1 year of married life congratulations. Congratulations on a print wedding

A year of marriage has passed - husband and wife are also called newlyweds, because the family is really young.

This anniversary is called a calico wedding, because chintz is a bright but fragile material. Feelings are still as bright as on a honeymoon, but the spouses are already learning to build a life together.

A print wedding is a big anniversary that should be properly celebrated. There are many traditions associated with this holiday - how to celebrate the 1st wedding year, whom to invite, where to celebrate and what to give.

There are secrets that both the girl and the guy, their parents and guests invited to the anniversary need to know. In order for the family to become strong, and there was harmony in the life of the newlyweds, this anniversary must be celebrated in compliance with all the rules.

Traditions for a print wedding

It seemed how unforgettable the wedding was recently, but a year has already passed. There are many years ahead together, but this anniversary, which is called calico, is a wonderful occasion not only to celebrate the holiday and have fun, but also to think about a lot.

It is important to find time for husband and wife to talk. Remember the past year, your mistakes and grievances, ask your husband and wife for forgiveness. During the year of living together, a lot has accumulated, and no grievances should pass into the next year.

It is also worth making plans for the next year of living together, deciding together what is worth achieving, where to visit and what to do. In addition, a lot of traditions should be performed by both the husband and wife, and their guests.

1. The chintz anniversary is a big and magnificent holiday, and it should be widely celebrated. It is not customary to celebrate this anniversary at a party or in a restaurant. It is worth noting it at home or in nature, in a country house or in the country.

2. By all means, you need to set a generous table, sparing no money - this is a symbol of the fact that in a joint life the newlyweds will have prosperity, and life will be full. Pleasant words, congratulations and toasts to the young family, wishes for many years of happiness together should sound at the table.

3. This anniversary, which is called chintz, has many traditions associated with this fabric. For example, the tablecloth that will cover the table for guests must be chintz and colorful.

Previously, young wives embroidered the tablecloth themselves, but now this tradition is not so common. But if you want to embroider at least a corner of the tablecloth, you should know that this ceremony will bring happiness to your family.

4. The wife must be in a print dress on this anniversary. You need to walk in it in the morning, afternoon and evening, celebrate an anniversary and do not take it off until bedtime. It is believed that then she will have many years of happy and joyful life together with her beloved husband.

5. There is a tradition for newlyweds to give two bottles of champagne tied together at the wedding. And now the cotton anniversary is an occasion to open one of them. And the second bottle should be opened with the birth of the first child.

The bottle must be drunk with the guests, be sure to say toasts, pleasant solemn congratulations on the wedding anniversary for 1 year, and in prose or poetry - the more pleasant words, the better.

6. Printed wedding is celebrated magnificently, and there should be many guests. It is believed that how many close people there are, so much happiness in life together - so call everyone you love! Witnesses and parents must be present, they must come before everyone else, and not leave until the evening.

Traditional gifts on this day

Of course, the year of family life is an important occasion that requires gifts. From guests to a guy and a girl, gifts for a chintz wedding can be anything - congratulations in prose or pleasant thematic poems, cool toasts, memorable postcards and photos, souvenirs or necessary things for the house, cool little things and unusual surprises.

But there are also special traditions that a cotton wedding implies and special traditional gifts on this day. First of all, the newlyweds themselves should congratulate each other on this day and give gifts.

Congratulate each other on this day in a special way. A chintz wedding suggests the main symbolic gift associated with this day - chintz shawls. This is given by a girl to a guy, and he gives it to her.

Knots are tied on handkerchiefs - how many years have passed together, so many knots. These handkerchiefs are given with oaths of fidelity and eternal devotion to each other, and then hidden in a safe place.

They must be carefully stored for many years, until the end of the life of one of the spouses. Giving handkerchiefs is considered a good tradition; they will become a talisman and will bring happiness and peace to the family.

You can give each other romantic joint photos. This is a memorable gift that will be valuable - joint photos on things or in frames, photo books or albums - all this is very appropriate on this day. The photo should reflect the years spent together, it can be an album of "our first year" or something similar.

What should a spouse know?

It is believed that how beautiful a girl will be on this holiday, she will remain so for many years of her life, so the wife must carefully prepare herself and be irresistible.

It is customary for her to give a cotton dress during the day - moreover, the husband must give it, another mother-in-law must give it. Other men cannot give a dress, but girlfriends and relatives - very much so.

A girl should give her husband a chintz shirt this afternoon. Ideally, she should embroider a pattern on it, but if you are having a hard time with embroidery, it is not necessary.

Gifts from guests

Also, a mother gives a shirt to her son, and a mother-in-law can give. In addition, the parents of the newlyweds can give them toys, baby things, rattles, and more - with a hint that it's time to have kids.

But the guests who come to celebrate the cotton wedding, in connection with this significant day, give not only congratulations in prose, poems, toasts and pleasant words, but also useful things for the house. It is customary to present everything from fabric - sheets, pillowcases, curtains, toys, pillows, and more.

It is not customary to give clothes; it is better to choose beautiful textile accessories and home decor for a young family. This good will not be enough - how much bed linen or toys will be donated, no matter, let the house of the young be rich!

How to mark?

Today, many people like to celebrate significant dates in life not just with a feast, but somehow unusual. For example, a print wedding is such a holiday for which you can come up with an original scenario, games, contests and entertainment.

But the newlyweds themselves usually do not do this - they are preparing to meet the guests. It will be great if among the invitees there are talented enthusiasts who come up with an original scenario for the holiday, prepare cool toasts and poems, congratulations in prose, wishes for many happy years.

In addition, guests will be entertained not only by poems and toasts, but also by cool games, funny competitions and contests. They may be associated with a comic test of the family for strength, housekeeping and the ability to lead a family life.

The main thing is to remember that all games and contests must be decent and not offend anyone's dignity. Otherwise, why not surprise your newlywed friends?

A print wedding is a beautiful and joyful day. And if you not only celebrate it noisily and cheerfully, but also observe ancient traditions, then the holiday will not only become a pleasant memory, but will also bring happiness and harmony to the life of a young family!

Source of poems: Pozdravok.ru

Let love be bright as chintz in your hands,
May fate be kind to you
Let the passion not subside in the brilliant eyes,
And let the cup be full!

Congratulations on the first wedding anniversary

You played the wedding exactly a year ago,
And the eyes are still on fire
And in the touch of affection only apparently see through,
And everyone is happy to talk about you again!
In peace, and in health, you live on
And keep each other like a dream,
To the clouds of happiness again joyfully fly
And take great care of love!

Congratulations to the spouses on their wedding anniversary - 1 year

The year flew by like an arrow
But we remember how recently
At your wedding, the world was buzzing
And we walked so nicely!
Let the fairy tale not go away
And love reigns between you
Let the world live in the house
And owns passion hearts!

Congratulations on the 1st wedding anniversary (with a cotton wedding) in verse

Congratulations on a calico wedding are presented a year after the marriage, with the wishes of the spouses to live for many more years together.

After the most important, real,
But she's not important to me
For the hearts of lovers and burning.
This year has brought you valuable experience,
Do you understand what marriage means?
The main thing is that feelings are unchanged,
And the eyes are still on fire.
Know that the chintz is thin, it breaks quickly,
Take care of your young union,
Troubles will blow in the wind
Only the fortress of marriage will remain.
We wish you beautiful heirs,
To grow for joy and wonder,
Let the common house be rich,
Guests more often to be in it.
And of course a young couple,
We wish you to live until the golden wedding,
The main thing is never quarrel
Bitter to you and a friendly Hurray.

Print wedding - wedding anniversary - 1 year of marriage

print wedding note through 1 year of marriage.
Gifts for such a wedding should be fabric items: a tablecloth, curtains ... (Newlyweds give each other chintz handkerchiefs. Gifts for newlyweds: chintz, cotton, silk, nylon. These materials symbolize youth and purity.)

The first anniversary is a print wedding. It is called so because it marks the transition from the novelty of a honeymoon to the routine of everyday relationships, so to speak, chintz simplicity. From time immemorial, spouses gave each other cotton handkerchiefs on this day. As for the guests, they should give the heroes of the occasion clothes made of chintz (tacks and towels for the house, bed linen, craft toys, etc.). A year after the wedding, it is customary to open one of the two tied bottles of champagne that were presented to the newlyweds on their wedding day (the second bottle, according to custom, is opened at the birth of the first child in the family). Witnesses and best friends, as well as parents, are always invited to the celebration.

Congratulations on the 1st wedding year - print wedding

In memory so quivering, fresh
Last year's wedding celebration.
The young husband brought in his arms
To the wife's house with a smile on her lips.
How much joy was in the eyes!
How much happiness in loving hearts!
How many congratulatory speeches
And parting words were from the guests!
The past year has been long for you.
sequence of events, round dance
Joy, discovery and adversity.
But love in the family is a secret code
Luckily opening the way.
Ver roads you have to go,
To find your own, one,
Carry through a great life.
Chintz celebrating anniversary,
Like fabric - the simpler, the sweeter,
Be for each other for a long time.
Good start, honey year is over...

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary - 1 year from the date of the wedding

Here is the chintz year -
The husband gives his wife a handkerchief.
And she answered - a handkerchief,
Take it soon, dear,
Stay my friend
The most affectionate with me.
Untie the knots.
Tell all the secrets!
And friends say according to:
May the road be clear
Let love live in everything
Lighting up this house.
For life to always be
Interesting and bright!

Congratulations on a print wedding

Darling (darling)!
I congratulate you.
For a tissue gift
Do not scold the prankster.
A piece of lycra or cotton
Let it suddenly turn into a roll
So that in the future the whole year
Do not know trouble with rags!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

To live life is not a field to cross. Non-healing wounds remain on the body of each of us, which disturb us during work and do not allow us to sleep at night. Therefore, I would like to wish the newlyweds that the gauze (chintz) wedding becomes for them that medical remedy that will heal wounds and provide opportunities for a long and happy life.

Congratulations on the wedding year

Chintz is good because in hot weather it protects from the summer heat. May it also protect you from litter and turmoil and make family life easy, like a chintz sundress!

Funny congratulations on a print wedding

Shooting cork, spray foam,
Whisk the fork like a lure!
This is the year of living together
That is summer and spring.

Plus winter and autumn
Which I will not keep silent about.
In a leap year
Plus just a little more.

Came calico wedding
Festival of cotton fabrics.
Oh, to splash vodka
On a rolled lip!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
No wonder it is called chintz,
I wish you on this bright holiday
Love for many more years!
From the outside, it seems so little -
Just a year ... Fortunately, the score is not in numbers!
So that it never fades away -
Let love live forever in hearts!

The champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown by.
He is a ribbon of light chintz
Flashed so fast for you.

Let it be just as easy, carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the high-water river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

congratulations on 1 wedding anniversary

Replacing festive dresses with chintz
The family grew up for a year,
And as it should be for all one-year-old children,
She got up on her feet and walked away.
And let her go confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And let trust and tenderness help you
One day meet the centenary!

Your family is one year old today!
From chintz, an undershirt on it.
A happy and difficult year passes,
The union of hearts grows stronger.
Let the print wedding swirl you around
Will give loyalty, happiness and love.
May every day and every second
Love and joy excite the blood!

congratulations on wedding anniversary 1 year

Sitchika cheerful coloring
Filled your home with joy
Responding to well-aimed congratulations,
Stools groan under friends;
And soon the children will turn around -
Calico, of course, canvas;
In the meantime - walk, have fun,
Use your lucky ticket!
You are only a year old - your first, personal chintz!
God bless you for many more years!

Only a year ago your holiday was noisy
The house was full of friends, guests,
Funny jokes, different songs,
And here it is - the first anniversary!
Let the world be huge, new,
And further, for many years to come,
Let life seem like honey to you
Like this first sweet year!

You said a year ago: "Yes",
Deciding to be together forever.
In one fate you connected two,
And all doubts forever forgotten.
With a chintz wedding, we lived a honey year,
So that you understand each other, value each other.
Let love bloom every year
Without giving up your union to adversity.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

A wedding anniversary is an important event for any couple. It is not customary to celebrate this date widely - usually only close friends and relatives are invited to such a celebration.

To make the holiday interesting and fun, you can arrange a performance during which young spouses will have to “look for a baby in cabbage” (take apart a head of cabbage), “catch a stork” (catch paper airplanes that guests will launch), take part in various competitions .

And, of course, congratulations on the first wedding anniversary will be heard at this celebration. It can be wishes in verse or prose. Our site contains short poems that are great for congratulating spouses on their first year of marriage. They can be read at a celebration in honor of this event or sent as SMS messages.

Short congratulations in verse on the first wedding anniversary

Happy first anniversary to you
congratulations now
And I wish that further
The flame of love is not extinguished!

For passions to rage
And never cool down
Never to be touched
You resentment and sadness.

Dear, good, dear,
Happy first anniversary! Let always
There will be happiness and love from now on
Beside you for many years!

May your path only sparkle with joy,
tender care for each other -
Way from a modest and unpretentious chintz
For the anniversary with bright gilding!

Congratulations on your chintz wedding!
We wish you to live only in the world,
So that all troubles, hardships and storms
They didn’t dare to fly into your family!
Remember and cherish
Feelings tender for long summers.
Let children's laughter sound in your house!
For happiness there will be no barriers and obstacles!

How do you celebrate your 1st wedding anniversary?

It is customary to invite the same guests who were present at the main wedding to a cotton wedding. According to tradition, relatives and friends present the young couple with calico products, as well as other textiles: bed linen, tablecloths, bedspreads, towels.

A horseshoe that brings happiness, luck and love into the house will be a wonderful gift. Or you can give the spouses a bell that is hung over the doors of the house as a talisman against evil forces.

These gifts can accompany warm congratulatory poems for a wedding anniversary for 1 year. Such poems can be read aloud, or you can write short congratulations on the very first anniversary of family life on postcards.

Poems on the occasion of the wedding anniversary 1 year

A year ago you became a couple -
official family.
On this very important date
Congratulations, friends!

Continue in the same spirit
And give people light.
Light up your home with happiness
May success never leave you!

A year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
They played all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your print anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children!

Only a year ago your holiday was noisy,
The house was full of friends, guests,
Funny jokes, different songs,
And here it is - the first anniversary!
Let the world be huge, new,
And further, for many years to come,
Let life seem like honey to you,
Like this first sweet year!

Traditions of celebrating a printed wedding anniversary

On the first anniversary of the wedding, it is customary to carry out the following ritual: young spouses exchange chintz scarves, tie knots on them and pronounce a conspiracy:

- As the knots tied by us are strong, so are our words. As the wind, a reveler in the field, wakes up the cornfield, so joy and happiness will be with us forever.

These handkerchiefs are kept in a secret place. It is believed that they become amulets of a young family and protect it from disagreements and quarrels. At the end of the ceremony, guests can congratulate the young family on the first year from the date of marriage in verse or prose.

For a whole year happiness shines on you,
The best couple in the world!
Let in your family life
Everything will be better and more beautiful.

Well, the wedding, what of chintz,
The longer the gold will last,
So that after many years
Warmed love you hot light!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
No wonder it is called chintz.
I wish you on this bright holiday
Love for many more years!
From the outside, it seems so little -
Just a year ... Fortunately, the score is not in numbers!
So that it never fades
Let love live forever in hearts!

A year has passed since a wonderful date,
And you guys are so happy.
Let everything be smooth in your life
Well, together, so that it was sweet for you!

Today you have a cotton wedding,
And we wish you good luck now!
The warmth and trepidation of relationships,
And bright, rainbow moments.

Congratulations, bride and groom!
A year has passed - the year of sacred love,
We wish to live another two hundred,
So that you can do a lot!
So that years later, noting them,
You loved each other more
Children saw in your eyes
The same light of unquenchable fires!

Replacing festive dresses with chintz,
The family grew up for a year,
And as it should be for all one-year-old children,
She got up on her feet and walked away.
And let her go confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And let trust and tenderness help you
One day meet the centenary!

And here is your first year...
It was difficult for you, perhaps.
A year full of happiness and worries,
It will be very difficult for you to forget.

Keep the hearth flame
Appreciate each other as well.
And your feelings like now
You will pass through time.

Anniversary ... You have been together for a year,
May God keep your union.
Let there be no place for sadness
And love in the heart burns forever.

for each other you be a support
And always forgive each other.
Forgetting about grievances and disputes,
Carry love through the years.

It's been a year since that date
When love brought you together.
May there be happiness in your home
Let love and tenderness reign in it.

Sorrows, troubles and hardships
Let them bypass you
And those happy years
They will make you a strong family.

A year has passed since the wedding.
He had a lot of worries
Rubbing, habituation,
Quarrels, remorse, torment.
Everyone was able to overcome
So you can keep going!
Congratulations on your first year
I wish you happiness in marriage!

Short congratulations on the wedding anniversary 1 year in prose

Happy Anniversary! May your love strive for infinity, and may all your family problems be equal to zero. We wish you to overcome all life's trials together and still keep tender feelings for each other in your hearts!

A whole year has passed since you officially became husband and wife, so you have an initial family experience. I want to wish you to have as many happy, sunny and joyful days as possible in your life. Try to always hear each other so that there is no misunderstanding between you!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your life path be pure and bright! And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together.

It seems like just yesterday we were walking at your wedding, however, a year has already passed since you tied the knot with your fate. This anniversary is called calico. We wish you to remember this day and after many years to gather us again at this table so that we congratulate you on your golden wedding.

Chintz wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary my dear! So your first year of married life has flown by. I wish you good health, good luck in life, positive and love. I wish your wonderful, friendly and cheerful family to grow and develop, to be resistant to life circumstances, as well as strong and resilient. I wish you, my dear, family happiness, well-being and mutual understanding. And let your love never fade among life's troubles, always protect you and protect you.

I congratulate you on your print wedding, on your first year of family life. May your marriage flourish every year with new colors and bright colors. Let the love that binds you only intensifies, and the passion is kindled between you even more than before. Envelop each other with care and attention. Live in peace and do not quarrel, do not be offended over trifles - these are all trifles in comparison with your happiness. Well-being, to your family and replenishment of "tiny legs".

Dear ours! Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary! We wish that in ten and twenty years your relationship will remain as warm and tender as it is now. We wish you mutual understanding, respect and the ability to compromise. May your family grow stronger and, of course, grow! Happy holiday!

The first anniversary is a print wedding. I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you to continue to confidently build your happiness, show love and care, jointly strive for dreams and desires, live in prosperity, fidelity, understanding, peace and joy. May your home always be comfortable, may success and prosperity be in it.

Print wedding - a whole year spent together - this is the most wonderful period and the most difficult! Congratulations on such a high achievement - the first real milestone of your life together! We wish that there were a lot of such years, but they were all happy, clean and beautiful! Loyalty to you in love, patience in everyday life, happiness and joy in the soul, affection and tenderness in the heart! Support and help, excellent understanding and endless beautiful love!

We are pleased to congratulate the young family on the first anniversary, on the print wedding. Respect, mutual understanding, wisdom, ability to listen and hear each other. Tenderness, burning eyes, quivering hugs, desire to spend more time with each other. Take care of your love. Bitterly!

Congratulations on your family's first year, on your chintz wedding. I wish you to successfully overcome the following thresholds and stages of life together, I wish you unquenchable love and eternal happiness, I wish you sincere smiles and great luck, I wish you a full cup of joy and kindness.

Happy Anniversary! The year flew by like one day. After all, it was as if yesterday the most beautiful and grandiose wedding was celebrated, and today you are already a real, strong, friendly family. Let sensitivity, trust, understanding, care for each other remain with you forever. Let the clatter of little feet be heard in your house soon! Stay the same loving, keep these views and tenderness for a long and bright life! And still we will shout to you "Bitterly!".

Congratulations on your first anniversary, on chintz happiness, on a wonderful year of family life. I wish you, after a successful start, to move on to the stage of implementing grandiose plans and fulfilling your cherished desires. Be happy, dear ones, forever loved and dear to each other.

You've been together for a whole year now. And during this year you have felt the fullness of family life. May love, peace and understanding never leave your wonderful family. Coziness and warmth fill your home with bright colors.

So the first and most important stage in family life has been passed. So the first frontier is behind us. Your marriage is one year old today. It's not much, but not too little either. This is 365 days and nights with each other, this is complete mutual understanding, love, devotion and dedication. So let the new family year be full of good moments, bright colors and joyful surprises. Happy Anniversary!

Today you celebrate overcoming the first milestone of family relationships. Congratulations on your chintz wedding. I wish sincerity of feelings, manifestation of understanding and respect for each other, love and well-being. Let there be a festive atmosphere in your family. Be happy!

Congratulations on the first year of family life, on your chintz wedding, dear ones. I wish you to continue to live without life's problems and obstacles, I wish you not to lose tender feelings and light in your soul, I wish you the indispensable achievement of joint dreams, good health to your family and well-being.

With all my heart I congratulate you on overcoming the first milestone of family life, on your chintz wedding, on your first anniversary. May your life be full of love and happiness, may there be joy and comfort in your house, may luck and luck be inevitable on the way together.

Oh, this calico wedding! May every year, hour after hour, moment by moment, your union gain more and more solid value and significance. Happiness, kindness, well-being, a bright future for your home at any time. Always love, be sure to take care of and of course immensely respect each other.

Congratulations on your first anniversary! On this day your family was born. Two loving hearts have united into one strong knot that will not be destroyed by years. I wish you mutual understanding and support, love and devotion, because this is the basis of strong bonds. Smooth and lasting relationships to you, like chintz. Love each other, and may this union never leave the passion that once united you.

Happy first wedding anniversary to you! Let all the difficulties, grindings remain behind you, and take with you to the future only the sweetness of the honeymoon, the harmony of the beating of your hearts and the passion of kisses on your wedding night.

The beginning of a long and happy married life has been laid, with which we congratulate you. This year, for sure, was as bright, colorful, colorful, smooth and natural as chintz. Let it continue like this. Love, appreciate, respect and take care of each other. We wish you health, patience and regular replenishment.

Congratulations guys on your first year of married life. You managed to overcome this stage and prove that an important step was not taken in vain. YOU are a wonderful couple, a happy family, true love and support for each other. I wish you prosperity and peace, bright hopes and great opportunities in life.

I wish your fragile, tender family great love and understanding. I wish you to keep the Closeness of your souls until old age. May the Almighty protect you from all evil. I wish you healthy children, so that they always please you. May your family carry their warmth, love and tenderness through their whole lives. Much patience, mutual respect and sensitivity to you.

Congratulations on your first anniversary, with a print wedding! I wish the fate of the family to be intertwined with thin spiritual threads, like a cotton canvas, but the warmth of the hearth grew stronger day by day, year by year. Consent, peace, friendship, wealth, mental health, understanding, care.

Happy Anniversary. We want to wish you many more years of living together, celebrate a golden wedding, and continue to love each other, as you loved at the very beginning of the relationship. A print wedding is just the beginning, we wish you unlimited patience, understanding and wisdom!

I congratulate you, dear ones, on your chintz wedding, on the first date of your family. You did an excellent job with the first year, I wish you to continue to walk through life as confidently and beautifully, I wish you never turn away from each other and always keep the fire of love in your hearts.

On the first wedding anniversary, I wish the young family chintz lightness, common plans and enduring love. Let your feelings grow stronger, family wealth is full, new great prospects and many joyful moments appear. Be for each other a reliable support and tender joy!

So your first year of family life has flown by, I sincerely congratulate you on your calico wedding and I want to wish you to continue your journey together easily and beautifully, warming each other's hearts with true love, filling each other's souls with inspiration and a bright light of hope. All the best to you, peace, prosperity and great happiness.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the first stage passed, on the first year of your family union, on the print wedding. I wish you to continue our journey together without worries and quarrels, I wish you always feel care from each other, I wish you always put your family in the first place, I wish you to constantly maintain the status of happiness and prosperity in your home.

You have steadfastly passed the test of the strength of marriage bonds, having lived together for the first year. Let patience be renewed in the future, trust increase, and love not fade. Let the calico wedding smoothly develop into a golden one, changing year after year and giving incredible emotions from each other. And after the first year there are decades filled with your love.

How quickly 1 year has flown by! We wish a long and happy love for the young. May your life be like a spring flower that always blooms. We wish you harmony and mutual understanding, because this is the basis of a happy family life.

They say the first year is the hardest. But I see that your family has successfully passed this “trial period”! Congratulating you on your wedding anniversary, I would like to wish you to overcome all adversity with the same success and remember that you can always find support and love in the family.

Congratulations to the lovely newlyweds on the first date - a print wedding! So your first year has passed, so important, but so young and reverent, full of sweetness and tender feelings. But at the same time, so strict, he tested your feelings for strength. And if we all gathered today, it means that you have passed this exam. I would like to wish you long life together, take care, love each other. All the best to you!

Congratulations on the first significant and legitimate date, on the first year of family life together. On your print wedding, I wish you to spin in a light and airy dance, giving each other my charming smile and alluring look. May everything be sound and good with you, may the cup be full of prosperity, love and good luck. Long and happy years of marriage to you, dear.

Congratulations on the first date, on the anniversary of the chintz of your love. Even if your family is still so young, even if you are only married for a year, you managed to go through this stage of life beautifully and happily, without leaving each other in trouble and providing mutual support. I wish you, dear ones, to continue your family path without despondency and sadness, to put together a colorful mosaic of your relationships and paint a magnificent picture of family life in your own way. Peace and love to you.

There is nothing more romantic and beautiful than celebrating the first year of your marriage together with your soul mate! When you both know that you will be like this, celebrating every year, then nothing more is needed! From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your first, cotton wedding. And I wish you that your love lives in your hearts, until the last knock! So that in your loving eyes, a spark of happiness always shines. And in the house, there was complete harmony and mutual understanding! May your marriage, every year, only grow stronger, and become better and better. I wish you happiness and mutual well-being for the rest of your family life.

Your family is a bird, and you are the two wings of that bird. I wish this bird to fly its own way and never stray from its intended course. So that the flap of her wings is beautiful and synchronous with the heartbeat of this bird. And so that she never gets lost in the fog of lies, breaks on the rocks of jealousy and drowns in the ocean of life!

Exactly 12 months ago, you swore an oath to each other to always be there, and this time flew by unnoticed. So let your remaining life together be long, happy and sweet! Take care of your love and passion!

Dear spouses! You have lived a wonderful year together and are preparing to meet another, no less happy year. We wish you excellent health, the most beautiful and smart children, constant personal and financial growth and the best emotions from family life. Let unity, love, happiness and eternal spiritual youth live in your home, like the most real, beloved family members.

Congratulations on the first year of your long and happy married life! We wish you that in the following years of your love and well-being, the chintz on your bed will be changed as often as in the first year of marriage. Love to you and good health!

Congratulations on the first date, on the first passed stage of family life. On your print wedding, I wish you the same light and smooth life as this fabric, great happiness and unquenchable love, a cozy home and a friendly family, a wonderful atmosphere and a major harmony in your relationship.

So the first happy year of your family life has passed. But this is only the beginning of the story to come. So let nothing ever break this idyll. I wish that your married life will always remain a honeymoon for you and increase the pleasant moments of marriage.

Dear spouses, today is your family's first birthday, your marriage is one year old. During this year you have become closer to each other, dearer and dearer, move further in life, carefully supporting your partner in difficult situations. May your family grow and never interrupt the connection of generations in it.

Dear ours! Congratulations on your first anniversary, we really hope to meet again, but after many years. And we wish that after decades your love would burn with the same bright flame of passion and mutual understanding as today. Be happy!

Chintz wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

Only a year ago your holiday was noisy

The house was full of friends, guests,

Funny jokes, different songs,

And here it is - the first anniversary!

Let the world be huge, new,

Let life seem like honey to you

Like this first sweet year!

It's been a year since you've been married

And your hearth has grown, become warmer,

And we are all very glad to see it,

Let's drink to the hosts and guests!

The couple lived for a whole year,

Tired of worries and troubles.

Family life needs recharging

A couple of kids -

And everything will be all right!

Chintz wedding - the first anniversary.

Feelings have become stronger, you have become stronger.

This holiday brings joy to you.

Just don't split happiness in half.

Let it be one for two.

Take care of happiness for your children!

Life will be beautiful if you live lovingly.

Live long without ruining tenderness!

First year of marriage

Smoothly came to an end.

Here already and a glance infrequently

Returns to the ring.

Now you are used to

To be called husband and wife.

congratulations today

With the first year behind us.

Your print wedding

The first of those heights

What is in your joint love

This life will bring you!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

No wonder it is called chintz,

I wish you on this bright holiday

Love for many more years!

From the outside, it seems so little -

Only a year... Happiness is not counted in numbers!

So that it never fades away -

Let love live forever in hearts!

A year has passed since you are married!

A year in harmony, love!

Have you ever

Could you live without each other?

You are a family and you are one

And let the years fly

Together you are invincible!

Never swear.

In this calico wedding

Again "Bitter!" we shout to you.

And we wish you both:

Be loved, be loved!

Today is the year of a happy date,

When love brought you together!

May there be happiness in your home

Let love and tenderness reign in it!

Sorrows, troubles and hardships

Let them bypass you.

And those happy years

They will make you strong as a family!

A year ago you became a couple -

Official family!

On this very important date

Congratulations love!

Continue in the same spirit,

And give people light.

Light up your home with happiness

Success will not leave you.

And love too much

You are each other as then,

When is the first time in public

You said the word "Yes!".

Symbol of your anniversary -

Bright, light print!

If there is a reason for quarrels,

Reconcile immediately!

You need to protect your feelings

To not fade away.

So live very friendly,

Just like you dreamed!

Your anniversary is sewn from chintz,

You've only been together for a year.

May your union be strengthened

May your family grow!

Congratulations on this date

Let it be small for now

But we wish you to reach

We are golden before the wedding!

And then - to the emerald!

And don't lose love.

Well, if it's hard

Never lose heart.

And do not quarrel in vain,

Troubles and sorrows do not know

So that with a red wedding

We could congratulate you!

Happy first wedding anniversary

We hasten to congratulate you!

You love and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness

We wish from the bottom of our hearts!

Let it grow stronger every day

Your friendly family.

We wish you a lot of children

After all, you can't do without them!

Printed Anniversary -

First holiday on the way

Together we wish by the hand

Many more years to go!

And so your first year has passed.

It was difficult for you, perhaps.

A year full of happiness and worries,

It will be very difficult for you to forget.

Keep the hearth flame

Cherish each other as well!

And your feelings, as now,

You will pass through time!

With the first tender date


Already married for a year

Just class!

Let the chintz not tear

He will be strong

Just hold on together

That's the whole law!

A year has passed since a wonderful date,

And you guys are so happy!

May your life be smooth

Well, together, so it was sweet!

Congratulations on the print wedding

And we wish you only good luck!

Keep the thrill of relationships

And bright, rainbow moments!

Chintz wedding - so the year has passed!

There were many different, difficult concerns.

Together you learned to resolve them,

In the future, we want to keep it the same!

So that love multiplies every year,

A beautiful wedding day was remembered again!

So that you can worship each other,

Share happiness and hardship equally!

You have already lived a whole year,

You firmly sealed your union,

Save love and tenderness

From all adversity and turmoil

Protect your family!

So that there is always prosperity in the house,

So that the road is not difficult,

And to have you, hand in hand

We reached the emerald wedding!

There were many happy days

Lots of happy worries

Here is the chintz wedding -

You lived together for a year!

The first year is the foundation of the family,

In the unity of two hearts

We want you to build

A whole fabulous palace!

So that in prosperity and love,

As if you lived in a fairy tale,

To value each other

And raised heirs!

So the year rushed like a torpedo,

It was a small victory!

you lived these days

In happiness, faith and love!

Have you learned forgiveness

In something - hellish patience,

You have become a year wiser,

Your feelings are only stronger.

We wish you not to lose

Euphoria from hugs.

And come a little imposingly

For the future wedding - paper!

On this day a year ago

Changed the way of life -

You created your family

They became husband and wife!

Congratulations on your first date

I want to live richly!

And cherish each other

Live in peace and love!

Let the kids make you happy

Both girls and boys

There will never be trouble

There will be joy and advice!

You are a wonderful couple

You've been together for a whole year already!

And your passion won't subside

She lives in your hearts!

Let the bright chintz of your wedding

Does not break and does not suffer troubles,

And it's only getting stronger

For many, many years!

A year has passed since the wedding - the first anniversary!

Feelings have strengthened, you have become wiser!

Let there be one happiness for two,

Take care of happiness for children, relatives!

Let the storms bypass your hearth of the family,

Let the flame of love not go out

Let there be prosperity, and success in business!

And you love each other more than anyone!

Lived together for the first year!

Not just like that - legally married!

We congratulate you on this

You overcame your fears together.

Let everything be in your life:

Prosperity, house, car, children,

No quarrels, no sorrows, no troubles,

And only happiness in the bright light!

A year has passed, there is no doubt

Your life is a complete mess!

Congratulations on your anniversary

We wish you happiness, joy!

Let love reign in the family

Let her blood boil!

Quarrels do not disturb

Let them hide you from adversity!

More luck in your life

Strength, good luck and patience!

Good luck to you in your endeavors,

Kindness and respect!

Chintz is light and fragile, like a material,

But on the other hand, he tied your hands for a year,

Again you are newlyweds, and hearts again,

They beat gently and lovingly - to the beat!

May there be bright flowers in your life,

And all your dreams come true beautifully,

There will be happiness, there will be songs, friends at the table,

After all, we cannot live without joy, good luck!

You lasted together for the first year!

Love during this time is not lost,

But it just flared up again and again

And tied you to each other more tightly!

You have a print wedding today,

And the first year is the hardest.

We wish you love and happiness,

In agreement to live until the wedding is golden!

Chintz wedding, you have an anniversary!

Accept congratulations, beloved, from us!

After all, a lot has already been passed and a lot is ahead,

And if it didn't work out somewhere, we'll leave it behind.

We will be with you, we will always support you,

Be a happy couple for many years!

May joy not leave, the Lord bless

In love you will abide eternal - unlimited!

Today your couple is a year old

And it's a print wedding!

Live in happiness rather than adversity

You would never know anything!

There is no more beautiful couple in the world -

You are so wonderful, so beautiful!

We wish you long, bright years,

Kindness, love and positive!

print wedding,

Delicate scent of roses

How beautiful you are

Seriously happy.

Year of family life

Arrow flew by

A breath of wind

Warm dawn.

Keep in your heart

Tenderness and love

To make your eyes shine

Until the gold years!

A year has passed like a day

You are now one

Growing up as a family

And - unique!

We want to keep happiness

Have good kids

And squeeze in arms

Half hard!

You got married a year ago

They were spinning in a wedding waltz!

You lived happily for a year

Chintz honestly deserved!

Long and happy life

We want to wish you!

Money to keep in the family,

The kids are in the house!

We'll be back in a year

Happy anniversary!

If they give you handkerchiefs,

Fabrics, tablecloths, shirts,

Pillowcases, blankets,

painted bedspreads,

sheets and towels,

baby undershirts,

So you lived a year

Print weddings!

A year has passed - a solid honeymoon!

Love has spread the chintz for you,

To spend another ten years with passion,

Well, at least a hundred years would be better!

Congratulations on your first anniversary

Take care of your feelings, young spouses!

Let all the best in the soul only bloom

When you are next to each other!

You lived for exactly one year

Exactly a year of love and happiness!

Survived a hundred hardships

All adversity has been conquered!

Your secret to happy days

Everyone would like to know.

Hail, hail, anniversary!

With your print wedding!

Only yesterday you lived without worries,

And the groom gave flowers to the bride,

And today it's been exactly a year

How do you live with each other together!

Your days are full of romance!

Feelings are boundless, like eternity!

May they remain important to you

Kindness, love, care, tenderness!

We've been together for a year!

He flew by so fast!

Were you the bride and groom

A year ago. Well, then

Husband-wife in love-consent.

Here it is what happiness!

Happy calico wedding

We give you a piece of chintz:

Useful for diapers!

Happy anniversary to you guys.

To be rich!

So that you love each other

On the waves of ecstasy floated!

So that the union is like a rock,

And good luck to be!

Don't go to the left

Well, let the heart sing!

To not load anything

And stay beautiful!

Beautiful words without regret

On this day and at this hour

Happy first anniversary

We want to congratulate you!

Your print wedding

Let it bring joy!

Move forward together!

We wish you well in family life,

So one year has passed.

Congratulations on your calico wedding,

Time goes by so fast.

Let only joy knock on your door.

Live in love, have children

Happiness create your bit by bit,

To celebrate the golden anniversary!

We wish you happiness, prosperity

And we give kind words!

Congratulations on your anniversary

Family life celebrations.

May joy overwhelm everyone

Will connect your union for a long time.

And they will give you a lot of chintz

For the strength of family ties!

I congratulate you, friends,

And on this day I wish

So that life is like chintz, smooth,

And how magical, sweet nectar!

I want to wish you luck

Always understand each other

And don't forget to help

Live and prosper!

We wish you good health for years,

Good luck on the path of life

Warmth and tenderness for the heart,

Prosperity, peace for the family!

We wish, like the sea, great happiness,

Like the sun of hot and eternal love,

Even on rainy days and in bad weather

Nightingales sing forever in your soul!

Anniversary is a special date!

Young people need to give chintz,

So that family ties for a long time,

Joy in the house, smiles, hopes,

Wishing you health and warmth!

So that happiness is cloudless,

Your family flourished!

One year has passed,

Now you have a son

He is loud, though small,

Looks like he hit his dad.

Pour some wine

We drink to the bottom for our son!
