Congratulations to your son on his one year old birthday. Baby's first birthday, one year old - congratulations. Son 1 year old, best congratulations

You're only one year old
Our little fool, the cutest...
Through life on a sunny hike
While you are still accumulating strength.
But the step is becoming more and more confident.
A few years will pass... In the end
Let your enemy and even your enemy
Takes your feet away faster
Hearing the sound of your steps!..
Better yet, have no enemies!

Happy Birthday Baby!
You are exactly one year old today.
You laugh and squeak
And you wrinkle your sweet nose.
We want to wish you -
Grow up happy and healthy
Cheerful, cute, mischievous,
And let every day be new!

Just one candle on the cake for now!
Everyone admires you on this day,
After all, there is no more beautiful person in the world,
What are you, our little bunny, dear!
There is no one happier than you now!
Let your ringing laughter sound every day.
Always be smarter and prettier than everyone else,
To make us all happy, like today!!!

Ah, we have a reason to rejoice!
Today is my son's birthday!
You are my angel, my blood and flesh,
May the Lord protect you in life.
Let true friends surround you,
And let the family always be your support.
You're only seven years old, but that's a lot! :)
May your road always be smooth,
After all, there is no better reward in life for mom,
When everything goes as it should for my son!!!

Dear son, congratulations on your first year,
Let your teeth grow, let your steps grow stronger,
Everything around you is interesting and entertaining,
And it’s nice for mom and dad to watch you.
You are cute, funny, mischievous and healthy, strong,
We adore you, you are the best baby in the world,
We wish you width in the shoulders and height,
Achieving everyone’s goals and living life is not easy.

Happy first year of life, our beloved son!
Thank you for the birth and lack of sleep at night,
With your smile you overshadow all problems,
You fill all the gaps in our life.
With you our life has become more colorful and brighter,
We can’t get enough of you, you’re never enough for us,
Grow big, always love your parents,
Never tolerate injustice in life.

Dear son, happy first birthday to you!
There is no better gift or reward for us,
We love your smile and your tears madly,
And we pray that fate will be kind to you.
Be interested in the world, find out, watch and enjoy,
Bath yourself in the love of your parents and loved ones,
There are so many discoveries ahead of you,
Lead success through life with you by the hand.

Happy first birthday baby,
Please hear our request to be happy,
We wish you to grow up as a strong baby,
And boldly walk through life with an easy gait.
Beloved son, you are sweeter than any chocolate,
You are joy and pride, our beloved delight,
May bad weather never come in your life,
We wish you boundless, stormy happiness.

Little son, you are ours and very dear,
You are the best son, handsome and dear,
This is your first year living in this world,
And you make us happy like no one else on the entire planet.
Happy Birthday! The first year is important,
You become an adult, smart, brave, courageous,
All hope, faith and love are in you,
After all, you are our son, our blood.

Dear son, today you are one year old,
You are very small and your step is not bold,
Everything in your life happens for the first time,
We are all delighted by your lively emotions,
You are a jumper, you are very much alive,
You make us all very happy with yourself,
Grow and gain meaning in life,
Enjoy the endless love of your loved ones.

You love bedtime stories and lullabies,
When the whole family gets together,
Everyone looks at you and can't look away,
And at this time you are ready to indulge endlessly.
Beloved son, you have been with us for a whole year,
You burst into us like a typhoon or a tsunami,
Only we have always dreamed of such a son,
Hearing us, suddenly you were born.

The anniversary of my first birth has come today,
The birth of a son passed us by, the joy did not pass,
And now we are happy and enjoying to the fullest,
And we bathe in tears of happiness and joy.
Let today be your first birthday,
We all cry only from tears of tenderness,
After all, you are a bundle of love, you are a beautiful creation,
We kiss, love and congratulate you on your birthday!

1st birthday greetings for your son

Today is the most important holiday!
My son is turning one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him tenderly on the cheek!
May your son be cheerful
Growing up smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the joy of your friends and family!

1st birthday greetings for a boy

If the son takes after his father,
You will raise a young man.
Will be strong and skillful
And, like dad, smart and brave.
If the son looks like his mother,
Then he will become happy himself!
Will be faithful until the end
And will prolong the father's love.

1st birthday wishes for godson

You are exactly one year old today!
How quickly our bunny is growing!
You become strong, become brave
And reach straight for the sun!

Congratulations on the first birthday of your son

The child is one year old
There is noise and commotion in the house,
Children's laughter is cheerful, ringing,
It is heard here and there.
Our little son is very smart,
He wants to know everything himself,
A mischievous and naughty girl,
There is bedlam in his house.
But our little son is our happiness,
Only with him there is meaning in life.
To save me from harm,
May you always be healthy.
So that he can give change,
So that there will always be a family,
For the child, for good luck
I offer you a drink!


Happy birthday, dear son!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness.
And from adversity and anxiety
Will save the parental threshold.
And to live life successfully,
(name), be human!

1st birthday greetings from parents

You are our joy
You are our pride!
You're growing up
Our dear son,
You're gaining strength
Like a sprout.
Let them be joyful
All your days:
You are hope
And family happiness.
Be healthy
Never get sick
And live
Make your life more fun!

1st birthday greetings from parents

Our son, on your birthday
We would like to wish you from the heart
Fly confidently and proudly
Spread your wings in flight.
We wish you with all our hearts
Wide path and blue sky,
Smiles, sun and love,
And the greatest happiness!

1st birthday greetings from dad

On this bright birthday holiday
Son, I want to congratulate you
Always in a cheerful mood in life
To grow up happy, don’t grieve.
So that you are healthy and vigorous
And the most soulful
You are the only one so kind
Mom and Dad have only one son!

Poems for a 1 year old boy

For mom's joy, for dad's reward
You have appeared, a joyful heir.
Dear, foolish, button-eyed -
You get all the attention, care and affection.
Grow up, please your mother with excellent health,
And everything else will certainly come
Weak hands need to accomplish a lot,
And a steep road awaits your feet in life.
Not everything will be simple - there is no need to get lost,
After all, mom and dad will always be there.
You will grow up generous with affection, participation,
For the joy of the family, for the happiness of mom and dad

Congratulations on your son's 1st birthday

The little naughty boy is one year old!
The whole house is right on your ears,
The children's laughter is very loud
Heard here and here and there!
Our son is smart and fast,
Strive to know the world yourself,
He makes us happy all the time
At night, during the day and in the morning!

1st birthday greetings from parents to son

Our son is very big
It's been a year since he arrived
To a sweet home full of happiness,
Be a healthy champion!!!


Little legs,
Today along the path,
They run away quickly
They manage to do it everywhere.
Little hands,
They love to ruin things
Everything that got into them
As if it never happened.
And in the middle
Head and back
Butt and tummy.
The little one is one year old now.
Congratulations to mom,
Congratulations dad
Teddy bear
We shake a paw.
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Jump, run and play
Dear naughty boy,
Golden boy!

Wishes for a 1 year old boy

The little boy is one year old now,
There is a huge cake on the table,
The baby's gifts are waiting,
The adults around are in a hurry.
Everyone wants to cuddle him
Like a little pussy
Cover with kisses
And give gifts.
He's still a baby
But it’s already growing not bad,
And he walks confidently
Stompers forward!
Be happy and healthy
Learn more words
Never be discouraged
Do everything in the world!

1st birthday greetings from parents

Today exactly a year has passed,
How our son came into this world,
And he captivated us with a sly look,
We definitely don’t need anything else.
Moreover, there is hardly any
Throughout such a big planet,
More beautiful and smarter than you,
Funnier, more affectionate, more dear!
Son, dear, happy birthday,
We tell you lovingly,
It's time to start the fun quickly
In honor of the beauty - you!

Poems for 1 year old from mom

For whom is mother today?
Expired beautiful cake?
Who's the cutest here?
And who is only a year old?
Whose laughter is ringing in the apartment,
Ranging here and there?
Who is the best boy in the world
And what is most precious to us?
It's you, our dear boy,
Happy Birthday to You,
Kind, sweet, mother's bunny,
We tell you lovingly:
That we wish you happiness,
Let year after year come,
Past sorrow, bad weather
And your mouth is always smiling.

Congratulations on the 1st birthday of the godson

Today the baby is one year old
And I hasten to congratulate
So cute
A handsome boy.
He has grown so much in a year,
Walks with his nose in the air
He's holding the spoon himself
Makes faces at all of us.
Very smart, very nice,
He is the most important member of the family,
Let it grow from year to year,
Glorifying your entire family.


We are not afraid of sadness
We laugh and sing.
We’re a year old, but you didn’t know?
And we live happily.
Karapuz, toddler,
You're such a funny little guy
And with a big family it’s not boring -
Let's celebrate the first year together!
Don't upset mommy
Don't whine and don't get sick.
Be as fast as a bullet
Develop, grow up!

Poems for a 1 year old boy

It’s as if I just opened my eyes yesterday,
And here you have a one-year-old baby.
You are so serious and have forgotten your tits,
You stand very firmly on your own feet.
Your smile is like the sun has risen.
Let it illuminate everything around you.
Your babble will melt the heart and soul,
And then the clouds won’t suddenly appear.

Poems for 1 year old from parents

Exactly one year ago in a blue envelope
You and I brought happiness to the house.
He stands in his bed, turns his head,
smiles gloriously with his six-toothed mouth.
It’s a joy to watch him grow up – his first steps, his first words.
My heart melts tenderly from love for him,
My head is spinning from happy thoughts.

Poems for 1 year old son from dad

My little son is one year old
To a real boy!
Look how he has grown up,
Laughed, wrinkled his nose,
Suddenly he cried for no reason...
He will still be a man!

Congratulations on your 1st birthday

Today is a holiday, guests are gathered,
The man is one year old!
Everything is in flowers, a sea of ​​gifts
And a cheerful round dance.
The birthday cake is languishing -
Wait, that's not the point.
It takes a lot of effort -
Blow out the first candle.
How many of them are there in a lifetime?
It will be in other people's pies!
But like this, but like this -
No, there will be no such thing.
Mom will come to the rescue here,
Dad, guests, all relatives.
Know that today is the most important
It's your birthday!

Poems for a 1 year old boy

How quickly time goes by -
You are exactly one year old today!
So smile on your holiday,
We congratulate you with all our hearts!
And let one candle for now
The cake is decorating yours now,
Believe me, all your dreams will come true
And you will become an adult and strong!

Poems for 1 year old son

There is only one candle on the cake for now.
Everyone admires you on this day,
After all, there is no more beautiful person in the world,
What are you, our little bunny, dear!
There is no one happier than you now!
Let your ringing laughter sound every day.
Always be smarter and prettier than everyone else,
To make us all happy, like today.

1st birthday greetings for godson

A little son is a mother's delight,
There is a reward for her patience and love!
Dad's hope, joy and joy,
After all, there is an heir in the family!
It is more valuable than a treasure!
Let him grow up healthy, sweet and calm,
Kind and brave, generous and worthy!
An honest and perky, brave man,
Let him live in harmony with the 21st century!

Birthday 1 year - congratulations

Our little bunny is one year old!
Unnoticed it grows
Good, nice little naughty boy,
Charming boy!
You grow up to be a hero,
Like in a fairy tale, and then
You will become strong, strong, courageous
And skillful in all matters!

Birthday 1 year - congratulations to the son

My blood, sunshine, son!
I wish you a happy birthday!
I wish you, my dear friend,
Health, peace, happiness and fun.
Let the arch above your head be clear,
May the sun shine brighter for you,
Be happy, my dear son,
I love it when children laugh!

Congratulations to your son for 1 year

A year has passed, no problem
You've become big, yes, yes, yes.
You can do a lot now
As it should be for the year!
Always be healthy
Constantly cheerful
Always be happy baby
Days, weeks and years!

Congratulations on the first year for a boy

One year old child
Congratulations on the main day:
Eat and grow diligently,
Be obedient and attentive.
Mom and dad are a must
Warm love with fire.

A beautiful congratulation in poetry and prose will help to give an original gift to parents whose baby is one year old. It is read out at a party among guests, or written on a postcard. In any case, it should be sincere and touching. Today on the Internet you can easily find birthday greetings for a boy who is 1 year old. All that remains is to choose the syllable you like.

When reading congratulations in prose, they usually address parents. After all, a one-year-old child does not yet understand what guests want to say on his first birthday. The baby needs to be given a gift and kissed. You can limit yourself to one or two phrases with wishes.

When choosing important words, you need to wish the child’s mother and father patience and calm, because there are many discoveries, achievements, ups and downs ahead. Even if the holiday is quite modest, you need to prepare for generous congratulations for the parents of the birthday boy. Surely they will be pleased.

Happy holiday! Happy first important date - happy one year anniversary! So much has been accomplished, and so many achievements lie ahead. I wish that the child would be protected by angels, that cheerful laughter would be heard in the house, and if tears appeared, then they would be small droplets that disappeared instantly. I wish you good health, great obedience, and all this is accompanied by patience and strength.

Congratulations to the little miracle on its first year. I wish your baby bright happiness in life and the right independent steps, invincible curiosity and fun games, good fun and funny jokes, sincere smiles and kind words.

How to congratulate parents in your own words

Do not overuse parables, fables and banal verses. A minute wish in your own words, spoken from the heart, is valued more than a whole poem. This, of course, does not apply to the talented poems that the congratulator composed himself.

You need to choose exactly those words that will touch mom and dad to the depths of their souls, lift their spirits, and evoke tender feelings. After all, for them the baby’s first birthday is the most important date. All this time they watched their son grow and develop and helped him take his first steps.

Often the parents of a one-year-old child are congratulated by phone or SMS. There is nothing better than reaching out to them in person. This is the only way to show true emotions.

To compose a competent speech, you need to think through each point:

  • come up with an appeal;
  • highlight the positive character traits of parents;
  • write the wish itself;
  • If the congratulation is written in a postcard, you must sign it.

When congratulating the baby’s father and mother in your own words, you should wish them joy, happiness and health, and praise them for their responsibility and kindness. It is worth saying that their family is an example for others. Congratulations to parents should be said with a smile, looking at the recipients.

Happy people! This is exactly how you should address people who have such happiness growing in their family - a small child. Congratulations to both you and the baby on the first year of life. Let him grow up curious, interested, happy and most importantly healthy.

We would like to congratulate the parents of our one-year-old baby on this holiday. You have done a great job, pouring love and care into your child day after day. We wish you patience and your child active development. Let laughter always be heard in your home, let only success await you at work, so your family is an example for everyone.

Dear (names), with all my heart I congratulate you on the birth of your son. I know that you cannot describe your emotions now, it is a great joy to be parents. I wish you to raise your son to be a real man, a loving family man and a devoted friend.

Short congratulations and short poems

Poetic congratulations are especially popular. Not a single holiday is complete without them, be it a wedding, anniversary or the birthday of a little boy. Properly rhymed lines will not leave a single person indifferent.

Touching and sincere wishes usually turn out to be quite long. To prevent other guests from getting tired, you should choose short poems and short prose. Such congratulations are suitable for SMS and messages on social networks. All that remains is to choose the text you like.

The baby is one year old today!
Let him grow up healthy
Let him always live with a smile,
Let happiness stick to him.

May you always be happy
And he never gets sick.
And his wonderful laugh
Always makes everyone happy!

Happy dad, happy mom:
The baby is one year old today.
Let him be the happiest
Let it grow stronger and grow.

Here are the first steps
He was already able to do it.
Let him laugh, let him babble,
May your son make you happy.

The first year is the most important
In the life of every child,
After all, he enters the world bravely,
Bringing joy to all of us.

And today I wish
So that your little angel grows
Without trouble and without sadness
And in the land of happy dreams.

Touching birthday greetings for a child

The most touching wishes are those that the congratulator came up with himself. After all, these words come from the very heart and the innermost depths of the soul. Any warm congratulations would be appreciated. It is important to wish more smiles, warm sun over your head, and a great mood on your baby’s birthday and throughout your life.

Adults often get nervous and stammer if they need to say a text surrounded by other guests. For those who are not confident in themselves, ready-made congratulations on their child’s birthday will be useful.

May your son meet only honest and good people on his life’s journey, may his happiness be endless, may a smile shine on your faces! I wish you an immediate solution to all problems, patience and self-confidence! Be happy!

Oh look who's gone
And he waves his little hand!
So the first year has passed,
Not even noticeable.

It seems like yesterday:
For the first time in my arms,
Crying and tears until the morning,

And today, look,
Laughs joyfully.
And the parents are proud -
Little sun.

On this most important day -
First birthday -
We wish you everything
Wisdom, patience.

Let the baby grow big
Strong and healthy
Fidgety and groovy,
Kind and cheerful.

May you always be lucky in everything,
Everything will be great
After all, you live in your family
The joy is limitless.

Mom, dad in the first year -
Our congratulations.
Let your flower grow
To everyone's surprise.

Cool and funny congratulations

When choosing cool and funny congratulations as wishes, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The text should not contain:

  • obscene language;
  • vulgar or rude jokes;
  • offensive words;
  • sad moments;
  • emphases on the weak points of recipients;
  • words about envy.

It would be appropriate to recall the funny and funny incidents that happened this year. You can add a touch of originality using a slide show of the funniest photographs of the child, selected in advance.

I wish the little guy a lot of happiness in his first year. Let the baby be mischievous, wonder, have fun, love, gain courage, listen to mom and dad. I wish my beloved boy health, joyful moments, more delicious sweets and beautiful cars.

All the neighbors are in love
In this boy
He's so cute
Walks like a bear
Celebrates the first year
This nice boy
Will collect all the smiles
Ours today, bunny,
Happy birthday, dear,
Always be happy
Never get sick
Our baby is beloved!

In conclusion, it is worth noting several important rules that apply to congratulating a one-year-old baby and his parents:

  1. It is important to want what a particular person really wants.
  2. For anyone who does not know how to write poetry, it is better to abandon this idea. Banal lines without rhyme and rhythm will be out of place.
  3. Poems and prose should ideally fit the theme of the holiday.
  4. It is important to adhere to the truth as much as possible, praising parents for their good nature, patient nature and optimism.
  5. If the baby’s parents are close relatives, congratulations can be more heartfelt. If not, you can get by with the standard set and wish you happiness, health, success, etc.
  6. Any congratulation requires a sense of tact and spiritual subtlety. A person’s culture is expressed in how he congratulated, what he remembered and thought, what he said.

The most important thing is that wishes for one year should set parents and guests exclusively on the positive and remain in everyone’s heart for a long time.

Parents always want to make a fun and interesting holiday for their child, especially if it is the birthday of a child who is turning 1 year old. However, at first, some parents don't even know where to start. The best thing is to take a piece of paper and write down everything that comes to mind. Then you need to try to create this holiday. It is advisable that the celebration last no more than 4 hours. After all, the baby is still very small and needs rest. And you shouldn’t invite too many guests. This can tire a one-year-old child.

After the holiday itself has already been organized, you can come up with Congratulations to my 1 year old son. It is advisable to sing his favorite song and give him a big car. Next, you can congratulate the child with some funny poem. But you need to pay attention to facial expressions. You need to say your wishes not with a straight face, but to make some movements. You can wiggle your eyebrows or bulge your eyes. Children laugh at such moments.

Our little son is one year old,
To a real boy!
Look how he has grown up
He smiled, wrinkled his nose,
Suddenly he cried for no reason...
He will still be a man.

Happy birthday son
Even though you're only a year old -
You're hitting the road
Little by little with the first step!
We wish your feet
Feel free to follow all paths
And get to know the magical world,
Comprehend the steps of life!

My son is turning one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him tenderly on the cheek!

May your son be cheerful
Growing up smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the joy of your friends and family!

Son, you are one year old today!
Please smile at us more often!
You seem to have been born recently
But you became the main happiness for us!
Let your life be like a fairy tale,
Luck leads to victory
Be obedient and kind to us,
Step forward boldly!

How quickly time goes by -
You are exactly one year old today!
So smile on your holiday,
We congratulate you with all our hearts!

This age is the most glorious!
This age is the most important
Because the first year -
Wow, such a step forward!

Only one year has passed... but you have grown older...
Only twelve months - but here it is, the result!
I love you, you are our treasure,
Don't stand still, don't go back!
I congratulate you, as sincerely as possible,
I wish to always be much higher than everyone else...
But never forget about your loved ones...
After all, we will help... Believe me, success awaits you!

You are a little miracle
You are the sweetness of our life!
And it’s hard not to notice
What a great joy you are!
You are one year old today
You have become so beautiful!
We wish you, son,
Be smart and happy!

Today is the most important holiday!
My son is turning one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him tenderly on the cheek!
May your son be cheerful
Growing up smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the joy of your friends and family!

You are exactly one year old today,
The house is full of different toys,
And your mouth smiles,
And the eyes glow with fire.
Foxes, bunnies and bears
Everyone came to congratulate you,
And, to please the little one,
They brought a huge cake!

You are our groovy boy,
We've been waiting for you for so long,
The months and hours were counting, -
When will you become big?

Be healthy, be beautiful,
Be happy and patient
Well, our first order is
May you always love us!

You're only one year old
Our little fool, the cutest...
Through life on a sunny hike
While you are still accumulating strength.
But the step is becoming more and more confident.
A few years will pass... In the end
Let your enemy and even your enemy
Takes your feet away faster
Hearing the sound of your steps!..
Better yet, have no enemies!

Happy Birthday Baby!
You are exactly one year old today.
You laugh and squeak
And you wrinkle your sweet nose.
We want to wish you -
Grow up happy and healthy
Cheerful, cute, mischievous,
And let every day be new!

Just one candle on the cake for now!
Everyone admires you on this day,
After all, there is no more beautiful person in the world,
What are you, our little bunny, dear!
There is no one happier than you now!
Let your ringing laughter sound every day.
Always be smarter and prettier than everyone else,
To make us all happy, like today!!!

Ah, we have a reason to rejoice!
Today is my son's birthday!
You are my angel, my blood and flesh,
May the Lord protect you in life.
Let true friends surround you,
And let the family always be your support.
You're only seven years old, but that's a lot! :)
May your road always be smooth,
After all, there is no better reward in life for mom,
When everything goes as it should for my son!!!

Dear son, congratulations on your first year,
Let your teeth grow, let your steps grow stronger,
Everything around you is interesting and entertaining,
And it’s nice for mom and dad to watch you.
You are cute, funny, mischievous and healthy, strong,
We adore you, you are the best baby in the world,
We wish you width in the shoulders and height,
Achieving everyone’s goals and living life is not easy.

Happy first year of life, our beloved son!
Thank you for the birth and lack of sleep at night,
With your smile you overshadow all problems,
You fill all the gaps in our life.
With you our life has become more colorful and brighter,
We can’t get enough of you, you’re never enough for us,
Grow big, always love your parents,
Never tolerate injustice in life.

Dear son, happy first birthday to you!
There is no better gift or reward for us,
We love your smile and your tears madly,
And we pray that fate will be kind to you.
Be interested in the world, find out, watch and enjoy,
Bath yourself in the love of your parents and loved ones,
There are so many discoveries ahead of you,
Lead success through life with you by the hand.

Happy first birthday baby,
Please hear our request to be happy,
We wish you to grow up as a strong baby,
And boldly walk through life with an easy gait.
Beloved son, you are sweeter than any chocolate,
You are joy and pride, our beloved delight,
May bad weather never come in your life,
We wish you boundless, stormy happiness.

Little son, you are ours and very dear,
You are the best son, handsome and dear,
This is your first year living in this world,
And you make us happy like no one else on the entire planet.
Happy Birthday! The first year is important,
You become an adult, smart, brave, courageous,
All hope, faith and love are in you,
After all, you are our son, our blood.

Dear son, today you are one year old,
You are very small and your step is not bold,
Everything in your life happens for the first time,
We are all delighted by your lively emotions,
You are a jumper, you are very much alive,
You make us all very happy with yourself,
Grow and gain meaning in life,
Enjoy the endless love of your loved ones.

You love bedtime stories and lullabies,
When the whole family gets together,
Everyone looks at you and can't look away,
And at this time you are ready to indulge endlessly.
Beloved son, you have been with us for a whole year,
You burst into us like a typhoon or a tsunami,
Only we have always dreamed of such a son,
Hearing us, suddenly you were born.

The anniversary of my first birth has come today,
The birth of a son passed us by, the joy did not pass,
And now we are happy and enjoying to the fullest,
And we bathe in tears of happiness and joy.
Let today be your first birthday,
We all cry only from tears of tenderness,
After all, you are a bundle of love, you are a beautiful creation,
We kiss, love and congratulate you on your birthday!

Happy birthday greetings for a 1 year old boy

Well, hi, baby.
Are you awake now?
What day is it? Gifts are everywhere
Aunts, uncles, cake on a platter...
This holiday, my friend -
First birthday.
May he bring joy
Everyone without exception.
Can you imagine - every year
He is waiting for you from now on!

One year has passed,
Full of joyful events.
And your little lump squeaks
Made a thousand discoveries.

The child stood on his feet,
I learned to eat from a spoon.
And a magical ringing laugh
Illumines everyone with happiness.

Let the first birthday
It will be bright and colorful,
Let it give you the mood
For the baby and all the family!

How big are you?
To everyone's surprise!
Wonderful birthday!

Be better and smarter than everyone else
Be kind to everyone, be careful!
Smile more cheerfully
The boy is wonderful!

On this first anniversary,
Pour a glass of milk!
May the brave hero
My son will grow up!
Hide your moms quickly
You are beautiful daughters!
It will only go with its legs,
After all, this is the first time for us!
There is joy and excitement in the house,
Grow up and become stronger
Never be discouraged!
Become older and smarter
Explore the huge world! Today is a birthday day,
The whole family is at the table.
Happy Birthday, our sun,
Happy first year, glorious day.

Let your sonorous laughter be radiant,
Lights up the house with happiness.
And the sun always shines,
In your fairy-tale world.

Cheerful, funny hippopotamus,
I smiled at you, lovingly,
Baby, you are already a year old,
And everyone congratulates you!
All roads are always open
Wonderful kids like you!
Grow up, get healthy
And explore the world slowly! You're already stamping your feet yourself,
You are growing quickly to the delight of all of us.
Today we will light a candle on the cake,
And we’ll sing “Loaf” to you together!
You will grow up smart and healthy!
May your appetite please your mother,
Your activity makes dad happy -
May your family be happy! Happy birthday,
Happy first year baby!
We wish the little one happiness
And good health to the strong man!

Mom and dad have a lot of patience,
Raise an angel.
And good luck to the child,
And get to know the world sooner.

Our little son is one year old,
To a real boy!
Look how he has grown up
He smiled, wrinkled his nose,
Suddenly he cried for no reason...
He will still be a man! Today is the most important holiday!
My son is turning one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him tenderly on the cheek!
May your son be cheerful
Growing up smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the joy of your friends and family! What is the first year?
Round dance of rattles.
Pussies, squirrels, bunnies
And funny bear cubs.
The first tooth, then the second.
One step, then another.
Chanting “aha-aha.”
Babbling, the first words.
So many joyful worries
Brought your first year into the house.
Grow up baby, grow up.
Don't sneeze or get sick.
Happy are you and everyone around you,
Happy birthday! Little feet stomp
This son is running along the path,
Lives in the world for exactly a year,
Like the sun, it shines on everyone.
We can't live without your smile,
We promise to love everyone more! Cute eyebrows, funny eyes,
So he strives to get out of the stroller.
So he tries to look under the table,
Mom just watches so as not to fall.
And all because the child has become an adult.
He lives for a whole year. And I'm not tired at all.
Congratulations on your birthday.
I wish you warmth and love.
Grow up beautiful and smart,
Baby, from dawn to dusk. Happy Birthday -
You are one year old!
Be you our delight
Bright sunshine in destiny!
May it be a beautiful road
Your life will twist
Let happiness keep pace
Keeping you from adversity,
May fate give you
What you want
Let your wishes come true
And dreams come true! The day smiles with bright colors,
The sun is shining and the birds are singing!
You are turning one year old today,
Guests are waiting with holiday gifts.

Smiles and happiness, laughter and joy,
True friends and a straight path,
Mountains of chocolate and all other sweets
We wish you to find it!

Why is today a holiday?
Why cake today?
And different colored packages?
And there is a cycle of guests?

You've become a year older!
You've become a year smarter!
You started jumping high
You started running far.

You will play with toys
You clean it up carefully.
You started eating well
So you've grown big!

And today is your holiday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my little bird!

My son is growing – he’s already one year old!
Daddy's delight!
I weeded the whole garden,
True, where it is not necessary.
Well, it doesn't matter,
We will teach you everything
Run, jump and read,
He will be the best! You are already one year old today.
Let your dreams come true,
You are always lucky in everything,
And you will be very happy!
You're growing so fast
We love you with all our hearts,
You already look like your dad:
Almost like dad, you're big! Oh, where, oh where,
Have you taken such a miracle?
They raised him for a whole year,
They baptized with a glorious name,
Kissed and pardoned
Taught, pampered,
Dressed up, dressed up,
We had fun and developed
And they loved selflessly!
Your baby has grown noticeably.

Sweet, affectionate, funny,
Gain new knowledge
Crawl, run and play.
Smile with your full mouth,
After all, you are one year old today!

Your baby is one year old
There is noise and commotion in the house,
Laughter is cheerful, bright, ringing,
You can hear it here and there everywhere.
Our boy is very nimble,
He wants to be everywhere himself,
Fidgety, braggart,
So much joy in the eyes
Give us a moment of happiness
Hold it in your hands. How quickly time goes by -
You are exactly one year old today!
So smile on your holiday,
We congratulate you with all our hearts!
And let one candle for now
The cake is decorating yours now,
Believe me, all your dreams will come true
And you will become an adult and strong! Congratulations to mom and dad,
Why are they so strong?
Here, keep a gift from us,
And grow up quickly, baby.
A year is very little
Life is a long way, remember,
Train first,
Take the first steps. The child is one year old
There is noise and commotion in the house,
Children's laughter is cheerful, ringing,
It is heard here and there.
Our little son is very smart,
He wants to know everything himself,
A mischievous and naughty girl,
There is bedlam in his house.
But our little son is our happiness,
Only with him there is meaning in life.
To save me from harm,
May you always be healthy.
So that he can give change,
So that there will always be a family,
For the child, for good luck
I offer you a drink! Today is one year old
To the pink-cheeked boy!
And the sun smiles in the sky,
And with him, bunnies and bears!
May life be kind and gentle,
It will give him a lot of happiness,
So that he lives like in the best fairy tale
And so that he laughs more often! A miracle happened a year ago:
A charming baby saw the light
A child is a real treasure
Both a diamond and a gem!

And I want to wish the baby:
Be happy, laugh, smile,
I wish the strong man a lot of health,
Try to please your parents!

You are exactly one year old today,
The house is full of different toys,
And your mouth smiles,
And the eyes glow with fire.
Foxes, bunnies and bears
Everyone came to congratulate you,
And, to please the little one,
They brought a huge cake! Congratulations to mom and dad,
And we wish the baby
So that he grows beyond his years,
And by day and by hour!

So that you don’t cry, don’t get sick,
So that you eat with appetite!
To be dexterous, mobile,
So that only laughter can be heard!

Let him grow up happy
And he won’t know anything bad!
The voice will be loud -
Happy Birthday - poem!

Such a miracle: a year ago
A wonderful little guy was born.
And I want to say now -
It grows quickly and wonderfully.
He accomplished a lot in a year,
And this is an important achievement.
There's so much to do ahead
In the meantime: “Happy Birthday!”

You're in a great mood this morning,
There is laughter, smiles and flowers everywhere.
Everyone is celebrating your first birthday
But the main thing on this holiday is only You!
It seems to us that you were born recently,
But this path was difficult for you.
And you have already learned a lot,
Always be healthy and happy! Yesterday there were still diapers,
Dummy and mother's breast,
Today the child is one year old,
We didn’t even have time to blink an eye.

May Fate be favorable
The Lord protects from the stars,
From these little eyes
May no tears ever be shed.

Let mom and dad pamper
Granny and grandpa are playing pranks
Let any dream come true
They'll hurry up!

In the first year on earth,
We want to wish you
To grow big, big,
He was healthy, our hero!

Grow up soon baby
Find yourself some friends!
So that together you can
Life is fun to go through!

Today you turned a good year,
You still don’t know the troubles,
Our whole family came to you,
They brought a cool gift,
Grow, dance, joke and sing,
Please us with a bright head,
Get your toys quickly
Run quickly and play! On your very first birthday
Lots of wishes!
Happiness, joy, luck!
May all your wishes come true!

The year has brought so many events!
We hasten to wish you
Happiness, joy, discoveries!
Happy first big holiday!

The little naughty boy is one year old!
The whole house is right on your ears,
The children's laughter is very loud
Heard here and here and there!
Our son is smart and fast,
Strive to know the world yourself,
He makes us happy all the time
At night, during the day and in the morning! Who's sweet on the pillow?
Who's lying in bed here?
Whose pink heels are these?
Who woke up here?
Who reached out so sweetly?
Whose cunning eyes
And who is two today?
This is who mom loves so much!
Here's who's favorite!
Whose birthday is it today?
Who was waiting for congratulations! Happy Birthday -
You are one year old!
Be you our delight
Bright sunshine in destiny! Little legs,
Today along the path,
They run away quickly
They manage to do it everywhere.
Little hands,
They love to ruin things
Everything that got into them
As if it never happened.
And in the middle
Head and back
Butt and tummy.
The little one is one year old now.
Congratulations to mom,
Congratulations dad
Teddy bear
We shake a paw.
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Jump, run and play
Dear naughty boy,
Golden boy!

Happy first birthday,
Congratulations without a doubt
Mommy and daddy
Yes, a sweet girl!

Raise your sweet daughter,
The happiest one.
Help her in everything
Discover the world together.

We hug the bird
We give you a gift.
Don't sulk, smile
I started eating the cake.

Blow out the candle soon,
Make your wish!
After all, everything you want
Of course it comes true.

Congratulations in prose for a 1 year old boy - wishes in your own words

Exactly a year ago a little boy appeared in our family, who
with his ringing cry he announced that he would now be with us. Son,
When I first pressed you to my chest, I realized that you had stolen my
heart. You have become the main man in my life. Today is your first
birthday. How much have we experienced in the 12 months that
It seemed like several days passed. I'll never regret the sleepless
the nights we spent together. I still have every time
my heart skips a beat when I see you stomping your own
legs, I want to pick you up in my arms and not let you go anywhere
my golden boy. Grow big, brave, strong and smart. WITH
Happy birthday, son.

A year ago a man appeared in my life who loves me
Always. His smile just makes your heart skip a beat, and everyone around you begins to...
birdsong can be heard. My beloved son, today is your first
birthday. You so trustingly reach out to me with your arms, hug and
you kiss, and I enjoy every moment like this, because I understand
that your childhood will never be repeated. My boy, let you
the most vivid memories of this time will remain, only warm ones
sensations and light in the soul. I'm ready to give you the whole world if only
you were smiling, healthy and happy. Time will pass very quickly, but
for me you will always be the baby who loves the most
listen to my stories. May your life be filled with light and

The child's first word, his first step and, of course, his first day
birth. These events will not remain in the baby’s memory, but forever
settle in the hearts of your parents. My son, today is your first time
you will blow out a beautiful candle on your cake. You're not quite yet
you understand why everyone around you is having fun and constantly turns to you.
My dear, there will be many more things ahead that you will do first
Once again, I really want everything to work out for you always and everywhere.
I know for sure that you will grow up to be a real man, very handsome,
smart, cheerful, kind and fair. I want this world so bad
was favorable to you, delighting you with his warmth and kindness, doing
every minute of your life is filled and unique.

Exactly a year ago my beloved wife gave me the most important gift
in life - she gave me a son. Twelve flew by so quickly
months, we went through the first fears for you, son, together
coped with the first problems and together rejoiced at each of your
victory I promise you that I will become the best friend, and not just
father, we will definitely go to football together, get a dog and
We will walk with her in the park near the house in the evenings. We are together
We will protect our mother, love her and pamper her. I know for sure that you
you will become a real man. My little one, all this will happen later, and
now you should grow up to be a healthy, cheerful and energetic boy,
for whom everything will turn out the way he wants and nothing will stop him.

Men shouldn't be sentimental, but how can you stay
indifferent when you look at the most beautiful smile in the world, which
your son gives you. Baby, today you turn exactly one year old. To me
It seems like just yesterday I held you in my arms for the first time, and me
I was overwhelmed by a wave of love and tenderness for such a small bundle. I
I can tell you for sure that over this year you have grown, you have become very
a confident young man who can express his
persistent character and even without words to achieve what you want. Native
my, you are our main treasure and joy. I really want you to be
healthy, did not cry, but only smiled, so that you were truly
happy. May your eyes always sparkle like they do today.

I am very glad that I became a father a year ago. Today we can be proud
our son, so important and independent. You've already made yours
the first step and said the first word, you are growing so fast that we
Mom, sometimes we can’t keep up with you. You are a real explorer.
Son, you must be healthy and cheerful, let everything
illnesses and troubles pass you by. Remember, real
men never give up, which means you should always move forward,
and I will hold your hand tightly. You and I are a team now,
with many victories and adventures ahead. You still do
there is a lot to learn and a lot to learn, but I will always be there for you
you. I know for sure that we will be proud of you son, happy day

Dear son, today is your first birthday in your life.
Let me, as your godfather, wish you
good health, which will definitely come in handy, because there is still more to come
there is a lot to learn. I promised your parents that I would
a good friend, mentor and second father to you. A little later I
I'll teach you how to play football, and maybe we'll go to the
fishing, but that's still ahead of us. It's very important for you to grow now.
healthy and strong boy, learn something new every day and
make us happy with your smile. You are a real ray of light for everyone.
us, may your life always have true friends, good luck and
real masculine strength that will allow you to overcome all difficulties.

Exactly a year ago you were born and made your family your own
happy. I took you in my arms for the first time when you were still quite
baby and under the arches of the church I promised that I would become good to you
called father, your assistant and friend. It was an honor for me
son. I will gladly help you in all your affairs, I will answer
for every question that you will soon ask me and I will try to teach
you to everything that I know myself. You are the birthday boy today, this bright cap
on your head means that you have already lived a very important period in
of his life, took the first step and pleased us with his first word. Let
your guardian angel in heaven always protects you from adversity and
disappointments, and at night give you the most colorful and cheerful dreams.

There is a holiday in your house today and there are many guests, you are not quite yet
you understand, baby, what is happening around, but we all hasten to congratulate
Happy first birthday to you. Of course, you simply must
grow up cheerful, obedient, smart and healthy. Every day is for you
a small life during which you learn something or something
you study. As your godfather, I must raise you to be kind and honest,
and I’m absolutely sure that this is exactly how you will grow up. You will be
a real man, strong, confident, you will be a support and
the pride of your parents. Your sincere smile fills my heart
warmth and tenderness, my boy, may your lucky star
shines as brightly as possible in the sky, illuminating the road to a happy future.

Little one, a year ago you appeared in our family, I haven’t seen you yet
mom and dad are so happy. I'm very glad to have you
Yes, brother. With your appearance, there has been more noise in our house,
screams, but at the same time much more happiness and laughter. Yours
little hands hug me, and I understand that you need me, because I
big sister. Darling, don’t ever be in pain and don’t cry at night, but
sleep sweetly and gain strength so that in the morning we can play with you and
have fun. Every day you make us all more and more happy, you are
darling and I love you very much. You will grow up a little more, and we will
walk together on the street, I will teach you to ride a bike, swim and
ride down the hill. We will have a lot of fun together, I know for sure, because
I have the best brother.

It seems to me that just yesterday mom and dad brought you home from
hospital, and a whole year has already passed. You were so small and even I
they weren’t allowed to pick you up, but now you play with pleasure
with me, hugging and kissing. You are my dearest person, brother.
Today you have become quite an adult, now you even have your own
own cake. I really want you to grow up quickly and become mine.
best friend, we will share secrets and help
parents, and you will also protect me, because you are a man. I
I am sure that you will become the most courageous, dexterous, intelligent and beautiful, and
It simply cannot be any other way. And I also don't want you to get sick,
It’s better to laugh more often and delight us all with your new achievements. WITH
Happy birthday, baby.

My brother turns one today. My dear, you are still quite
small, but every day you try to do and learn something
new. I am very glad that I have you. I like to play with
you, read you fairy tales and just watch you sleep. You look like
to the little angel who now lives in our house. To me
I want you to be healthy and not make your mom nervous, it’s better
smile at her more often or just kiss her. I like it when you hug
me and you babble something quietly, at such moments I understand that you
You love me, but I don’t need anything else. I'm ready to give you everything
your toys so that you are happy and never cry. All
they say that you won't remember this wonderful holiday, but I
I will definitely tell you everything, so that you know how wonderful
It was your first birthday.

Congratulations on the child's 1st birthday for parents

It's a holiday today, the guests are assembled,
The little guy is one year old!
Everything is in flowers, a sea of ​​gifts
And a cheerful round dance.
The birthday cake is languishing -
Wait, that's not the point.
It takes a lot of effort -
Blow out the first candle.
How many of them are there in a lifetime?
It will be in other people's pies!
But like this, but like this -
No, there will be no such thing.
Mom will come to the rescue here,
Dad, guests, all relatives.
Know that today is the most important
It's your birthday!

Daddy and mommy, today is your holiday,
And this reason brought us all together.
Today your baby turns one year old,
And this is what I hasten to wish you at this hour:
Let the house be filled with joy as before,
Let there be a lot of laughter and tenderness in it,
Let your baby always shine with health,
Let him breathe only joy and love.

Dear and happiest parents in the world,
Today is your child’s birthday, would you like to congratulate him?
Let's join our friendly crowd,
Let's celebrate this day, they will not have peace today.
And I wish the birthday boy a lot of happiness,
Let life carry all bad weather past.
Let it be strong and joyful every hour,
And let small victories make you happy!

Today mom is filled with tenderness and affection,
And dad can’t even hide his pride,
After all, just recently small hands, legs, eyes,
Have grown a little – it can’t be!
A whole year has passed since he was born,
A whole year has flown by since the day he appeared.
And now in front of you is such a big strong man,
The most cheerful and beautiful baby!

Congratulations to the parent on the birthday of the baby,
Let him be playful and not a crybaby.
We wish your entire family happiness,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Live in harmony and prosperity,
Plays hide and seek with the child more often.
Give warmth and light to everyone around,
So that your circle of communication becomes wider.

It seems like just yesterday he was born,
But a year has already passed since then,
He learned a lot of serious things
And he himself already said the first word.
We want to congratulate mom and dad
With such a wonderful, joyful day.
Let joy sparkle and laughter not subside,
And the house will be filled with children's chirping!

The cake is big and there is one candle on it,
And the baby beams with delight.
For a whole year already this heart
Your love fills you with meaning.
And today is his birthday
He feels so good next to you.
Let the baby be your consolation,
Gives joy to both dad and mom!

Your family plan has come true,
A year ago your baby was born.
We celebrate his birthday
Congratulations to you, parents!
We wish you bright sunrises,
Long life, warmed by love,
So that the baby lives fully in the family,
So that they love him without fail!

Did you know you were having a child?
We dreamed about it for many long years.
Well, a year ago a miracle happened to you,
And your baby was born.
Beautiful, soft, affectionate little bundle,
Since then, it has become your meaning of life.
Let only happiness prophesy to him,
May it grow and flourish every year!

Dear mom and dad, we congratulate you!
We all celebrate the baby's birthday.
And today is exactly the first year anniversary,
We would like to wish you so many things on your family holiday:
Let your home be filled with sonorous children's laughter,
Let your child be happiness and fun for you,
Let him grow up healthy, strong, smart and good,
They look a little like both mom and dad!

Your baby turns one year old today,
He’s already running around the house and clapping his hands,
He can talk a little and laughs merrily,
And when he sits next to you, it’s as if the sun is shining.
We are pleased to congratulate our parents on their anniversary,
May your common love always warm each other,
May your baby continue to live in love and affection,
And let the fairy tale always reign in the family and never disappear!

Congratulations on the boy's 1st birthday to his parents

The house was filled with guests:
Share the joy with us -
Show me your sun
How it has become more beautiful in just a year.
Whose eyes are here, whose mouth is here?
Whose clan dominates in him (her)?

Real family:
Mom, dad and child -
Dear child,
The sun is golden!
Cute creature
For your admiration,
Your joy is forever,
A year has passed, and then two...
Let ten pass by -
Your joy will not be interrupted.
It will only multiply
If you try really hard!
What do you put in your child?
Even twenty years later
You will have plenty.
May God give you a smooth life! Time rushes by like a bright fairy tale
The whole year, hour by hour!
And today is my birthday
Your baby's first time!
Let everyone be happier, everyone more beautiful,
Everyone is growing more wonderfully!
And in your beautiful family
May happiness always live! Young mom and dad!
A year ago the house became rich:
A child was born
Bringing happiness to your home.
This happiness brought you together,
Enriched your feelings
A door has opened to a new world -
A full-fledged home now. Be grateful to God
What a child you have!
Let him be healthy
Many, many more years! What can I wish for my mother?
How can I support my dad?
You've been living in trouble for a year,
And there is no peace for a long time!
But someday you will understand
What's happier, you, everyone! Your baby has already left -
Even though it's only been a year!
He'll start talking soon
And there the kindergarten is waiting for him! I congratulate you both today!
The child is already a year old, and you have become wiser...
Today, on your birthday, I send you wishes:
Let it grow healthy, charm itself!
Plays and develops to the delight of all relatives,
And may your expectations be fully realized! Well, hi, baby.
Are you awake now?
What day is it? Gifts are everywhere
Aunts, uncles, cake on a platter...
This holiday, my friend -
First birthday.
May he bring joy
Everyone without exception.
Can you imagine - every year
He is waiting for you from now on! How big are you?
To everyone's surprise!
Your first holiday has come -
Wonderful birthday!
Be better and smarter than everyone else
Be kind to everyone, be careful!
Smile more cheerfully
The boy is wonderful! On this first anniversary,
Pour a glass of milk!
May the brave hero
My son will grow up!
Hide your moms quickly
You are beautiful daughters!
It will only go with its legs,
He will gather all his girlfriends! Happy Birthday,
After all, this is the first time for us!
There is joy and excitement in the house,
The sparkle of your happy eyes!
Grow up and become stronger
Never be discouraged!
Become older and smarter
Explore the huge world! Happy birthday,
Happy first year baby!
We wish the little one happiness
And good health to the strong man!
Mom and dad have a lot of patience,
Raise an angel.
And good luck to the child,
And get to know the world sooner. Oh, where, oh where,
Have you taken such a miracle?
They raised him for a whole year,
They baptized with a glorious name,
Kissed and pardoned
Taught, pampered,
Dressed up, dressed up,
We had fun and developed
And they loved selflessly!
Your baby has grown noticeably.
Be healthy, glorious little boy,
Sweet, affectionate, funny,
Gain new knowledge
Crawl, run and play.
Smile with your full mouth,
After all, you are one year old today!
