55th Anniversary Program. Scenarios for a birthday, adult contests for an anniversary

Sometimes you want to celebrate your birthday in special silence and comfort, but how can a woman celebrate her 55th birthday without a toastmaster so that it is fun and at the same time the holiday takes place at home? If the hero of the day is not a fan of stormy and loud festivities in cafes and restaurants, then it is better for her to arrange a holiday in a calm, friendly atmosphere and familiar surroundings. In the circle of the closest people and relatives, the anniversary will turn out to be no less fun, but also sincere. 55 years is not yet a summer age, as many people think. This is the beginning of a new stage in the life path, its no less exciting part than youth.

Anniversary celebration


This format of the holiday requires special attention and preparation from both the birthday girl and her assistants, because there will be no ubiquitous toastmaster. In particular, the following points should be considered.

Room decoration

Usually flowers and balls are used for this. Large compositions of fresh roses, lilies or orchids will perfectly decorate the room. It is appropriate to place small bouquets on the tables, which will emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday. You can make an air bouquet of balloons (on each write a wish or a compliment to the birthday girl). Balls on sticks, placed in a large vase, will undoubtedly give the hall a solemn look. On the wall you can place a poster "Happy Birthday", drawn by children and grandchildren.

It will be interesting for the guests who come to view the photo collage of family photos. To entertain them, you can arrange a photo zone. It is easy to create it with your own hands. To do this, you need to equip a wall of artificial flowers, decorate with balls, applique in the form of numbers indicating the age of the birthday girl.

The decoration of the room also includes table setting. Interesting options for folding napkins - paper or linen - will not go unnoticed by guests. An important detail may be the distribution of seats between guests. In this case, notes with the names of the invitees located near the plates will be useful.

Room decoration

Music organization

Voice acting plays an important role at every event. She uplifts the mood and sets the mood for the celebration. Musical compositions should be chosen in advance so that the tastes of all guests are learned.

Organization of competitions

Any holiday, even organized at home, is impossible without exciting contests and skits. By the anniversary, you need to stock up on the details for their holding. Small ones for the winners will also be appropriate. You can choose them according to your taste.

It will be very interesting to start an album with wishes

Let the guests write their congratulatory words, wishes, make sketches there. You can also paste photos after the celebration there. This notebook will be a pleasure for the birthday girl to review every time.

Book for recommendations

Generally speaking, this form of celebration has both positive and negative sides.

Among the minuses can be called:

  1. the need for the hostess to control everything independently (preparation, conduct);
  2. take into account the number of guests and calculate the area of ​​​​the room in accordance with the list;
  3. self-catering;
  4. cleaning at the end of the holiday.

However, the advantage of such a holiday is obvious:

  1. you can save on products by buying them in wholesale markets;
  2. the absence of a pretentious and official atmosphere will liberate, create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort for everyone;
  3. the nuances of the conduct can be controlled and, if desired, replayed.

The celebration will have symbolic stages.

Meeting the birthday girl

She must be solemn. Each guest can be given a cracker. A good idea is a greeting in which everyone shouts "Hurrah" or "Congratulations" in unison. It will be interesting to show signs with photographs of the birthday girl at different ages: childhood, school, university, wedding, etc. Let the hero of the day come up to each in turn and tell something memorable about each period.

A cool creative approach is the organization of the coronation of a birthday girl. You can build a festive crown or cap, put them on your head with greetings and take them to the throne. To do this, you can decorate the place with bows, and replace the red carpet with a cut of trellis. It will turn out funny and solemn at the same time.

Introductory part

It begins when all the guests have already taken their places, and the turn of the first toast has come. Usually the closest person speaks the opening speech. But you can do everything differently. Let each guest say his congratulatory word or wish for the woman. But it needs to be done in a special way. If the name of the birthday girl, for example, is Catherine, then the first guest says his word with the letter “E”, the second with “K”, etc. Just do not repeat yourself, and the result will be a rather original toast for the birthday girl.

Introductory part

Table contests

You can start them after a small feast, when the first toasts are said and gifts are presented. This is the best option, since you do not need to get up from the table and create unnecessary turmoil. At the same time, it will turn out to be a good idea to entertain guests. In this case, drinking nominal songs are suitable. You can remember and sing songs that mention the name of the hero of the day, or you can remake popular songs so that her name fits into the text appropriately.

Fascinating for the public will be a number with phantoms. This is an interesting option on how to spend the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of a woman without a toastmaster at home. This game requires a leader. He will collect and put the things of the guests in the box. The birthday girl will get them, and the owner of the fanta will say congratulations and drink a glass for the health of the hero of the day. Questions about the life of the birthday girl, riddles, writing congratulatory odes will be appropriate. This is perfect for home events.

Dances and moving numbers

It is necessary to entertain guests not only with passive contests, but also with something active. You can present original cuts of compositions with the names of the invitees. They will be voiced in turn. Guests who hear their names go out under original, individual pas. Let the birthday girl decide the winner and reward her with a gift. Next, you should hold a mobile competition on the dance floor.

  1. They take out a miracle bag with wardrobe items - a skirt, a scarf, thongs, a bra, gloves, etc. The bag is passed in a circle to the music, and when the music stops, you need to get the thing out of the bag without looking and put it on the corresponding part of the body . When all things are over, take a memorable photo. Everyone around will enjoy such a competition is guaranteed;
  2. For the next competition, it is worth calling two people - a man and a woman. They are dressed in a shirt and a button-down robe. Each hand is given thick mittens. Task: fasten each other's buttons. Whoever does it faster is the winner;
  3. A bit awkward but humorous is the Guess the Nose contest. Bags of the same size made of opaque dark fabric must be filled with cereals, sand, salt, sugar. The player without the help of hands with one nose must probe the contents and guess it;
  4. After the next dance compositions, the guests become in a circle. The bag is brought in again - there are barrels of kinder surprises. In each of them is the inscription "Kiss the hand of the hero of the day." To the music, the bag is passed between the guests. When the music stops, you need to pull out the keg. When the bag is empty, on command, you need to open the kegs at the same time. Whoever kisses the birthday girl first will win. The winner is awarded by a female hero of the day;
  5. You can surprise the birthday girl with an uninvited guest - the postman. Let them be the prototype of Pechkin from Prostokvashino. He comes to the holiday and brings a telegram from the president himself. To applause, he hands it to the birthday girl. "Pechkina" needs to be fed and watered. And the telegram itself, of course, is prepared in advance.

When organizing a holiday, you need to remember that you should not hold all mobile contests at the same time. They need to be diluted with dancing. Otherwise, the guests will be in constant tension and excitement, even if they are cheerful. The main task at the event is to relax and enjoy communication and good time.

Anniversary celebration

Celebrating an anniversary at home is a suitable option that allows you to pay maximum attention to each guest. If everything is thought out in stages, then there will be no surprises and problems with how to spend the anniversary of 55 years for a woman without a toastmaster at home. All guests will be satisfied, and the birthday girl even more so.

In the video, see an example of a suitable scene “How to retire.”

This scene will be based on visiting guests - Italians. She needs two Italians and one translator. Italians can come up with a special outfit, for example, in the colors of the Italian flag, or for them to carry baskets of spaghetti and olives.


Congratulations to the Anniversary, muchachos woman!


We congratulate the most beautiful woman on her Anniversary!


We are awesome, stunned, your formente!


We are fascinated by you!


We don’t eat gelente tablets for you, always be awesome, beautiful, so that the wallet is always overcrowded and healthy!


We wish you to be healthy, beautiful and rich!


And in honor of the two fives, we are giving you our precious 55 straw as a surprise!


And in honor of your 55th birthday, we are giving you the most important thing - 55 packs of real pasta!

(the Neapolitan song sounds (Uno, uno, uno, un momento), the Italians present a gift)

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  • scenes for the anniversary of a woman
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come back

Scenes for the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of the woman "for the anniversary

1. "Little pensioner"

Today we have a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have too much intelligence, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that different thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap.

And also, you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat, they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them. To prevent this from happening, we give her an apron.

And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they always worry very loudly, so their eyes are always wet. So that our pensioner does not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier.

Presentation of the medal

For merit on the anniversary

Award a big medal

With a red ribbon on it.

Sock requires decency

In vain do not force a medal

Badge of special distinction

Choose a place to wear sparingly,

To please people.

Let it hang above the navel

And a little lower breasts.

Keep that medal from wax

Do not take greasy in your hands,

On the days of pay and advance

Wipe with fresh vodka.

Do all movements quickly

Gazing into the distance,

Fix your hair

And stroke the medal.

Don't talk, don't smile

Don't shake hands with everyone.

On the native chest of the authorities

Do not lie without a medal.

And in a locked box

Degrease for storage

Vodka or cognac.

With the loss of this medal

Exclude from anniversaries

And take away her medal.

Order for a working pensioner (given by a pensioner from the team)

To save a place at work

You do not contradict the authorities,

Never go in a bottle

Righteousness defending ardently!

Before the authorities, stand at attention,

And behind your back you can scold

After all, living on a pension is not so fat,

And it would be nice to receive a plus salary!

And, by the way, what to teach you,

You yourself will teach anyone to live.

2. Scene “Pension”

(a participant or participant comes out poorly dressed, in a headscarf, approaches the birthday girl and sings to her a song to the tune “I am standing at a half-station in a colorful half-shawl”)

I came to you unexpectedly

Not at all long-awaited

Sorry - it's not my fault!

I can only say that I do not believe

And I'll check your passport:

You look like you're only 17 years old! (repeat last line)

You are smart, beautiful

I love everything about you!

I invite you to be friends with us!

'Cause you're free now

I confess publicly:

Retirement is so cool to live!

To drink us a glass,

I'll take it out of my bag

Reliable Russian antidepressant! (takes out a bottle of vodka)

We will drink to our friendship

Among the telegrams there is also a message from contemporaries.

3. From the artists delegate,

I congratulate you. Valya Gaft.

We have with you

Everything is ahead.

Be happy, always healthy

Greetings to you Putin Vova.

Toastmaster: But that's not all - the birthday girl is again greeted by her friends!

(a game is played at the “Questions about the birthday girl” table, for each correct answer, the one who said correctly receives a token with a number, at the end of the evening, comic prizes will be raffled off the tokens).

Tamada: I want to give advice

new retiree.

Keep the family as strict as possible -

Come, go and get out.

One glance, one word

And for them they are the law.

And on national holidays

In the morning you read morality to them,

By dinner, catch up with severity,

And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's lift our spell

Everyone, taking their wine,

Drain your glasses quickly

For her thorny path.

May life be rich in joys

And happiness will not leave your doorstep!

As little as possible, we wish you worries,

But they still cannot be avoided.

Let there be strength to defeat them!

So, today these forces are visiting us. Yes, yes, do not be surprised - this is not a fairy tale. So, our guests are internal forces, that is, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Someone of those present puts on a police cap, road signs are drawn up in advance).

Policeman: On behalf of the traffic police and the Department of Internal Affairs of Omsk, let me present memorable gifts to the hero of the day. Since there is constant movement in the apartment and you can forget where you were going and get lost, we decided to help you with these problems.

(The policeman takes out “road signs” from the folder, which depict: a TV, glasses, a fork, a bottle with a glass, a light bulb. Then he explains their purpose: the sign “Don’t forget to turn off the TV” is attached to the TV screen, the sign “Be careful, wipe your glasses Attached to the bathroom door. A Caution - Sharps sign can be hung in the kitchen. A Caution - Do Not Overdo it sign is placed in the kitchen. A Caution - Electrical Appliances sign is attached above electrical appliances).

Policeman: Be careful in your movements! All the best.

Toastmaster: May this day be solemn and holy

Today happened to you -55!

But do not be sad, do not consider that the limit:

There are many more things ahead of you.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you

So that everything that you think comes true in fate!

Go through life, as before, bolder,

To celebrate more than one anniversary!

We wish you in the future

Never, never give up

And health for many years

We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts.

We gave you gifts

But it's no secret to anyone

What is for you, our friend of the gift

There is no better song in life.

(you can sing your favorite song of the hero of the day at the table, or listen to the soundtrack).

Tamada: Attention, attention!

I ask for an honest company

Get your tokens

Win-win lottery

Starts to entertain!

(those tokens that they were given for the correct answer in the game “questions about the birthday girl”, this list of joke prizes for guests is being prepared by the hero of the day).

1. To my future baby

Give this book (children's book).

2. We give you a notebook,

There was something to write on. (Notebook).

3. You got a postcard

So we were supposed to. (Postcard).

4. With a dream of scarcity,

Run around the whole city

But you rarely see

Paper napkin.

5. Congratulations, you won not a penny,

But a real line.

6. Your winnings are like manna from heaven

You got a piece of bread.

7. Enjoy, my friend, a little,

You got three candies.

8. In life, one must hope for the best.

Glue take if something does not stick.

9. Do not be angry with us, my friend,

You only matches boxes.

10. Accept this button.

Wear with joy around the world.

11. You, comrade, do not grieve,

Get up kiss neighbor.

12. To collect this prize for you,

Sing an encore song. (Pen).

13. It's amazing, it's amazing

Win a bottle of beer.

14. Somehow not even cleverly,

But we have a carrot for you.

15. So as not to eat you in the dining room.

Get a bay leaf.

Tamada: You see, dear guests, today not only we gave gifts to the dear birthday girl, but she, in turn, did not forget about us. This once again proves that our………….the most attentive, caring, kind, etc. We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end!

(finally, you can sing to the hero of the day a reworked song to the motive "robin").

Scenario of the anniversary "two fives"


Dear guests! Today is ... (name) anniversary,

But it's hard to believe this fact!

Eyes burning with desire

And cheeks, like apples redden.

According to the passport, for example, an anniversary,

But there is a wide road ahead.

We can easily understand you.

In general, Tanya, we will get along!

This means - again FIVE!

(Hangs up the fifth medal.)

In the diary - one five!

The result is on the chest!

How nice that the five

They turn into rubles!

Let it be like this in life:

So that wonderful things

Instantly turned into fives,

And sometimes dozens!

(Musical pause, congratulations to the guests.)

Leading: Dear guests! Especially for you I offer a funny test. You need one or two to express what you think about the hero of the day. To make this task easier, I have prepared tips for you. The guests alternately choose the cards offered by the presenter and read out the text:

(Name)! Remember: an old friend is better than two new ones.

You are on land, I am on the sea, we will not meet in any way!

The blue wagon is running, swaying.

Let (Name) do not end!

Oh, viburnum blooms in the field by the stream,

(Name) I wish you health!

(Name), I'm ready for anything for money!

Life is sometimes rough on us

Just hold on for now, (Name)!

Let's smoke, (Name), one at a time!

How many good

But (Name) is dearer to me than everyone!

I don't sleep well at night

Because I love you!

(Name), know the truth about me: the spool is small, but expensive.

Good spring flowers in the garden,

Even better (Name) in the spring!

I want to borrow money from Luba.

You tell me, Lyuba, what do you need, what do you need?

Maybe ladies, maybe ladies, what do you want!

May there always be sunshine, may there always be sky!

May there always be (Name), may there always be me!

Do not forget this table and snacks,

And wine that flowed like blood.

You drove us crazy with delicious food -

You are the mistress of what you need, (Name)!

Daisies hid, buttercups drooped.

And a lot of beautiful words were said.

I wish that Lyubushka

To the spouse was eternal love.

Here's someone coming down the hill

Probably, (Name) is coming!

Blooms like a rose on your anniversary

She drives me crazy.

For the next congratulations, you will need to make a comic pension certificate for the hero of the day.

Presentation of a comic pension certificate


We give you the document.

Deserved - get it.

Will you lie on the stove

There is a pie and kalachi!

(Pie is handed.)

For the mind you want food -

We will advise you like this:

Useful in education

Dostoevsky and Balzac.

(A work by Dostoevsky or Balzac is presented.)

If the soul asks

Output flawless:

Serial stories -

Like a heart balm.

(A CD with your favorite series is given.)

If you are drawn to the garden

I need to stretch

We give you help

Garden equipment.

(A watering can, garden shears, etc. are awarded)

(Musical pause.)

(For the performance of the next congratulation song, preliminary preparation is required. It is necessary to determine in advance a group of congratulators of 5 people and give them multi-colored balloons. As the next verse is performed, the birthday girl is given balloons of a certain color (blue, yellow, red, blue and green).

The balls may contain small souvenirs.)

Song congratulations on the anniversary

(to the motive "Spinning, spinning blue ball")


Spinning, spinning blue ball,

We have brought a gift for you!

Airy, beautiful collected bouquet

From the balls of the lungs, and to them - our greetings!


Love is hidden in the red ball.

Let it boil, your blood will boil!

Let a miracle happen unexpectedly -

On a white horse at the door, the prince will knock!


In the blue ball - great luck,

In the office, at home, on the road, in the country

Everything will settle down, it will be okay.

We wish you success on your anniversary!


Accept the yellow ball now,

To have banknotes with you.

Dollars, euros, yuan, rubles -

A large amount was deposited into the account.


And here is a surprise for you in a green ball -

He can fulfill your every whim.

It has a car, an apartment and a cottage.

A voucher for warm in addition!


We will not give you black balls,

So that sad words do not have to be said,

Black thoughts drive away.

We are very happy to help you with this!

In the last verse, our question is: What should guests do if their nose itches? ... (name), pour it over a cup! We are glad to drink for your anniversary! (Dance program.)

Scenario of the anniversary of the woman 55th anniversary "goodbye work or hello pension!"


55 years is the golden and jubilee anniversary.

It is celebrated with a wide feast with a large number of invited guests. For the celebration of such a date, places such as cafes and restaurants are best suited, where a large number of people can fit.


Goodbye work or hello pension!


Golden and sparkling

Today, a stately Anniversary,

Knocking on our door,

To celebrate more fun!

We will all meet him together,

And call the hostess

Let's take it right away

Pour wine into her glass!

Only guests, I can't hear

What do you call her

Well to A, all palms are higher,

Let them do their thing!

And yet, all at once, sazu,

Let's shout the word "Hurrah!"

And let's add together the phrase,

Happy Birthday-i-i-i!

(Anniversary enters, music and applause sounds)


Our dear (name, patronymic). We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful date in your life!

We wish you to bloom like a rose, which will have an endless and beautiful destiny!

(gives flowers, applause)


Long waited for the jubilee

Under the name 55,

And now we need to hurry

We all celebrate it!

Most importantly, we all know

What now, there is freedom,

Forget about work

You can take into account the pension!

And for this, you need to drink,

Well, without it, nothing

And pour fireworks into the sky,

Let's make a holiday mess!

(the presenter claps up with a big cracker)

(musical break, meal)


Now I will ask the Anniversary,

For her to come here to me,

I will give her the first pension,

But she needs to surprise everyone!

And so dear (name), receiving the first pension should be remembered for a long time. So I won't just give it to you. You will need to sit on this chair (puts) and dance for us on it. But everything is not so simple, the music will be different, and you will need to dance, corresponding to the theme.

(passes for the Anniversary)


Well, we've never met better dancers,

Oh, how she shook her whole body here,

Like birch branches were earing,

How brightly her eyes sparkled!

Well I can't justify myself

You still have to pay your pension!

(gives a pension in the form of money (cut out in advance from a large piece of cardboard and painted with the inscription 50 thousand rubles)

Host (addressing the hero of the day):

Well, in this bright hour,

All congratulations for you,

Your husband, friends and children,

Everyone congratulates you in the world!

(everyone lines up in a large column, and each one in turn congratulates, speaking a solemn speech into the microphone)


Well, for such congratulations,

Pour wine without delay

For the Anniversary and for everyone,

Let there be songs, dances, laughter!

(musical break, meal)


And now the couples are dancing

To musical fanfare

And I need five of them,

And who will dance here?


The competition is called: "Dancing in pairs!". The couples stand in the middle of the room. As soon as the music starts, they dance, but as soon as it stops, the man should kneel, the woman should run around him and sit on his knee. Those who don't make it, drop out.

Winners: 2 tea mugs as a keepsake.


Thank you for these dances

Now let the wine flow to everyone

That's why it's given to us!



Our wonderful (name), today turned 55 precious years old and to you, dear guests, I propose to confirm this date with 55 compliments addressed to her.

(Everyone at the table, with a chain, calls a compliment to the Anniversary, and so on until the 55th compliment, without repetition)


It's great that we are all here today... - Do you remember this song?!

If you wish, sing along. (The presenter herself sings the song, or simply turns on the soundtrack and sing all together)



Any holiday is pleasant for the soul,

But this holiday, it is doubly beautiful,

Oh, how good these fives are,

And there is no date brighter, more beautiful, clearer!

I congratulate you (name) at this hour,

I wish you to be truly happy

So that everything would be fine with you,

May you always be protected by God!

May your grandchildren always please you,

And the children help without fail,

So that your destiny is golden

So that your husband loves you forever, tenderly, passionately!

Scenario of the anniversary of a woman of 55 years.

Our evening will consist of 2 parts: official and solemn. And to open the official part of the evening, the floor is given to the boss ...

Chief says...

The floor is given to the chairman of the trade union organization….

Song to the melody "I'm standing at a half-station" ...

Friends and relatives are sitting, the sun is shining clean,

Today is your wonderful birthday!

Greetings and bright congratulations sound,

What is lived, do not regret in life! 2 times

A wonderful company will give wishes,

You live for many, many more years.

Good luck, let everything work out, and happiness will increase,

Although there is no return to youth. 2 times

What happened - will not be forgotten, what you want will come true,

The pain will flow away like spring water.

We wish you to do everything in life and not grow old, but look younger

And be always cheerful! 2 times

A word to the husband, children, grandchildren, sister and her family ........


"Seated Game"

The guests drank, ate,

The jubilee was admired ...

At the table everyone sang together

And they decided: FOR-SI-DE-FOX!!!

Gotta get up and dance

Wave your limbs!

All of this is true, but…. Without a little warm-up, I can’t let you out into the circle! So, put your dear guests, all hands on each other's shoulders, we will knead the shoulder girdle. MUSIC! ! !

The melody of the Greek "Sirtaki" sounds, which is given with a gradual acceleration.

Against the background of music:

Imagine that you are on a sea liner. The sun, the sea, the gentle wave shakes you. The Greek shore is visible… I suggest everyone to start swaying from side to side… pause Excellent!

Immediately, it is clear that this is a friendly and soldered anniversary team. pause Oh, how good! There are seagulls all around, a light breeze, olives ripen on the shore, and we are all served light Italian wines on a tray ... pause

The music ends

And now I suggest you stretch that part of the body that you have deformed, stayed up .... So we go to America, to the rodeo, and participate in cowboy horse racing. MUSIC! Cowboy pause music sounds

Eh! Let's go!

The guests bounce on their chairs….. The music ends.

I suggest stretching your hands. Find, dear guests, on the table in front of you free 10 sq. cm.. put your palms there ... Music, please! And I invite you to Georgia, to Abkhazia, to listen to how these Caucasian drums sound! Let's play the drums more!

“Gogia” or “Dzhigitovka” sounds, the guests are actively drumming their palms on the table.

Against the background of music:

Amazing! pause Louder, louder the drums beat, and we are again at sea, only on the Black. Pause Sun, sea air and mountains! Shish kebabs! Georgian wines "Kandzmarauli", "Khvanchkara" ... What could be better!

The music ends.

And now we just have to stretch your legs - and you can go to the dance floor without fear! So, the sound of the sound of heels!

Guests go to the dance floor, dancing begins.

Don't know how to arrange a celebration for a woman on the occasion of her 55th birthday? We know and we can help you. After all, it is impossible to spend such a holiday at home with a sad look. On such a holiday, you need to have fun, dance and play contests. And a new script for the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of a woman with humor will help you do all this. Watch the whole script to the end, choose the most interesting moments and spend the holiday with a bang.

The beginning of the holidays should be spent brightly and effectively. The host, or whoever is behind him, says something like the following text:
- I was at your last anniversaries. And then you dreamed about what came true. Do you remember what you dreamed about then and it came true?

The hero of the day begins to sort out all the good things that have happened to her over the past 5 years. For example, repair, building a bath, buying a car, and even all sorts of different little things. And the leader says no, it's not that. Then guests are connected who offer their options. They remember everything that the hero of the day had over the past 5 years. And when everyone gave up, the host says:
You can see how many good things have happened in the last 5 years. I propose to drink to the fact that in the next 5 years there will be even more good events in the life of our beloved hero of the day!

After this beginning, you can continue the festive evening. And arrange a small game for the guests. After all, we have a beautiful woman, and for her sake, many men are ready for anything!

Dear guests! Look at our hero of the day. How beautiful, young and attractive she is! And look at her eyes, which just shine and sparkle. What are you willing to do for her eyes? Let's find out now.

The bag contains cards with poems written on them. Each guest in turn takes out one card and reads out a verse that says what he is ready for, for the sake of the beautiful eyes of the hero of the day.
And here are the verses:

Then you can dance and arrange small competitions.
Surely there are people of the older generation and people of the younger generation at the festival. They should be divided into two teams. We will have a team of old people, and a team of youth.
The task in the competition is simple: old people dance to modern music, and young people dance to songs of the 80s. It turns out a small musical battle that will help unwind.

Competition - show emotions.
For this contest you need a special cube. You can make it from our blank:

Just print out the cube, cut it out and glue it.
And the point is simple. The hero of the day sits in a special place for a photo session. The guests take turns rolling the die. And what emotion fell on the die, that guest shows. He approaches the hero of the day and takes a photo with her. At the same time, the guest should have the right emotion on his face.
And when everyone has passed in a circle, we take a group photo. And at the same time, each guest again shows the necessary emotion on his face!
This photo session will be remembered forever!

It's time for gifts!
But only at first the hero of the day will give gifts to her guests. And we will do it in a playful way.
To do this, you need to prepare cards with numbers. Each card has its own verse and its own gift. The guests take turns taking one card out of the bag and reading out the number. And the host reads the verse. And the hero of the day gives a comic gift, which is in this rhyme.
And here are the verses themselves:

And now it's time to give gifts to the hero of the day.
But first, let's also play our birthday girl. And let's do it in the form of a scene.
For the scene, one guest needs to be dressed as the postman Pechkin. He comes and says that he has a telegram for the hero of the day. Only he will not give it away until he eats and drinks, sings and dances with the hero of the day.
The hero of the day agrees, and together with Pechkin they drink, eat, sing and dance. After Pechkin gives the hero of the day such a telegram from Putin:

And after such a draw, you can give real gifts to guests.

Here comes the long-awaited anniversary. The birthday girl turned 55 years old and I want to celebrate as best and interesting as possible. Therefore, the toastmaster is often invited to the holiday, who, according to the scenario, will hold a birthday.

He will come up with such anniversary contests for the 55th woman so that the guests have fun. Humor is very important in such a holiday. In the article we will describe several ideas with which it will be possible to involve all guests.

Table contests

There is such a wonderful game "Who thinks about what." It is held at the table in a cheerful and noisy company. The toastmaster brings a small bag to the guests, in which there are cards with letters. The task of this game is to name the first word that came to mind with the letter that the person pulled out. From surprise, people are lost, they speak quickly and whatever. That is what the game is all about. There will be a lot of laughter and fun.

Tables can be not only with cards. Play the game "Kiss of the hero of the day", which is as follows: the toastmaster divides the guests into two teams (left and right sides of the table), and the birthday boy sits in the center. Now the condition of the game. The most distant guests from the hero of the day drink a glass of wine, kiss a neighbor, and he, in turn, passes the kiss to the next one in the same way. And so on until they kiss the hero of the day. However, the game begins only at the signal of the leader, and the teams begin. The member of whose team is the first to kiss the birthday boy, she won.

There are also adult competitions on pieces of paper at the table. The toastmaster divides the guests into teams (right and left sides of the table). Then he gives out papers and pencils to everyone. The right side writes the questions and the left side writes the answers. Then they hand over the leaves to the leader. The toastmaster puts the questions in one deck, and the answers in another. Next is the most interesting. One guest takes cards with a question, and the other - with an answer. It turns out interesting and fun. One guest reads the question, the other reads the answer. These birthday parties are very funny. They give a lot of emotions, laughter and fun.

Game "Cooking"

There are also new competitions for adults, from which the guests are in a good mood. For example, the game "Cooking". When the guests are sitting at the table, the host calls any letter, and the participants name the name of the dish or ingredient on it, which is on the neighbor's plate. The winner is the one who remembered and reacted much faster than the others.

Competition with humor

Do you want a lot of laughter at the holiday? Then come up with contests with humor. An adult birthday is a lot of fun. This game helps even unfamiliar guests to get closer. To do this, blindfold one person, and attach clothespins to the pants or skirt in a circle, on a jacket, hair, and so on to the other. A guest with closed eyes must find all the clothespins on the person. You will see how much humor and laughter this wonderful competition will bring.

There is a similar game. Only one person lies down on the sofa, and papers are scattered on it, and the other guest, with his eyes closed, must find all the pieces of paper. He examines all parts of the body of his couple. These will bring a lot of positive to each guest.

Competition with cards

This game will bring a lot of positive not only to the hero of the day, but also to the guests. Tamada prepares cards with letters. For example, VOD, RMI, SKA, etc. There should be as many such cards as possible. The host puts them in a bag, mixes them.

Then he invites the guests to draw one card. For example, it says "VOD". The guest must come up with three words from these letters as a compliment to the hero of the day. It could be "Valya, adorable, kind." If you pulled out "RMI", you can come up with: "native, sweet, amazing." It's a fun game, especially if it's hard to come up with a compliment for a particular letter.

These are fun competitions for adults. The table is not boring, you can drink, chat and play entertaining games.

street contests

You can do a relay. By the way, many people remember this game from childhood. The relay race must be carried out on the street. The host divides the guests into two teams, the birthday girl also participates. Tamada chooses captains. They lead their team, and they are given a bag. Opposite the teams at a decent distance are two flags.

Relay task: two captains, at the command of the leader, jump in bags or on balls to the target, touch the flag and jump to their team.

The next player in turn is given the bag, and he continues the baton. The winner is the team that runs out of participants faster and there is no one to jump to the designated goal.

On the street, they help to get closer, focus and have plenty of fun. It can be not only a relay race, but also dancing in pairs. For example, a woman and a man stand with their backs to each other and must dance the lambada. The toastmaster can complicate the task and bind the participants. It turns out much more interesting and fun.

Game "Crocodile"

You can offer cool contests where you can’t talk, but you need to express your feelings, emotions and objects using gestures. Everyone remembers this fun and tricky game from their childhood. However, for adults, it needs to be complicated. Therefore, all participants are divided into two teams, and the host proposes a topic. It must be complex. For example, cooking. One team is given the task to show the soup with seafood with facial expressions and gestures. And the other is tomato puree soup with carrots and squid.

Can you imagine how to show potatoes, tomatoes or seafood with gestures and facial expressions? That will be fun from such shows! Anniversary contests for 55 years for a woman are offered in order to remember childhood and have fun from the heart.

Game "Portrait"

Anniversary contests for 55 years are offered to a woman in a variety of ways. The main thing is to be fun and interesting. You can play portrait. To do this, give all participants felt-tip pens and balloons. They must draw a portrait of the birthday girl. The person who draws the most similar drawing wins.

There is also the game "Verbal Portrait". To do this, guests are shown various children's photos, which should not only be birthday girls. Participants of the competition must guess the children's photographs of the hero of the day and describe the picture in their own words. The person who guesses more photos than the rest of the participants wins.

Dance with humor

As a rule, the scenario of competitions for an anniversary offers not only table or street games. It's also fun to have dance competitions. The host breaks the guests into pairs: a man-a woman. Then he spreads newspapers of the same size under their feet. Music begins to play, couples dance. When the song is over, they fold the newspaper in half and dance on it again. As soon as the music is over again, fold the paper in half again. And so on, until the newspaper was completely reduced, so that it became impossible to dance.

The pair that lasts the longest wins. Sometimes couples get out, men take women in their arms and continue to dance. This is an entertaining and enthusiastic competition that will give only positive emotions and memories.

Game "Broken Phone"

Probably, every person remembers this wonderful and fun game from childhood. Only for adults it is complicated and more interesting. All participants sit on the floor, while creating a circle. The host says a word, and the player comes up with an association for it and quickly says to a neighbor. And so on until the last participant.

For example, the host says in the ear of the player: "Telephone". The participant has an association with the ear, and so he passes on to the neighbor: “Ear”. The next player has an association with audibility. So he says to his neighbor: "Listen." And so on until the last participant. Believe me, this game will not leave anyone indifferent.

Game "Dress in our shop"

The host puts things in an opaque bag in advance. However, they should be cool: knickers, bras, sliders, bonnets, New Year's masks and more. When the music turned on, the guests, dancing, pass the package to the neighbor. The music stops, and the participant who has the bag takes out one thing by touch and puts it on himself.

The game ends when the bag is empty. The guest who wears the fewest things as possible wins. He can be given a pacifier as a gift. This is a fun and interesting competition that will appeal to all guests.

Game "Sour Lemon"

The host divides the participants into two teams and gives each captain a basket of vegetables and fruits. The game is to eat the entire contents of the basket. However, there is one caveat. Each basket contains a lemon, which will also need to be eaten by someone.

The game starts with the captains. They choose a vegetable or fruit and quickly eat it. Only when the captain has chewed, the next participant proceeds to the second round. The team that completes the contents of the basket the fastest wins.

Song Contest

Everyone was doing karaoke. One sings, the other picks up. But what if we hold the same competition, only with a more difficult task? Participants fill their mouths with water and sing their favorite song so as not to splatter others. The winner is the one who splashed less water and sang better. This is a fun and funny competition that will appeal not only to the audience, but also to the participants.

Game "Create a double"

The host prepares a soundtrack of famous singers in advance. It could be Alla Pugacheva, Tatyana Bulanova, Philip Kirkorov and other artists. Each participant must try to transform into their favorite singer with the help of wigs, makeup, facial expressions or gestures.

Game "Guess who's here"

The facilitator tells the rules of the game to the participants. The lot chooses the person to be blindfolded. The rest of the guests line up. A participant with closed eyes must guess the guest's hand. For a more interesting game, participants can change jewelry or sweaters. Who cares. It turns out funny and fun for all guests.

Game "Unknown Item"

The facilitator invites the participants to guess what is in the tied bag. Whoever says it right will win a prize. Participants ask the facilitator leading questions, and he can answer: "yes" and "no".

For example, guests can ask questions such as: “Can I drink this?”, “Is it necessary?”, “Alcohol?”, “Should I listen?” etc. The prize is the contents of the package. Therefore, it will be interesting for each participant to give the correct answer.

The game "Undress the hero of the day"

Anniversary contests for 55 years for a woman can be fun, humorous and funny. Here is one of them. The host takes the birthday girl out of the room, while the participants, meanwhile, place a pre-prepared mannequin in the center. They cling to the place of the face a photograph of the hero of the day and clothes cut out of paper. When the mannequin is dressed, the birthday girl comes in and the fun continues.

The host asks the guests in turn about the birthday girl. For example, what hobby does she have, what year of birth, favorite dish of the birthday man, etc. The hero of the day either confirms what he heard or refutes. If the participant said something wrong, then one thing is removed from the dummy. The winner is the participant who guessed the most interesting thing about the birthday girl the most.


Anniversary contests for 55 years for a woman should be organized so that the hero of the occasion (anniversary) is most often involved in them. This is where the fun lies. After all, the birthday girl should have a memory of the anniversary.

The toastmaster must choose the script so correctly that all guests, without exception, are involved in games and competitions. Then no one will want to leave this wonderful holiday. Each guest will remember this day as one of the best in his life for many years to come.

Before the other, therefore, there is a special attitude in society to the anniversary "round" dates.

A special magic has such a date as 55 years. Life gives a person two fives at once - that means there is something for it!


In a previous article, we told you about how to beautifully organize events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a woman. The approach to organizing the honoring of women is slightly different from a similar event for men. The celebration of the women's anniversary must be approached with special tact, because most women perceive the onset of the next birthday as a sign of the approach of inevitable old age, when former beauty fades. A carefully thought-out scenario for the celebration of the anniversary will provide the hero of the occasion with a sense of joy from the realization of the fullness of life, the love of loved ones, as well as the respect of colleagues.
It is very good if a person who knows the preferences of the birthday girl well knows the preferences of the birthday girl to be able to take into account all the nuances of the celebration of 55 years, because it is important for any woman to please in the smallest details!

Someone wants to celebrate the anniversary date solemnly in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, and someone likes the calm, warm atmosphere of a bright family holiday. It is necessary to take into account the presence of a sense of humor in the hostess and the desire of potential guests to take part in pranks, games, noisy dances. It is very important to provide a pleasant background music between individual performances.

Anniversaries "speak" of the onset of maturity and a kind of reassessment of the life lived, as well as a change in views on the world around. For a woman, the family is now in the foreground, and the career recedes into the background, since usually the vast majority of beautiful ladies at this age retire.

Many women are happy to go on vacation, which they rightfully deserve. Now they want to spend more time with their grandchildren. And some continue to work while retired. In both cases, the 55th anniversary is invariably celebrated on a grand scale!

This event serves as an excellent occasion to bring together relatives, all friends, partners and colleagues to arrange a memorable holiday. But for this you need to properly prepare for this day and, for starters, choose a scenario for the anniversary!

There are two main options for celebrating this significant date:

first celebrate the anniversary with colleagues, and then continue the holiday in the family circle;
arrange a grand celebration in a restaurant where you can invite all the guests at once.
For summer days, any accommodation options in nature are suitable - on the shore of a lake or by a river, in a country house or rent a site at a recreation center.


Regardless of the chosen place where you decide to spend your holiday, it is necessary to take into account many organizational issues and prepare a script for the anniversary for a celebration of 55 years in order to give a woman bright, unforgettable impressions.

At the first stage of preparation, you should determine the number of guests and figure out in what form to carry out their invitation. The usual way will be calls with a personal invitation, or you can send postcards to guests. Invitation cards are harbingers of a holiday event; the form of postcards can be original, and the text can be promising. Standard inscriptions will save time, and guests will be pleased to see their full name and patronymic in the text of the invitation.

It is important to provide and arrange tables in the correct order, choose places for guests (name cards will help here). Try to sit next to people who will be pleased to be together at the table. For kids, it is better to allocate a separate table, on which dishes from a special children's menu are placed. Usually children are not interested in participating in an adult feast.

It is necessary to prepare for an abundance of toasts, for sure each of the guests will want to say special words of congratulations on this day. Often, a toastmaster is invited to lead a feast, or you can look for a skilled host among your friends who will gladly help you celebrate.

Another important factor is the festive decoration of the event, the options for which will create the right atmosphere. In this matter, everything is decided by fantasy, a sense of proportion by the organizers and the budget of the celebration.

The following have become traditional methods of registration:

the history of the woman's work path in photographs;
colorful posters and inscriptions;
balloon decorations;
bright garlands, flower arches, baskets of fresh flowers.

The usual scenario for an anniversary with a date such as 55 years consists of an official part with the presentation of gifts to a woman and a festive dinner. First, all the guests, accompanied by musical accompaniment, congratulate the hero of the day, present gifts, give flowers. For numerous bouquets, it’s a good idea to prepare vessels with water in advance and find a worthy place for them, and not pile everything in a corner.

The second part of the celebration is a festive lunch (dinner). The order of toasts and various topics from the biography of the birthday girl are offered to the guests by the host (master of ceremonies). During breaks, you can hold fun contests and give symbolic prizes, as well as dance and sing your favorite songs. It will be very nice if the children perform. Grandmother will be happy to hear poems that her grandchildren will babble, and they will sing songs with pleasure and take part in amusing competitions.

Organization of an anniversary for mom

Mom's birthday is a significant event for both the birthday girl and all members of her family, so we have a special relationship with the family celebration of anniversaries. I just want to spend this significant day brightly, filling it with pleasant moments and gifts dear to my mother's heart.

Organizing a home holiday is just as responsible and requires preparing a script for the anniversary when mom turns 55 (however, like any anniversary celebration). You can arrange a magnificent or modest celebration at home.


If you conduct a survey, then many people of mature age will not approve of holding an anniversary in a restaurant, as they consider their birthday to be an exclusively family celebration. Save your mother from any hassle of arranging a celebration at home, take on both the preparation process and the actual holding of the holiday. Of course, the inevitable cleaning after the feast should also be done by family members, and not by the hero of the occasion. Your care will be the best gift in the world for mom!

An approximate scenario for celebrating a mother's 55th birthday might be as follows:

in the morning she is presented with a bouquet of her favorite flowers;
then mom is taken to a beauty salon (you need to think about the certificate in advance), where she can enjoy spa treatments, make up and do her hair;
the organizers at this time decorate the apartment, prepare snacks and set the festive table;
guests arrive at the appointed time and prepare for the meeting;
all together joyfully meet the rested and prettier birthday girl;
after all the gifts have been presented, the guests proceed to a family dinner.

An anniversary script for holding at home may contain such key points:

decoration of the apartment;
musical accompaniment;
poems and texts of wishes;
favorite dishes, birthday cake;

It’s good if several people take part in the preparation and think through the scenario of the anniversary to the smallest detail, so that this day becomes an unforgettable and touching holiday “with a capital letter” for mom.

To decorate the apartment, you can use photos from different years from the family archive. Multi-colored balls and ribbons, funny posters will be appropriate, you can even publish a wall newspaper.

It will require preliminary preparation and it will take a lot of time to make a family album with your own hands, which can be decorated using the scrapbooking technique. You can make a calendar of memorable dates or mount a short film about events in the life of the family.


The role of music and poetry in the atmosphere of a family holiday

Not a single scenario of the anniversary can do without suitable musical accompaniment. It is required to pick up pleasant background music that will sound throughout the evening. As musical accents for the anniversary, songs with words of congratulations glorifying a woman are suitable, and you also need to record your mother's favorite songs.

It will be very good if one person is responsible for the musical accompaniment - discuss the candidacy in advance with one of the relatives. And if someone in your family plays musical instruments, be sure to use this opportunity - a "live" performance will decorate any family evening!

It is desirable that all guests prepare their wishes for the hero of the occasion. Young children need time to memorize poems or songs that they can sing for their grandmother.

Touching memories from childhood will give special sincerity to the holiday - you can tell about funny cases that will be of interest to everyone.

As entertainment
