Postcard merry christmas to son from mom. Merry christmas greetings to son

When Christmas night shines with stars, let the cherished and most
your good wish will come true. May the future bring understanding
meaning of being and awareness of your own happiness! Let the past come
only bright memories, but the present remains joyful and

May the Nativity of Christ be favorable to you and not
will deprive you of joy and faith in beauty! I wish to see only
positive in any life situations and charge with your optimism
and the irrepressible energy of the people around. Lightness in your heart
excellent health and well-being in the family! For Christmas, in a circle
family, let us honor Christ and the Lord God with a grateful prayer. They
hear all our thoughts and hopes, see our actions and deeds. Wish
each to find his own happiness and peace of mind. Let be
hidden dreams come true! With the great Christ forgiving you
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas and I sincerely wish you to meet
this holiday in a warm family atmosphere, in the circle of their most
close and dear people. Let your house be filled with laughter and fun,
good mood. Boundless happiness, good health,
sincerity and kindness, all the best to you. Every holiday
Nativity of Christ brings wonderful moments, unforgettable moments
happiness and grace. May today's holiday bring you
fulfillment of all bright thoughts and help to find your own path leading
to complete harmony of soul and body. Praise the Lord and love one another! The holiday is approaching and snowflakes are falling right into the outstretched
palms with the promise of happiness and good magic. May at Christmas
all your unsolvable riddles will find their logical answers. Let the days
will be filled with crystal happy laughter of your children. May it come true
conceived and agreement with oneself and loved ones will reign. In such
a bright holiday that gives people faith in miracles and getting rid of
torment, I would like to wish faith in all the best and the best, since
all the same, a person with a pure soul will receive a lot of joy and his life
will be happy and long. Because the Nativity of Christ brings
extra strength and an invincible spirit. On this bright holiday, in
the most magical day of the year, I want to wish you life
turned into a wonderful fairy tale. Into a good fairy tale, where evil spells
powerless, where good always triumphs over evil, where friends are always ready
help and support, and happy love lasts forever! The Nativity of Christ is that fabulous holiday in which to come true
all dreams and wishes. That is why on this wonderful day I wish
you only have good health, only light luck, only loving
surroundings. Let the sun not leave your home and your hearts. WITH
Merry Christmas! All the best may come to you in these
Christmas days. Let all light come true, bad weather will go away, and
there will be a stable white streak. I wish you to see and meet only
good, not to notice and not be afraid of obstacles. Happiness to you and
well-being, creativity and creativity, understanding and true love. The Nativity of Christ is a huge holiday of miracles and happiness. Even in
love reigns in your family circle on this holiday, and your life
the path will be constantly overgrown with new joyful events!
Have more laughter, life optimism and constancy in the family, for
work and with loyal friends! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on
Merry Christmas! My wishes will be based on yours
merit! And you undoubtedly deserve all the very best! That's why
I wish you joyful smiles every day, unshakable everyday
optimism, richest health and a never-ending feeling of happiness and
fullness of life! I hasten to wish you a Merry Christmas! Let in
this bright holiday does not leave you with a smile, good luck and joy.
Make sure to dream for Christmas and all your dreams will certainly be
heard and fulfilled. I wish to celebrate this wonderful holiday in
circle of loving loved ones. Merry Christmas! Let not
January frosts scare you, because you can always keep warm
and the kindness of loved ones. I wish you on a bright Christmas not to think about
past failures and disappointments - they are long behind, and in the future already
sincere smiles, loyal friends and the most pleasant moments await! Love,
support and reciprocity to you today and for all time! January
the sky today will be decorated with the magic light of the Christmas star. He
will protect you from the intrigues of evil people and heavy thoughts. Let comfort and
warmly will find a place for themselves in every corner of your house, and the soul will bloom
from endless happiness and mutual love! I wish you bright emotions and
simple solutions to life's problems! In a round dance of December worries
take a break from the daily hustle and bustle for a few minutes and meet with your soul and
heart Christmas. May this holiday give you charm
a winter fairy tale filled with good intentions and a sense of closeness
happiness! I wish you good luck and warm relations with your capabilities! December is rich in celebrations, but the brightest and greatest remains
Catholic Christmas. I wish the whole family to gather on this day for
festive table, wish each other a wonderful life and
good deeds. Let your soul sing with joy, and love does not leave
heart! Congratulations on the bright day of Christmas! We wish in
life is a lot of kindness, peace, fidelity, love, sincere smiles and
positive people. Let all plans and dreams come true. We wish you takeoffs
in a career and in a creative field.
We wish to meet more sun and smiles on the path of life, never lose heart and believe in a bright miracle!
We sincerely want to wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish
family comfort and warmth, let your family hearth always burn even and
with a clear spark. Let peace and tranquility live with your light ones
houses. Let every day bear the fruits of your labors, the accomplishment of all
hopes. Get more health and strength.
Let it be Christmas
the fairy tale always lives in your souls and cozy homes! Let only
health, love and well-being know the roads to you. Wealth and
prosperity, peace, love and prosperity, the fulfillment of all plans and
Only positive emotions, joy and warmth!

Ever since childhood, we believe in the Christmas miracle and Christmas good
fairy tales. May a miracle peep into your house on this Christmas night and
settle in it forever. Let your life be filled with wonderful
wonders, light and bright colors. Let the candles of the family hearth
always burn evenly and protect the warmth of your home, create coziness and
wonderful peace.
We wish you well and happiness, people you can rely on, love!
Congratulating a Merry Christmas, I want to wish you many smiles and
fun. Always stay with a bright soul, believe in the beautiful
future, bring light between people, be an example to follow. Believe
in love and love, love yourself and your loved ones. Rejoice everyone
lived and every new day! Don't be afraid to dream and believe in dreams.
I wish you simple family happiness, career growth, new creative potential, new goals.
I wish you reliable friends and a reliable rear.
Merry Christmas!
Let us wish today, on this wonderful holiday of Christmas,
to each other never to forget loved ones, to help each other and
give your love to those who need it. Be happy,
Do you remember how in childhood the world seems
amazing, all people are kind and beautiful, and on Christmas you believe in
wonders? I wish you to always remain a child in your soul, to be able
be surprised, rejoice in little things, see the unusual in the ordinary, trust
people, do not hold a grudge in yourself, and most importantly - believe in miracles!
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas! 2,000 years have passed since the night when Christ came into the world, but the whole planet is celebrating this day.
He preached peace and love, so love each other and be at peace!
On this holiday of Christmas, the brightest and purest I want to wish
you family warmth and boundless happiness. May grief never
comes to your house!
May faith never leave your heart!
May your friends always be there!
Let the frosts not cool the hearts! May Christmas give faith and
hope! And the candles will warm with warmth and let smiles light up like
stars! Warm feelings in the cold winter. Merry Christmas!
Do not be sad this evening, rejoice, have fun, sing songs! Today
special day! Open your heart to light and warmth. Share,
than you can, with your neighbor.
May everyone be good on this day!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Don't grieve those who love you, be kind
to everyone, sympathetic, disinterested and grateful, and do not forget that
the best gift is family.May the Guardian Angel keep you and yours
It's a good tradition to ask for forgiveness at Christmas.
I want to say a lot of kind words to you and celebrate Christmas with a clean
heart and with you.
May God give you many bright and happy moments and may only good people meet in your life!
Thank you for having me! On a wonderful and good Christmas day, we want to wish you a sincere
warmth and peace to your home! May the angels never leave you and
give you more happy moments in life! Merry Christmas! WITH
Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday of the sacred good I would like to wish
warmth and harmony. May the joys and success not leave you, and
The Christmas star is relentlessly illuminating your path in life! V
this blessed day I hasten to wish you a Merry Christmas and
wish youthful soul, harmony and kindness! Let there be
close and dear people, and give you joy and warmth! Congratulations
Merry Christmas! Peace and warmth to your home! Let be
the brightest stars fulfill your desires, and the most loyal people
take care of you with their love! On this wonderful Christmas, may the angels
will bring goodness and joy, beauty and tranquility, love and
happiness! Let a new one greet you with smiles and bright mood
better life! Thank God it's Christmas! On this day we
it seems that everything in our life will be fine from now on. So let us
we will never lose this childish faith in miracles! After all, what
you really believe it comes true. The holiday lights on the trees are lit and
burn until the morning, like little stars. I wish you that your
beautiful eyes all next year shone brighter than all the Christmas
garlands! Merry Christmas to you, my joy! Let all your thoughts and
aspirations will be as pure as the first snow, and as light as the faces of angels!
God bless you. On Christmas Eve, place 12 dishes on the table, and
the next 12 months in your home there will be happiness, prosperity and
well-being. Live together! Merry Christmas to you! Christmas is not
only carols, kutia, candles and figurines of angels. This is the day when
A Savior was born on earth to open the way to paradise for people again.
Remember this - and thank heaven for this miracle!

Congratulations in prose

Christmas greetings in prose

On this solemn day when Christmas is celebrated
every Orthodox family, I want to wish that with the appearance of the first
the dawns in the evening sky in each heart lit up a light of love, faith and
hope. Let the worst that could happen to you,
will remain in the past, and the future will be bright and clean.

Merry Christmas greetings in prose

Merry Christmas! As the good news of the birth
Jesus once lit up the world, so let the light of this great feast
today it illuminates souls and fills them with sincere faith, grace,
calmness and harmony.

Beautiful merry christmas greetings in prose

The brightest, happiest and most beautiful holiday has come -
Nativity. Congratulations to all Christians and wish you love and goodness,
joy and happiness, success and good luck. Health to you, your family and
close. All the blessings of the earth. May dreams come true and come true
desires. Best wishes. Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas in prose

On this wonderful Christmas evening, our whole family gathered for
festive table in a single desire to feel in our souls
divine light and warmth. Let our desires unite in
grateful prayer to the Redeemer, who through suffering saved the world and
all of us. For the Nativity of Christ!

Short Christmas greetings in prose

Merry Christmas! May this magical holiday fill
your life with light, warmth, joy and well-being. I wish you peace
kindness, love, family comfort. May the guardian angel protect you from
all troubles and adversities!

Merry Christmas in prose

Today we are celebrating the birth of Christ - Holy Christmas! In that
day Jesus Christ came to this world, bringing blessings to people
Lord. On this wonderful holiday, I wish you health
happiness, prosperity. May peace and quiet reign in the family, may
work goes smoothly, may love always live in your heart!

Christmas greetings in prose

So Christmas has come. A holiday that is awaited and
adults and children. On this day, houses are filled with cheerful laughter and
fragrant Christmas treats. And I congratulate with pleasure
I wish you and your family great happiness!

Christmas greetings in prose 2017

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday
I want to wish peace and tranquility in every home, good,
mutual understanding, prosperity, love, happiness, peace of mind,
success in all your endeavors, more joy, good health and
all the best! May all expectations come true and the most cherished ones come true

Merry Christmas greetings in your own words

Today, on a beautiful holiday - Christmas - I wish
to you so that life will spoil you. May it always be on your sweet face
a smile shines, may your beauty bloom day by day, may
a loved one carries in his arms, let the work bring pleasure.
I wish you peace in your soul and cloudless happiness!

Merry Christmas greetings in your own words

Today is a special day, Christ's Christmas, from the stars in the sky are bright, the street is bright.
Let festive carols sound on this bright holiday, which
will bring prosperity, joy, peace of mind to your home. Let be
guardian angels lead you only on the bright path of kindness, generosity and
compassion for your neighbor. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas in your own words

Many people wish a friend on the bright holiday of Christmas
good luck, love, happiness, prosperity, success to a friend. But let it be for you
others will wish, but for my part I want to wish only one thing -
good health! After all, when you are healthy, then happiness and love are
just a matter of time. Merry Christmas!

Beautiful merry christmas greetings in your own words

Christmas night is incredibly long and often
especially dark and snowy. But what do we care when in
in our homes, we are surrounded by comfort, celebration and family! I am from heart and soul
I wish you a Merry Christmas and I convey to you all the best wishes
the best! May your life please you with the fulfillment of desires and the present
love of the closest people!

Merry Christmas in your own words

Today is the great and holy holiday of the Nativity of Christ. I congratulate
with this with all my heart, and I want to wish you at this hour to be able to
discern happiness. What does it mean? It means to see happiness in
to everyone that surrounds you, to enjoy your life, from
the weather, from meeting friends, from work, from reading books and watching
the film - from everything. I wish you your life was interesting
deep, full of various pleasant events, meetings and
news. May all the paths open before you, the roads that
lead to happiness and your goals. Let the doors open that
lead to well-being, let the hearts of people open who
lead to great love, joy and light. I wish you all the most
the best. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas 2017 greetings in prose in your own words

Beautiful congratulations from the bottom of the heart to family and friends Merry Christmas
Christoff 2017 in prose, words of wishes and gratitude to colleagues,
beloved and dear people, mother, friend, girlfriend, beloved and beloved,
text to friends in your own words.

A snowball flies by, frost draws its crystal drawings, it's winter outside the window, and the heart is warm and joyful.

Christmas has come - the brightest and most reverent holiday, and very
it's good that we have someone to share these wonderful moments with. Merry Christmas
2017, you beloved and dearest people!

Christmas is an amazing holiday. Children are madly in love with him and
adults, infants and old people, men and women. Therefore, I want to
this magical day to wish everyone health, happiness and peace of mind.
May these three components never leave your life.
a picture that you paint with only bright colors!

On Christmas night, I really want to wish everyone present
to begin a new life. Not what your parents want. Not like
envious people advise. Not as your enemies see it. And this one
as you want. May she always be sweet, moderately carefree, and
gives you pleasure. Live in boundless love and happiness,
starting from the day of bright Christmas.

Can you hear how quietly Christmas is sneaking? How the silver rustles
Santa's sleigh and bells ringing on the reindeer's necks? Accept
most sincere congratulations on this day. Let on Christmas night
a miracle will happen in your house and in your soul, and in the morning you will find not only
gifts and souvenirs, but also something more - gifts incomparable with
what earthly blessings: health, happiness and love!

Congratulations to your beloved in prose

Darling, I love you so much! On Christmas night I only thought
one desire is to always be with you. I hope it will come true. I am very
I want you to make the same wish and we make our wishes come true
together, with hearts beating in unison, and unearthly love that
comes only once every 100 years.

Christmas is a joyful and bright holiday that has come to
us from distant antiquity, but it will never become outdated and will always be the most
favorite celebration! It teaches us to be kind, to love our neighbors! Each
of us connects this holiday with hopes for the future! So let it be
everyone's dreams and desires will come true! And let in our hearts
love will enter! Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas 2017 colleagues text

Dear Colleagues! May the bright Christmas of Christ 2017 bring in
your hearts hope and faith! And the Christmas Star with its bright
light will let joy, happiness, health and prosperity into every home!
Good salary, understanding bosses and career growth!

Christmas wishes to friends

Friends! On the occasion of the Christmas holiday, I would like to wish
all only all the best, health and great joy, kindness and
comfort in your homes! May Christ love and protect you!
Well-being and many years of your life!

Congratulations in prose to a friend

My dear friend! I am happy to remember our childhood with you!
May Christmas bring you only pleasant memories, and
also happiness, success and good luck in all your endeavors! Let be sure
all your cherished desires will come true! Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas to your friend in your own words

Friend! I sincerely wish that on this fabulous day of Christmas
All that you wish for yourself has been fulfilled in Christ! I wish you complete
well-being in everything, prosperity, peace of mind, to love and be
beloved! May luck always follow you and follow you on your heels!

Christmas greetings to mom

My beloved and dear mommy! My huge dream that I am
I want to confess to you on this wonderful holiday of the Nativity of Christ,
so that you are always healthy and full of strength! May Christ Hear
me and will protect you from all hardships and sorrows! I love you very much and
I want you to always remain as kind and caring as
you're! Thank you Jesus Christ that I have you!

Wishes to your beloved in prose

Favorite! I congratulate you on the kindest and fabulous holiday
Nativity of Christ! I believe that the wishes made on this day are
are fulfilled! May this holiday bring into our relationship with you
mutual understanding, harmony, happiness, and love will become even stronger!

Merry Christmas greetings in prose

Dear sister, accept my congratulations on
Merry Christmas. May your house always shine with light, may
a full cup will always be in it. On this bright holiday, do not be sad and
do not be discouraged, just smile and be truly happy. WITH
a holiday!

Dear mommy, congratulations on this
bright and long-awaited holiday, Christmas. May the peace of God
dwells in your heart always, let it reign in your eyes
appeasement. Let adversity and sorrow pass by, and happiness and
good luck accompany you in all matters. Happy Holidays! "Son"
Dear son, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
Christ, happy holiday, when our patron was born,
who brought grace to earth. I wish you never back down
from your goal and walk an even path through life. Happy Holidays! "To the beloved man"
Darling, I want with all my heart
to wish you a Merry Christmas. This bright holiday
will definitely bring us happiness, understanding, harmony, unity
and will make our love even stronger. Merry Christmas, the kindest and
a beautiful holiday! "To the husband"
Dear, I congratulate you on Merry Christmas. V
this bright holiday I would like to wish you peace and harmony, happiness
and joyful emotions, success and prosperity. Let all the bad weather and
adversity bypasses, may it always burn in your eyes
a spark of enthusiasm. Happy Holidays! "7 billion"
There are over 7 billion people on the planet. And I
I don't know why I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
you. Probably because the other 6,999,999,999 people are me
are not interested at all! After all, I love only one only you! 🙂 C
happy holiday, darling! "Mother-in-law"
Darling (name), please accept my sincere
Merry Christmas greetings. Let the made wishes into this
bright holiday will surely come true. Peace and warmth to your home, with
a holiday! "Christmas text message for your beloved"
Pass it out! Give
pass the! So what, what turn, I'm a Christmas text message for my beloved
girls! And I want to tell her that there is one guy who is very
loves and wishes you a Merry Christmas! "Mary Christmas!"
Lec mi spik from may hart in english! May
dia friend, ah vich yu e hepi new ea and mary christmas, ah know, dat
zis ea wil bee better den to thousend ilavan! "Uncle"
Dear uncle, I sincerely congratulate you on
Merry Christmas. I wish you to meet this bright holiday in peace and
good. It is then that this day will undoubtedly bring you happiness and
well-being. Happy Holidays! "Granny"
Dear grandmother, I want from the bottom of my heart
to wish you a Merry Christmas. In this truly light
holiday, I want to wish you good health, harmony, spiritual
tranquility and great happiness. May this day only bring you
joy. Happy Holidays! "Friend"
Dear friend, accept my Merry Christmas greetings
Christoff. This holiday is distinguished by special kindness, light and
warm. From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, success, good luck in all
your endeavors. May all wishes come true, happy holiday! "I congratulate you"
I wish you a Merry Christmas
Christoff. I want to wish you to meet this holiday with a bright
mood and attitude. Just don't forget to pay for the light! WITH
a holiday! "Good health for Christmas"
Hey! Many people in
the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, they wish each other good luck, love,
happiness, prosperity, success. But let others wish it to you, and
for my part, I want to wish only one thing - good health!
After all, when you are healthy, then happiness and love are just a matter
time 🙂 Merry Christmas! "Girlfriend"
Dear friend, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas. On this bright holiday, I want to wish
well-being to you. prosperity, understanding and peace of mind.
May luck always smile at you, and misfortune bypasses. Be
happy and happy holiday! "Daughters"
Dear daughter, I want to congratulate you on
Merry Christmas. It was on this day that our patron was born and
the savior is Jesus Christ. On this bright holiday, I want to wish
to you the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires with God's help. WITH
a holiday! "Zhenya"
Darling, I sincerely want to congratulate you on
Merry Christmas. On this day, Jesus Christ was born and gave
people are kind and peaceful. And I wish you on this bright holiday
find harmony and a sense of unearthly bliss. Let yours burn
eyes and heart rejoices. Happy Holidays! "Christmas text message for a loved one"
Pass it out! Give
pass the! So what, what turn, I'm a Christmas text message for a loved one
man! And I want to tell him that there is one girl who
loves very, very much and wishes you Merry Christmas! "Happy holiday, dear!"
Hey! I congratulate you on
Merry Christmas! Some suspicious people say that this
the year may be the last in the history of mankind, the end of the year and all
this ... Let them continue to think so, but we will be optimists 🙂 I wish
for you to remain a beautiful, bright, unusual, kind and sweet girl. WITH
happy holiday, dear! "Brother"
Dear brother, I sincerely congratulate you on
Merry Christmas. On this bright holiday, I want to wish that
you have always been surrounded by good deeds, prosperity, luck and
generous people. Let it be so, happy holiday! "Mother-in-law"
Dear (name), please accept my congratulations on
Merry Christmas. On this holiday, I want to wish you
so that happiness and prosperity become your patrons. Christmas -
the brightest and most beautiful holiday, so may peace and tranquility
will become eternal inhabitants of your home. Happy Holidays! "Christmas action"
Promotion: send SMS with the text "С
Merry Christmas !!! " to the numbers of all your friends, girlfriends, loved ones and loved ones
and get a charge of positive emotions and great mood for a whole
day. Merry Christmas to you, girlfriend! "Pope"
Dear daddy, I sincerely congratulate you on
Merry Christmas. This is a long-awaited holiday for all Orthodox
people who rejoice at the news that Jesus Christ was born. V
this bright holiday, I want to wish you peace, harmony,
spirituality and peace of mind. Happy Holidays! "Tete"
Dear aunt, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on
Merry Christmas, with the brightest holiday. Let the troubles and
the hardships of life will never visit your home, let him be with you
only happiness and success. May God grant you good health of mind and body. WITH
a holiday! "Grandfather"
Dear grandfather, accept my congratulations on
Merry Christmas. This is a bright holiday that gave us our
Patron and Savior, Jesus Christ. I want to wish you
health, happiness and wellbeing. May your home always shine with light and
calmness dwells in him. Happy Holidays! "Beloved girl"
Darling, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas. May on this bright holiday you
happiness will smile, may my love always warm you. I want,
so that we spend this day together, and we will remember it forever. WITH
a holiday! "So the New Year has passed"
So the New Year has passed. Remained
salads, alcoholic drinks, tangerines. Cheer up Christmas is coming soon
Christ, a great holiday, when all food and drinks are not
there will be a trace. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas greetings to the Blessed Virgin Mary in prose in your own words

Beautiful and formal greetings to the Most Holy Merry Christmas
Mother of God with the feast, original and short Orthodox
wishes in prose to believers, the text in your own words.

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, let our souls be open to love, mercy and grace.
Let everyone transform and discover the best features:
honesty, good nature, mutual understanding. Let hearts be filled
with pure faith and good intentions. And may it help us all
Congratulations on the holiday and wishes in prose Happy Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! On this bright day
we wish you and all your loved ones peace and peace in the soul, radiance and
joy on your faces, love and grace in life.
May faith
will help you find harmony of family happiness. Your hearth will always be
burn and never go out. Be righteous and the Lord will not leave
you. Merry Christmas to the Most Holy Mother of God. She
gave birth to our Lord, blessing all mankind with this. So we will
we are grateful for a life filled with light and warmth.
Let be
everyone's thoughts will be pure, the heart will be open to receive and
sympathy, and actions will prove that faith in humanity is not
in vain. May every house be filled with light and joy, warmth
from long-awaited meetings and happiness from mutual understanding. Love, warmth and
Merry Christmas greetings to the Virgin in your own words The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is a bright holiday! Let everyone
people and every family will be happy on this day. Love and faith
will help open all hearts to acceptance and understanding of the soul
human, there will be peace, tranquility and harmony.
Let for everyone
there will be a miracle that will give him what he wanted for so long and
desired. The main thing is not to forget about the moral guidelines that
help not to deviate from the good path, to maintain faith in the soul and
overcome life difficulties. Today is a bright
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day I want
wish that no troubles touch you and your families, so that in
peace and tranquility reigned in the soul, so that your thoughts were pure and blameless.
Love, carry in you a particle of warmth and light, and then everything that you
surrounds, transforms and opens in a new way. Don't Forget the Lord
ours and live with faith in your soul.
Merry Christmas greetings to the Most Holy Theotokos in prose Merry Christmas of the Most Holy Theotokos to you and your loved ones. In that
I would like to wish a bright holiday a quiet family happiness and a cozy
home. So that the house is always full of guests and love. Understand
each other and accept yourself as you are.
Believe in
the best, be good in your soul, share your happiness with
others, and then the world will be a little better. Be open to miracles, and
they will definitely come into your life.

Congratulations on Christmas Eve in prose - congratulations in your own words

It's Christmas Eve, which means Christmas is coming soon.
Let, despite the swirling snowflakes and the frosty air outside the window, in
your house, my dear friend, will have a warm atmosphere filled with
happiness and love. Congratulations on a wonderful holiday!

Here comes Christmas Eve. It's time to meet your family and
celebrate together the coming holiday of bright Christmas. After all, the most
important in the life of each of us - his relatives and friends. Not worth it
remember grievances, but remember only happy days. Happy Holidays!

The night before Christmas is the triumph of light forces over evil.
We wish you well, joy, prosperity and good luck! And let in your
hearts will also choose to be responsive, patient and
sympathy for all people around.

The dawn lit up in the winter sky ... The family gathered near the festive
table ... It's time to rejoice at the arrival of our
heavenly teacher. Let the carols be heard from every window, because
when, how not now to sing and glorify the Son of God. We wish
so that your home is filled with children's laughter, and your health is strong

"Beloved son"
My dear, beloved son,
I wish you on Christmas -
I congratulate you today
With my heart and soul

And with him - good luck and recognition.

"Son, I wish you health"
Son, I wish you health

Manage to get your way.
Pray, son, more often to God,
After all, he alone will not fail,
Shows the right path
Will lead you to luck. "The stars are twinkling outside the window"
The stars are twinkling outside the window
And a snowy blizzard is raging.
My dear son, I want.
I wish you happiness
Success and good luck everywhere
Strong health and laughter! "Let there be clouds in the snowy sky"
Let there be clouds in the snowy sky
Cloudy day again -
An important secret, son:
Even if it is windy and snowy,
Bethlehem star
The firmament has lit up!
Great power is hidden in him.
A dear, beloved son.
Meet real love
"Merry Christmas to you, son!"
Merry Christmas to you, son!
I sincerely wish
So that I could achieve everything.
Honey, congratulations! "The Savior of the World is Born -"
The Savior of the world is born -
Christ is born in a stable.
Today my son dear
We give praise.
Be clear before your conscience
We are always tolerant with people.
Fortunately, be open.
Love and be loved! "The bright moment of Christmas has come"

And faith in goodness is alive again.
I wish you good luck in everything.
"Make a wish for yourself"
Make a wish for yourself
On the birthday of the Deity.
Bright holiday of Christmas!
Somewhere in a humble abode,
I'll tell you son
A Prophet was sent to the world!

Merry Christmas greetings to the son

Merry Christmas greetings to the son in verses

Merry Christmas greetings to son from parents
Let there be clouds in the snowy sky
Cloudy day again -
Don't frown! Remember better
An important secret, son:
Even if it is windy and snowy,
Again now, like every year
Bethlehem star
The firmament has lit up! Poems Merry Christmas to the Son
This great holiday has entered every home,
Great power is hidden in him.
I want to wish you merry Christmas now
A dear, beloved son.
I wish you good and health
Meet real love
Luck and joy in life, in fate
And it is great to celebrate the holiday. Merry Christmas greetings to son from mom
Merry Christmas, goodness and happiness
I wish with all my heart
And love for you, and passion,
May success come great!
Be, son, always cheerful
You stay smart
I wish you happiness that
All dreams come true! Merry Christmas greetings to son from dad
Make a wish for yourself
On the birthday of the Deity.
After all, a star has risen above us
Bright holiday of Christmas!
Somewhere in a humble abode,
I'll tell you son
Christ the Savior has come into the world,
A Prophet was sent to the world! Merry Christmas greetings to son
Son, I wish you health
On a wonderful holiday - Christmas,
It's a magical day today
Manage to get your way.
Pray, son, more often to God,
After all, he alone will not fail,
Shows the right path
Will lead you to luck. Merry Christmas to your son
Son, congratulations,
When Christmas comes -
Luck goes with him in hand,
And this is the most important thing!
I wish you well-being
Always good health
I congratulate you again
Never know sorrow! Christmas greetings to your beloved son
My dear, beloved son,
I wish you on Christmas -
There is absolutely no reason for sadness
I congratulate you today
With my heart and soul
May all dreams come true
Let great success come
And with him - good luck and recognition. Beautiful and touching Merry Christmas greetings to the son
On Christmas I wish you
It's interesting to live a year
The best news
Every day to be happy
What has been achieved is to multiply,
What I planned to do
And reliable comrades
On your way to meet!

Short Merry Christmas greetings to the son

Short Merry Christmas greetings to the son in verses

Short SMS Merry Christmas greetings to the son
The Savior of the world is born -
Christ is born in a stable.
Today my son dear
We give praise.
Be clear before your conscience
We are always tolerant with people.
Fortunately, be open.
Love and be loved! Short Merry Christmas greetings to son
Merry Christmas to you, son!
I sincerely wish
So that I could achieve everything.
Honey, congratulations! SMS Merry Christmas greetings to the son
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
My dear son!
Always be in a great mood
I want to wish you everything:
Be healthy, always be happy
And stubbornly to achieve goals.
Always be in love and beloved
And do not forget your relatives! Christmas sms congratulations to son
The stars are twinkling outside the window
And a snowy blizzard is raging.
Merry Christmas to you
My dear son, I want.
I wish you happiness
On the brightest holiday in the world,
Success and good luck everywhere
Strong health and laughter! Christmas Poems To Son
We wish our son on Christmas
So that in life you never lose heart,
After all, you deserve the best - we know
And we want you to be happy.
Let your dream come true
Let any business promise success,
And joyful faces surround
And the Lord himself will bless you! New Merry Christmas greetings to the son
White snow shines as bright as the stars
The bright moment of Christmas has come.
And it's nice and simple to believe in a miracle,
And faith in goodness is alive again.
I sincerely congratulate you, son,
I wish you good luck in everything.
May everything you dream of come true
And joy will fill your home! Funny and comic Merry Christmas greetings to the son
Wish you Christmas
Beloved son,
So that in his life
Everything was too much in everything:
Success - for centuries
Health is stronger than steel
And money is like sand
In the Kalahari Desert! Merry Christmas to the son
How the soul worries for you
She knows this alone.
May everything in your life turn out
Let him be rewarded for everything in full.
My beloved son is wonderful
On Christmas I want to wish
To be smart and always attentive -
So as not to miss out on luck!

New Merry Christmas greetings to son

And the world rejoices and rejoices,

Frost draws a pattern on the glass.

Merry Christmas greetings to son

Great holiday is the birthday of God,
Today a son was born to the Creator,
He showed us the right way
And the light of faith brought to our hearts.
Son, I will give you a covenant on this wonderful day -
Always live as He bequeathed to us,
Always be simple, clean, honest,
Forgive enemies - as He forgave his own.
Also - may life only bring you joy,
After all, every day is a unique gift,
Know how to find sweetness in bitterness,
And ward off any blow of fate!

Frost draws a pattern on the glass.
Today is the best holiday on Earth!
Jesus was born! This good news
Passed the whole world and ended up here!
Christmas tree in the lights
I congratulate you, sonny, in verse!
On the magical day of Holy Christmas
Listen to my humble words:
I wish you to be always a man
Conflicts or quarrels - look for reasons in yourself,
But let the bad weather pass by
And the door will always be open to happiness!

Today is a holiday - Jesus was born,
And the world rejoices and rejoices,
And in the sky - a new month was born,
And in every Christian home there is a feast!
I wish you, son, today
Walk through life boldly, without fear,
May your joy fill every day
And all dreams come true now!
Let your life be filled with love
Love! Then the whole world - it will be only yours!
Jesus answered for us with his blood
And so gave a chance to save the fate of anyone!

Merry Christmas greetings SMS

"Beautiful fairy tale"
A beautiful fairy tale from Christmas skies
Let your dreams come down to you.
I wish you many true miracles
Warmth, love, spiritual purity.
May everything be for the good, for the good,
And let the heart not know sorrow.
I wish you luck in everything
So that God shore and people welcome!

"Bright holiday of Christmas"
May the bright holiday of Christmas
Will give a feeling of peace
May the good power of magic
Relieve misery, grief.
May this day and this year
Will pass in goodness and peace,
Without quarrels, sorrows and hardships,
And it will always be so from now on! "Beloved husband, Merry Christmas!"
Beloved, only husband,
Merry Christmas to you.
And I am the union of souls
For us, as before, I wish.
Always prosper in work
May your labor not be in vain
Hug me more often -
And everything will be great in life! "May Christmas Bless"
May Christmas bless
For good deeds
The Lord will reward with health,
And he will forgive everyone for their misdeeds! "Christmas magic"
On Christmas Day, like a miracle,
The magic happens.
Spills everywhere
It knocks on every house!
Were there any problems? Everyone will be gone!
Sorrows, sorrows - there too!
Let only joys await you,
May happiness be in your life! "On the bright evening of the Nativity of Christ"
On the bright evening of the Nativity of Christ
I sincerely want to wish you
So that you are beautiful and healthy
And meet every day with a smile.
So that your address always sounds
The most beautiful words.
To make everything come true, what you dreamed about,
On this bright holiday of Christmas! "Friend, Merry Christmas!"
My friend dear
Merry Christmas to you today
With all my heart, I congratulate
May with this bright celebration
The miraculous path of fate will begin.
Never be discouraged
Let luck pour over the edge
Live, love and prosper. "Daughter, Merry Christmas!"
We are celebrating Christmas.
And I wish you, daughter,
So that the celebration is bright
Put an end to all matters
We need to rest today.
I wish you health
And do not lose optimism,
You can do a lot, I know! "Meet every day with kindness!"
Let the Christmas miracle
Will give you its warmth
May it never be bad
Welcome every day with kindness! "Thank God on Christmas Day"
From an early age, children know about it -
Our Lord is omnipresent and invisible.
And for everything beautiful in the world
Thank God on Christmas.
On Christmas, I wish you happiness
As well as your whole family.
Let the bad weather go around the house
To live in prosperity and goodness. "This holiday is loved and loved"
This holiday is loved and loved
Its essence is sacred and pure:
On this day throughout the Christian world
Celebrate the birth of Christ!
May Christmas give you happiness
In my soul, so that everything is calm and light,
The Lord will hide from all misfortunes,
Good luck with everything! "To my beloved mother"
Mommy, beloved, a great holiday!
I sincerely congratulate you on Merry Christmas!
May the Lord protect the many-sided,
Let the trouble forget the way to your house.
I wish you happiness, health, good luck,
Do not cry more often, but smile!
Once again, dear, I congratulate you
And I promise to meet more often! "Darling, Merry Christmas!"
Darling, it seems to me sometimes
That Christmas is your personal bright holiday
After all, you are pure with a beautiful soul,
And I will tell you many wonderful words.
My angel, you always be beautiful
Always stay the same gentle
Love me, and forget about others,
And, dear, smile more often! "Live, love and be loved!"
Let it be a Christmas tune
This day will bless you
May joy be brighter than snow
Let fate be pleased.
May Christmas celebrate you
With magic golden light
Let the sun shine on success
Live, love and be loved! "Darling, Merry Christmas!"
My beloved, the best
You are a man on earth!
You are not cooler in the world
And I wish you
Good luck this Christmas
So that all dreams come true
Become wiser and richer
To make you happy! "I wish you Christmas"
On Christmas I wish you
Celebrate the holiday without worries.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
May you always be lucky in everything. "My dear daughter!"
Merry Christmas to you, dear,
My dear daughter!
I wish you happiness
To make your dream come true! "Let Your Dreams Come True"
Let your dreams come true
This Christmas
Let people all fall in love -
Love brings warmth!
Let the luck be fabulous
Destiny will reward
The heart will be happy
And happiness will win! "Christmas is a holiday for the soul!"
Christmas is the sacrament of a meeting!
Christmas is a celebration of the soul!
Believe in goodness, in the fact that our life is eternal,
And hurry up to congratulate all your friends!
Happiness, peace, health and light
We want to wish this day!
May love protect the planet
After all, the Lord on the planet is ONE! "Merry Christmas to you, son!"
Merry Christmas to you, son!
I sincerely wish
So that I could achieve everything.
Honey, congratulations! "Happy Christmas!"
The Magi walked along the banks of the Jordan,
Illuminated them with bright starlight,
Illuminated their path, blessing,
So the Old Testament was fulfilled!
And they found a baby in a manger,
A Savior was born for people,
Since then this moment has been sacred to us,
Happy Merry Christmas! "Christmas is a fabulous hour"
Christmas is a fabulous hour
After all, its atmosphere is magical.
His music makes us happy
And gifts are wonderful, priceless.
May it give you Christmas
Permanent, eternal happiness
So that you are always lucky in life,
So that there is a place for passion in the soul! "Merry Christmas to you, darling!"
Merry Christmas to you, darling!
May your dreams come true!
I wish you, dear,
Happiness, peace, beauty! "If there is a bottle of wine"
Christmas is a great holiday!
The New Year has already passed ...
Well, there is still decent strength -
The turn has come to celebrate!
I wish you well
And warmth
After all, frosts are not a hindrance,
If there is a bottle of wine! "We celebrated the New Year"
We celebrated the New Year
Today is Christmas!
I wish you virtue
Let evil not touch.
And there will be only happiness
Today and always
Sadness and bad weather
It will never be! "Let Christmas Reward You"
May Christmas reward you
For good deeds
May life give you joy
Love - there will be no evil.
Let your eyes shine
Always with joy
Heaven overhead
Never fade! "This day is a great holiday"
This day is a great holiday
I wish you on Christ Christmas,
So that you are lucky one day
And happiness has come to your house.
It has come and forever remains
After all, you deserve it all!
So that everything works out for you
I had enough strength for good deeds! "Walk down the street, my friend"
A wonderful holiday in the yard -
Christ's Christmas has come!
And this day is beautiful in January
Don't sleep under the covers!
Walk down the street my friend
Take a deep breath of the frosty air
Congratulate all your friends, girlfriends -
And the world will get a little better! "Wishes for Mom"
On the day of the Great Birthday
Let everything be on the shoulder
Peace, tenderness, fun
I want to wish my mom.
Be always the same sweet
Warm with your warmth
Kind, affectionate, playful
And in a look with a twinkle! "Today is Christmas!"
It's frosty outside, a blizzard
And my soul is calm and warm.
I wish you the same
After all, today is Christmas!
Let your life shine
A ray of goodness and a light of happiness,
And on this day - January 7th,
You will become different overnight! "Dad, Merry Christmas!"
Christmas is a family holiday
I will congratulate dad
There are so many beautiful words
I want to tell you.
Happiness, joy, success
And wish you health
Less sadness, more laughter
Never lose heart. "My only spouse!"
My only husband!
Merry Christmas, I congratulate
You are a reliable, faithful friend
I wish to remain so in the future. "Christmas nights"
Great holiday in the yard,
Christmas nights
The trees stand in silver
Everyone is guessing, prophesying ...
We wish you love, kindness,
Fun without despondency
So that they are full of magic
Happiness to all, people today! "Christmas has come to visit us!"
Do not forget - a wonderful evening
Christmas has come to visit us!
May the meetings be joyful
To always be lucky in everything! "Mother-in-law, Merry Christmas!"
I want Merry Christmas today
Congratulate my dear mother-in-law,
May the father's house flourish!
I kiss you on both cheeks.
You can't find a more beautiful mother-in-law!
And I wish you health,
Do not be afraid of obstacles on the way,
Live only prosperous! "Christmas is a very happy time"
Everybody knows, that Christmas
Is a very happy time,
Snowflakes are playing with us
Giving us a chance to smile.
Santa Claus is coming over,
Bringing gifts and smell of sweets,
He's a good old fellow rover,
Perfect friend for little kids. "Happy holiday of kindness"
The angel brought the gospel to Mary,
That she was chosen for a feat,
And she gave birth to the Messiah for the people
In a dark barn, in a donkey's manger.
They warmed the baby with their breath,
A horse with a donkey with soft lips,
Happy holiday of goodness, charm,
May Christmas bring happiness! "Beloved Mom, Merry Christmas!"
My beloved mother
I want to wish you Merry Christmas,
Believe me, I say from the bottom of my heart:
I want to glorify you, mom,
For being your kindness
I always helped in my life.
Your beauty does not fade!
I wish you do not get bored. "Congratulations to my beloved man"
I wish you a merry christmas
Beloved man,
Be happy with me alone!
There is no reason for sadness. "What do you want on Christmas?"
What do you want on Christmas?
Live without being sad or bored,
To be always lucky everywhere -
And I sincerely wish you! "Favorite aunt! Merry Christmas to you! "
Favorite aunt! Merry Christmas to you
I want to congratulate, dear!
May it be calm in your heart
I wish you health and happiness! "Congratulations to my beloved friend!"
My beloved friend
I wish you a Merry Christmas
We will help each other
In life, we are always together! "On a beautiful evening of Christmas"
On a special holiday, bright, clean,
On a beautiful evening of Christmas
I wish you hear from loved ones
Always nice words! "We only want to wish for the best"
Get ready for Christmas day
All congratulations to accept:
And don't worry about anything -
We only want to wish for the best. "Merry Christmas dear mother-in-law!"
Merry Christmas dear mother-in-law
Congratulations with all my heart!
Let everything be easier in life
Always be like this! "Beloved dad! Merry Christmas!"
Beloved dad! Merry Christmas
Congratulations today
Let you be lucky in everything
I sincerely wish! "You, grandpa, Merry Christmas!"
Merry Christmas to you grandpa
Congratulations today!
May God help in everything
I wish this day. "My dear wife!"
My dear wife!
Merry Christmas, I congratulate you
You are my friend in life,
You continue to live, loving! "This evening is so quiet and mysterious"
This evening is so quiet and mysterious.
The whole world is enlightened with magic.
Congratulations, my dear,
Merry Christmas and Happy Eve!
It will be a quiet Christmas comfort
May our family be enveloped
May they be healthy and smart
Our daughters and sons! "Uncle, Merry Christmas!"
Today we don't need to be sad
You shouldn't think about the bad.
I want you, beloved uncle,
Now wish you a Merry Christmas!
I wish you success
Good health in full,
Live laughing without being discouraged
Let spring reign in the heart! "Congratulations on Christmas Day"
Congratulations on Christmas Day.
May a miracle happen in your life,
May joy, inspiration and goodness
They will be able to settle in your house.
Let hope, faith, warmth
They never leave you in life,
Let any dream come true
I sincerely wish you the best! "Merry Christmas to you!"
I congratulate you today
With a beautiful, bright, clean day,
I only wish you happiness
Health, peace! Merry Christmas! "Christmas has come to your home"
Christmas has come to your home,
Happiness spilled around!
Let smiles soar in him
And I also wish you:
Kindness and beauty,
So that all dreams come true
Let health do not fail
And let luck come! "Celebration of good and peace"
May Christmas bring you
Peace of mind, joy in life.
All that the soul asks for
May the Lord make it a reality!
Kindness, good luck, peace triumph
Let him give this Christmas! "Happiness and love to your home!"
Happy Christmas!
Happiness and love to your home!
And health is so decent
To make everything great!
And a glass of wine
You should drink to the bottom!
May the Lord save
From sorrows and hardships! "May the New Year and the holiday of Christmas"
May the New Year and the holiday of Christmas
Will give a feeling of magic!
Let the candle light warm the house
Let the smell of fresh needles be in it!
May close friends be near
Let the family be happy and joyful. "I wish you great happiness"
Do not be sad and do not be sad,
Do not be discouraged and do not get bored,
All good things are just beginning
From Christmas everything will be only "five"!
I wish you great happiness
And for this year and beyond - for years,
Let all the bad weather go around your house,
Merry Christmas to you! Never get sick! "May wishes come true"
May this bright holiday
Will bring joy to the house.
And may it be successful
The whole new year!
May wishes come true
After all, on the holiday of Christmas
We, as once in childhood,
We are waiting for a miracle, magic! "Beloved son, Merry Christmas!"
This great holiday has entered every home,
Great power is hidden in him.
I want to wish you merry Christmas now
A dear, beloved son.
I wish you good and health
Meet real love
Luck and joy in life, in fate
And it is great to celebrate the holiday. "Merry Christmas"
Merry Christmas,
I wish you the highest blessings,
Do not postpone "for later"
What the soul wants now.
Forget resentment, sadness,
The one that sharpened my heart so.
May God help in everything
It will give you health, faith, strength. "The Midnight Star Is Lighted"
The midnight star lit up
The star of our hope has lit up!
So let it always burn
So that the world becomes kinder and more beautiful!
May Christmas give you
All wishes come true!
And let your charm
Magic will cover us all! "Beloved wife, Merry Christmas!"
My beloved wife
My soul mate
Let your life be a picture!
Just wish for the best
I want you, my dear,
And I promise to help
I promise to love and believe! "The arrival of Christmas is wonderful"
The arrival of Christmas is beautiful
How quiet and bright this holiday is!
We hear kind words -
They are welcomed by adults and children.
So may the Lord on this day
All adversity will be taken away from you.
Jesus invisible shadow
Let him lead through the years. "Knocking on the Windows Christmas"
Knocking on windows for christmas
To sing to the soul and heart,
I wish you everything
What you yourself wanted.
I want to wish you health
And to be at times careless in my soul,
And never lose heart
May the happiness be endless! "What to wish you on Christmas?"
What can I wish you on Christmas Day?
So that there are no sorrows, sorrows and troubles,
So that the children are happy, healthy,
And let it be so for many, many years! "Merry Christmas!"
Merry Christmas
Happiness and health,
I wish you well
Holiness, deceit -
To the best of everything.
Joy, good luck,
Bad - nothing. "On Christmas, we want to wish you ..."
On Christmas, we want to wish you
So that there is peace and grace in the house,
May everyone in the family be happy, healthy
And more new impressions in life! "Merry Christmas!"
Merry Christmas!
I wish you a lot of happiness and kindness,
May you always be healthy
May your whole family be strong! "At Christmas time"
At Christmas time
There is a lot to say:
And wishes for the mountain
I want to wish you:
Good luck and fun
Health - not to take away!
In a good mood
To meet you every day! "The first star in the firmament"
As soon as the first star in the firmament
On Christmas Eve, it will reveal the warmth of the rays,
The holy holiday of Christmas comes to us,
The table has already been laid, carols, joy, laughter!
Any guests are welcomed today,
They should be bestowed for good news,
I sincerely congratulate you on Merry Christmas,
May God help us, for everyone! "And Merry Christmas!"
Happy New Year
And Merry Christmas!
Let winter bring freshness
And decorate everything around!
Will freeze the water in the rivers
Will sweep the fields, forests!
Let him create for the joy of people
Magic and wonders! "What can you wish for today?"
What to wish you today
On the wonderful holiday of Christmas?
So that every day, like New Year's,
Was the anticipation of a celebration
So that life forgives you mistakes,
So that love blooms in the heart,
Eyes, like stars, shone
And smile again and again! "You purity and happiness on Christmas!"
The Son was sent by the Father to forgive people,
His path is to endure torment!
We will praise the Savior today,
Let's show that it was not in vain that he accepted the cross!
He lived among us, he did carpentry, he fished,
He was born in poverty and misery,
All gold is dust, one love is wealth,
To you purity and happiness on Christmas! "Christ was born!"
"Christ was born!" I say and congratulate,
On Christmas Day I wish you
To live in full health and joy,
Without sorrows, grief and envy. "When the snow covers the ground ..."
When the snow covers the ground
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass for happiness
For peace, for friendship, for love! "Christmas tale"
We wish you in all your deeds
A special blessing
So that you forget about fear
Opened to success, luck.
Let your loved ones give you
With my love and affection
Let your dreams come true in a hurry
And they will become a Christmas fairy tale! "Christmas goodness"
Let the Christmas goodness
It will illuminate you today
Always taste the sweetness of life
May the Lord reward! "On this bright day I wish you"
I congratulate you on Merry Christmas,
This holiday has been celebrated for hundreds of years.
On this bright day, I wish you
More victories in life,
So that winter blizzards sweep away all sorrows,
Snowflakes brought joy and good luck.
And let the lights of the distant stars
You are illuminated wherever you live! "A wonderful holiday!"
A wonderful holiday!
Nativity of Christ, behold!
I want to wish different
Impressions this year!
So that you have a lot of luck
Both in career and in fate,
So that the road is straight
In general, joy to you! "I wish you good luck"
Christmas day is beautiful
Illuminated by the light of the sky.
That one of us is involved in it,
Who is in love with his fate.
I wish you good luck:
Without backbiting, fighting
Get more value
On your aspirations! "Mom, my dear!"
Merry Christmas to you, dear,
My dear mom!
I sincerely congratulate
Happy this holiday to you! "I wish your Christmas to be bright"
I wish your Christmas to be bright,
And covered up with shining light.
I hope your dreams will all come true,
Wish many lucky days to you.
And let this winter bring you love
That would be blessed from high above,
I wish you awesome Christmas day,
And all your fears to go away. "Christmas evening"
Christmas Eve -
Ball for angels.
Will decorate the milky way
Celestial metal.
Let the stars give
Your gentle light
After all, a miracle happens
Believe it or not! "Merry Christmas, congratulations!"
Integrity, purity of a child
Grown into our Savior
On this day, especially and subtly
It is felt in each of the cloisters.
A holiday for all Orthodox in the world,
A holiday of light, joy, goodness.
Merry Christmas, congratulations!
Love, faith, truth and warmth! "There will be magic in life"
You very best wishes
You deserve Christmas
There will be no disappointments
And there will be magic in life! "Friend, Merry Christmas!"
It's very difficult in our world
Find a faithful friend
Take care as soon as possible
If met on the way.
I have a wonderful friend
And I wish him
On Christmas day the weather is clear
Be happy yourself! "On the bright holiday of Christmas"
On the bright holiday of Christmas
I wish you good health,
Even if your head is already gray
You are young at heart, I know! "People on Christmas are kinder and cleaner"
At the moment of birth, it shone with light,
A new star was born,
That is the beginning of the New Testament
We have a lesson - to love and compassion!
People on Christmas are kinder and cleaner
They open their hearts to everyone,
They give feelings simply, without self-interest,
Holy gifts from us to you! "Grandma, Merry Christmas!"
Beloved grandmother, our kind,
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!
I wish you only younger and more beautiful
Your face became every day.
May our merciful Lord give
More health, patience and strength,
Let life only give you good
So that God rewards everything for good. "I wish you well!"
May you be lucky always, in everything!
May the holiday of Christmas
There will be no problems
And kind words
Let them only sound sincere!
I wish you well
Friends want to congratulate you,
It's time to celebrate. "Aunt, Merry Christmas!"
Aunt dear today
I hasten to wish you a Merry Christmas,
I wish her such a life
That will turn into magic.
Health - you also need a lot,
To live a magical life,
May joy be a reward
To be always happy! "Mother-in-law, Merry Christmas!"
My beloved mother-in-law!
Merry Christmas, I congratulate you,
After all, only kindness, love
I always receive from you.
May the Lord send you
Health, joy, success,
Will reward for all matters
And there will be more laughter in life! "Wonderful holiday of Christmas"
Wonderful holiday of Christmas
Perhaps it means a lot to everyone,
Special words sound
Snowstorms swept the roads.
And I want to wish you
To warm love with warmth,
Do not forget your friends
Step forward through life boldly! "I want to wish my beloved friend"
I want my beloved friend on Christmas
Wish good luck on the way
As well as our spiritual relationship
To be able to carry through life. "Uncle Merry Christmas!"
I want you my uncle
Congratulate Merry Christmas.
Live without looking back -
Life will be magic! "Dear grandmother, happy holiday!"
Dear grandmother, happy holidays -
The sunniest, brightest and most joyful!
Respecting and very loving,
Merry Christmas, we congratulate you!
May the Lord protect you
Protects from adversity.
We all congratulate you together,
We wish you long years and health! "Grandpa, Merry Christmas!"
Dear grandfather, beloved,
Merry Christmas!
Be you protected by the Lord,
Let it be good every day
And luck and happiness
Your heart will reward
Be healthy, beloved ancestor!
Remember - experience wins! "Dear mother-in-law, congratulations"
Dear mother-in-law, congratulations
On this fabulous day, Merry Christmas!
I sincerely wish you health,
So that your home is always comfortable! "More expensive than all the treasures in the world"
More expensive than all the treasures in the world
Wealth of Spirit and Soul.
And you were born to be happy.
Cherish your life.
And believe: forces rule in the world ...
Both darkness and light are subject to them.
And you, as their beloved son,
There are simply no barriers to success! "Congratulations to Granny"
Congratulations to granny
Merry Christmas today
And I sincerely wish
I am joy in everything!

Merry Christmas greetings to mom

Merry Christmas greetings to mom from children in verse

Poems Merry Christmas to Mom
Beloved mother, my dear,
This holiday is beautiful and bright
I want to wish you merry Christmas,
I wish you a fair wind
In all beginnings, various deeds,
I wish you success
Live with a smile on beautiful lips
Love you, tender laughter! Merry Christmas to Mom
Mommy dear, magical night
Let your holiday shine with a star.
I wish you joy - to the sky,
Always be joyful and young.
May Christmas give you happiness
Will inspire you with a bright aspiration.
Life will generously give you joy
And God bless from heaven! Christmas greetings to beloved mom
The Son of God has appeared to us -
And the holiday was born.
He does not grow old in the century,
With him, our world will grow kinder.
Christmas meeting -
The evening will be wonderful ...
Let's light a candle from the temple.
Christ was born, mom! Funny and comic Merry Christmas greetings to mom
Wish Mom Christmas
A beautiful life, like in the movies:
To rest in distant countries,
To sunbathe in the overseas regions,
Meet every weekend
With my loving family
And so that every day of the year
Made your dream come true! Merry Christmas greetings to mom from son
A guiding star lit up in the dark sky,
And with her, Christmas came to the planet.
Desires will fulfill, whatever,
It will give both joy and happiness.
I congratulate you with him, mommy,
I wish you health and happiness.
May everything you dream of come true
Let joy and laughter shine in your eyes! Merry Christmas greetings to mom from daughter
I wish mom dear
On this day, solemnly beautiful
To give her Christmas
Brought love and a lot of happiness
Always be successful in everything
And of course, good health,
Never be sad for a long time
And warmth at any time of the year! The best Merry Christmas greetings to mom
I want to wish my beloved mother
So that on Christmas your dreams come true
So that you can achieve everything
To meet success with luck,
So that over the years only beauty
Did not leave and did not decrease,
Let any dream come true!
Let there be a lot of joys in life! Beautiful and touching Merry Christmas greetings to mom
Merry Christmas, my mom!
May the Lord Almighty take care of you!
May it help you, may it save you
Happiness and good luck, joy will bring!
And also - health, faith and hope!
So that you live better, more fun than before!
Happiness to you, mommy, my dear,
Darling, tender, I love you!

Merry Christmas greetings 2017 in prose

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday, I wish
peace and kindness, love and happiness, prosperity, success and strong
health. Let the guardian angel protect you and your loved ones from everyone
troubles, but faith, peace and grace will reign in the soul. With light
Happy Christmas!

Merry Christmas! May this magical holiday fill
your life with light, warmth, joy and well-being. I wish you peace
kindness, love, family comfort. May the guardian angel protect you from
all troubles and adversities!

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday
I want to wish peace and tranquility in every home, good,
mutual understanding, prosperity, love, happiness, peace of mind,
success in all your endeavors, more joy, good health and
all the best! May all expectations come true and the most cherished ones come true

Merry Christmas. And on this bright holiday I want
wish to see only the good in the world around and find everything
good in people, give hope to loved ones and make your dreams come true,
sincerely believe and never forget about simple human happiness.
I wish you to appreciate everything that you have and enjoy each
moment of your life.

I wish you a Merry Christmas! May the power of this holiday help
acquire what is missing, find what is lost, and
discard what is not needed. I wish you family well-being, success in
work and in personal life and, of course, so that there is peace in the soul and
bliss. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I wish you warmth and comfort in the house,
mutual understanding and support in the family, fulfillment of desires, large and
bright goals, aspirations and achievements. Sufficiency for you pious
thoughts and deeds, faith, peace and love!

Merry Christmas! Let your home be filled with warmth and
coziness. All dreams come true, even the smallest ones. Hearts of loved ones and
relatives will be warmed with love and care. People around you will be kind
and responsive. And the Christmas star always illuminates the way!

Merry Christmas, I congratulate and wish you a bright and joyful
holiday in the soul, purity of thought and kindness of heart, happiness and
well-being, generosity, health and a warm atmosphere at home.

Merry Christmas! I wish you to be, like this holiday, sincere,
kind, warm, noble, magical, long-awaited. Let in my heart
there will be peace and comfort, and in life - a sense of magic.

Congratulations on a joyful and bright holiday - Christmas
Christoff! May peace, tranquility and goodness reign in your life! Let be
grief and misfortune bypasses your home! Happiness, good luck and success
to all your family, friends and relatives!

Best Merry Christmas greetings to son

Great holiday is the birthday of God,
Today a son was born to the Creator,
He showed us the right way
And the light of faith brought to our hearts.
Son, I will give you a covenant on this wonderful day -
Always live as He bequeathed to us,
Always be simple, clean, honest,
Forgive enemies - as He forgave his own.
Also - may life only bring you joy,
After all, every day is a unique gift,
Know how to find sweetness in bitterness,
And ward off any blow of fate!

Frost draws a pattern on the glass.
Today is the best holiday on Earth!
Jesus was born! This good news
Passed the whole world and ended up here!
Christmas tree in the lights
I congratulate you, sonny, in verse!
On the magical day of Holy Christmas
Listen to my humble words:
I wish you to be always a man
Conflicts or quarrels - look for reasons in yourself,
But let the bad weather pass by
And the door will always be open to happiness!

Today is a holiday - Jesus was born,
And the world rejoices and rejoices,
And in the sky - a new month was born,
And in every Christian home there is a feast!
I wish you, son, today
Walk through life boldly, without fear,
May your joy fill every day
And all dreams come true now!
Let your life be filled with love
Love! Then the whole world - it will be only yours!
Jesus answered for us with his blood
And so gave a chance to save the fate of anyone!

Merry Christmas, my dear son. I wish you to walk a happy path through life and never fall, I wish that your angel was always with you and did not let you give up, I wish you, son, health and love, hope and kindness, good luck and prosperity in life. May this Christmas bring a miracle for you and strong faith in all good things.

Angels from heaven sing happiness.
May love and joy surround you
Let there be more miracles in life.

May health only grow stronger
Let the heart sparkle with kindness.
Merry Christmas, son, congratulations!
Let God be with you everywhere.

I wish you strength and health,
My son, on the holiday of Christmas,
Let it warm with the light of faith
Star of Bethlehem.

May the Lord help you
Make your dreams come true.
I wish that happy
There has always been, son, you.

Merry Christmas congratulations
I am you, son,
Luckily let them stretch out
Thousands of roads
Christmas star light
Your path will illuminate
Following you
Let the angel fly.
On the Nativity of Christ
May dreams come true
I wish that in life
You were happy.

On the Nativity of Christ
To you, beloved son,
I wish you to be healthy
I wish you to be happy.

On Christmas night
Believe in miracles
In the heart for love
Leave the door open.

Angel through the blizzard
Let her lead
On the Nativity of Christ
Let the fairy tale come to life.

Angels on the snowflakes
Descend from heaven
Merry Christmas comes
It's time for us miracles.

Happiness on Christmas
I wish you, son,
Fairy tale, magic
Let it surround you.

Believe in miracles
And desires will come true
Shows the path of the star
Christmas glow.

May in Christmas
Happiness will enter the house
Angel over you
Wings will open.

My dear son, congratulations with love
Merry Christmas sincerely to you!
Let success surround you in everything,
Reflections of goodness fill the heart.

Let friends never leave
May the Lord protect from trouble.
Laughter and joy do not cease,
May you be lucky in everything.

Merry Christmas to you son
Happy holiday of goodness and strength,
I wish this day
Be healthy and happy.

Let him show the right path
Guiding star,
I wish faith
She led the good along the path.

May the Nativity of Christ, son,
It will give you only good
There are a thousand reasons for happiness
May the Lord take away all evil!

Let the angel breathe
It will warm you with its warmth!
Let your wishes come true
And the soul will cheer up!

Merry Christmas to you, dear son,
May the Lord protect you
And he will send a hundred reasons for happiness,
And everything that the heart desires!

Let the soul light up today
With a clear light and only good
May good luck be like a white bird
Flies around for you!


Let Christmas enter your home,
Carrying with you all that is sacred!
Let there be laughter and joy in him
From happiness and rich soul!

Let the house breathe comfort
Let the angel protect you!
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And we wish only the best!


Night is a great birth
Full of magic, miracles.
We are watching a sign
Round dances of the stars of heaven.

We praise God together
We magnify our son together!
Fill your heart with kindness
And we will fulfill all the covenants!

We will try to continue to live
Embody the letter!
Recreate heaven on earth
Open light and spirit in yourself!


Let the holiday look into the house with a kind fairy tale
And dies with frosty freshness,
Family comfort and loved ones caress
Let them protect from sadness and adversity.

May there be a winged hope in Christmas
Sits on the shoulder like a hand bird,
May life be happier than before
And faith warms the soul warmly!


Miracles await us on Christmas!
And eyes fill with happiness!
Sacred holiday, quiet, clean
The heart will light up with hope!

Who loves, knows, believes, waits,
The dream will soon find that!
God will help them find you
And find happiness in life!


Eyes shine like light bulbs, sparkle,
Snowflakes are having fun in the wind.
All dreams will come true today
For the glory of the blessed cross!

May God protect from diseases,
As children, we will obey him.
Let the gentle light overwhelm the soul
On the wonderful Christmas of Christ!


Christ is born today
And on the bright holiday of Christmas
We wish you to be uplifted
Always on the verge of triumph.
Strong health - steel
And peace at home for ages,
There are many, many beautiful life,
May God's hand protect you.


Merry Christmas I want to congratulate
On this brightest day.
I want to wish you happiness
And always wonderful days.

May Christ protect
From adversity and vanity.
Let the angel take care of you
Will give strength and kindness.

May you live well
Let life please with love.
Human happiness
I wish you always.


May Christmas come to you
Luck, happiness and luck.
Let the house fill with warmth
And the mood will be bright.

Success, joy, love
Strong health and strength.
May your dreams come true
And every day will be happy.

May troubles, sorrows and evil
They are not often met in life.
And let good live in the heart,
Warmth your loved ones.


The midnight star lit up
The star of our hope has lit up!
So let it always burn
So that the world becomes kinder and more beautiful!

May Christmas give you
All wishes come true!
And let your charm
Magic will cover us all!


The fast is over for many days,
The moon shone brighter in the sky.
“Merry Christmas great! - this toast,
This year the Lord appeared in our light. "

He came to give his Son,
Grace to send to our harsh world.
Jesus was sent to earth to live:
Change people, make new light.

He came with a Christmas star
So that doubts, sorrows, bad weather
Retreated, peace came to the world,
Eternal love, goodness and happiness.

So that everyone who was born:
Weak, orphan, sinless baby.
I fell in love with God and changed:
Be it damned or the most sinful.

And today is Christmas
Again the stars in the sky shine brighter.
Son of God we honor the holy word
And his birth in our light.

Poems Merry Christmas 2020


Merry Christmas I want to congratulate
On this brightest day.
I want to wish you happiness
And always wonderful days.

May Christ protect
From adversity and vanity.
Let the angel take care of you
Will give strength and kindness.

May you live well
Let life please with love.
Human happiness
I wish you always.


On the Nativity of Christ
The whole world, as enchanted,
And froze in anticipation,
Flickering firs and shop windows!

After all, soon the Savior will come to us,
Liberator from evil, sins,
He will fill the soul with joy
And all your dreams will come true

Will reward you with strong health
And heal from sorrows
Love a wonderful magic!
Merry, bright Christmas!


I want to wish you well

Brought you some warmth.

So that He saved from trouble,
So that all your secret thoughts
He turned from a dream into reality.

It is filled with magic.

And a full bowl of the house!


Merry Christmas, we congratulate you all
And we want to wish from the bottom of our hearts
To make you all adversity, misfortune
In this life all of you have been bypassed.

On this festive evening of Christ
Be cheerful, you are happy,
Do not forget that salvation
Inherent in our soul.

Be wise, cheerful, kind,
As Christ taught in his time,
Winter evening with family and friends
With warm tenderness, you lead.

Happiness, mercy, kind, eternal
Open your soul to meet
Joy may not end this day
And he goes through life with you.


Let him give Christmas
Confidence and strength
Let the world be around you
Smiling and sweet.

Let the heavenly lights
Accompany everywhere
May they always be kind
Dear people to you!

Let there be joy and sorrow
Passes by the side.
May only happiness and love
Will stay with you!


Darling, it seems to me sometimes
That Christmas is your personal bright holiday
After all, you are pure with a beautiful soul,
And I will tell you many wonderful words.

My angel, you always be beautiful
Always stay the same gentle
Love me, and forget about others,
And, dear, smile more often!


On Christmas evening, wonderful
I want to wish you well
So that the angel is beautiful heavenly
Brought you some warmth.

So that God guards you through life,
So that He saved from trouble,
So that all your secret thoughts
He turned from a dream into reality.

After all, the holiday is wonderful and bright,
It is filled with magic.
May everything in life be wonderful
And a full bowl of the house!


Congratulations on the merry
Merry Christmas!
Let vanilla love
The house will be filled

With a silvery smile
Laughter echoes
From a crystal card
Snow will fall!

Let your house sink
In spruce openwork,
And all life is reborn
Again and again!


The star of the Birth of Christ lit up,
It would seem that she is so far away ...
A year has flown by, and now I want again
Merry Christmas in verses to you!

I wish that never in the world
Dreams did not break forever.
Let the birdsong meet at dawn
Well, flowers always bloom in my soul!

Do not be afraid of the Christmas snowstorm
We do not need silence for the holiday.
For happiness, let your doors be open
And there will always be loved ones nearby!


On the Nativity of Christ
In the silence of the night
Happiness enters the house
With the first star.

Angels on the snowflakes
Descend from heaven
The time is coming
Fairy tales and miracles.

Let it be in my soul
Clean and light
All dreams will come true
On Christ's Nativity.

Merry Christmas greetings in verses


On the Nativity of Christ
In the silence of the night
Happiness enters the house
With the first star.

Angels on the snowflakes
Descend from heaven
The time is coming
Fairy tales and miracles.

Let it be in my soul
Clean and light
All dreams will come true
On Christ's Nativity.


Let him give Christmas
Confidence and strength
Let the world be around you
Smiling and sweet.

Let the heavenly lights
Accompany everywhere
May they always be kind
Dear people to you!

Let there be joy and sorrow
Passes by the side.
May only happiness and love
Will stay with you!


Merry Christmas! Let the sky give wings
Strength for wonderful deeds
May dreams and fairy tales come true
In our world - rainbow and fragile,
Let the soul soar, trembling with happiness,
In life they will certainly be near
And love, and faith, and participation
In every corner of the big Universe!


Christmas night brought hope
To a bright happy phenomenon
And the appearance of Christ illuminated the world,
And the face of his saint disgusted the dark ones.

I wish you all blessings on this day
And awaken to a high consciousness.
Let the voice of wisdom open the door to happiness,
The soul will be imbued with love for the universe!


May on a bright holiday, Christmas,
Everything that you dreamed of will come true.
May there be joy and goodness in the house,
And let the heart not know sorrow.

I wish you many sincere miracles
The warmth of love, spiritual purity.
And let the snowflakes fall from the sky
Keeping the peace of heavenly beauty.


On the bright holiday of Christmas
I wish everyone well
Happiness, good health,
Live in your soul with great love,

So that relatives are nearby,
They surrounded you with warmth,
Peace, light, magic,
Life to be fabulous!


The sacred holiday is Christmas!
I wish you to congratulate you with him.
And peace, love and celebration
Let your families gain!

May it be a wonderful, bright holiday
Disperse all your sorrows.
Don't let sadness into your souls
And what you dreamed of will come true!


Happy Christmas!
Happiness and love to your home!
And health is so decent
To make everything great!

And a glass of wine
You should drink to the bottom!
May the Lord save
From sorrows and hardships!


Merry Christmas, My Tender!
With all my pure heart, I congratulate!
Let the soul sparkle like shiny snow
And there will always be joy and success!

And may your century
It will not be harsh
God's grace will pour
A gracious tribute,
Not to meet again
Pain and misery.
Clear days to you
And new discoveries!
Merry Christmas! Date added:
September 11, 2014

Christmas is coming -

A celebration of good power.
Waiting for a light fairy tale
It is full.
Only you believe in a miracle
And it will burst into the house!
I wish you happiness
And daily smiles! Date added:
September 13, 2014

Dear, I congratulate you on Merry Christmas.

On this bright holiday, I would like to wish you peace and harmony, happiness and joyful emotions, success and prosperity. Let all bad weather and adversity pass by, let a spark of enthusiasm always burn in your eyes. Happy Holidays! Date added:
September 27, 2014

Dear son, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas

Christ, with the holiday, when our patron was born, who brought grace to earth. I wish you never to deviate from your goal and walk an even path through life. Happy Holidays! Date added:
September 28, 2014

On Christmas I wish you

Celebrate the holiday without worries.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
May you always be lucky in everything. Date added:
October 1, 2014

This holiday is great

Entered every house
Great power is hidden in him.
I want to congratulate
Now merry christmas
A dear, beloved son.
I wish you good and health
Meet real love

Date added:
October 2, 2014

This great holiday has entered every home

Great power is hidden in him.
I want to wish you Merry Christmas now
A dear, beloved son.
I wish you good and health
Meet real love
Luck and joy in life, in fate
And it is great to celebrate the holiday. Date added:
October 3, 2014

May Christmas bring you

Peace of mind, joy in life.
All that the soul asks for
May the Lord make it a reality!
Kindness, good luck, peace triumph
Let him give this Christmas! Date added:
October 3, 2014

There is never a snowstorm

On this truly fabulous day.
Blinds the shine of powdered firs,
A wattle fence was hidden under a snowdrift.
I sincerely congratulate you
Happy Day that illuminated the whole world!
Everywhere this holiday is celebrated,
The Lord gave a son to people! Date added:
October 8, 2014

Christmas holiday

Beautiful and bright
He gives us joy
Peace of mind.
We are many miracles
We'll notice tonight
By accepting grace
An open mind.
May the holiday be wonderful
Endless warmth
Both warms and pleases
Your soul.
Luck will settle
In the house forever
You live on earth
Like in paradise! Date added:
October 24, 2014
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