What to give for a turquoise anniversary (18 wedding anniversary)? Turquoise wedding (18 years old) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS. Wedding day 18 years old.

Having lived together for about twenty years, the couple celebrate a special anniversary of their life together. 18 years from the date of the wedding is a wonderful occasion to gather all relatives and friends, to celebrate another anniversary. It is worth considering what the anniversary is called, which is usually given to spouses for a celebration.

Anniversary features

The 18th anniversary of married life is a serious anniversary that must be celebrated. This is a kind of coming of age of life together. Indeed, over the years of married life, a husband and wife have gone through a lot together, achieved a lot, learned a lot. People call this anniversary a turquoise wedding. As usual, the naming of the anniversary did not appear by chance. No one can say for sure why the 18th anniversary of married life is called a turquoise wedding.

But there is one very interesting version. The very word "turquoise" in translation from the Arabic language means "victory". Therefore, the 18th anniversary of life together can be considered a kind of victory over the troubles and hardships that the spouses managed to survive together with dignity. Over the years, husband and wife have learned to live together in complete understanding and mutual respect. In addition, they managed to maintain warm and tender feelings towards each other. And also the turquoise stone is associated with loyalty and devotion.

There is such a tradition among the people regarding a turquoise wedding, which is worth considering in more detail. On the eve of the anniversary, the spouses should cover the family bed with turquoise bedding, which will help them strengthen their relationship and recharge with positive energy. On the day of the anniversary celebration, the house is decorated in turquoise colors. Spouses can also wear clothes of this color, or at least add small details, turquoise accessories to their outfit.

As a rule, such a celebration is celebrated at home with the family. But if you wish, it is quite possible to celebrate the anniversary in a restaurant in a noisy company of family and friends.

For such a celebration, many spouses order special dishes with seafood. You should also order a large and delicious cake, which will be decorated with beautiful flowers and other turquoise details. By the way, it is quite possible to order a cake in the form of a large box with precious stones.

During the celebration, the spouses must have some kind of turquoise object or accessory. For example, it can be a belt, belt, pocket square, shoes. If at least one detail of this color is present in the outfit of the spouses, then this will attract even more happiness, good luck, prosperity and positive to the family.

Gifts for two

Traditionally, on this day, the spouses present each other with turquoise jewelry. You can give your wife earrings, bracelet, pendant or ring with this stone. The husband can be presented with a rosary, a tie clip, a ring or cufflinks. An anniversary gift with such a stone is not just a symbolic present.

Such jewelry with stones carry a special energy, thanks to which they can positively influence the life and fate of the spouses.

At all times, turquoise was considered a stone that brings happiness and well-being. It is for this reason that spouses should pay attention to turquoise jewelry. In addition, the mineral is able to enhance intuition, attract financial well-being, and protect against negativity and evil eye. There is such a belief that if the spouses exchange jewelry with this stone, then their feelings for each other will be even stronger. And also the stone is able to have a positive effect on health.

A blouse, underwear, turquoise peignoir are also perfect as a gift for your wife. A woman will definitely like such a gift. But only if you are not sure that you can guess with the size, then it is better to give your wife a certificate of this store for a certain amount. You can also give your wife a beautiful box inlaid with various stones. For your beloved husband, you can choose some modern gadget or car accessory. But only if the husband has a car or if he likes to spend time at the computer. It is quite possible to give your spouse a shirt or tie in a turquoise shade, a stylish case for his new phone, a beautiful keychain with turquoise, which will also serve as a talisman.

Gifts from friends

Friends and acquaintances who will be invited to the wedding anniversary should also make sure that the gifts are practical and memorable. The 18th anniversary of married life is a serious date, so it is worth giving the couple something useful and memorable. For example, you can present high-quality bed linen, a bedspread, a blanket, a beautiful tablecloth or a set of towels in a beautiful turquoise color as a presentation.

Such gifts will always come in handy in everyday life, and will remind spouses every day of the past celebration.

Beautiful candlesticks are quite suitable as a gift. Now you can find options with turquoise inlay. If you are going to give candlesticks, then remember that such gifts should be paired, like vases. As a supplement, you can buy a set of beautiful candles, and you can also donate beautiful vases, a turquoise tea set, beautiful figurines, a set of glasses and much more.

A beautiful picture in an expensive frame is always a great gift. Considering the fact that the picture is intended as a present for a turquoise wedding, it is quite possible to choose a marine theme. When choosing a painting, it is important to remember that the plot should be calm. That is, it should not be a picture of a storm or shipwreck. Such negative stories will negatively affect the energy in the house of the spouses. The picture should breathe calmness and tranquility.

If the spouses are cheerful people and respond adequately to humor and jokes, then you can present them with an unusual gift. For example, it could be a custom-made cartoon with a funny caption or a quatrain for a turquoise wedding. It could be a pair of bathrobes or turquoise T-shirts with nice and cool lettering. For the 18th anniversary of marriage, it is customary to give paired gifts. That is, if you are presenting umbrellas, then they should be of the same color. If you want to donate wallets, then they must also be from the same series. By the way, you can immediately put a talisman with a turquoise stone in your wallets.

Important! You cannot give mirrors, sets of knives or forks, watches, gloves, paintings with the image of one object for the anniversary. All these presents bring only negative things to life.

For what else they give for a wedding anniversary, see the next video.

Surprises for parents

As a rule, for various anniversaries, parents are given something from furniture or household appliances. If you don't know exactly what to give your parents from technology, then give them a certificate for a certain amount, and they themselves will choose the necessary household appliance. As a gift, it is quite possible to present parents with repairs in their married couple. Of course, the emphasis should be on the details of the turquoise shade. Only such a gift should be taken care of in advance.

If you just want to change the wallpaper, order new curtains, a chandelier, lamps for the parents' bedroom, then it will take several days. To make the gift really a surprise, you can send your parents to rest for a few days in a country holiday home. While they enjoy nature, clean air and each other's company, you will just have time to update the interior of their bedroom for the 18th anniversary.

A trip to the sea for parents is quite suitable as a gift. You can send your parents to the city of their dreams or to the city of their youth. They will love any journey, no doubt. Be sure to order a film about your family, which will include the brightest moments from the life of your parents. They will definitely like such a memorable gift. You can also order a family photo session, and then present a beautiful album, which will include these photos. Be sure to choose a photo album with a beautiful and high-quality cover, on which you can order a commemorative inscription.

18 years of marriage is not a round date, but very significant. This is the age of majority of the family, which marks the end of its formation and the beginning of a new period of conscious life. A period of dedication, trust and dedication. Therefore, it is important to mark this date in a proper way, prepare congratulations and know what to present. And for this, you need to decide which wedding is celebrated for 18 years of marriage.

What is the name of the wedding

According to the established tradition, the eighteenth wedding anniversary is called Turquoise.

This name of this anniversary exists in France, Germany and the Netherlands. And this is no coincidence, because this stone is credited with a truly magical meaning:

  1. Turquoise is considered by many nations to be a symbol of happiness and victory. Agree, maintaining a marriage for 18 years is a real victory for spouses. Moreover, if you managed to maintain a warm relationship.
  2. In the East, turquoise is a symbol of purity and eternal love. Having overcome the milestone at the age of 18, the spouses understand how much happiness has been bestowed upon them by fate. Only love and trust could help them overcome all the difficulties and troubles of life together.
  3. Turquoise in its color resembles the color of a clear clear sky after a thunderstorm. So the Turquoise wedding symbolizes the end of crises that occasionally arise in the life of any couple, and the beginning of a new bright and cloudless period of relationship. After a Turquoise wedding, they should become deep, light and clear, like a turquoise sky.
  4. In ancient times, turquoise was a symbol of wealth and was valued along with gold. According to popular belief, she brings material well-being to the house. So after the Turquoise wedding, the house of the "newlyweds" will be a full bowl.

How to mark

According to tradition, the Turquoise wedding is celebrated in a close family circle - with grown-up children, parents of spouses, close relatives and only the closest friends of the "adult" family.

Such a closed celebration will strengthen family traditions, demonstrate family cohesion and its values.

To make such a wedding celebration interesting and memorable will help:

  1. Sending invitation cards to guests in turquoise colors.
  2. Observance of the rite of the Turquoise wedding - the exchange of spouses with rings made of turquoise or inlaid with this stone. These turquoise rings, along with wedding rings, are worn by the couple for the next year. According to legend, they are indicators of the love of spouses and allow you to feel the state of the partner. If turquoise does not fade on them in a year, it means that the relationship of the spouses has retained its strength and brightness.
  3. Outfits of "newlyweds" in turquoise shades.
  4. Entertainment. Think about what to do with your guests - prepare fun family contests and all the necessary attributes for their holding, put family albums in order, select videos about interesting and important events in your family. It's good if those present are captured on them.
  5. Good musical accompaniment for the holiday.
  6. Capturing the best moments of the celebration in a photo or video.

A special atmosphere will be created by decorating the room in colors that correspond to the holiday.

Decorating the house for the holiday, and decorating the table, note that turquoise is best combined with pure white. Look the most impressive:

  • turquoise napkins on a snow-white tablecloth;
  • white candles in silvery candlesticks decorated with bright turquoise blue ribbons;
  • bouquets of forget-me-nots and hydrangeas, decorated with white beads and satin white ribbons;
  • bouquets of white flowers - lilies of the valley, roses, chrysanthemums, decorated with turquoise or blue ribbons, paper, feathers and beads;
  • balloons in turquoise and white shades;
  • a wedding cake covered with turquoise glaze and decorated with snow-white cream roses.

Gift for wife

Naturally, the best gifts for a Turquoise wedding for your wife will be presentations made of turquoise, so you won't have to puzzle over what to give. From the husband it can be:

  1. Jewelry made of turquoise or inlaid with it.
  2. Turquoise-azure flower bouquets in original packaging. You can present an unusual composition of morning glory. This bouquet will be especially romantic, because the leaves of the morning glory are heart-shaped.
  3. A box decorated with turquoise.
  4. Turquoise figurines.
  5. Bag decorated with turquoise.
  6. Evening dress with turquoise inlay.

Any gifts made of turquoise are welcomed from guests on this day, because they will bring happiness in love to the house of the heroes of the occasion, remove negative energy and become a talisman for many years. It can be:

  • amulets and charms;
  • Jewelry;
  • interior items;
  • accessories with turquoise inserts.

If there are no funds for natural stones, you can present turquoise gifts.

This could be:

  • tableware;
  • Houseware;
  • accessories;
  • textile products.

What to give to my husband

As a gift to your husband for 18 years of wedding, you can also give something turquoise:

  1. Watch strap decorated with turquoise.
  2. Belt buckle.
  3. Tie clip with natural stone.
  4. Cufflinks with turquoise inserts.
  5. Edged weapons inlaid with turquoise.
  6. Amulet.

If a man is indifferent to natural stones, you can come up with a gift in turquoise colors for him:

  • shirt;
  • tie;
  • scarf;
  • umbrella;
  • a certificate for a parachute jump of turquoise or sky color;
  • a blue or turquoise tent.


Beautiful poems addressed to spouses will be a wonderful addition to the Turquoise wedding anniversary. Examples of congratulation texts for 18 years of wedding:

You have been together for eighteen years
And inseparable as always.
Today you are again a bride and groom,
After all, the Turquoise wedding has come!
Let the noble turquoise shine
Your whole house will light up today.
Let love, kindness and understanding
Day by day prevail in it.

Here comes the age of majority!
You have lived a full eighteen years!
Your feelings, maturity and love have united,
Strengthening Fidelity Vows.
We wish happiness and good to those in love,
Sunny and clear turquoise days.
With love and fidelity you opened the doors,
So keep the keys together now.
May the beautiful light of the heavenly turquoise
Your every day will light up!
Let the heart laugh and the soul warm
Let it be more fun for you to live together!

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Love, mutual respect and warmth reign in the relationship of a couple who have reached the "adulthood" of family happiness. It is not difficult to guess how many years later the turquoise wedding is celebrated. The turquoise anniversary is after 18 years of marriage.

We can say that the difficult early years are behind us. Husband and wife went through severe trials hand in hand and kept the family together, no matter what. And now the long-awaited reward - life is adjusted, the children are almost grown up, family traditions are well established. This fact alone is worthy of gathering family and friends at one table.

What does turquoise wedding mean?

This date has deep symbolic meaning. Why is the 18th wedding anniversary called turquoise? This means that the spouses have achieved victory in a difficult test called "family life." Their marriage became "adult", mature.

The difficulties and troubles of the first years of marriage are left behind, and now the couple is entering the next stage of marriage.

Eighteen years of family life are symbolized by the famous gem - turquoise. He became a long time ago companion of happiness and victory in life's trials. Turquoise color represents the depth of the spouses' feelings, their compassion and belief in joint strength.

Turquoise in modern perception symbolizes harmony and balance. She is associated with endless heavenly and sea spaces, with the realization that everything that does not happen will be on the shoulder. In ancient times, turquoise was an invariable adornment of royal thrones and weapons.

Turquoise has always been a strong talisman and that is why she was honored to become a symbol of one of the anniversaries of married life. A harmonious and lasting relationship that has gone through "fire, water and copper pipes" is the main reward that deserves a couple who are approaching their 18th anniversary.

Let's start with the traditions that, since antiquity, have always taken into account the scenario for 18 wedding years. Like any celebration, the celebration of the anniversary has always been marked by special symbolic actions.

Do not abandon existing traditions. So your holiday will have a special atmosphere.

So, 18th anniversary wedding traditions include the following:

  1. Before celebrating the anniversary of their life together, spouses need to go to bed in turquoise or blue underwear. So already upon awakening, you will feel the singularity and significance of the beginning of the day.
  2. At the celebration itself, the spouses can exchange jewelry decorated with turquoise. Rings are generally used, but other jewelry is acceptable.
  3. It is recommended to choose clothes that include elements of turquoise color. For example, a man may have a tie or bow tie. And then a woman should choose shoes, a belt or a handbag to match.

The space where the anniversary is planned is also worth decorate with decorative elements of turquoise shades... Pick up tablecloths, napkins, dishes and other decoration details. You can use the services of specialized firms that decorate premises for special events.

Premises for a turquoise wedding anniversary

Although traditionally celebrated at a table with family and friends, 18th wedding anniversary ideas may include other options. For example, you can go on a picnic or organize a walk along the river or sea.

Anyway prepare thoroughly for the event... Consider an invitation to celebrate 18 years of married life. It is better to arrange it also in turquoise colors.

It is also worth planning not only the design of the table, but also its contents. Focus on green. Garnish with herbs, lettuce, kiwi and other green fruits and vegetables. Of course, you should order a cake for 18 years of the wedding, decorated with figures of the bride and groom and made in turquoise shades. Nowadays, culinary specialists offer a lot of options for treats for any festive event.

Photo of a cake for 18 years wedding anniversary

What do you get for a turquoise wedding?

If you are invited to a turquoise wedding, it is worth thinking about a gift for the heroes of the occasion... A gift decorated with a symbol of the holiday - turquoise will be relevant.

As a rule, gifts for a turquoise wedding are more often decorative.

Popular gifts for the eighteenth wedding anniversary are wall clocks, jewelry boxes, souvenirs. All of them are selected in turquoise colors or decorated with turquoise.

However, from ideas, you can choose a more practical gift. For example, a good present would be flower vase, tableware or linens... There will always be a use for such gifts in the home.

18 Years Wedding Anniversary Card

An excellent present for a married couple - vacation package... The trip can be organized if all guests can agree among themselves and pay for the tour for the heroes of the occasion.

There are also budget options, but no less original options. Spouses can be given tickets to the theater, excursion or exhibition.

Whatever the anniversary present is, it's worth packing and decorating beautifully. In addition to the main gift, blue or blue flowers will be appropriate.

An original piggy bank will be a good gift. This way the family will be able to save money for something useful and valuable. A piggy bank can be in the form of a handmade money box.

Spouses should also take care of gifts for each other. These can be both pleasant little things and serious things that the other half has long dreamed of. The main thing is to supplement the present with warm words of gratitude and recognition.

Turquoise Wedding Anniversary Money Box

All of the above preparations will give a special status to the turquoise wedding. This event will remain in the memory of all those present for a long time.

Now you know which wedding is called turquoise. This milestone would not have been achieved by husband and wife without mutual love, respect and daily hard work.

If the family has a tradition of celebrating marriage anniversaries, then 18 years is an excellent occasion to gather all relatives and friends at the festive table and remember the best events of the past years. In addition, the anniversary will allow remember your feelings for each other and bring a note of romanticism into the existing relationship.

March 31, 2018 1:15 am

Each passed year of the family has its own name. It also has a special meaning, and certain rules for celebrating the anniversary, what to give and how to congratulate. Many are interested in the question, after 18 years, what kind of wedding, because it is not a round, but an important date. She symbolizes the coming of age and maturity of the family.

Date value

Few know what the people call the 18th wedding anniversary, but it is called turquoise. Since when the anniversary got its name is unknown. But the turquoise stone has long been considered a symbol of victory. The 18th wedding anniversary is also a kind of victory: over the way of life, the characters of each other.

For such a long time, lived together, the spouses have already got used to each other well, they know their partner's habits. After this time, children are most often already adults. And the husband and wife begin a new round in their relationship.

If for 18 years they lived in peace, were together in sorrow and joy, then the next years will bring only happiness. Turquoise is a symbol of loyalty and eternal love.

How to celebrate a holiday

The 18-year-old wedding is most often celebrated with family and close friends. It is not necessary to arrange a grand celebration with a restaurant and a toastmaster. It is enough to sit in a cozy home atmosphere, to remember pleasant moments over the past years.

If children are adults, then this is another reason for pride. Their accomplishments and successes will be an interesting topic of conversation. Many memories will be associated with this.

The 18th anniversary of marriage can be a reason not only for the arrival of children. The newlyweds may also visit their parents. If earlier anniversaries were not celebrated, then this may become an occasion for the organization of a new family tradition.

Even small family gatherings need to be arranged. The anniversary symbol is turquoise. Blue textiles on the windows, blue tablecloths or napkins - all this will emphasize the occasion of the holiday.

But in decorating the interior, it is important not to overdo it. Bright blue accents with a white or beige interior will look better. The number 18 from balloons will be a wonderful decoration.

Spouses gifts to each other

A great occasion will be 18 years of marriage for the spouses to please each other. And gifts are not at all necessary. It is much more important to start the day with congratulations and expressions of affection. A joint breakfast is a way to recharge a good mood for the whole day.

Gifts can be a pleasant addition to the holiday. And since the symbol of the anniversary is turquoise, then for the spouse, you can choose the following gifts:

  • turquoise jewelry;
  • a bouquet of blue flowers;
  • an accessory with turquoise, such as a mirror.

Even if there is no way to buy natural turquoise, you can get by with jewelry... Imitation of precious stones is in trend today. After all, it is not a gift that is precious, but attention.

The wife can give her husband a ring with turquoise. But this purchase needs to be taken seriously. If a man does not wear jewelry, then such a purchase will be a waste of money. The gift will be in a box. Contrary to superstition, you can donate a knife with a turquoise-decorated handle. You can get by with more everyday things. A blue shirt or tie would be a great gift.

It is worth remembering that 18 years old is what a wedding anniversary, but you should not dwell on this. The holiday will be a great reason to go to a restaurant or a concert.

What guests present

Guests and relatives know, coming to the 18th wedding anniversary, what kind of wedding it is and what they give for it. Things that hint at loneliness are categorically impossible to give. This is, for example, a painting depicting one object or person. According to superstition, you can not give watches and mirrors. It is believed that these items indicate the transience of life.

It is good to give paired gifts to spouses with meaning. They should be turquoise, blue-white or blue-black. For example:

  • umbrellas - promise good weather in the house;
  • belts are a symbol of a strong family;
  • wallets - to family wealth.

Of expensive gifts you can highlight a tea set in blue tones or a set of glasses and a decanter inlaid with turquoise.

For 18 years of marriage, it is customary to give gifts that will be useful in everyday life. These are bed linen, towels, blankets, pillows, bedspreads, blankets. Of course, everything should be blue or turquoise.

Close friends can donate a certificate for a family photo shoot, a trip to the sea or a subscription to a fitness room or spa. A cake with blue flowers and a congratulatory inscription will be a good gift from children.

Congratulations on the anniversary

18 years after the wedding, the spouses have accumulated not only life experience, but also many memories. During this time, there was a lot of joy and sorrow. In short, they have something to remember.

Guests can express their congratulations both in prose and verse. Spouses can also prepare kind words for each other. The main thing is that they must come from the heart. It is possible in advance prepare an original greeting:

Well, a self-written verse will cause a lot of positive emotions. If poetry is difficult, you can order a thematic poem from a professional. If the names of the spouses and a memorable date appear in it, then this surprise will be remembered for a long time.

Attention, only TODAY!

Is there life after the wedding?

18th Wedding Anniversary - Turquoise Wedding

The eighteenth year of marriage is known as the "Turquoise Wedding." For couples who have walked through life together for 18 years, turquoise (the stone of true love) is a symbol of the fact that they have overcome all adversity with honor, protecting and supporting each other.

On this anniversary, it is customary to give jewels with amethyst, jasper, turquoise and topaz to the heroes of the day.

A couple who have been married for 18 years most likely already have everything they need for a comfortable life. Therefore, if you do not know for sure that the heroes of the day dream of a particular gift, it is better to stick to something other than an ordinary kitchen appliance or utensils.

  • A turquoise wedding traditionally means that the anniversary will be presented with a turquoise jewelry. This valuable mineral is believed to dissipate negative energies and confer well-being and good luck in family relationships.
  • Over the past few years, rings and pendants with several precious or semi-precious stones have become very popular.
  • A watch strap decorated with turquoise will be a good gift for a person who does not wear a lot of jewelry. Cufflinks with precious stones are also a good choice for a hero of the day.
  • A more “budgetary” idea is to present a chocolate product with “imitation” jewelry to a turquoise wedding.
  • Turquoise is also used to make accessories such as buckles, as well as household items such as vases.
  • If your parents or friends are celebrating 18 years of marriage, you can present them with a turquoise gift. Do the heroes of the day need a new scarf, bag or tie?
  • A modern and at the same time nostalgic gift is a photo album with a turquoise cover, which contains photographs of a couple celebrating 18 years of marriage.
  • Beautiful decorative plates or turquoise mugs are not hard to find on sale. You can personalize them with names or memorable dates.
  • Another interesting gift for couples with children is a personalized family tree with a hanging loop in a conspicuous place. The canvas depicts a tree with leaves in the shape of a heart. There should be as many leaves as there are currently living relatives. Each sheet has the name of a family member.

Husband's gift to wife

  • Jewelry such as a turquoise, amethyst, topaz or jasper pendant or earrings would be the perfect choice for a husband who wants to please his wife on his 18th marriage anniversary. If your budget does not allow you to buy natural stone, you can purchase a stone grown in laboratory conditions.
  • A flower lover can be presented with a bouquet of sky-blue morning glory. Since the leaves of this flower are "made" by nature in the shape of a heart, this is one of the most romantic gifts.

Gift from wife to husband

  • Although a ring or cufflink is a very common gift, many men simply don’t wear jewelry, and such a gift will stay in the box forever.
  • A more suitable option may be a romantic dinner in a restaurant, a trip to the resort, or luxurious and arousing lingerie, in which the wife appears in front of her lover after a gala dinner.
  • A lover of symbolism can be presented with a love letter written in turquoise paint or pencil.
  • A real man's gift for the 18th anniversary of marriage will be edged weapons, the handle of which is inlaid with turquoise.

How to make turquoise wedding invitations

If you are planning a party to celebrate 18 years of marriage, then invitations are vital. Using your creativity and love for a happy couple, you can make truly unique invitations. All you need is to know how many guests will attend the anniversary, at what hour, day and month it will take place.

Turquoise wedding invitations are, as they say, a classic. But you can use lighter shades or combine turquoise with lavender and coral in the design.

Things you need:

  • A photograph of each of the spouses.
  • Photos of the couple from the wedding.
  • Blank invitation cards made of quality paper.
  • Guest list.
  • Computer, printer and scanner.
  1. Scan photos. Photos of the newlyweds then and now are ideal for an unconventional invitation. They need to be placed on the front of the invitation. For a more traditional invitation, use only the original wedding look on the inside of the invitation. On the front side, you can put a poem, or a picture suitable for the occasion.
  2. Use a template that matches the size of the invitation card. Most desktop publishing software has the option to customize the paper size, or allow you to download a template that matches your invitation cards.
  3. Create image and text. Usually a wedding photo of the heroes of the day, a short poem and the text "You are invited" or "18th wedding anniversary" are enough. But no one bothers you to show your imagination.
  4. On the inside of the card, write all the details (place, date and time of the celebration). Use a font that guests of all ages can easily read.
  5. Print invitation cards from your home computer, or take the files to a print shop.

What color is suitable for a turquoise wedding

Turquoise radiates peace and tranquility, fills with energy. This is one of the brightest and most positive colors.

A wedding in turquoise color requires not only careful selection of gifts, but also the right color of the outfit. It is advisable to discuss in advance with the guests, in what color suits they intend to come to the holiday. This will give uniformity to the celebration.

If you want to look stylish and luxurious, start with small doses of turquoise. Blue, combined with neutral shades such as ivory, cream, white, black, silver and gray, is austere and elegant.

Balloons, tabletop decorations, women's dresses, neckerchiefs or belts, ribbons for flowers or even cake are ideal examples where you can use turquoise without overwhelming your holiday.

Colors to avoid when decorating a celebration

  • Turquoise works well when paired with pale greens, grassy greens, and deep greens. However, aquamarine, as a darker shade, will look dull when combined with turquoise.
  • Turquoise shades can be paired with any shade of red other than carnation.
  • Very deep dark browns, rich purples and deep blues will appear dark against a fresh and vibrant turquoise.

It is impossible to ignore the color of the bouquets that the guests will hand over to the heroes of the day. Here are the most suitable colors:

  • Turquoise and yellow wedding flowers. This is a bright and sunny combination for spring and summer weddings.
  • Turquoise and red wedding flowers. These shades are suitable for all seasons.
  • Turquoise and pink wedding flowers. Ideal for warmer months.
  • Turquoise and coral wedding flowers. The combination of these shades is suitable for spring, summer and autumn.
  • Turquoise and purple wedding flowers. This is a juicy combination that seems to work best in the spring and summer. If you want to use this combination in the fall or winter, just choose a slightly darker shade.
  • Turquoise, black and white wedding flowers. These colors are suitable for any season. Adding white helps to dilute the intensity of black and turquoise to create the perfect blend.
  • Turquoise and green wedding colors. This is a breezy combination that's perfect for spring and summer weddings.

Holiday decoration in turquoise colors

For decorating the room, it is best to use blue shades of flowers, balloons and confetti, turquoise chair covers, ribbons and candles for the table, and gold napkins and tablecloths. Sparklers and blue candles are suitable as night decorations. All this will help make the celebration attractive and even stunning.

A turquoise wedding can be glamorous and elegant with its metallic decor. There should be glass, white and silver dishes on the table to add extra brightness and shine. Orchids and green carnations add a fresh touch to the turquoise extravaganza.

If the celebration of 18 years of marriage takes place in winter, you can paint pine cones with turquoise spray paint and insert them into the bouquet.

In addition to the usual decorations, add personal touches. For example, hang a silver-decorated photo frame with a wedding portrait of the heroes in a prominent place.

How to say thank you to guests

A welcome speech is a great way to say “thank you” to all guests for participating in this special celebration. If the turquoise wedding anniversary of 18 years will be held in the circle of the closest people, the heroes of the day can express their gratitude with the help of reciprocal gifts. They should be placed in small boxes or organza bags in advance. This eliminates the need to look for a gift of a strictly defined color, and will not distract from the turquoise theme, since all the presents will be hidden in beautiful packaging.

  • Traditional gifts are dragees, candies wrapped in foil.
  • If your soul requires something unusual, you can give guests decorative bottles painted in all shades of blue, or even lottery tickets, since they are produced in almost all colors.
  • Books and sweets in turquoise packaging will be a great gift for children.
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