January 21st is hug day. Congratulations on International Hug Day


Congratulations on International Hug Day in verse

Congratulations on International Hug Day

On International Hug Day
I want to wish you
Only love events
And there was someone to hug.

Love, of course, real,
So that friendship does not pass by,
And only true happiness
And joy may find you.

SMS congratulations on International Hug Day

So that life is more beautiful, more fun,
We will solemnly announce Hug Day!
So run and hug quickly!
Well, in the meantime, we congratulate you:

We wish you millions of servings
Receive the sweetest hugs!
And countless joyful emotions,
Give to all your loved ones and friends!

Poems for Hug Day

What can you wish for on hug day?
So that your hands hold tight to love,
Hugging your family more often,
And so that any business succeeds.

There's still so much I want to say
Happy Hug Day with warm congratulations.
May happiness always match you,
And today I hug you from the bottom of my heart!

Short congratulations on International Hug Day

Darling, hug me quickly -
I have the right to demand this, believe me!
After all, the day of hugs warms the soul very much,
Let him protect you from losses!

I congratulate you on this holiday,
And from the bottom of my heart I want to tell you -
Let my love warm you in life,
And you can't run away from her!

Congratulations on hug day

Darling, just smile
When you read congratulations,
Love gives us this life,
And I’ll give you a poem.

May it be a hug day for you.
It will turn into a fairy tale,
Treat me lovingly
Believe me, dear, you will get credit for it!

SMS with international hug day

Darling, this is the day of hugs,
Well, what kind of holiday, you ask?
I'll wear my best dress
To awaken your dreams!

Today we need to hug -
Believe me, there’s no way without this!
Let's smile at each other
And hug every step!

Poems for International Hug Day

I want to congratulate you,
To make it clearer, dear,
I will wish you joy
On International Hug Day!

Of course, I’ll hug you tightly -
Of course, I'll kiss you tenderly.
I'll say that I love you
I love, I love you alone!

This day is one of the best
And to make it clearer to everyone,
We all desperately need him
This is a holiday - Hug Day.

Friendly or love,
Or simply, so to speak,
Definitely, definitely
It's so nice to hug.

To plunge into someone's hands,
And cuddle as much as you can,
To hear hearts beating,
Hug Day is my favorite day!

On January 21, one of the most unusual holidays is celebrated all over the world - International Hug Day. It was founded in 1986 under the name National Hugging Day, and then quickly spread throughout the world. According to the tradition of the holiday, even a stranger can be embraced in a friendly hug on this day.

On International Hug Day,
When it's winter outside,
I'll go out into the January frost.
And I'm not afraid of the cold.
I wish you well
And you give me warmth in response.
So that spring blooms in your soul,
I wish you health for 300 years!
So that there is a lot in your life
Goodness and happiness from the heart.
I also wish for a long time
You don’t know bitterness and lies!

Despite the young age of this holiday, today it is difficult to find the author: it is not known who first came up with this idea of ​​​​a “close” celebration of January 21 and why this particular date was chosen. It is believed that the initiators of the holiday were students. It was on this day that college students embraced each other without any intimate implications. But I think there was a reason - the end of the session was approaching, which means that most of the exams were passed, which in itself is no joke... And since then, such a cheerful tradition of “hugs” has been picked up all over the world.

Psychologists believe that people who want to hug you want to experience a feeling of security, comfort and love. And hugs accompany us throughout our lives. We hug friends and family when we meet, after separation, we hug each other to express our joy and gratitude.

The nice thing is that celebrating January 21st will not require any material costs. All you have to do is generously reward everyone you see fit with your warmth. When congratulating you on the holiday, give your loved ones hugs as a sign of your warm attitude towards them, thereby reminding them of your sincere warm feelings.

Today is the easiest thing to do
And the best thing, mind you, is
Celebrate the holiday of friendly hugs,
To have more friends!

So let me hug you, buddy
And from the heart, from the heart, to wish,
So that you always through life
Everyone wanted to love and hug!

To be warmed by hugs forever,
So that he himself wants to hug his friends!
To become a big and important person
But I didn’t want to forget about my friends!

Let's hug very tightly today
And we wish you happiness and goodness!
What a pity that hug day is very rare...
Let's give hugs until the morning!

Alexander Ryazantsev

Today I will be kind

Sweet, beautiful, cheerful,

And all my friends

I'll hug you in the morning!

Hug Day is a stupid holiday

Not serious, but funny

May it bring you happiness

Mood - oh-oh-oh!

May all sorrows disappear on this day,
Hearts will be filled with the fire of love.
And on this day, hugging each other,
Give everyone a little warmth.

Share your warmth with your friends,
Wishing everyone health and success.
You will give everyone a tender smile,
And may you be rewarded from those too.

And may this day be joyful for you
And bringing new dreams and hopes to you all.
May love and happiness be with him,
From all my friends and also from me.

Yuri Osiyan

Today I congratulate you
Happy International Hug Day.
I wish you today
With loved ones... handshakes.
Take care of them, light up their hearts,
Give your love and affection.
Love them tenderly, endlessly,
To wish them a life like in a fairy tale.
Love your parents
And always help in everything.
I will send gold horses,
Let them rush to every home with kindness.

There is a belief that people
hugging, exchanging warmth.
To all my friends - I give the warmth of my soul.
May it always warm you and keep you from freezing.
even on the coldest days of life.
Always hug, no matter what
holidays and seasons,
hug and be happy!!

Happy hug day,

I wish you happiness and love,

Hug me quickly

All acquaintances and friends.

To have more happiness,

We give you tenderness

We hug you tightly, tightly,

May there be more love in fate!

Kiss your sister and brother
Hug your friends!
It's hug day outside the window,
Strong friendship to all people!
There is joy in touch,
And in sadness and doubts
It is unlikely that you will find happiness!
Hug and you will understand everything!
Every day let you
Your friends make you happy
Give a ton of heat!


I hug you tightly!

You may ask, why such an honor?

And the day of hugs is rare,

Only once a year is there such a holiday.

Accept my hugs today,

In a friendly and sincere manner, with soul,

I wish you joy and happiness,

On a good holiday, such a joyful one.

On International Hug Day,

I want to wish you
Only love events
And there was someone to hug.
Love, of course, real,
So that friendship does not pass by,
And only true happiness
And joy may find you.

Happy Hug Day, I hasten to congratulate you,

Leave your hugs for you,

May the warmth last forever
Both mental and physical!

The day of hugs has come to us,

Let's hug, friends,

Very strong and with soul,

And we won’t be shy!

Hug Day was invented by people

So that suddenly good feelings
Awaken by talking about a miracle -
About the hugs that reign around.

On this day, let the blizzard subside,
Even if she is harsh.
We will hug each other today.
Enough of being strangers!
Look at your neighbor!
Whether it's a neighbor, a colleague, a friend -

January 21 is International Hug Day, when you are allowed to hug even strangers. What can we say about acquaintances, relatives and friends - they should simply drown in hot, sincere, warm hugs, the purpose of which is to give as much positivity as possible. If people dear to your heart are far away, use Congratulations on Hug Day in the form of SMS, inventing them yourself or using ready-made ones. For these purposes, you can choose touching poetry or prose.

The source of this positive holiday was such an event. According to one version, somewhere in the 70s, a guy named Juan arrived by plane in the city of Sydney. This period in his life was a little sad. And no one met him at the airport, so there was loneliness and sadness in his soul. But he did not want to put up with such circumstances and, in order to somehow cheer up, stood near the airport terminal with a poster that said: “Hugs are free.” At first they looked at him with surprise, then with a smile, and finally, a woman came up who had recently become lonely and was just dreaming of something like this... This is how Hug Day appeared in Australia. Then this movement came to Europe. It won’t be difficult to convey a piece of warmth to another person, but you can simply congratulate others in writing or orally. The message can be formatted as an SMS or a signature on a postcard. On our website you will find a huge number of short congratulations, among which you will surely find something that suits you.

Happy Hug Day poems in SMS

Today you can hug
And even kiss tenderly.
And the reason is simply excellent,
So serious and decent!

I wish you on hug day
More veal tenderness.
Less sadness and sadness
And to be greeted with hugs!

Today is hug day, honey.
And I want to tell you
What is the best joy in the world -
Snuggle up to your shoulder.

Feel the heart beating
See how your eyes shine.
And your voice pierces right through
Like an electric charge.

I hug you tightly!
You may ask, why such an honor?
And the day of hugs is rare,
Only once a year is there such a holiday.

Accept my hugs today,
In a friendly and sincere manner, with soul,
I wish you joy and happiness,
On a good holiday, such a joyful one.

On International Hug Day
I hug you, my love.
We'll spend it in bed...
Oh, that is, together, I promise!

I want you to smile at me
To hug me tighter
Touched me with love
And he was a little bolder.

Darling, just smile
When you read congratulations,
Love gives us this life,
And I’ll give you a poem.

May it be a hug day for you.
It will turn into a fairy tale,
Treat me lovingly
Believe me, dear, you will get credit for it!

Happy hug day, dear!
I congratulate you -
And, of course, I hug you
Giving you all my soul!

And on this occasion
Greet everyone with a smile,
Only to no one else
Don't let me hug you.

I want to wish you
On International Hug Day
Hug me more often
So that a kiss is always pleasant,

And the night is magical and tender,
Like a pure bright maiden,
And you only have me alone,
After all, according to the king, according to the queen!

Without hugs and without tenderness
There is no such thing as freshness in life.
Without love and kisses
The day passes by in vain.

Hold me tight
It will become nice, it will become easier.
Give your warmth -
Your soul will become light!

A person needs:
4 hugs a day for “survival”
8 hugs per day as support
12 or more hugs for growth and purpose

January 21 is International Hug Day. Why is tactile contact so important to us? And what are the benefits of hugs?

According to the tradition of the holiday, even a stranger can be embraced in a friendly hug on this day.

January 21 is International Hug Day. Simple human hugs that accompany us all our lives in relationships between parents and children, friends and lovers, colleagues and work partners. The main “weapon” of hugs is that in our body they raise the level of the hormone oxytocin, which relieves depression and feelings of loneliness. They are also like good medicine - they stabilize blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

It was founded in the USA in 1986. First as National Hugging Day, it soon became international. The name of the author of this holiday is unknown, but it is believed that it was invented by students. As befits students, they proposed that on this day they embrace everyone they come across in friendly hugs. Even complete strangers, but people you like. And how great it is! After all, both those who hug and those who are hugged experience at this moment a feeling of security, love and harmony with themselves and the world.

Today, the psychological and physical benefits of hugs are so absolutized that they began to be produced for money! Namely, less than a year ago a workshop for their production opened in London: 30 pounds for a 4-hour session. A little later, paid hugs were included in the menu of a Tokyo bar. And in the United States, the Like-a-Hug gadget appeared, which is an inflatable vest connected to a computer that hugs its owner when his Facebook page earns a “like.”


Everyone needs tactile contact, but children especially. And for little boys and girls equally. When adolescence comes, boys find it more useful to have contact expressed in the friendly form of handshakes, pats on the shoulder, etc. And teenage girls aged 10-12 continue to need hugs, and the need for them is increasing. If a child is not hugged enough, he may grow up with a feeling of emptiness, which, in turn, creates a fear of contact with new acquaintances. Simply put, he will have trouble getting along with other people. Most likely, this is explained by the same physiology. After all, a hug gives us a feeling of security and relieves anxiety due to the production of oxytocin, as well as endorphins, which relieve pain and give a feeling of euphoria. The latter, in particular, increase stress resistance, or more precisely, we react to many things more calmly thanks to the endorphin boost. In particular, the need to include previously unfamiliar people into your life.


And yet, hugging is only useful with those we know well. Hugging a stranger has the opposite effect, a team of neuroscientists led by Jürgen Sandkühler, head of the Center for Brain Research at the Medical University of Vienna, found. “A positive effect occurs only when people trust each other, when the feelings that bind them are mutual. If people don’t know each other or the hug is not so welcome on one side or another, its consequences will be different.” It's all about the synthesis of oxytocin, a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland to enhance intimacy between parents, children and couples. In women, for example, oxytocin levels rise sharply during childbirth and breastfeeding to promote a stronger bond between mother and baby. Oxytocin is not in a hurry to be produced in response to a stranger. “On the contrary, it can put our body under stress,” continues Sandkühler. - The fact is that at the moment of such a hug, the usual distance between people is involuntarily broken, and this is unconsciously perceived by us as a threat. In such situations, our body begins to produce the stress hormone cortisol.” There's no time for hugs here! According to followers of Hans Selye's theory of stress, our body chooses one of two reactions - either fight or flight.

Happy World Hug Day

Tender embraces true sweetness
Everyone is capable of knowing, without a doubt,
After all, this gives a person joy,
And for loved ones - happiness and closeness!

On the day of hugs, please accept congratulations,
I wish you hugs more often,
The warmth of a hug gives inspiration,
And it helps to communicate sincerely!

My hug is a kind gesture
Coming straight from the heart.
They are good news itself
About the fact that everything comes from childhood.

On this day I give you
A sea of ​​hugs and smiles:
You are not alone on earth -
I will help you in thick and thin!

Let everything be fine -
In the family, in the heart, at work!
Let your soul sing -
Hugs are always appreciated!

Come here, come to me, come quickly
I want to hug you tightly today,
Don't be afraid, come on, come on boldly,
Today is Hug Day, you need to know.

Today I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And on the day of hugs I only wish
Make your own destiny as soon as possible,
Then you will get your share of happiness.

I, admiring you passionately,
He put his hands around your neck:
What a good holiday
Someone smart invented it!
...I don’t hear the squeak “Enough!”
I still soul you -
With World Hugs
I hasten to congratulate you!

Touch me with the wing of your soul.
You ask how? Hug me tight!
I want to hear heartbeats
Plunge into the tenderness of your hands.
Everyone knows: hugs are like a balm,
Heal from spiritual wounds.
It's good to always be around
Those whom you don’t need to ask for a hug!
Who are always, always ready
Enclose in pleasant shackles!
Happy Hug Day! Happy holiday!
I hug you too!

Hold me tighter
And press it to your chest!
Your soul will become warmer,
And kinder and brighter!
Hugs tight, people!
Hug hot!
You won't be judged today:
Hug day, if so!

World Hug Day is a wonderful holiday!
Be gone, hypocrisy and laziness!
Come to me quickly, my prankster!
We'll hug all day long.

Don't waste a single minute
Drop your phone, forget about the Internet.
Happy World Hug Day my love!
And there is no better holiday than this!

They say to achieve happiness
Need a daily hug!
Give hugs to family and friends
And not say goodbye to them in English.
I wish everyone a happy hug day!
Hug each other until you get goosebumps!
Smile more, have fun,
Immerse yourself in pleasant embraces!
