Congratulations on Knowledge Day (September 1). Congratulations on Knowledge Day (September 1st) I need congratulations on September 1st

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Congratulations on September 1
We hurry you today.
We've been waiting for our home school
And all your teachers.
Let everything be like the first time:
Smile, sparkle of happy eyes.
And ahead - study again
And your cheerful friendly class.
I wish you no difficulties
And it's easy to get up in the morning,
Always willing to learn
And know any subject perfectly!


The first day of autumn in the sunshine,
Boys are in suits, girls are in bows.
Everything around is sparkling with joy now,
And the bouquets are colorful in hundreds of children's hands.
Let smiles shine brighter than all lights,
May the school give you many bright days,
Let every day pass by you not in vain.
Happy holiday, guys! From September 1st!


How quickly the summer flew by,
And it's time to go to school again.
In the blaze of sunshine
The children are in a hurry with flowers.
For them today is a bright color
The calendar sheet sparkles.
We wish you joy, success,
Good luck! From September 1st!


Congratulations on September 1st!
With a new start, with a new expectation.
Believe me, you go to school for a reason -
So accept these wishes today:
Knowledge, it is known, is light,
You strive for them boldly and persistently,
And you will know the taste of big victories,
And you will be able to live fruitfully!


The sun scorched the leaves
Golden September.
So autumn has come,
We're going back to school.
Well, we are ready for victories,
The heart is simply eager to fight!
Let's fill the mind with light of knowledge!
School, we are always with you!


The beginning of autumn is the beginning of school life,
And the bell will ring for you again.
All words, actions, thoughts will become different,
And again you go to class for a lesson.
May all your expectations come true,
Let your plans and dreams come true,
And may all your wildest wishes come true,
Good luck to you and your victorious heights!


Knowledge Day is a special, bright day.
After all, there is an academic year ahead.
Perhaps it will turn out to be hot,
But glory awaits only the persistent!
We wish you courage, patience,
Wonderful discoveries and victories.
And let the wonderful moments
They will leave a mark for many years!


You're going to school for the first time today,
To first grade, to my first lesson.
This day will be remembered for a long time:
Schoolyard, teacher and bell.
There are mistakes and victories ahead,
Just don't turn around, walk!
Always be patient and courageous,
Conquer difficulties with perseverance!


First grader is proud
And it sounds like an adult!
Yesterday there was still a child,
And today - a student.
Today is such a special day
On a piece of calendar!
Congratulations on your new life!
Schoolboy, from September 1st!


I wish you bright and cheerful days,
Interesting, necessary, new knowledge -
After all, they are given to us for a reason!
Congratulations on September 1st!


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    I congratulate you on Knowledge Day today,
    I wish you only positive ratings.
    So that all sciences are easy for you,
    So that you don't yawn in class out of boredom.
    To make the teachers proud of you,
    And knowledge has been useful to you in life.

    Knowledge Day is an important, bright date.
    A lot of things are waiting for you guys now.
    There is a lot to discover.
    Go forward with all your speed!

    I wish you to find reliable friends,
    Then your learning will be more fun.
    Go confidently into battle with knowledge,
    And keep love for school in your heart!

    Happy Knowledge Day, dear student!
    Let the year pass like in a fairy tale,
    The diary is filled with success,
    And life thickens.

    Let each of the teachers
    It finds personality in you.
    Step boldly into the land of sciences,
    Study well!

    Happy Knowledge Day, guys, I congratulate you!
    I wish you success in your studies and victories,
    You will find real friends,
    It's easy to pass life's tests!

    On Knowledge Day, guys, when they heard the bell,
    Go to your first school lesson.
    Let it spark great interest in you,
    I wish it doesn’t disappear throughout the year!

    Let the thirst for discovery and knowledge torment you,
    I wish to read many different publications.
    May every new day bring benefits,
    I wish you didn’t know about boredom and laziness!

    Guys, congratulations
    Happy Knowledge Day in this bright hour.
    And may this school year
    It will only bring you joy!

    The subjects will be interesting,
    The teachers are kind and honest.
    We invite you to the road of knowledge
    And we will open the doors of the school.

    I would like to congratulate you today on the Day of Knowledge!
    The bell rings cheerfully on the first day of September.
    I wish you patience and effort in your studies,
    Let the glare of amber set you up for victory.

    With success, I believe you can distinguish yourself,
    You can always help your friends with a hint at the board.
    I wish you to strive for knowledge and discoveries,
    Let the lessons be interesting and easy!

September 1 is a long-awaited holiday for first-graders, their parents, teachers, as well as all schoolchildren and students! In this article you can find original congratulations on Knowledge Day for everyone, both in prose and in poetry.

Expressing emotions and wishing everyone a successful school year is the main goal of any line dedicated to Knowledge Day. After all, this is an exciting holiday for everyone - schoolchildren who have matured a year, teachers, parents, kids who will sit at school desks for the first time, and graduates who have only one year of carefree childhood left.

To make the holiday memorable and touch your soul, you need to prepare solemn parting words in advance. First we will present you with several options congratulations on September 1 in prose.

Congratulations to 1st grade on September 1

First-graders are the main heroes of the occasion on Knowledge Day. The doors of the school where they will spend 10 years of their lives open before the excited kids. Here they will meet their first love, get their first grades, learn letters, multiplication tables and much more! That is why it is so important to find the right words on this day to support new students and wish them success in their studies.

In this article we will present several specific examples of congratulatory texts.

  1. Congratulations from parents to first-graders on September 1

“Today all words of congratulations will be addressed to the youngest schoolchildren - our first-graders! Guys, how the school uniform suits you! In it you look very big and seem so bold and fearless on the threshold of new knowledge! Your eyes are sparkling, and the smile never leaves your face, because today you are celebrating one of the most important holidays!

You will walk into school hand in hand with those who will become part of your life! You will follow the person who will become your second mother! We sincerely wish you to be kind, patient and obedient! Study well, don’t let your parents, your teachers and your country down, because you are its future and our hope! Be happy and healthy! Have a wonderful and unforgettable school year!”

“Dear first-graders, perhaps everything that adults are telling you now seems so incomprehensible to you! But we are sure that the main thing that you hear today will remain in your hearts for a long time. We wish with all our hearts that throughout your school years your angels will carefully protect you from harm.

We want you to learn to be friends, appreciate each other and love. Let the school, whose threshold you cross today, become a second home for you, where you will rush with pleasure every morning! Don't be upset by little things, be cheerful and cheerful! Learn with interest and pleasure! Believe me, every school subject will definitely be useful to you in life! Happy holiday to you, kids!”

“The first call is the most tender and warm holiday! Guys, from this day on in your life everything will happen for the first time. Today you will enter your first class, your first teacher will speak to you, you will open your first school notebook and fill out your first diary. In a few years, you will fall in love for the first time, for the first time you will experience the joy of victories and the bitterness of disappointments!

And we, your parents, will always share all these moments with you, because we love you and want your life to be happy! On the Day of Knowledge, we wish you not to rush to grow up, to remain as sincere and spontaneous! Rejoice, learn, discover new talents in yourself - go for it! We will always support you in everything! Happy holiday!”

  1. Congratulations to first-graders on September 1 from the teacher

“My dear first-graders! I am sincerely glad to open the doors of our school for you today! I really want each of our days to begin with the same joyful eyes and shining smiles with which you illuminate this holiday today.

We have a lot to go through and experience together. But the main thing we must learn is to be friends, to love, to believe, to understand! I believe that each of you will grow up to be a good person who will achieve great success in life, build a wonderful family and fulfill your cherished dream! And we will lay the foundation for such a happy future today! I invite you to your first lesson in your first grade!”

  1. Congratulations to 11th grade first graders on September 1

“10 years ago, just like you today, we stood with white bows and bouquets of gladioli in our hands on the threshold of this school. It was so exciting and interesting, but at the same time a little scary, because everything was so unknown, unfamiliar and unusual! But we want to tell you that an unforgettable life awaits you, filled with joy and a sea of ​​positivity.

Just don’t be afraid of anything, study your lessons, don’t be lazy, answer, get grades and don’t give up if something doesn’t work out! We are always ready to help you at any moment! Good luck, dear first-graders! We are confident that you will become the best students in our school!”

Congratulations from first-graders on September 1

First-graders at the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge also always have something to say to their parents, teachers and future classmates. It is so interesting to listen to their fiery speeches, when almost none of the newly minted students can pronounce many words correctly.

However, we have presented some congratulatory texts that can be assigned to first-graders to learn as an example below:

  1. Congratulations on September 1 to teachers

“On Knowledge Day, on behalf of all first-graders, I want to congratulate all our teachers on the holiday! Although we are still complete strangers, we hope that you are not very strict, but kind and affectionate, because we are still kids and it is so important for us to see love and support in your eyes!

We promise you that we will always be obedient and diligent students! We will teach you all the lessons and will never let you down! We really want you to be remembered and liked! We hope that everything will work out together with you! Just don’t get sick, be patient and strong! It may be a little difficult with us, but it will be unforgettable! Congratulations on the holiday of September 1!”

  1. Congratulations to parents of first-graders on September 1

“Our dear parents! Today is a very important day for you and us. You are releasing us into adult school life, in which we will learn to make our own decisions and gnaw on the granite of science. We wish you to walk this difficult path with us, withstand our whims and gain strength to do your homework with us! We promise you that we will not let you down! You will be proud of your children!”

  1. Congratulations to 11th grade on September 1

“Dear graduates! You are already quite big! Today your last academic year at school begins! We hope that you will have time to teach us everything, because we want to be a good replacement for you! We wish you to successfully graduate and receive an excellent certificate! Happy September 1st! The Day of Knowledge!"

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose

Teachers are the main people in school. Therefore, congratulations on the beginning of the school year should always come first of all not only from students and their parents, but also from the school administration. Here is an example text congratulations on September 1 to colleagues from the school director:

"Dear Colleagues! Today is a special day for each of us - we meet first-graders, our grown-up students and begin a new school year! I wish you all inspiration, strength, health, good mood and talented students! May each of you experience a sense of pride in your work and students this school year! We wish you well-being and family happiness!”

Official congratulations on September 1

Every year, each school receives an official congratulations from the head of the city or district on September 1. This letter is a solemn greeting on behalf of the administration of the locality. It contains congratulatory words to teachers, students and their parents.

“Dear fellow countrymen! Today we celebrate the wonderful, bright Day of Knowledge - September 1st! It concerns everyone - after all, we all once crossed the school threshold for the first time, sat down at a desk and proudly called ourselves first-graders. Then it seemed to us that mathematics problems were very difficult, but they taught us how to cope with complex life problems. From school we realized that we would study all our lives, even after we graduated from school. And we, first of all, must express our gratitude to the teachers for this!

Dear teachers! We honor your invaluable work! We wish that all your successes and achievements only multiply! Be healthy!

Dear pupils and students! Congratulations on the start of the school year! After you sit down at your desk today, you must realize that your entire school journey depends entirely on your own efforts. Listen to your teachers, they will help you discover your self!

We convey our warmest congratulations to the first-graders and their parents! You have a difficult but very interesting period of life ahead of you! We wish you to easily overcome all difficulties, reach great heights and achieve your goals!”

Video: Cool congratulations on September 1

Congratulations on Knowledge Day in verse

Preparing for the Day of Knowledge, we are always looking for beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verse to include them in holiday cards for teachers or first graders.

We have prepared for you a small selection of good poems that may be useful to you.

Congratulations on September 1 to parents

"Knowledge Day for Parents"

Always very exciting

After all, daughters and sons,

They carry books in their briefcases,

Markers, notebooks,

Not chocolates.

The time for training awaits them,

Tasks, instructions.

Therefore, parents

We sincerely wish

Positive emotions

And live without knowing troubles.

Let your first-graders

They grow up to be good people

And let them be in everything

They will look like you!”

Congratulations on September 1 to students

“Today is a big holiday in schools -

Day of Knowledge, First Bell!

Both graduate and first grader

They carry notebooks in backpacks!

We wish them with all our hearts

Study well and not get sick,

Good luck in gaining knowledge

Be brave and don’t be timid!”

Congratulations to graduates on September 1

"Knowledge Day for graduates

This is no reason to have fun

After all, in the status of a student

We'll have to do a lot in a year:

Pass exams, hand over books,

Decide on a profession

Study without the slightest break

And strive for everything new!

Good luck in this difficult task

We sincerely wish you!

Love, achieve goals,

And follow your dreams!”

Congratulations to students on September 1

“Happy Knowledge Day, dear students!

From now on you will all have no time to sleep!

Large monographs are waiting for you

And a whole mountain of notes!

Study fruitfully, relax

Try to do everything in the world,

And never be discouraged -

Dejection prevents you from achieving your goals!”

Congratulations to first-graders from graduates on September 1

“Just yesterday you were called kids

You are now full-fledged students!

You are unrecognizable - you are all with flowers,

Backpacks in hands with pencils!

You have a difficult learning path ahead of you.

We managed to overcome it!

We wish you strength, patience,

Grow big – don’t get sick!”

Congratulations to teachers on September 1 in verse

“You lead us to knowledge,

You give your warmth,

You give us your soul

And you surround yourself with goodness.

Let there be joy in your heart,

In the houses - comfort, love, prosperity.

May pain and obstacles pass you by,

Live long and richly!”

Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1

“Knowledge Day is a meeting with the class,

With friends, school and teacher!

We all especially miss you

Behind our class teacher!

We wish him great strength,

Health, joy, goodness!

After all, we can cope

It’s not as easy as it seems!”

Video: Congratulations on September 1st! Musical Card!

This video presents several original cards and songs with which you can organize a congratulation, if you don’t already know How to congratulate your child on September 1st.

Here comes the breath of autumn,
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Then you can find it!

And with any school task,
We know you can handle it jokingly.
Rejoice in merry years,
They will fly by quickly!

So the summer has flown by,
September has arrived again.
And solemnly the Day of Knowledge
Celebrates the whole world.

We wish you guys
Only fives in the diary,
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in your head!

Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and experience. Ease in the new school year. A friendly atmosphere, interesting events, excellent grades and a constant desire to be better than yesterday. Success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!

More discoveries
Wonderful events
Patience, skills,
For all moods.

So that everything works out
Let your dreams come true.
And without tests
Study. The Day of Knowledge!

To know and remember everything in the world,
Think about everything and understand everything,
To be responsible for everything in the world -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means it is needed,
If only there was a reason in September...
Here the yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When both intelligence and knowledge are needed
... which means the soul is alive...
The world will be born, through trials
Hurrying persistently towards wisdom!

There is no such thing as too much knowledge
Let your mind preserve them.
After all, without knowledge there is nowhere -
Neither here nor there.

Don't be lazy, find out
Discover the secrets of the world.
And let every knowledge gram
Helps you in life.

Happy Knowledge Day, with the beginning of achievements!
Good grades, get creative.
Clear problems, correct solutions,
Live beautifully and confidently.

Wonderful projects, great achievements,
Worthy deeds, kindness.
May the year be full of fire and surprise.
It's time to study.

Happy Knowledge Day, September 1st!
It's not worth wasting your time,
Always strive for something new
Now without knowledge you can’t go anywhere.
Try to become smarter faster
And listen to your teachers.

Happy Knowledge Day, September 1st!
The home school opened the door,
Into a fascinating world beckoning,
Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly
Without failures and stumblings,
Let everyone find something for themselves
A treasure trove of valuable knowledge and skills!

Autumn has come again
The school bell rang -
He congratulates you on the Day of Knowledge,
Invites you to a lesson.

All the boys have grown up
We gained strength over the summer,
We want the school year
Only brought joy!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
Oh, it's quest season
Tricky questions
Yes tests and surveys.
You learn everything zealously,
And don’t be lazy in your studies,
Try to be the first in everything,
Discover your reserves.
Strive for new knowledge
Rise up sharply
Become very smart!

The beginning of autumn is marked by an important event - the beginning of a new school year. On this day, schoolchildren, parents and teachers meet after the long summer holidays to congratulate each other on the beginning of the new school year. I would like to sincerely wish everyone success in their studies, and beyond this phrase in a touching moment, rarely does any parent say anything else. In order not to put ourselves in an awkward position, let's practice in advance to congratulate everyone involved in the beginning of the new school year on this important event.

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

It turns out that this holiday is not as old as many people think. September 1 was officially recognized as Knowledge Day back in the Soviet Union in 1984. A full 32 years have passed since then, but this tradition has not lost its popularity of celebrating this holiday and congratulating each other on September 1st.

  • If you want your congratulations to be special and not repeated, think about the fact that you can do this not in poetic form, but in prose. That is, in your simple words, wish students and teachers good luck in their studies. Your congratulations could be like this: “ Dear students and teachers! Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you that in the new academic year knowledge will be given easily, so that you, tanned and rested, will begin to “gnaw” the granite of science with renewed vigor. Success to you, dear students, in your studies, and to you, teachers, I wish you endurance, patience, only good grades and grateful students!
  • If you need to prepare a congratulation for those who have just come to study for the first time - these are first-graders and first-year students at universities, then you must definitely start like this: “ For both students and parents, September 1 is a new stage in life. On this day you enter into a new life. So let it be interesting, clean and bright. May every day give you new knowledge. May there never be a reason for sadness in your life. So that ringing laughter always sounds at school, you are full of joy and strength. May your tests be easy, only good grades, may your lessons be interesting, may your teachers be kind, may your school friends be loyal!»
  • Another interesting version of congratulations: “ Dear guys, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year. I remember my school years well - these were the best moments of my life, filled with new knowledge and discoveries, as well as new acquaintances. Every day is a small episode of life. You will sometimes have to make important decisions and overcome difficulties together with your friends. School provides not only a huge amount of knowledge that will be useful to you in life, but also a great life lesson, so may your school years be remembered for the rest of your life, may the tasks be easy, only good grades for you, and I also wish that each of you finds your path in life. Happy holiday to you, Happy September 1st!»

Congratulations on September 1 to the teacher

“Dear teachers (or dear teacher)! Today, all congratulations sound only on your day, because we consider this day - September 1, the day of the beginning of the new school year and Knowledge Day - to be your finest hour. This is a good opportunity to educate the younger generation. So may your patience never run out, may there always be an abundance of goodness, spiritual wisdom and warmth for you, may the profession you choose be a joy, not a burden, and may it bring only satisfaction. This is a huge titanic work, we entrust you with the most valuable thing - our children. Good luck to you, strength and diligent students. Happy holiday!”

And one more thing: “And the first bell rang again, thousands of children will sit at school desks again. A lot depends on the teacher, so we wish you to find a common language with your students, pass on your knowledge to them, and so that every working day brings you only positive emotions. Happy first day of autumn, happy September 1st, Happy Knowledge Day!”

Congratulations on September 1 in poetic form

You can also congratulate students in poetic form.
