Short congratulations on valentine's day. Short congratulations on Valentine's Day Congratulations on February 14 to the girl short

Short congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 to your beloved, wife, husband, girlfriend, friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, colleagues became an Internet hit on Valentine's Day. On February 14, all lovers send each other funny SMS congratulations, while it is not forbidden to send even short vulgar and obscene SMS congratulations - after all, a loving person will always understand that this is a joke.

In spite of all the Milonovs and the Mizulins who joined them, the Russians passionately celebrate the world day of lovers - St. Valentine's Day. No matter how overly zealous supporters of Orthodoxy come out with statements that St. Valentine, they say, is not ours, not Russian, no matter how they try to distract young people from the overseas holiday with the procession, Russians still give each other tons of valentines and postcards, chocolate and plush hearts, and also flood friends and loved ones with congratulations using real and virtual postcards, e-mail and short SMS congratulations.

Short SMS congratulations Valentine's Day on February 14 to a girl, beloved, colleagues, cool SMS to husband, wife and even parents became a real hit on this not warm winter day.

Piter .tv is also ready to contribute to the celebration of Valentine's Day. Here are our tips for those who have not yet had time to send cool short congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 to their boyfriend, girlfriend, work colleagues, loved ones. At the same time, in such a day full of love, you can even fool around a little: congratulations are not forbidden a little vulgar and even obscene.

We will not give obscene congratulations on Valentine's Day, remembering the harsh Roskomnadzor, in a few playful SMS, so be it, we will tell.

Funny congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 are short - to your beloved, beloved, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friend, girlfriend, colleagues.

What is more suitable for someone - figure it out for yourself.

This story has a long way to go.

It was a long time ago. Ancient Rome.

valentines hand,

Love secretly carried two.

He is a relationship of lovers

Rite in the church consecrated.

Crossing the line of the law

He himself suffered from the denunciation.

Although sometimes in February

The spiritual shepherd was executed,

Forever golden name

Remained among the holy names.

When the last snowflakes

Circle, draw mirages.

We send valentines

To those whose love we cherish!

Sister, beautiful gentle face,

And on Valentine's Day

May you have a man

Not some beast!

Happy Valentine's Day, my love!

I want to wish passion

You are sensitive, unrealistically cute,

For a long time I want to tell you:

That you are better than boiled eggs,

I dreamed of always being yours.

Maybe there is a better one somewhere...

But you are alone in my soul!

Pharmacy on Valentine's Day:


Are over!

And again, short congratulations in verse on Valentine's Day:

I loved you dear

And on Valentine's Day I sing

What a groovy life

How much I love you!

Valentine without knowing

He gave a holiday to all lovers,

Congratulations Anya (or Olya, Vanya, Sanya, Danya, Manya Grisha and Oksana, etc.)

Happy such a divine day!

My congratulations

Accept on Valentine's Day

I promise a lot of love

You just call.

The sun shines from the sky:

Today is the holiday of all lovers.

Here is champagne, flowers,

My happiness is you!

This is a miracle, this is a fairy tale:

Today is our beautiful holiday!

You and I have been friends for a long time

How beautiful - you and me!

Like a brigantine in the sea -

Valentine's Day:

The sun shines down on us from heaven

The world is full of Love Miracles!

I will definitely say:

Let dreams come true!

Be always beautiful!

On Valentine's Day

Let dreams come true!

Feelings of my love - an avalanche,

Most beautiful - only you!

I wish you all Valentine's Day

We have uncomplicated feelings with you!

I will send you love hello -

A large bouquet of beautiful roses.

Bouquet of hot red flowers -

A sign of feelings of Love for you beautiful!

And on this February blizzard day

We need to love each other deeply.

A blizzard is circling outside the window

But in the heart - Happiness:

We will always be together -

In the circle of our Passion!

You are not more beautiful in the world

You are like sunshine to me!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day,

I always want to be with you!

On this Valentine's Day

I give you flowers

And I will definitely say:

I love you deeply!

On Valentine's Day

I'll tell you how beautiful you are!

And I love you dearly

Even in the snowy weather!

I am writing a Valentine's card - love greetings

I wish our love - a thousand years!

Let it be dazzlingly passionate,

Giving surprises and forever beautiful!

In this world full of love

How beautiful are your eyes!

I will give you a bouquet of roses:

I love you very much!

On this Valentine's day

I want to confess my love to you

Bathe in champagne and flowers

And try your luck with me!

Dear friend, dear friend!

Overcoming my embarrassment

For the first time on Valentine's Day -

I want an explanation in love!

Valentines, Valentines!!!

In virtual and real

You shine like crystals

Catch kissing emoticons!

On Valentine's Day -

The whole world is in love fever

Toys give and flowers,

Let it come true now real

Your desires and dreams!

Be gentle with me my love

On Valentine's Day and always!

I will desire you, cherish

And I will never forget!!!

Patron of all lovers

Dear sweet Valentine!

My LOVE you are in the Universe-

Save, save and protect!

And here is a scattering of short SMS congratulations on Valentine's Day 2014

On Valentine's Day

I am with love for you

I will give you a heart

So that you know that I'm yours!

Balls, hearts, ribbons, flowers,

Valentines fly like moths

On this beautiful day

I congratulate you - Happy Valentine's Day, you are my joy!

In a small heart, gently write:

"Happy Valentine's Day, I love you!"

And I will send you an envelope, joy is not melting,

Because my love for you is too great!

On Valentine's Day, joy on the lips,

After all, today is the day of lovers, he knows, old and small,

They give this holiday in tiny hearts,

Congratulations of happiness, and love in the houses!

On Valentine's Day

Congratulations to all lovers

Long-term patience

I wish you all!

I wish all the people in the world

To love and be loved

On Valentine's Day

Be the happiest!

On Saint's Day, on Valentine's Day,

I heartily congratulate everyone,

May love be in your hearts

Takes possession with renewed vigor!

And it’s not a shame to send such a congratulation to your wife:

My heart was instantly pierced with an arrow by Cupid,

She was standing on the next platform...

Love of my life, my wife!

On Valentine's Day

We are all waiting for a miracle

Love holy and pure

For which we live!

On Valentine's Day, the sacred heart I give you,

And I will say the three best words: "Honey, I love you."

My feelings cannot be measured, joy cannot be stopped,

It is so wonderful to live and believe, and love you alone!

On Valentine's Day, since this is our holiday, congratulations and kisses, many, many, many times!

Don't live sadly

Don't regret what happened

Don't guess what will happen

Take care of what you have!

And let happiness be a companion

Will stay forever

And there will always be

Beloved person!

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you, and I want that on your way, there is no end and no edge for happy and joyful days.

I wish you lots and lots of happiness

A piece of blue sky

And in it the desired star -

Your love, your destiny.

I wish you to be happy

Love and always be loved!

The old legend lives on

And I believe it's undeniable

We need a story like this

So that once a year on Valentine's Day

Confess to me in love with you -

You are not better on earth!

On Valentine's Day

I confess: I love you!

And I hope for reciprocity.

You answer me, I'm waiting!

I don't know rhymes better

What's Coming in February

It's "I love you!"

I'm not a magician, I'm still just learning, and the trick "do not miss you" is still not working for me ...

When time is short, there is no time for friendship, only love.

And again poetry:

I got stuck in you, like in a web!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I love you, brute!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Let the pieces of ice from a cheerful valentine melt in your heart!

Even though it’s cold and blizzard outside… We know how to warm each other! Happy Valentine's Day!

On Valentine's Day

And in any other

I feel happy

If you are with me!

On Valentine's Day, I got drunk like a beast. All further garbage passed without me!

I don't need valentines

Don't write me poetry

Give me shoes

Fur coat, hat and perfume.

Don't get mad at this joke

Hide the gift dear.

I'm just sweeter - a minute,

spent with you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

And I wish from the bottom of my heart

To all partners excited

And reckless love!

You are a chocolate bunny

And I confess to you:

You are sweet like no other.

I dreamed about one thing:

So that, touching my lips,

You melted so easily.

With you my bunny

My sugar boy

I will forget about everything.

Let's make an appointment

For Valentine's Eve

To melt the two of us.

On Valentine's Day

Can't hold back the avalanche

Feelings that overwhelmed me

Opening a secret gateway

And my love strives

Passion foams and rushes,

To the best on earth!

Delightful! To you!

To rejuvenate your soul

And Cupid would hit the heart

And so that the liver does not hurt!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day) 2014 to your beloved in verse and SMS

On Valentine's Day

I want to wish you

Always be a man everywhere!

Don't forget about me...

I love you my sweet,

Smile you always.

Let everything be smooth in love

Never be sad!

Happy Valentine's Day

I congratulate you

My only man!

And I want to live, loving!

You try to be the same

Kind, sensitive and kind!

And you always stay

Brave, strong and cool!

On Valentine's Day

All wishes are good

And beloved man

I wish from the bottom of my heart:

To get away the torment,

For joy to come from outside,

And there was always a reason

Prove love to me!

On Valentine's Day

I will hug you, my love

I will look into your eyes

And I will say: - I love you!

Who came up with this day?

I want to wish, dear,

So that you don't relax

Woke up in my arms!

Today I will talk about love

My feelings and words are indomitable,

I'm a little worried and trembling.

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Settled in the heart again

Loneliness, routine.

Take me to love

Valentine's Day!

Broken bridges -

Hell opens its doors.

Valentine, where are you?

I'm waiting for you, and I believe!

How do I go to confession?

Break a martini glass.

I'm leaving for Valentine!

You look like a fairy prince

I am very lucky with you.

I have this principle:

We will be together forever, in spite of everyone!

I so want you to dream of me more often -

You are not enough for me, dear, in reality.

I want you to fall in love with me forever

I live in dreams and fantasies.

I don't need valentines

Don't write me poetry

Give me shoes

Fur coat, hat and perfume.

Don't get mad at this joke

Hide the gift dear.

I'm just sweeter - a minute,

spent with you.

On Valentine's Day

I confess: I love you!

And I hope for reciprocity.

You answer me, I'm waiting!

"I want to congratulate my husband"

It came again unexpectedly

I want to congratulate you

Husband loved and desired.

Yeah, don't get away from me

Sometimes I'm strict

But a happy path awaits you

With me, my love, I know for sure!

"Beloved Man"

To the man I love in February

I wish you peace, mind in my head,

So that you are wise, do not look at others,

And he wanted to spend his energy only on me.

So that you only give me diamonds,

I will make sure that there is no strength,

And even the desire to touch another,

With me only, dear, you want to wake up.

"I want to meet love"

I want to wish happiness

And the main thing is only for you -

To meet such love

Didn't bring worries

Loved your whims

Wonderful love will come -

There is no such thing as love in a fairy tale!

On Valentine's Day

I confess: I love you!

And I hope for reciprocity.

You answer me, I'm waiting!

I don't know rhymes better

What's Coming in February

Just the same, just the same...

It's "I love you!"

Happy Valentine's Day!

And I wish from the bottom of my heart

To all partners excited

And reckless love!

You are a chocolate bunny

And I confess to you:

You are sweet like no other.

I dreamed about one thing:

So that, touching my lips,

You melted so easily.

With you my bunny

My sugar boy

I will forget about everything.

Let's make an appointment

For Valentine's Eve

To melt the two of us.

On Valentine's Day

Can't hold back the avalanche

Feelings that overwhelmed me

Opening a secret gateway

And my love strives

Passion foams and rushes,

To the best on earth!

Amazing!! To you!!

I send a valentine

In the form of my heart.

But take a closer look at the picture -

There you will find yours.

After all, there are miracles:

There was a heart - there were two.

I want to tell you on this day -

My love is always with you like a shadow.

Love for you is like a big dinosaur

She is like space, without end and edge!

I can't keep it a secret.

I love you more than anyone in the world!

Let life be like vodka with pepper

To rejuvenate your soul

And Cupid would hit the heart

And so that the liver does not hurt!

But it's true! Piter .tv congratulates everyone on Valentine's Day February 14 - St. Valentine's Day. Used materials portals,

Original congratulations for everyone and everyone on Valentine's Day.

It is wonderful when there is a reason to please a loved one and give him a small gift.

Valentine's Day is one of those holidays. This day is an opportunity to once again remind people how much we love and appreciate them.

February 14 - Valentine's Day, is already celebrated almost all over the world. And this holiday, one might say, has taken root in the countries of the post-Soviet space. And all because we know how and love to show signs of attention and give love. And even if we don’t give every person a pillow in the shape of a heart, we can write SMS congratulations.

Cool congratulations in SMS by February 14 - Valentine's Day

  • SMS has become so tightly integrated into our lives that any significant events or not very significant-accompanied their flurry. If you want to congratulate a person, but there is no time to call, we can always send him a playful SMS
  • It is this way of congratulating on Valentine's Day that is suitable for people who which are not very close to us, but which we want to remind ourselves on Valentine's Day
  • On the Internet today, a lot of playful poems and cool congratulations, which are just right for such an occasion.

Here are a few of them:

I send you my messages
Hope I'm first.
I love, miss and ... endure,
Like Valentine...

Such a verse is more likely to be written by a close person, with a share of irony

Valentine's Day - watch out!
After all, confessions will fall!
It makes life hard
It's nice to know though!

But this quatrain is more democratic, friendly in nature

Valentine is not a snowflake
This is a half heart.
You catch her soon
Wishing you love.

An easy recognition of tender feelings will also please the recipient of SMS on their phone on Valentine's Day.

Short congratulations to SMS by February 14 - Valentine's Day

It is short congratulations that are most often remembered best and most appreciated. After all, it is clear that large texts are downloaded from the Internet and soullessly sent to all phones in a notebook.

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you
I give my heart to you
If you are not there, I miss you a lot.
It means - I love you!

or this quatrain:

Happy Valentine's Day,
Eternal love, I wish you a lot
Let happiness know no measure and edge,
May good people surround you.

Congratulations on February 14 in prose

The ideal option, of course, is a congratulation, said or written from the heart, and in your own words. Therefore, when it comes to a loved one, many people prefer to say, albeit briefly, but from the bottom of their hearts.

You can say hello to:

Happy Valentine's Day! Delightful love, unique happiness, infinitely pleasant evenings and passion every day! Affectionate words, crazy hugs, intoxicating kisses, gorgeous flowers, burning candles and long-awaited events!

or like this:

On Valentine's Day, I wish you to meet a person with whom it will be comfortable, joyfully, funny, comfortable, warm, fun, and most importantly, uniquely easy. And also more passionate kisses, hugs, walks, so hand in hand, gentle words and dizzying dances.

Congratulations on February 14 are cool

It has already become a tradition to give cool cards or mugs for Valentine's Day. Many ideas can be found in photo salons, souvenir shops. And you can learn a funny rhyme with the following text:

FROMdozens of weekdays
There is a special one.
On Valentine's Day
Cupid is the master of all of us.

And I can't sleep from feelings.
Oh, how I yearn for you...

Arrows in the heart, an awl in the pope:
I can't wait to meet you.

As proof of my
All-encompassing love
Sending a Valentine.
You hurry to catch her!

Original beautiful congratulations on February 14

In addition to purchased postcards, you can do something with your own hands. Delicate lace, satin ribbons, unnecessary buttons will come to the rescue.
You can print text on a regular printer. Therefore, if you have any needlework tools, feel free to use them. Nothing pleases more than a gift made with your own hands.
You can also put a poem of your own composition on the card. This is already a worthy congratulation, which will be remembered for a lifetime and believe me, such a postcard will be kept forever!

Well, if you are bad at writing, a great poem will do:

Every year in the middle of February
The holiday of all lovers is coming to us.
With him I want to congratulate you,
The light of my enchanted eyes!
There is no better and sweeter in the world,
There is nothing more precious in the world than a man.
I love you, trust me
We will be together forever!

Congratulations on February 14 to the former: is it worth congratulating?

Happy Valentine's Day ex? Of course, if you are in a normal relationship, and you are not afraid that he will think of you, as if you want to make peace. In any case, you can congratulate the former “neutrally” without using loud phrases and epithets. So to say, to congratulate "for decency."

Sometimes I find it funny.
I was in love with you.
And it was so recently
And it was happiness for me.
I've always been sad without you
And the day seemed like a century to me.
What a pity that I completely forgot
What a thing approaching spring!

Congratulations on February 14 to colleagues

In some organizations, it is customary to congratulate each other on various holidays. There is nothing wrong.

Dhorny and relatives,
I love you colleagues.
Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations to everyone now.

I wish you tender feelings,
It was enough for love
Wings for her to give
Were happy so that the days.

Congratulations on February 14 to your beloved girl

Of course, here it is worth showing imagination and not skimping. Since girls, for the most part, are sensitive to dates, and even more so to those related to love, it is necessary to approach the choice of congratulations on Valentine's Day with soul and ingenuity.
Try to surprise the girl with an unusual gift. This gift can be a touching text in a card:

My beloved, priceless
You are even better than in a dream!
And know that even Miss Universe,
You have no equal in beauty!

And on this day of lovers joyful
Let the whole country know
That you are a sweet gift of life,
And all I need is you!

Congratulations to a guy, a friend on February 14

With a man in terms of congratulations on Valentine's Day, everything is much simpler. Most often, a small symbolic gift or congratulations is enough for them. In general, by and large, this holiday is not taken seriously.

ATValentine's Day
Let the ice floe melt on the heart,
And love blossoms there
Like a swallow, fluttering

Friend, love, do not be afraid to dream,
Open up to the best girl
It's not crazy at all
To confess your feelings!

Congratulations on February 14 to a girl, woman, mother

Depending on who you are a girl or woman, you can choose the appropriate gift for Valentine's Day. Who said that you can’t congratulate your mother on this holiday?

Congratulations on February 14 wife

What's in candy-bouquet period seems banal and absolutely not romantic, in everyday life, already slightly shabby household, is very necessary. How long has it been since your wife bought herself a set of underwear? Don't remember? So make her happy! She will be happy.

Happy Valentine's Day to my wife
And to you, my dear,
I want to confess my love again
And more hugging you.

You deserve peace and happiness
Be beautiful and think about passion
Never argue with anyone
Be persistent and smile!

Video: Musical Cards Happy Valentine's Day

My beloved you
Congratulations today.
And on Valentine's Day for you
I only wish you the best.
May the day bring magic
Love, hope, faith.
My dear girlfriend
I love you beyond measure.
May all dreams come true
Find the prince instead.
Don't hesitate, don't wait too long
As soon as you meet
Bring it to the registry office.

Be stunning, be beautiful
Passionate, crazy and active,
Fool all the men
But to be loved alone ...

The one who burns your heart
And to whom feelings are inevitable,
I wish you a hundred years to live,
And keep love for a whole century!

Good luck to you two, luck,
Smiles, laughter, mood,
your dreams come true,
Eternal love and live forever!

Today is a heartfelt holiday - Valentine's Day! I want to wish you, girlfriend, pure and sincere love. To make you very happy. To be valued, protected, cherished, patronized and paid attention in every possible way. I want to see your sparkling eyes, smile. Love you!

I wish that today
Your Valentine found you
Matvey, Andrey, and even Lenya.
If only a decent citizen.

And so that there is love to the grave,
And so that sweets and flowers.
And so that he accidentally "Vova"
You didn't name in bed.

A short

My friend, my dear
I love you so much!
And on this day I want to say:
I value you very much!

Well, my friend, congratulations
On Valentine's Day, I love you.
And I want to be loved
Smile, be kind!

I want to spend the evening
With those who yearn for this meeting,
With someone you'll be happy with
May He always be near!

Dear friend, Happy Valentine's Day!
Let the desired man love you
Let a bright feeling illuminate all days,
Love, like the sun, shines in life,
Delights, emotions, romance, miracle
And admiring glances everywhere!

Girlfriend, be always loved
Relatives, relatives, friends!
Let your beloved man
Fill your world with miracles:

Give bright moments
Love and a fairy tale in reality!
May your relationship
Always like magic!

My sweet girlfriend
Happy Valentine's Day dear
To be a prisoner of passionate feelings
I always wish you.

Let your eyes not dim
All wishes come true
There will be peace, love, support
And mutual understanding.

My sweet valentine
A ray of sunshine and light of love!
You and I are like one picture.
Friendship runs deep in our blood.

Dear me every hour with you.
I remember each day fondly.
I'll shelter you from the storm
I'll drink tea and cake.

We will be together for the joy of all,
You are my forever friend.
Congratulations my sweetness
My closest person!

Let love reign everywhere
In personal and family life,
As a work colleague
They love. To be honored!
Money is also to be loved
And they came more often
Let Valentine send
You special men.
Let love always surround
And life doesn't hurt you.

Short congratulations on February 14

I'm beautiful on this day
I give you the whole world
So be very happy -
From the heart I say
Let your life flow like a river
Passing stones and rapids.
And let them bypass
You sadness and anxiety.

Short congratulations on Valentine's Day

I am a postcard
To start, I'll sign
And when we meet, I'll kiss
And in the arms I will suffocate!

Short congratulations on Valentine's Day

Hear your name more often...
And be next to you.
Don't compare you to others
After all, you know how to love!

Beautiful short congratulations on February 14

You are my ray of light
You are my Love!
You are a poet's dream
You excite the blood!

On this day of lovers
I will tell you
Three familiar words:

Beautiful short congratulations on Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day
Intoxicated, illuminated
wonderful feelings,
The most powerful.
May God keep you apart
Enjoy eternal happiness!

Beautiful short congratulations on Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day
And in any other
I feel happy
If you are with me!

A short wish for February 14

My love for you is strong
Will overcome all obstacles.
My love for you is war
And we do not need another love.

Short wishes for Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day
You are the one I love the most!
I hasten to congratulate you ahead of all!
Let there be no interference between us!!

On a frosty day, February
I will hug and warm you.
And in the chest in unison with yours
My Valentine will knock.

Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations my love!
I hurry to hug you
Tell you about love!

Happy Valentine's Day
I congratulate you!
You and I are two halves
I love you to tears!

I want to congratulate you on Valentine's Day,
Good luck, I wish you happiness, beauty!
And there are no definite words
To show how beautiful you are!

May this day be filled with love
Let there be not enough vases for flowers!
And Happy Valentine's Day
I hasten to congratulate you today.

There is a special day on the calendar
When lovers congratulate each other
And there is nothing more romantic on earth,
Than those eyes that understand everything without words!

Happy Valentine's Day, I want to congratulate you,
May you always be happy
Let every day not pass you by
And your loved one will never forget!

How good it is to have you in the world!
How good it is for me to be with you ...
Flowers, love to you, smiles, beauty!
On Valentine's Day, I want to be with you...

Cold month. Maybe even bad weather.
But on this bright day of the calendar,
I wish you happiness with a smile!
And all kinds of blessings that you are waiting for in your soul!

Valentine's day has come
In honor of what, I wish love
So that Cupid strikes in the heart,
And I'll think of something else...

On Valentine's Day
I will give you a heart.
Give and you - a ring,
I love you for a long time.

Valentine's Day - a holiday of the soul,
Valentine's Day - to keep warm.
From the icy and frosty embrace of winter
Take my heart as a gift.

Let snowflakes circle outside the window,
Let the candle shine on the table
I give you a Valentine
And my heart is with her forever!

Let it rain in the morning, and the evil blizzard howls,
I know for sure that we will never be able to live without each other.
I will give the whole world for you, and I will give my heart!
On Valentine's Day, I just want to say one thing - I love you!

I love you like chocolate
I am always very happy with him.
And you will melt in my hands
I'm waiting for you - you know it!

Not only on this day I love you -
You are my air, dawn, water and heaven.
I want to be near, anxiously loving,
Hug, kiss and believe in miracles.

Why is it so easy to sing today?
From the fact that love is in a hurry to the house!
Valentine's day is like a ray of sunshine
It will bring joy to your thoughts.

The hottest day of winter
Melt the ice of your soul.
From Valentine's Witchcraft
The heart wakes up from sleep.
Love sings like a bird
And happiness will bring to your house.

I want to confess to you
I really like you!
Can we communicate?
Hope you get better!

May this day around you
Angels are fluttering.
And the knight falls from his horse.
And the troubadour runs with a pipe...
But I'm ahead of them all
I'll be the first - with SMS.
