pay close attention to the music and have time to dance correctly. For example, a waltz is done in pairs, and a letku-enka is done all together! Ready? Go!

Leading: Honorary hero of the day,
They will be very happy to congratulate you
Nice colleagues, comrades and friends,
I ask you to tell us everything, without mincing words!

Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Leading: Well, what can I say? Bravo, hero of the day! It took 55 years to look this good!

Chant “Five five! This is who we should follow as an example!”

Guests repeat after each quatrain:“Five five! This is who we should follow as an example!”

Leading: The birthday feast brought us together,
And the hero of the day, he is our general!
He never lost time in his life,
Fate took the blows with steadfastness!
Our (name of the hero of the day) is a blacksmith
And your happiness and your success.
He sits high, his palace is good,
We were amazed by its scope!
And willpower and good looks,
And brave prowess, and laughter in the eyes
All this was inevitably necessary
To receive recognition in all matters!

Table and dance break.

Leading: Why are you guests sitting here?
Just open the wines
Warm up, get up,
Let's dance together!
This dance will be white
Come on, everyone leave the table.
Ladies, who managed whom -
Get everyone on the dance floor.

A selection of retro songs sounds.


Show video greetings or a gallery of photographs of the birthday boy from birth to the present moment, happy and funny fragments. At this time, the presenter comments on the photo. It is better to prepare comments in advance, small quatrains.

After the video screening, a book of congratulations is presented to the anniversary.

Toast game "Lemon"

All guests one after another (or several volunteers, if the company is large) show, using pantomime, the taste or color named by the host. The presenter asks the very last participant to imitate the taste of a very sour lemon.

Leading: It often happens that fate hands us a lemon, and we sit with sour faces and in a bad mood. So let's drink to the fact that from all the lemons of fate we can make delicious, refreshing lemonade!

Taking out the cake

Leading: Dear friends, sweet tea time is coming! But before that, I will ask you to write wishes to the hero of the day on pieces of paper and hide them under a plate.

To the music of “Happy Birthday,” a cake with lighted candles is brought out. The birthday boy blows out the candles, and then randomly selects three guests, who read out his wishes out loud.

Leading: According to anniversary magic, these wishes will definitely come true in the coming year!

Farewell dance

The hero of the day and his wife go to the center. Their favorite melody sounds, the guests light sparklers. At the end of the dance, “Bumfeti” firecrackers are fired over the couple with shouts of “Congratulations!”

You deserve this joyful holiday,
You step forward with dignity and courage.
And like a happy heir
You inherit the sweet taste of victory!
And again, without being lazy, we repeat,
Live happily and to the fullest!
And if you suddenly need some help,
Don't hesitate to call us!
The final celebratory toast sounds
For you to outgrow yourself,
And also for the strength and inflexibility of the spirit!
Let a smile bloom on your face from ear to ear!


  1. A holiday book for congratulations, can be designed as a desk calendar;
  2. Hermes costume (white tunic, golden wings and golden sandals), nymph costume (white tunic, sandals, flower in hair), congratulatory letter, stylized laurel wreath;
  3. Lyrics with a song for guests;
  4. Symbolic prizes, sheets of paper and pens for all guests, firecrackers, sparklers.

In order for guests to have fun at the anniversary, it is necessary to hold several competitions or games, in which, as a rule, guests willingly participate. I would like to offer you several fun competitions and games.

Screen Test Competition
The required participation in the competition is at least 2-3 people, more is possible, then the competition must be held in several stages. Having called 3 people, you explain to them that now you will be casting for participation in one or another specific role, leave one, and send the others to another room so that they cannot see the performance of the first participant. Next, having chosen one of the roles, you offer to play one short episode from this role to all participants in turn, after the performance of all participants, the jury sums up who played better. Offer the next 3 participants another role, etc.
List of roles to choose from:
1. Draw Winnie the Pooh stuck at the exit from the Rabbit's hole.
2. Depict Piglet running under an umbrella in front of the tree on which Winnie the Pooh is climbing towards the bees.
3. Portray Ivan Vasilyevich stuck in an elevator (film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”)
4. Portray a dentist (Etush) when he complains to a shepherd dog about what was stolen from him (film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”)
5. Portray a housekeeper in the bathroom when she calls about a ghost (film "Kid and Carlson")
6. Portray a drunken jailer when, upon seeing a drunken prison warden, he portrays a sober one (film “The Bat”)
7. Depict Ippolon washing in the bathroom in a coat (film “irony of fate or enjoy the steam”)
8. Portray Aunt Praskovya (I. Churikova) when she begins to explain to Krolikov how many there are: “Forgive me, the old fool... As I remember now, Ivan Izrailivech was crushed by a piano,... and you all lie there begging for a tit...( film "Shirley-myrli")
The presenter can help the participants with suggestive phrases from the role. You can come up with other fun roles yourself. The most important thing is that this competition can be held several times in the same company, changing roles.
In fact, when the guests are already under the influence, it turns out to be very fun.

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide apart and walk along the “stream” without getting their feet wet. (it is advisable to invite women who are wearing skirts). After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes). The woman is embarrassed. The second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!

Each lady holds a ribbon twisted into a ball in her right hand. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.

The host calls two men and two women into the game. It's up to you to decide how best to distribute pairs of players - by belonging to the same gender or the opposite. Then, blindfolding the two participants, the presenter asks them questions, pointing to the one he wants. “Tell me, where are we going to kiss? Here?” And he points, for example, to the cheek (you can use ears, lips, eyes, hands, etc.). The presenter asks questions until the blindfolded participant says “Yes.” Then the presenter asks: “How many times? How many?” And he shows on his fingers how many times, changing the combination each time, until the player says: “Yes.” Well, then, having untied the participant’s eyes, they force him to do what he agreed to - for example, kiss the man’s knee eight times.

Two (or more) pairs are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each "tailor" is given... a roll of toilet paper, from which he needs to make a dress for his "model". (The dress must be made only of paper. Tears and knots are allowed, but paper clips, pins and other foreign objects are prohibited). The pairs are removed for some time (10-15-30 minutes), after which the model returns in a new “outfit”. Having assessed the appearance of the dress, the jury invites the couples to dance. How slowly and gracefully such a fragile work of a “tailor” falls apart! This is a must see, which is what I wish for everyone!

Place a few peas or large beads on a chair, cover it with a scarf, players take turns sitting on the chair and guess how many beads there are, the results are recorded. The most accurate result is the winner

The presenter invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent.

The presenter gives everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.). After this, the creation of essays begins. The presenter asks the first question: “Who?” The players write the answer to it on their sheets (the options may be different, depending on what comes to mind). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The presenter asks a second question, for example: “Where?” The players again write the answer to it and again fold the sheet in the above manner, and again pass the sheet. This is repeated as many times as necessary until the presenter runs out of imagination for questions. The point of the game is that each player, answering the last question, does not see the results of previous answers. After finishing the questions, the sheets of paper are collected by the presenter, unfolded, and the resulting essays are read out. The results are very funny stories, with the most unexpected characters (from all kinds of animals to close acquaintances) and plot twists. The main thing for the presenter is to successfully choose the sequence of questions so that the resulting story is coherent.

Pairs of participants are called. Plates are placed in front of them and everyone is given teaspoons. Small money (coins) are poured onto the plates. The task of the participants is to catch (pick up) with a spoon, without helping with your hand, as many coins as possible. This is not so easy to do on a flat plate. The one with the most coins wins.

Married couples participate in the competition. Men are given banknotes (candy wrappers are possible), an equal amount. Their task is to hide their stash. The women are then blindfolded and their goal is to find these stashes. The winner among women is the one who finds all the stash first. Among the men, the winner is the one who has undetected stash left.

MPS (my right neighbor)
The game can be played in any company and in any condition - the quality will not suffer in any way. The only condition is to play 1 time in the same lineup. This can only be repeated if a newcomer joins the company. The more people gather, the more interesting the game. To begin with, two leaders and one “victim” are selected. One presenter explains the rules of the game to the “victim”, and the other explains to everyone else. The “victim” will have to guess the supposedly hidden person from the rest of the company of players, asking questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” The point is that, in fact, no one makes a riddle for anyone, and the players answering in turn are guided by the “signs” of their neighbor on the right. The confusion of the “victim”, who sometimes receives quite contradictory answers to his questions, is guaranteed to lift the mood. The ultimate task of the “victim” is to understand the pattern of the game. You can add some variety to the game by changing the patterns. For example, responding players will describe the person sitting opposite, or two or three people across.

Our grandparents also played this game with enthusiasm. It attracts with its simplicity, accessibility for everyone and the ability to vary if necessary. In order to start the game, one thing is collected from everyone present. It is advisable that they be approximately the same plan, otherwise it will be easy to figure out the owner of this or that item and match it with a forfeit. All things are put into a hat or box and mixed thoroughly. One of the players is blindfolded, he takes turns taking items out of the box and names the tasks that the owner of this or that item must complete. What the tasks can be depends only on your imagination.

One of the players (the presenter) asks the participants questions that do not require a “yes” or “no” answer. The players’ task is to answer the question with a phrase of two words that begin with each participant’s own initials (the first letters of the first and last name). Each player is given 3 seconds to think. If a player does not have time to answer or answers incorrectly, he is eliminated from the game. Questions could be: “What movies do you like?”, “What music do you listen to?”, “Where were you last night?”, “What is your favorite dish?” It is desirable, of course, that the answers be as plausible as possible. The last player remaining wins.

To play you will need two bottles and 20 peas (can be pellets). Two bottles are placed in front of two players, each is given 10 peas. The task is to, at the leader’s signal, without bending (arms at chest level), drop peas into the bottle from above. The participant who throws the most peas into the bottle wins. Each of the guests present is invited to remember and write down a few lines from the six most favorite songs. After the guests fulfill the condition, they are offered a clue:
1. The first song is the feeling after the first kiss.
2. The second is memories after the first wedding night.
3. The third is a reminder of the honeymoon.
4. The fourth - a year after the wedding.
5. Fifth - what am I thinking about today, when today we are together with you.
6. Sixth - the morning after the golden wedding.

The participants are dealt cards: the one with the ace of spades is the Mafioso, the one with the ace of hearts is the Sheriff, and the rest are civilians. Everyone sits in a circle. The Mafioso's task is to wink at someone unnoticed - this means that he killed that person. The one who winked, the civilian waits a little, then throws the card and leans back, as if killed. The Sheriff's task is to notice who is blinking, identify the mafia and show him your card. It's funny when the mafioso starts blinking at the Sheriff.

Several people are called onto the stage. They attach inscriptions to their backs so that no one sees their inscription. The inscriptions are as follows:
passerby (maybe several)
The killer's task is to kill the boss, the bodyguard's task is to protect the boss, the Sheriff's task is to catch the killer. They are given some time to spin around for no more than half a minute, then they stand at different ends and, at a signal, must fulfill their roles. But since they don’t know what role they got and they need to figure it out, it turns out funny.

All participants are given glasses containing 50 grams of light liquid. And it is announced to everyone that all the glasses contain water, but only one contains vodka. Everyone must drink the contents through a straw. The task of those who have vodka is not to give it away, and those who have water are to guess who has vodka. You can place bets. When all the bets are made and the contents are drunk, the host announces that this is a draw and in fact there was vodka in all the glasses.

You will need several salad plates, forks and blindfolds. Usually only men want to take part in this game. Several people are invited to play this game. If you are not sitting at the table, then you need to seat the participants at it. Plates with their favorite salad are placed in front of them, and participants are blindfolded. As soon as the participants are blindfolded, the salad plates are replaced with plates of salted water or broth. The command to start sounds, and the unsuspecting players diligently scoop water from their plates with forks and wonder why not a single piece of salad gets into the plate, although they seem to be on the plate - the fork is salty! There are no losers in this competition, so all winners receive a plate of their favorite salad as a prize!

Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. It is advisable that there are no breakable, sharp, etc. nearby. items. The host of the competition speaks into each player's ear the names of two animals. And he explains the meaning of the game: when he names any animal, the person who was told this animal in his ear must sit down sharply, and his neighbors to the right and left, on the contrary, when they feel that their neighbor is crouching, must prevent this by supporting the neighbor under your arms. It is advisable to do all this at a fairly fast pace, without giving any breaks. The funny thing is that the second animal that the presenter speaks into the players’ ears is the same for everyone - “WHALE”. And when, a minute or two after the start of the game, the host suddenly says: “Whale,” then everyone inevitably has to sit down sharply, which leads to prolonged wallowing on the floor. You don't even need to drink beforehand.

Two people play. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, because The thick double glass of the hospital room does not allow outside sounds to pass through. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say into the next ear his first association with this word, the second - to the third, etc. until the word returns to the first. If you get a “gangbang” from a harmless “chandelier”, consider that the competition was a success.

For the competition you need to prepare materials in advance. Short headlines are cut from newspapers, books, etc., even if they are not funny - it will be funny later. The most important thing is more. All this is folded into a paper envelope, glued together like pants. Participants sit in a circle, and then pull out the prepared clippings and, with the words “It’s in my pants,” read what is written on the piece of paper. It should turn out something like “in my pants... - collective farmers have harvested a large harvest of cucumbers.” And so on in a circle until the pieces of paper run out.

All participants are given blank sheets of paper on which they will write their “masterpieces,” and pens. Participants write the names of their heroes and fold the piece of paper so that what is written is not visible. And then they pass the sheet to their neighbor. Next they write answers to questions like “where did the hero go, what happened to him, etc.” You can come up with a lot of questions, as long as you have enough paper. After each written answer, the piece of paper is folded and given to a neighbor. It should turn out something like “Little Red Riding Hood climbed up the Christmas tree to get dill, and she was overwhelmed with watermelons.” I am sure that reading these “masterpieces” will cause you a storm of cheerful emotions.

Two people play. Each person is given an equal number of caramels. Preferably more. The first player puts the coffee in his mouth and says the following words: “Fat-cheeked lip slap.” The second player does the same. And so on in turn. The one who was the last to utter the treasured phrase won the competition.

Participants sit in several lines on chairs. each line gets a role: grandfather, grandmother, wolf, etc., plus each of the participants is a “bun”. The presenter tells a fairy tale, and the participants, having heard their role, must run around the chair. Everyone runs around hearing the “bun”. The story needs to be extemporaneous, often repeating the roles, for example: “the grandmother baked it, although what kind of grandmother she is, not a grandmother, but a young grandmother, koloboka, koloboka...”. The competition ends when everyone is tired of running.

It's a fun old competition, but adults also play it fun :) Take 12 pieces of paper, on each of which you write where the next one is. Then almost all the notes are hidden in different places, and one is given to the players. Their task is to find and collect all the notes. This game is good to play at a birthday party, when the last one says where the gift itself is hidden.
