Competitions for February 23. Games and competitions for discos and parties

The last winter holiday is Defender of the Fatherland Day. In schools, this holiday is taken very seriously. The girls are preparing a holiday for their boys, coming up with a script and competitions. It’s difficult to do this, because every year you have to come up with more and more new competitions. To make it easier for you, we have new competitions for February 23rd for 5th grade boys. Funny, table and active competitions are the best option for the holiday.

Assembling and disassembling the machine.
In this competition, your boys will be able to assemble a machine against the clock. But don't think he's not real.
First, find a picture of the machine. Then you print it on a printer and cut it into 9-12 parts. Mix all the parts and place them on the table. At the leader's command, the boys must connect their parts to create a picture of a machine gun. Whoever finishes it first wins.

Competition - who knows best.
Divide the boys into teams. Possible for three teams. Give each team a whistle. The presenter reads out the question, and if any team has the answer, then it blows the whistle. If the answer is correct. That's a point. If the answer is incorrect, then the team skips the next question. This is to ensure that teams do not simply whistle and respond constantly without thinking.

Fell, did push-ups, got up.
Everyone knows these three magic words. So the boys will get to know them. Only girls will help them. Each boy has two girls on his team. There are 5 inflated balloons nearby. At the leader's command, the girls help the boys put the ball under their shirt. Afterwards the boy must fall to the floor and do push-ups so that the ball bursts. Then he gets up and again they put the ball under his shirt. And so on until someone bursts all five balloons. And whoever bursts wins the competition and thanks the girls for their help.

And there will be no real bow in this competition. From which they shoot. You need onions that grow in the garden. You also need big potato bags. There are 2 people in the team. One has 5 onions, and the other has a bag in his hands. We make two lines and the participants disperse behind them. At the command of the leader, the time is noted and the first throws the bow to the second, and the second catches it immediately in the bag. When all five bulbs are in the bag, time stops. For each onion not caught there is a penalty of 5 seconds. When all teams have played, that team wins. Which one took the least amount of time to get the bulbs into the bag.

Gifts for boys.
It's time to give gifts. They can be distributed to all the boys at once, or they can be played with. To do this, each girl takes one of any gifts and holds it behind her back. They take turns asking riddles. First, the first girl asks her riddle. Which of the boys guessed right? This girl comes up to him and gives him a gift. And so on, everyone makes gifts and gives gifts.

February 23 at school. Scenario

Presenter. Hello, friends! This holiday is only yours, our dear guys! Today we have prepared many different interesting competitions for you. A real man is courageous and quick-witted, he is gallant and can get away with any situation. We have prepared real tests for you. So let's spend time together and have fun.

So, in our first competition we will test your strength. But since the time of gladiatorial and fist fights is long gone, we will test your strength in new ways.

Competition "Pereduy"

For the competition you need: one egg, blindfolds, a flat horizontal surface.

The competition participants are divided into pairs. The boundaries of each player are drawn on the selected surface. The participants' task: within 30 seconds they must blow the egg to the opponent's side. The task is complicated by the fact that the guys do this with their eyes closed. The competition is held until one winner is identified.

Presenter. You have more than enough strength. Now let's check how gallant you are men. After all, a true romantic not only knows a lot about beautiful flowers, but also knows what they mean. Let's see how savvy you are in the floral theme.

Competition "Scarlet Flower"

For the competition you need: 14 cardboard cards for each participant. The names of the colors are written on seven cards, and the designations of these colors are written on the others.

Participants’ task: within 1 minute they must correctly match the flower and its meaning. For example: lily of the valley - unexpected joy; water lily - invincibility; rose - love; lily - innocence; forget-me-not - longing; clove - courage; violet - modesty. The winner is the participant who made the largest number of correct pairs.

Presenter. Now you definitely know the language of flowers and you will never go wrong if you want to express your feelings without words. In the next competition we will test not only your strength, but also your manual dexterity.

Competition "Don't burst, balloon"

For the competition you need: balloons. Each participant in the competition receives a balloon.

The participants' task: they must inflate the balloon as much as possible, but at the same time it must not burst. After this, the guys must tie a ball, but without threads, and only when everything is done can they compare the balls and identify the winner.

Presenter. It's not so easy to tie a ball without thread, but you passed the test perfectly. Our next competition is for the most courageous guys.

Competition “Sour, bitter, sweet”

For the competition you need: lemon, onion and chocolate.

The participants' task: they must eat these foods in reverse order. At the same time, maintain a calm and even satisfied appearance as much as possible. The winner will be the one who can withstand this test.

Presenter. Yes, this competition was for the most persistent guys. A real man will be able to figure out any problem, he will always come out unscathed. Let's see if you can do it.

Competition “I will get out of any situation”

For the competition you need: cards on which ridiculous situations will be written. The task of the participants is to offer the most interesting way out of these situations. Participants should answer without hesitation. The winner will be the participant whose answer is the most striking.

➢ You are in a madhouse, but absolutely healthy. Prove it.

➢ You want to buy something in a store that you have long dreamed of. There is only one copy of it in the store. Another person is looking at her. You quickly grab it and run to the cash register, and there it turns out that you didn’t take the money with you. Your actions?

➢ You have an appointment, you are already late and you know that the girl is waiting for you. And besides, it was still raining outside. Which exit?

➢ You are going to an exam and decide to refresh yourself. We accidentally stained our white shirt with ketchup. What will you do?

➢ You meet a friend on the street, start asking him about everything, and suddenly you realize that you just made a mistake. Your actions?

➢ You bought a gift for a friend. But on his birthday you drop it and break it. What will you do?

➢ You go to a special event and only in the middle of the celebration you notice that the T-shirt is worn inside out. What to do?

➢ You go to a cafe on the street. You take the tray, but on the way out you stumble, and your tray with all its contents falls on your neighbor. How to get out of this situation?

➢ You bought a rose for a girl, but while they were carrying it, all the petals fell off. You only notice it when you give a flower. How to explain?

Presenter. It looks like you will be able to cope with any problems. But what kind of a Man is this without a beautiful lady? Everyone has their own princess in their heart. Let's test your artistic talents.

Competition "Dear Lady"

For the competition you will need: white paper, markers, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must draw the lady of their heart. They do all this blindfolded. At the same time, competition participants must use different markers each time they draw different parts of the body. The more colors you use, the more interesting the drawings will be.

Presenter. Now we know your ideal. We hope that you will definitely find it. A real man is always a gourmet, although he does not always understand what he is being treated to. Let's test your taste capabilities. Can you guess what we are going to treat you with?

Competition "Taster"

For the competition you need: honey, jam, jelly and jam, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must try the preservatives blindfolded and then name what they are. Only two of the four can be given alternately. The participant must say what products these sweets are made of. The winner is the participant who accurately determines what he is trying.

Presenter. Now try cooking. Of course, no one will force you to cook jam, but a real man can always cook dinner for himself if something happens.

Competition "The food is served"

For the competition you need: potatoes and knives.

The participants' task: they must peel the potato and cut it. The vegetable should have a high content of eyes. This is not a timed task. The winner is the one who fulfills the conditions of the competition as accurately as possible.

Presenter. You will not get lost in any trouble! Now we will test your accuracy. The task will not be easy, but I hope that you will cope with it perfectly.

Competition "Sharp Hit"

For the competition you need: a box and five chocolates.

The participants’ task: they must throw candy into the box at a distance of three steps. The competition is complicated by the fact that the player must stand only on his left foot and throw with his left hand. The winner is the one who threw in the maximum number of candies.

Presenter. Remember that a real man is a gallant gentleman. Usually they ask you to compose an ode to your beautiful lady, and we offer an ode to your favorite nails, hammers and the most common everyday problems.

Competition "Rhyme"

For the competition you need: cards on which rhyming words are written (current - hammer, putty - rope; hole - resin; nail - cane), according to the number of players.

Participants' task: within 5 minutes they must compose a poem. Then the authors read their works.

Presenter. Your poems were received with a bang. Men have a rational approach to everything that happens, and we will test your intuition.

Competition "Guess what's inside"

For the competition you need: a box, a bell, keys, 2-3 teaspoons, a rattle, a table tennis ball.

Participants of the competition, 5 people, receive a closed box containing one of these items. The participant can only shake it. This can only be done twice.

The participants’ task: by the sound they hear, they need to determine what kind of object is inside.

Presenter. Every man should be an actor. Now we will test your abilities in this difficult task.

Competition “What a wonderful wonder?”

For the competition you need: cards on which the names of birds, animals and insects are written (butterfly, woodpecker, magpie, spider, sparrow, penguin, ostrich, elephant, camel).

Participants of the competition take turns on stage and receive cards.

The participants’ task: they must depict the animal, bird or insect that is named on the card. You cannot speak, you can only use facial expressions and gestures.

Presenter. A real man must be an athlete. For the next competition we chose one of our favorite sports - football.

Competition "Score in the goal"

All competition participants go on stage. They choose one person to be the “goalkeeper.” He and the contestant stand with their backs to each other and move away a few steps. The goalkeeper places his feet shoulder-width apart - this will be the goal.

Participants’ task: on the command “Hit!” the competitor hits the ball. If he hits, he ends up at the end of the line, but if he doesn’t, he’s out of the game. Each player is given one shot attempt.

Presenter. Our next competition is not only for the fastest and most attentive, but also for the luckiest.

Competition “Where are you, little key?”

For the competition you need: a lock and a large bunch of keys.

Two people are invited to participate. Each of them receives details.

Participants’ task: on the command “Start!” the guys are trying to open the lock. Whoever completes it first will be the winner.

Presenter. A real man has an excellent memory. Let's check if yours is that good.

Competition "Try to repeat"

Ten girls and one boy are invited for the competition.

The first girl says her name and makes some movement, such as clapping her hands. The second girl calls her neighbor’s name and repeats her movement, and then introduces herself and does something, and so on for all the girls until the end. They only repeat after their neighbors.

The participant’s task: he has to name all the girls by name and repeat all the movements after them.

Presenter. You are probably already tired, and we will test your strength one more time, because a real man must be strong.

Competition "Smash the Bottle"

For the competition you need: empty plastic bottles.

Participants in the competition receive bottles.

Participants’ task: on the command “March!” they begin to crush them. This can only be done with your hands. The winner of the competition is the one who completes the task the fastest.

Presenter. We know that real men will go through fire, water, and copper pipes. And we know for sure that you are exactly like that. So, you have proven to us that you can really always protect us weak girls. Of course, we had no doubt about it! We are proud that such children study with us. We have another surprise in store.

Each boy receives a diploma of a Real Man.

Presenter. Now let's go together to the festive table.

The holiday of February 23 can be celebrated in different ways. Congratulate men in the office, for example, present ties, or organize a real men's party with colleagues or loved ones. Whatever the theme of the party - poker, boxing or watching your favorite action films - it cannot be done without competitions and games.


Men love nothing more than sports, so in games and competitions on February 23, you can use sports equipment and sports terms. Girls can also join this cult of the Y chromosome.

If there are a lot of strangers in the company, play a game " Ball" It consists of standing in a circle, taking turns passing the ball and clearly saying your name. As soon as the leader says “Stop!”, the person who still has the ball throws it to the other, calling his name. A participant who does not catch the ball or mixes up the name tries to name all the participants in the game by name.

Men love boxing very much, so you can play the game " Boxer rushes to work" The presenter gives the participants a pair of socks, boxing shorts and boxing gloves. The one who wears gloves and puts on shorts and socks the fastest wins.

You can't do February 23 without football. For Game " Blind football player“The presenter places soccer balls on the floor according to the number of participants. Men are asked to take 10 steps from the ball in any direction and are blindfolded. The presenter gives the “blind football players” the commands: “left”, “circle”, right”, and then asks them to again take 10 steps towards the ball and hit it. Most of the participants show powerful punches in the air, which is very funny. The most “sighted” football player receives a prize, the rest receive a subscription to watch the “Battle of Psychics” program.

When decent sports games are already boring, it’s time for alcoholic competitions for men. For example, play a high-intelligence game " Checkers"(for those who know - " Literball"). Instead of regular checkers, you will need 24 glasses, half of which are filled with a light alcoholic drink, and half with a dark one (cognac and vodka, for example). The glasses are placed on the chessboard and they begin to play according to the classical rules. Only the player whose checker is hit must empty it before disposing of it from the battlefield. When moving to the queen's room, even more alcohol is poured into the glass. In case of loss, the participant will have to drink everything that is left on the field.

The alcohol-sports game also tests the liver's strength. Ping-gurgle" Glasses of beer are placed on the ping-pong table for her. If the ball hits the glass, this is not considered a hit on the table. If it hits the glass, the player loses a point, but wins the beer. The good thing about the game is that there are no losers or winners: one becomes the best athlete, and the other gets drunk with beer.

If popular sports don't appeal to you, there is a fun knockout game " Cock-fights" Players are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-5 steps. Couples pretend to be fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is eliminated. The main thing is to agree in advance where all participants will hold their hands: behind their backs, crosswise or on their necks.


As they say, there are obviously male professions. For example, a spy (Angelina Jolie does not count), detective, sniper, soldier, cowboy, banker. " Spies" is a good game to start the party. Each participant remembers the signs of the guests (hair, clothes), and after a while two lucky ones are chosen. One of them is blindfolded and asked to guess by touch who is in front of him. The second participant must conceal himself (let his hair down, change his clothes). If he is still guessed, he takes the place of the “Spy”.

Invite financiers to play the game “ Where to invest money" The presenter calls pairs of a man and a woman and offers to quickly open a network of banks, investing one banknote in each bank. Pockets, lapels and all secluded places become safe deposit boxes for deposits. As soon as the couples have no money left, the presenter asks the women to quickly withdraw the entire amount from their accounts. Open banks, withdraw money!

Another exciting business game is “ Bank account" Participants must, without opening the “bank” - a three-liter glass jar filled with banknotes - calculate the amount of the “deposit”. The most accurate “banker” wins.

Game for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs " Detectives"requires division into 2 teams: "detectives" and "suspects". Suspects come up with situations, and detectives bring them in for questioning one at a time and ask only 5 questions. Detectives strive to get different answers to the same question and blame the suspects, and the job of the suspects is not to contradict each other.

For the most relevant competition for February 23 “ Exemplary Soldiers“We need helmets, boots, foot wraps, huge trousers and other accessories of military life. In the army, privates must have time to get dressed while the match is burning, so let your men try to fulfill this condition - to put on as much clothing as possible in a short time. For added interest, military uniforms can include funny clothes, women's clothing, and children's hats. The award goes to the most suitable “soldier” for the army and the most extravagant military man.

Before moving on to heavy artillery, you can compete in accuracy in the competition " Sniper" Men have a carrot tied to their belt by a thread (so that it hangs at knee level), which they must accurately drop into empty plastic bottles. The winner is the one who, having lowered the vegetable into the neck, lifts the bottle on the rope the fastest.

Well, the bravest men simply have to play the game “ Cowboy Joe" Two lucky people stand on opposite sides of the table. When the signal sounds, they must drink a glass of vodka as quickly as possible. As a signal, the “bartender” loudly knocks on the table with his fist. The winner is the one who manages to return the empty glass back to the table faster, and as loudly and intimidatingly as possible.


After a whole day of praising masculine traits and merits, you can laugh a little at masculine weaknesses, stereotypes about men and their habits. Representatives of the stronger sex are often compared to heroes and oak trees. Invite them to play the game "Oaks and Squirrels." It requires 6 squirrel girls and 5 oak men. After the men stand in a circle with their backs to each other, the girls begin to dance to the music in this oak grove. When the music stops, each squirrel must jump onto its own tree. The girl who did not have enough “house” is eliminated, there are 1 fewer oak trees and the game continues.

Men are very important representatives of the world's population, they are so rare that if you have already found a valuable specimen, you must grab it and not let go under any circumstances. Play the game " Pick up a guy from your girlfriend" A thread is attached to the girls' belts, to which is tied a box with a photograph of their favorite actor (can be cut out from a magazine). The box should lie on the ground. Participants, moving to the music, must step on the box and tear it off. This means that you stole your friend's boyfriend. The unfortunate ones leave the dance floor, and the “temptress” who wins the most guys and at the same time retains “her love” wins. Everything is just like in life!

It is also believed that men can lie skillfully without even blushing. Test them with the Munchausen competition. It can be organized both among teams and between individual players. The winner is the most “Munchaus” participant who will come up with and tell an incredible and funny story about himself. Jokes are not allowed to be remade.

What is the most beautiful thing in a man's body? Of course, legs! In the competition " Best men's legs“Only men take part. But they should not know that only their legs will be evaluated. Participants are invited to compete in collecting women's cosmetics (or other items) scattered around the room. For convenience, they are asked to roll up their pants higher. While men struggle in search, women choose the owner of the most beautiful limbs. He wins the competition and is awarded a memorable diploma.

And finally, the most important stereotype about men is that they can drink endlessly without getting drunk (especially on February 23rd). A competition will help you check its truth “ Butt-head", which requires two dice, many liters of beer and a glass. Participants take turns rolling the dice and, based on the number of points, perform the following actions:

2 – the person on the left drinks a glass
3 – nothing happens
4 – the person on the right drinks a glass
5 – penalty point: the person rolls the dice again and drinks the number of glasses that appear
6 - “Elite” penalty: the person rolls the dice again, and everyone drinks the number of glasses that appear
7 – the participant who threw the dice is given a wish
8 – participants need to put their index finger on the table as quickly as possible, whoever is last drinks
9 – don’t leave the table until you throw 9 again (even to the toilet)
10 – everyone drinks one glass
11 – “Butthead”
12 – “Butthead”

"Butthead" means that the participant puts a beer box or pan on his head and drinks while someone else is drinking. He doesn't stop rolling the dice, but he drinks his penalty twice as much. The role of “Butt-head” is removed when 11 or 12 is rolled again. If someone’s dice fall from the table, then he drinks as much as it fell.

Competitions for boys on February 23 include competitions for accuracy, dexterity and strength - that is, they demonstrate the qualities that a real man should have. At the same time, classic competitions for tug of war or hitting a target can be played out in an interesting way, supplemented in such a way that they will become a real surprise for both children and parents. This will be discussed in the article.

Pair competitions on February 23 for boys

Competition “Assemble a machine gun”

For the competition you will need toy guns with sticky bullets and a target. The participants' task is to load the weapon with several bullets and shoot, trying to hit the center of the target. Whoever hits the target faster and, most importantly, more accurately, wins. At the end, points are calculated based on the markings of the target.

Competition "Inventor"

For the competition you need to make preparations: cut out various geometric shapes from cardboard, prepare glue and markers. Boys are given a piece of Whatman paper. The goal is to come up with an unusual, your own type of transport and depict it on a piece of paper using available means. The non-standard approach and ingenuity of the participants are assessed.

Competition "Hipster"

In front of the participants lies a heap of clothes and accessories: hats, scarves, jackets, etc. The boy's task is to combine clothes in such a way as to look stylish and irresistible.

Competition "Knight"

A knight's uniform is not easy. However, in battle you need, above all, skill. Participants must, at the leader’s signal, begin to put on all elements of the knight’s costume, including armor. The winner is the one who completes the task first and raises the spear.

Competition "Ivan Tsarevich"

Boys are equipped with bows and arrows. At the leader’s signal, the participants pull the bowstring and release the arrow. Whose arrow flies the farthest wins.

Competition "Medusa"

For this competition you will need a light silk scarf or a piece of organza. The participants’ task is to toss the handkerchief without letting it fall to the floor. The winner is the one whose “jellyfish” stays in the air the longest.

Competition "Strongmen"

The boys sit on the floor facing each other and rest their feet on each other. The goal is to win the enemy over to your side.

Team competitions for February 23 for boys

Relay "Riders"

There are chairs opposite the teams. Participants line up one after another. The first boys “mount” the horse (take the horse on sticks), gallop towards the chairs, go around them and return to their team, passing the horse to the next participant.

Competition "Cooks"

Each team is given an empty pan. At the same time, there is a bucket filled with water and a ladle nearby. At some distance from the teams there are large basins.

Participants must fill the pan with water using a ladle, run to the basin, trying not to spill the water, pour water into the basin, and return back to their team with an empty pan.

The goal is to get as much water into the basin as possible. The task can be complicated by placing various obstacles along the way.

Competition "Biathlon"

Small tunnels are installed in front of the teams. Behind the tunnels are toy rifles and bullets for them. Nearby there are cardboard targets according to the number of participants. The participants' task is to crawl through the tunnel, load a rifle, shoot, trying to shoot down the target.

The team that completes the task the fastest and knocks down the most targets wins.

Competition "Attack"

The boys are divided into two armies. Only their weapons will be completely unusual. The guys will fight with bananas. At the leader’s cry “Attack!” two teams rush towards each other and begin to fight with bananas. The task of the participants is to defeat the maximum number of opponents, trying to break their bananas.

The winning team is determined by the number of whole bananas.

Competition "Funny Tankmen"

In front of the teams there are easels with sheets of Whatman paper attached. Team members are blindfolded one by one. The guys must, blindfolded, draw a military vehicle (tank, submarine) on a piece of paper. Each participant draws one detail. The winning team is determined by the greatest similarity of the drawing to the real object.

Competition "Paper airplanes"

This competition is held in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Boys should first be taught how to make paper airplanes.

Before the competition, each team is given a paper according to the number of participants. The guys must, at the leader’s signal, have time to make paper airplanes and send them to enemy territory. At the same time, a dividing line is drawn between the teams.

The team that has the most enemy aircraft on its territory will lose.

We offer you a series of games, entertainment and competitions for the holiday in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can use these games on home holiday, at a corporate party in honor of the holiday on February 23. We hope you and your guests enjoy them and help you plan a fun party.

Game "Sultan and his wives"

This game is suitable for a large company. Participants are divided into several harems, each of which consists of one “husband” (man) and “wives” (several girls). The number of “wives” in harems should be the same. The host turns on any oriental music, and the “wives” begin to take off any items of clothing or jewelry and put them on the “husband.” At some point, the music stops, and the harem in which the “husband” wears the most items of ladies’ clothing is declared the winner. As a well-deserved prize, the winning harem or its “sultan” can come up with a tricky task for the losing harem.

Of course, the task can be changed and it can be suggested that the “sultan” dresses his women. Only in this case things will end very quickly...

Game "Body Parts"

This competition, like the previous one, has an oriental theme. From those invited, two sultans are selected - the holders of the harem and their beloved wives. The facilitator must prepare cards in advance on which various parts of the body will be indicated. The Sultan and his first wife each draw out one card, with the words turned down, and touch the parts of the body indicated on it. Next comes the second wife, and the “draw” is repeated. The second wife “attaches” to her husband, while he should not “break away” from the first wife. The number of wives is increasing... The game continues until the wife candidates can still come into contact with the husband or until the cards run out. The winner is the harem in which the resulting “sculpture” will look funnier and will not fall apart.

Game "Money on... a rope!"

Several couples can participate in this competition. The presenter attaches a large-sized fake wallet to the ladies at waist level using a rope or belt, and a banknote of similar dimensions is attached to the gentlemen. Men, without using their hands or other parts of the body, need to place their banknote in their partner’s wallet. The couple that does it the fastest wins.

Game "Bank Deposits"

Two couples (not necessarily married) participate in the competition. The presenter announces that now the participants will have to open bank deposits as quickly as possible, into each of which they can put only one bill. Participants are given initial contributions (this can be candy wrappers or fake money). Lapels, pockets and other secluded places of men's clothing can serve as banks for their deposits. Ladies need to make deposits as quickly as possible and open as many accounts as possible. The leader times the time and announces the start; he can also help the pairs complete the task. After 2 minutes the results of the game are summed up.

The presenter checks how many uninvested bills each pair has left. After this, he asks the women to withdraw their bank deposits as quickly as possible,

making the task more difficult: the ladies will withdraw their deposits blindfolded, so as not to see in which banks other people's deposits were made.

The participants are blindfolded, and at this time the men are swapped. The presenter gives the command, and unsuspecting women begin to enthusiastically withdraw their deposits.

Game "Quick Kiss"

Two teams are recruited - women's and men's, both line up opposite each other in a line, one at a time. The music is turned on and the start is announced: the men, in turn, must kiss each participant in the ladies’ line as quickly as possible, and after his kissing race is completed, the man must shout “I’m finished!”, thereby announcing the end of his task. The facilitator’s task is to record the time it takes each participant to complete the task. The fastest gentleman is declared the winner.

Game "Find me and kiss me!"

Men and all willing ladies take part in the competition in turn. The gentleman is blindfolded. The girls disperse throughout the room. The music turns on, the girls begin to move around the room until the man gives the command to freeze, after which the presenter times the time, and the man begins to run around the room looking for beautiful ladies and kissing them. For the sake of fun, the ladies' group can be diluted by interested men by disguising themselves as girls (for example, by exchanging clothing details, accessories, etc. with them). After the first participant passes the “relay race,” the next one enters the game. The fastest one wins the competition.

Game "Who will be kissed the most"

This competition is for men. The winner, as you understand, is determined not without the help of the fair half of humanity. This game is best played during dances, before the start of which the host announces the conditions of the competition.

Rhythmic music is turned on, to which the men must “harvest the harvest” - get as many kisses as possible from the dancing ladies. At the same time, women should not forget to “break down”, because if they are not yet drunk, they will not kiss everyone.

After the end of the music, the lucky winner is determined. The one who has the most number of kisses on his cheeks and other accessible open places is the honorary kissed Casanova!

Game "Blind Game"

Before you start the “blind game”, first play the game “We are not local people”. The participant is given a hat and asked to walk through the guests, who, in turn, must put the most valuable and expensive thing they have in the hat. It’s better if it’s your favorite earrings, watch, glasses without a case, a car keychain, a photograph, etc.

Now the participant, together with the presenter, carefully places the collected valuables on the floor, after which the conditions of the competition are announced to him. He must blindfolded go through an “obstacle course” without stepping on a single object. Before this, the participant is allowed to walk again between the laid out objects and take a better look at their location. The presenter must escalate the situation, saying that the participant needs to remember as accurately as possible what object, where and how it lies, so as not to accidentally step on it, otherwise this mistake will be fatal for him, and the revenge of the owner of the thing will be terrible and merciless.

After the psychological “attack,” the participant is blindfolded and turned around several times, and at this time the guests very quietly remove all things from the floor so that they are not actually damaged. The player is directed to the “obstacle course”, and as soon as he begins to take the first timid steps, the guests take turns exclaiming, or even shouting loudly: “Be careful, don’t step on my only watch!”, “Where are you going!”, “ Ah-ah-ah, you almost crushed my glasses!”, “Careful, go to the right, put your foot to the left, oh no!..”, etc.

The unfortunate player courageously overcomes the “obstacle course,” sweating from excitement and anxiety. After this, his eyes are untied, and the ill-fated “path” is shown.
