Happy birthday cards for 15 year old girl. Pictures - congratulations on your wedding anniversary

What to gift:

Recently, many have been sending humorous SMS with funny poems, beautiful pictures to relatives or friends on their marriage anniversary through social networks. It is convenient, fast and not too difficult, besides, the choice of programs on the Internet is very extensive. In a few seconds, congratulations will come to the phone or computer of the anniversaries, they will delight them with their originality and warm words of wishes.

greeting card requirements

When congratulating friends on their wedding anniversary via the Internet, social networks or mms using beautiful postcards, you need to consider the following:

  • pictures should be beautiful, thematic, clear;
  • the inscription must correspond to the anniversary of the marriage;
  • it is advisable to supplement the card with an original congratulation in prose or poetry;
  • the picture should show the attributes of a wedding, a happy family life.

Be sure to write the names of the spouses at the top, address them affectionately, respectfully, kindly. Congratulations should be warm, sincere, corresponding to the solemn occasion.

The inscription “Happy wedding anniversary” will remind the anniversaries of their family holiday, make them once again remember all the good things that have happened over the past years of marriage.

Rules for choosing wedding pictures-congratulations:

1. For each wedding anniversary, you can pick up pictures with the date prescribed by the anniversary. Such a wish looks solemn, sincere and sincere. It is advisable to know in advance what the wedding anniversary is called, so as not to accidentally make a mistake.

2. Young spouses with a sense of humor can send comic or funny cards. Older people will not be delighted with such congratulations. Drawings that are too frivolous should not be selected so as not to offend a husband or wife with an indecent image, a too frank joke.

3. For the first anniversary, it is best to choose beautiful greeting cards with the image of the bride, groom, wedding rings, swans or doves. A year later, the memories of the marriage registration are still fresh, it will be nice to remember the whole holiday and the wishes of the guests.

4. For each picture, you need to choose the appropriate short verse, write a wish to both spouses. Such a postcard can be looked at together after the departure of all guests. An anniversary poem should not be long, the original quatrain will suffice.

Gift card requirements

If the guests decide to congratulate the anniversaries in the usual way using a postcard, you must also take into account several rules for choosing it:

  • the picture on the cover must be wedding, contain the inscription "Happy wedding anniversary";
  • an interesting poem or wish should be written inside;
  • be sure to write the names of the spouses, put your signature and date;
  • a card should be handed with words of warm wishes, hints of a strong marriage and a happy life.

It does not matter in what way to congratulate the young on the wedding anniversary - the main thing is to do it beautifully, in an original and sincere way. The congratulation should be remembered for a long time in order to please the spouses and remind them of a happy life together.

How else to please each other.

Fifteen years is the most beautiful age,
Then a teenager passes into his youth.
It's time to cross the threshold of childhood ...
By the fifteenth anniversary - our poem.

Each of us is sometimes
A teenager ruffy and angular.
It's time when it's not easy to get along with the world...
Fifteen is the most dangerous age!

We wish you to overcome all difficulties
And live happily in harmony with the world!

SMS congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

Here you are fifteen years old
Dawn of your youth!
We want to wish the mind
To do the right thing,
Rejoice and have fun
Hurry to learn a lot
May you always be lucky
Let there be happiness and love
Let there be faith and hope
Happy Birthday!

Touching congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

Fifteen years - and how much happiness
In your eyes, in your soul!
Live without adversity
Growing up, only good!

You are fifteen - a wish,
So that light and fair,
Life has rewarded all efforts
And so that fate was beautiful!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

Happy 15th anniversary! Happiness, health!
Let the birds sing for you on this day!
And an angel from heaven will descend to earth
Of course, today is not too lazy!

And in the evening you make a wish
Blow out all the candles and at the same moment
May the angel fulfill your wish
The secret dream will come true!

Short congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

May they be fulfilled at 15
All cherished dreams!
And smile with happiness
This holiday will be you!

Good congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

You are fifteen - the age of happiness
And bright youth dawn,
We are here to congratulate you.
And give you one piece of advice.

Always keep hope in your soul
Believe in luck and fly up
Grow up, create, love and remember:
Don't let go of your dream!

Short congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

At 15 - the world is in front of you!
You open it for yourself.
Let everything be as you want
Dreams come true soon!

New congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

Today is an unusual holiday:
Fifteen years is your anniversary.
I want different impressions
And sunny, beautiful days.

Wish You happiness and health.
Don't rush to success.
Good friends, old and new,
And find your purpose in life.

Congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

You are already fifteen years old
Oh, what a joyful soul!
Light the candles on the cake
Let's go to your dream!

Joy, happiness we wish you
And also add your smile.
At fifteen all the ways are open
Decide which one to go!

Live every day with a smile
Parents only give good!
Good luck and lots of love!

Congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years in verse

You are fifteen years old today
You have an anniversary today.
We want to celebrate this holiday
Call your friends soon.

All roads are open before you
And choose your path boldly.
Let there be thresholds in life
Walk through life cheerfully, more cheerfully.

Here's a poem we wrote for you
Yes, it is small, but it is full of meaning.
Let everything that is in the plans come true
And let the house be full of joy!

Cool congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

Fifteen years is the highlight of life,
We wish you to be super smart,
To enjoy in taverns,
And to be lucky in love,
So that the ancestors threw into your pocket,
So that everything in your life with a bang!
So that there is no stress in studying,
And let there be order in personal
Friends so that they are not real bullshit,
And so that a bummer does not happen in life!

Funny congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

Congratulations on your 15th birthday
You always blind your enemies with beauty!
Be the most beautiful, give warmth,
And never let trouble in your heart!
You are the best friend in the world
And we will never be touched by separation!
For everything in life there will be only the right answer,
Love will give you good advice!

Comic congratulations on the anniversary for 15 years

Dear girlfriend
my darling,
The most beautiful
My girl!
Do you remember how we are in the kindergarten
ran with you
And the gingerbread boys
We wore with you.
Oh, time, time, time
How do you fly
Here we are already 15 -
Celebrate Anniversary!
Wish you happiness in life
And health, do not get sick!

How nice to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day! The newlyweds prepare for this event for a long time and carefully: they choose the time and place for the ceremony, make a list of guests, and what can we say about buying outfits. It is clear that at the time of the celebration they are waiting for congratulations and manifestations of enthusiasm from the family and relatives. Congratulations for the young can be different, and of course, it is best to congratulate the happy couple in person. And if they are far away on this significant day?

With the help of the Internet, you can not ignore the newlyweds, even if time and distance are on your way. Do you want to be the first to congratulate the bride and groom? This can be done with an electronic postcard (funny pictures or ornate wishes - the choice is up to you). It so happened that on the day of the wedding you are far away?

It is not difficult to download congratulations on your wedding day, and the bride and groom will be pleased to receive news and know that they have not forgotten about their holiday.

How much I want to say to a couple who are just starting their life together! Wishes for unclouded happiness and well-being are mixed in the mind with warnings against minor mistakes. Beautiful postcards will help to send congratulations beautifully. Elegant pictures, which we have provided with wishes that are appropriate for the occasion, will convey the joy for the young in the best possible way.

Marriage is an event that links two people for life. And couples who have come a long way together deserve congratulations on the anniversary of their life together no less than those who have just decided to tie their destinies. Spouses who have lived together for many years can rightly be proud, because they were able to save and strengthen their feelings. An event such as a silver or porcelain wedding is not complete without attention and congratulations from friends and relatives.

Our cards will help you congratulate your spouses on their wedding anniversary and choose the wishes that suit this particular couple. As you know, relationships change with age. And if in the first years of their life together, the young husband and wife appreciated touching pictures and beautiful phrases, then the silver anniversary, quite possibly, will change priorities, and they will be more attracted to cool pictures as congratulations on the anniversary.

Statistics say that about 85% of spouses congratulate each other on their wedding anniversary. The silver wedding is all the more worthy of celebration. Having lived with one person for half a century, you begin to rediscover it, because with age people change, grow spiritually.

How can you miss such an event in the life of relatives or friends as a silver wedding, and not congratulate them on this day? Give joy to your loved ones with the help of an original postcard.

The ability to laugh at life in general and yourself in particular is very useful. Humor helps to look at life easier, to overcome everyday difficulties. Cool pictures as congratulations on the anniversary? Why not? Spouses smile with joy after reading your congratulations on your wedding day, but there are never many smiles.

It doesn’t matter what kind of anniversary you want to congratulate the couple on, a two-year anniversary, a quarter-century anniversary or a wedding day when the newlyweds are just about to get married. This event will forever be remembered by them as a bright holiday, as well as all the congratulations and wishes that they will receive from their friends and relatives. Who knows, maybe together they will go through beautiful postcards more than once, reread warm lines and cool wishes, and remember the one who gave them.

"Happy Birthday 15 Years"

Son, you are our dear,
So our time has come to congratulate you.
So that you, son, do not be sad,
And the world idolized you.
You are fifteen today
You do whatever you please.
You are the most - the most immediately became,
And that's all you told us.
And let a happy call
Here will bring my congratulations.

"Congratulations on the anniversary of 15 years"

Dear granddaughter, say on your birthday
We want a lot of good things.
Sincerely and sincerely wish
Huge luck and good friends.
Let everything be just fine with you
Fifteen years is a life start!
May there be success and great happiness,
And in any business, there is certainly excitement!

My very best
The most expensive
You are not like anyone
As if unearthly!
I so want to congratulate
I want to say so
That you are my sweetheart
What are you my noble king!
Fifteen years have passed
On the dial - look!
Growing up so well
With love we are in the chest!

"Congratulations on the anniversary of 15 years to a boy, a girl"

Friend! Youth is gone!
Close to retirement!
We have ninety years left
And there is no hope.
And I'm sad, I must admit.
I want one thing: hold on!
And celebrate your fifteen
It's like your whole life is ahead of you!

You are only 15 today
And you're in a hurry to live faster.
And all the days you need to smile,
Slowly swim in the river of love.
'Cause there's so much more to come
Have a great day and memories
And a lot of new sensations
Happy, trembling moments.
To you, my friend, this congratulations!
Live as you dream.
Your positive to save
Walking into adulthood.

"Congratulations on your fifteenth birthday"

Congratulations on the 15th anniversary -
Will it work in two words?
Great wonders inflorescence
Today is in your hands!
And youth is the main miracle,
Beautiful, bright, bright,
Let it be, of course, glorious,
With surprises and gifts!

At 15 you are so beautiful
The charm of spring
That all the boys are not in vain
Deadly in love with you.
Yes, you have perspective
Even though you are girlishly modest ...
Others say she's beautiful
Others will say that it is smart!

It's very hard to guess
Why is the country buzzing.
Eh, friend! You are fifteen!
Here she is celebrating!

You are fifteen, you are already a man -
Decisive, smart beyond his years,
You always hold your back so proudly,
Attentive to actions and words.
Let there be a smooth road in life
So that everything you need, you could and could,
And let there be many devoted friends,
And let the compass be congratulations.

Happy 15th anniversary! Happiness, health!
Let the birds sing for you on this day!
And an angel from heaven will descend to earth
Of course, today is not too lazy!
And in the evening you make a wish
Blow out all the candles and at the same moment
May the angel fulfill your wish
The secret dream will come true!

You are fifteen whole years
Give us your good light!
You are our beauty
And fortunately born!
Be smart and strong
Either simple or very stylish,
Be a mystery to boys
Let the flaws go!
Let study go well
And love will find you
Let it color the world around
Your lover or friend!

Though you, daughter, get tired,
No strength to undress
If you can, don't rush
Run away from childhood.
Life's run is relentless
The years go by like that.
It's better to go to kindergarten
And play ball there.
Better to study physics
And don't sleep
How to leave school
Break up with childhood.
Silly time to rush
And want to grow up
Better to slow down
And at the same time - simple.
It's better not to marry
Not to be divorced.
It's better to "walk in the girls" -
They say to the people.
How can you delay time?
Saying goodbye to Childhood?
How to make it always
Were you 15?

Good friend, I've known you for a long time,
But every time I open you more and more.
You are bright and so unusual
You are the cutest in the world.
May all your dreams come true
May you have only good dreams.
I want to meet my prince
And I wish you great happiness.

Congratulations! 15 years
Our smart, beautiful girl!
You bring joy and light to the world
Continuing to play and frolic.
You go to discos sometimes,
At school you study "excellently";
Dreaming of a fabulous broker-hero -
He has a decent amount of money (in bucks)!..
We wish you at this hour
Calling "beauty" and "diva"
To be the best of us:
The smartest, funniest, happiest!!!

We have been friends with you since childhood
And we know all the coquetry.
Go to the cinema sometimes
And we became friends forever.
Let's celebrate our anniversary
We will gather friends quickly.
You are fifteen today
And I give you a bracelet.
I'll give you another gift
I'll cheer you up, of course.
I send greetings
To have a great day.

You look very fashionable in them.
I give you a gift
And an envelope of postage stamps.
So that you are always happy
And did not look at the years.
Let's celebrate the anniversary as soon as possible
Friends will give gifts as soon as possible.
I send greetings
So be healthy, my son.

So you're a year older
Believe me, my friend, it's not scary.
Even though you are fifteen years old today,
I'll give you a bag of candy.
Here we will set the table, we are not big
And this golden holiday will be celebrated.
There will be dancing, an evening of fun,
And now full of luck.
And let my sweet congratulations
It will be sweet for you, my angel.
